Just an update, we took this guy down with a 54 ranger (me), 65 druid, 65 sk, 65 shammy, 65 bard, and a 65 cleric really easily and he DID lifetap ONCE for 1500.
sigh, this mob can be soloed by your local 65 ornate wearing bard. Slow him and begin running circles playing dots. It rates up there with kiting at PoF table. Israfel 65 bard 280AA Brell Serilis
Ok, I'm confused. Beside the picture it says "If a druid hands him a Globe of Fireflies then the 49 Cleric spell Resurrection he respawns into a lower level Venril Sathir that drops 2 stones, 1 of which is needed for the epic quest." But from what I read, it looks like he drops the 2 stones anyhow. If I give him the Globe and Spell, does it just make a lower-level (easier to kill) version spawn or do I have to give him the items regardless to get the stones or what?
Hand the remains the globe of fireflies. A new mob will spawn, called something like the Spirit of Venril Sathir (was half asleep when guild went in to take him down, don't remember exactly). He looks like a ghost. Hand the ghost the resurrection spell and Venril Sathir will spawn. This Venril Sathir is much easier than the one you have to kill to get Venril Sathir's Remains to spawn. That's what they mean by a lower-level, easier-to-kill version. Now just kill the Venril Sathir you've just spawned and he'll drop two pulsing stones, one for you and one for some other lucky druid/ranger.
Used a level 1 rogue and followed another VSR group into the pit. After a couple of days of logging in the rogue every so often VSR spawns.Hardly anybody on the Guild at that time of day but managed to get 57 druid (me) 52 druid (Boozebelly) 57 Paladin (Kaindran from CS) 61 Warrior (Aldimar) and a 60 Cleric (Kwah) Making 5 in total. We started off very well landing nukes etc but very soon he started resisting almost everything and it came down to the Warrior and Pally Bashing the hell out of him while we druids spot healed the Tank and the Cleric healing when down to 50%. We got VSR down to below 10 percent about 4 times and he also got our warrior down to and below 5 percent a couple of times. His life tap drops warriors health by almost 50 percent. Pally died towards the end of the fight and we only just managed to kill him before he could heal himself again. I would recommend a couple more melee's to make this fight a lot easier
took him down today with a 65 beastlord and a 65 wizzy he lifetapped 1 time and was toast after that. and anyone that says he's as hard as the real vsr is way way wrong, the real VS lifetaps a bunch of times.
VS' Remains does not Lifetap. He procs only the DD, which is still ~1500hp, iirc... The reason VS is so much more difficult is because his proc is the lifetap. 1500hp heals every other round makes quite a difference. They both have the similar atk/ac/etc; only the different procs, and slightly fewer hp, however neither's hp is terribly daunting regardless of era.
Raid group (2 groups of 4) comprised of the following:
Group 1: 61 Warrior Main Tank (myself) 65 Druid 62 Shaman 68 Shaman
Group 2: 58 Warrior 58 Druid 58 Shaman 55 Ranger
That's all that's needed folks, a good Main Tank with a boat load of healing, and even the healing isn't necessary.
Ranger spawned Venril Sathir, I grabbed aggro immediately. I popped Furious (12 seconds of Ripostes) so I took no damage to speak of first 12 seconds of fight, while our group dropped him down to 60%.
Once Furious dropped, our Healers kept me alive through his Lifetap (1500), and a few minor league hits. I used Fellstrike (4x Damage) to drop him. I never dropped below 60% the entire fight (had PotG and Shaman buffs on bringing my HP up over 4000, they began healing at 60% to insure that no Lifetap/Hit combo would kill me).
It's a simple, straight forward fight. Hardest part might be the add of the Knight of Sathir that we experienced just towards end of the 1 minute fight.
With a good tank and healer, you could easily do this with one group of mid fifties, I would imagine. Our own group, which we had