an ice giant  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

In Everfrost Peaks: Warrior

In Everfrost Peaks (Battle for Permafrost): Ice giants are found in this monster mission.

In Permafrost: Warrior (these have faction hits -17 vox, -1 nagafen)

In Al'Kabor's Nightmare: Ice giants are a part of the group task "Catastrophic Power" as well as the raid expedition "At World's End" (see the links for event and loot information).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2016-10-29 14:54:25.

Minimum Level: 38
Maximum Level: 42
Expansion: Original
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Flame of Vox
# Jun 26 2001 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
Got Flame of Vox from one of these today. Can anyone tell me what to do with it or what it is? thanks
# Jun 05 2001 at 6:08 AM Rating: Default
I'm a soon-to-be 49 Mage, and I was thinking about hunting these things for the loot, and exp. Was just wondering if anyone could tell me where these things spawn, as specific as possible, how many spawns there are, and how often they pop. Thanks
Please only respond if you know what you are talking about )
# May 22 2001 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
Hi I am a Mage of the 49th fizzle and have heard I would do well soloing these and seafury Cyclopses in Ocean of Tears with my 49 Fire pet. Does this sound right to everyone? I would also like to know which would have better loot and exp with downtime takein into acount. If anyone knows of a better mob to hunt for loot/exp at my level please post here also. ) Thanks
RE: Please only respond if you know what you are talking abo
# Aug 11 2001 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
52 necro here. my tactics are different than yours, but i can still gauge the relative strengths of the SFC vs IG.

The SFCs got me to 52 from 50, fairly quickly. they hit slowly and softly. i used the 49 pet with augment and pact of shadow to keep it healed ( with bond of death to keep me healed ). i can chain pull the SFCs and do not need to fear kite them. at 52, most are green but still give exp and they are plentiful - watch out for Quarg not worth the effort.

The IGs hit faster and harder and have more HP. I must be more active on the IGs i.e. dots, dark and fear.

I prefer the loot on the SFCs...easier to carry gems than coin.

At 49, i would follow the suggestions posted elsewhere - Burning Wood in Kunark or SFCs until low 50s, and aviod soloing the IGs for a while.

52nd bag of bones
RE: Please only respond if you know what you are talking abo
# Oct 06 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
lvl 46 Necro here, just wanted to say that I've been able to do these guys pretty well. Warning though, alot of resists, and end up using alot of mana. But I can, and exp is pretty awesome. Also have an occasional bad pull, and I have to zone, but thats expected. Its kinda fun, being such a challenge.

I have over 200 int, with lots of mana, and always have sow going, (love them sow potions) and probably couldnt do them otherwise.

I have tried the seafurry cyclopses, and they are very hard, mainly because when feared (fear-kiting) they always run to the middle of the island, where they always got help...IGs arent so much a problem, mainly because they can be single-pulled without a problem. Just keep fear and darkness on, and you will be fine.

Dont know about other classes. Never compared the two either, but they seem pretty similar, combat-wise. Hope this helps.

Teziir Grimtouch
46 necro
Grave Dancers Union
Druzzil Ro
RE: Please only respond if you know what you are talking abo
# Aug 01 2001 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
as for soloing the ice giants with a fire pet you havn't got a prayer. at level 53 i solo these things and i still have to unload both barrels. i have to try real hard to kill these things because i'm pressed for time from these things beating down my level 51 vocerate earth pet so fast. and the 51 mage earth pet has a whole stinkin lot of hit points. however there is a place you can go to for EXCELLENT xp at your level if you use your level 49 earth pet. in burning woods in kunark near the zone to the dreadlands is a hunting area along the zone wall to the west that has alot of roaming ash and cinder hornets that come from a hornets nest further west. they have a high resistance to fire spells but guess what...they are treated as summoned creatures so our anti-summon line of spells work like a charm here. for the GOOD xp you need to kill off the pet before the last nuke just like i mentioned above to get the FULL xp no split with pet. however these things do not run when they get low on hp so you have to cast the nuke and while the nuke's casting timer is counting down you type in /pet get lost and hit enter just before nuke goes off - similar to the timing involved with chain casting. i went through 3 or 4 levels on these things when i was in high 40's.

mathus majere 53 mage the rathe
RE: Please only respond if you know what you are talking abo
# Aug 01 2001 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
i'm a level 53 mage. seafurys will annihilate the fire pet faster than you can do enough damage with your spells to take him down. chain casting using the fire pet won't work either because the fire pet only puts up its damage shield while it is not in combat. in the heat of battle that results from chain casting and the timing involved your newly summoned fire pet wont have time to put up the damage shield before that seafury moves in to hit you (because the fire pet does not root) causing your newly summoned fire pet to engage in your defense before the fire shield is up. however, there is a way you can do it but it is risky. if you nuke hard first off you will generate alot of agro on yourself. if you have sow you can run the giant on a merry chase while the fire pet (also sowed so it can keep up) follows close behind the seafury scoring free hits on it's backside. when the pet generates enough aggro the clops will turn on the pet and thats when you nuke again to get his attention again. rinse and repeat. before the clops dies while on last sliver of health and is trying to run away, kill off the pet with /pet get lost or reclaim energy from torch of alna (preferable to get mana back) and then use last nuke to kill off the xp split with pet you get FULL xp from the kill. risk is that you stand a chance of adds from all the runnin around and its always still possible that the clops could still annihilate the fire pet before you can complete the whole reverse pet kiting procedure to clops death. this technique i used extensively soloing outside paw in south karana and it worked beautifully then. take lots of malachite and have that gate spell memmed and ready and NEVER use this tactic unless you have a sow.

mathus majere 53 mage the rathe
RE: Please only respond if you know what you are talking abo
# May 25 2001 at 9:08 AM Rating: Default
I've done 49-54 here at the IG's in Everfrost with the 49 earth pet and the 51 earth pet. These beat the fire pet to death easily not to mention you want the earth pet's root to keep them off of you. Loot is great if you like platinum pieces. Most I've gotten from one giant is 68. I'll probably camp these until lvl 56.

ice giant hammer
# Mar 17 2001 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Ive seen the ice giant with a big hammer. I dont know what it is called but someonee else might
RE: ice giant hammer
# Apr 09 2001 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
Its just a regular FS hammer. It looked weird because it wasn't IN his hand but floating a ways above it. I thought it was a different weapon too, when i first saw them wielding one.
wolf form to get past them
# Feb 02 2001 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
I always took the hidden way in, until I camped the alchemist with a guildmate. You can wolf form right past them. They don't seem to care if a wolf is there, I conned them Indifferent as a wolf. So inviz or wolfie, your choice.
As far as soloing these Ice Giants, well maybe a blue, and MAYBE those OUTside, in Everfrost, IF ensnare takes, if not I am evacing out.
RE: wolf form to get past them
# Feb 11 2001 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
Heh, you can run right past them, with a level one character of any class. Just go straight down the middle of the castle and you're out of their agro range, whole different story if someone has caused them to move however...
Tons of hp
# Jan 31 2001 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
Today i was running to Permafrost adn conned one of these guys. It was an even con. I being a lvl 38 druid thought i would give it a try know that i had sow and could run to the Permafrost zone if i had to. I had clarity also at the time. It resisted the first ensnare but not the second. I doted and rooted then sat down to med redoted and rerooted when they wore off. I got it down to one fourth life before i ran oom and clarity faded then a high lvl finished it off. I have 187 wis so i got lots of mana but there is no way a lvl 35 could solo one.
RE: Tons of hp
# Feb 27 2001 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
Not with that method, nope... But dot kiting he could if he was patient enough, and the poster said 45 minutes or so...sounds about right to kite one of these for lvl 35. Snare it and swarm point rooting cause it would resist or break all the time.

I can already hear people complaining how kiting with DoTs isn't efficient. Absolutely not, however you get consistent 2/3 dmg with dots this way, and Swarm would have good chance of hitting a mob such as IG by 35 druid. And to keep that up, he would have to med between casts. Run, med, run, med. Boring, yes... But also effective on warrior type mobs long as you can land those two spells and have room to kite it.

It's possible, but not worth it other than satisfaction.
this is terrible
# Jan 19 2001 at 3:19 AM Rating: Default
I come to this page to find out what I could about the Ice giants that are in everfrost, and the first thing I see is someone bragging that they soloed one at level 35, blah,blah, blah. Guys we don't come to these pages to hear you brag about something that you didn't do. A level 35 cannot land a spell on a mob that is 10 levels above him and we all know this and you definatly could not stand face to face with one and trade blows.
I have a 48 necromancer and now that the Sand Giants are almost all conning green now, I need to find new hunting grounds. I had hoped to find some useful information on the Ice giants outside of permafrost, but alas the first thing I see is a story about a lvl 35 player soloing one.
RE: this is terrible
# Mar 21 2001 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
You may want to check the math there 38 isn't 10 levels above 35, its just 3, not an impossible solo for certain classes. Still you do have a point on the bragging, its lame IMHO also.
RE: this is terrible
# Mar 19 2001 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, hard to believe no one puts out any good info for these guys. help you out a bit, here is some info.

A friend (52 shaman w/epic weapon) and I (41 cleric) hunted these the other day after a Vox raid. Shaman primarily wanted the toes they sometimes drop for a potion he is making to increase his skill.

We hunted these for about 2 hours and made over 500pp after selling the weapons and other drops. The after hunt split for me was 263pp.

Most conned blue to me with 2 or 3 yellow and a couple of white thrown in in two hours. They have tons of HP, and hit me for about 100 +/-. They can be stunned although many stuns were resisted. Wrath landed on them full about 90% of the time, but occasionally we found one with some pretty high MR.

I got about 3 full blue bubbles of exp for that 2 hours of hunting them and shaman friend got about a full blue bubble. Not too bad for both of us.

Hope this helps out, from what I read, there is a lot of bogus info out there about nearly anything.

Good hunting,

Boradaf Starforge
41 Dwarf Cleric
The Rathe
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 19 2000 at 9:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I watched a guildmate (halfling druid) solo one of these at level 35.
RE: Soloable
# Oct 23 2000 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
I find it difficult to believe this, considering almost none of the druid's spells would stick on this thing. Even at 45 this would still be a chore for a druid (although doable).
RE: Soloable
# Feb 12 2001 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
He was talking about soloing one of the ice giants outside... they are weaker, have less HP and you can kite them unlike the ones inside perma...
# Jan 13 2001 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
I also have to agree that these things are next to immpossible to solo, at level 49 I came very close to soloing the diplomat but had to ask for assistance from a fellow dragon raid buddy to nuke him. The ice giants just behind the diplomat have an enormous number of hit points.. All on raid that day was around 44 people 48-54 and we had so many warriors hitting one of these guys and they still took forevverrrrrr to kill. Also right behind the diplomat about 4 or so giants spawn behind him. so there is no way you could solo any of them regardless of level. Also one of the tanks got summoned while we were fighting these giants so its by no means a safe place for exp. I believe these guys are talking about the 4 giants right at the main entrance to perma in the everfrost zone. I killed those giants for days and come to find out later on that only the ones IN perma actaully drop the block of permafrost needed for war epic.
# Mar 30 2001 at 12:51 AM Rating: Default
OK here is the scoop at I have camped these since 49 im a mage and have earth pet. I am now 51 and all still con blue to me. They have a ton of HP 7000 i est. and do not try them alone unless you are a caster. drops around 30pp plus a ton of gp sp and cp most of the time, FS weapons and the other junk words, runes etc. A 53 necro asked me to have the inside giant because it con blue more that the 2 on the outside. good luck hope this helps . and as far as a 35 dr00d killing these well it may could happen but i would not try till later unless you want you ### handed to ya 8).
RE: Soloable
# Nov 16 2000 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
NO Cash.....nonsense....they have one of the best drops for their level in cash....usualy about 20-25 pp and almost always a steel weapon
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 16 2000 at 2:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
RE: Soloable
# Jan 08 2001 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
These can be killed by lower lvls, but for some reason they don't seem to drop the money they do when you kill the later on. I soloed one with a lvl 35 warrior(and someone snaring). He dropped nothing for me. But I solo them with my lvl 52 bard and they drop great cash.
RE: Soloable
# Feb 15 2001 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
Just can believe this guy's mental process.... how does snare help a warrior win over this Ice giant........plz, enlighten me.........Lol freagin moronic newbie *** trolls.....
# Feb 27 2001 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
Well...ever hear of bow kiting? That's the only way he would be able to solo any giant at 35, with a good bow and a LOT of arrows, I'm sure it could happen. Without snare, well he shoots one arrow, the IG runs over and squashes him in a very short period.

Now you are englightened...and don't call others names when you missed that relatively simple answer yourself.
RE: Soloable
# Jan 08 2001 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
It's not really soloing if you have someone else helping. Even if it's only to snare.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 07 2000 at 6:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i was in EverFrost with a friend and we were about lev 12 back then... We were hunting orc mountaineers and the such and when we were by Megans tower a Ice Giant came and totally wasted my friend then left i was laughing so hard =) it was really funny but shhh dont tell him i said that
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 16 2000 at 2:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) dork
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 11 2000 at 10:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL i think dork sums it up
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 02 2000 at 1:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeh...that's real funny...dumbass
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 02 2000 at 1:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
good faction
# Aug 24 2000 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
I think i have seen the gargoyles in OOT give good faction wth ring of scale as well
Ring Of Scale
# Aug 15 2000 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Kill bards, they give plus faction with Mayoung Mistamoore and Ring Of Scale and Neg with bards, guards of quynos and something else i forget
ring of scale faction hits?
# Aug 14 2000 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
ok as a 51 shammy i can solo them without too ,uch probs but they never gave me faction hits with ring of scale... Im still 'dubiously' to ring of scale dragons and i reaaaallly want good faction with those dragons anyone knows what gives good faction hits with ring of scale??? Those fire giants dont for sure whatever this description says
RE: ring of scale faction hits?
# Jun 11 2001 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Killing the inkies in MM will give you good Ring of Scale faction. I never thought much of RoS faction until I ported to DL and had Gor walk over my head when I was medding *shudder*.

My Gf saw this happen on my screen and yelled for me to get in the room and move my behind. I conned Gor and she was amiable *whew*

She just kept on walking...
RE: ring of scale faction hits?
# Jun 11 2001 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Ice Giants
# Jul 29 2000 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Ho my god I ran into one of these when i was LvL 3 for some unknown reason i fel like walking around in the ice, i got to a river and in the river was one of these ice giants, i walked around him and made sure he did not see me. I then wandered off and got to this big building where i ran into a dark elf getting ready to attack an ice giant, I asked how much damage they do and should I be here as I was only LvL 3, the Dark Elf just looked at me and said go back to your little bears hehe, those giants do over 100 points of damage so u should not be here...

Eh I said ok and fled off back to the city, but sadly ran into an orc warrior and died...


Yankovic out
Careful where ya med
# Jul 19 2000 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
I once medded next to the wall of Perma with a Shammie char I had. The IG hit from inside the castle, so they can kill ya thru walls. Just a heads up for those hunting outside Castle on the glacier plains. Dang things really hurt too, hehe.
you dont need invis
# Jun 19 2000 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
for the 2 at the castle like entrance to perma you dont need invis to get by, not even the 3 one in the tunnel, their aggro range is very small, you can even pull the 2 at the entrance one at a time without mez, I've seen it with my own 2 eyes
ig in everfrost
# Jun 16 2000 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
great loots.i camped em with a high necro friend together and we made over 500pp at one day
Level range
# Jun 04 2000 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
The level range is correct for the ice giants outside permafrost, but inside permafrost, they are much much higher - they consistently conned red to a 40, and were usually red and sometimes yellow to a 44, but blue to a 50, 51, and 54 every time. They usually don't hit as hard as the ones outside, which at first seems strange, but they have WAY more hp, and they can summon you - the only reliable way to run from them is with gate/evac.
See Invis
# Apr 03 2000 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Ice Giants cant see invis, so you can still sneak by the one(s) at the entrance to Perma.
No Subject
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Source of Frost Giant toes needed for magician water elemental focus item in Solusek Temple.
Level range...
# Feb 25 2000 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
It's huge. Took on the 2 frost giants by the gate, just past the diplomat. One con'd yellow to a 35, one con'd yellow to a 49. So 36-50 at the least.
A significant fight...
# Feb 24 2000 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Be wary. As with most giants, clopses, etc, are a pretty hard fight for the xp as compared to say, a frogluk, for that level.
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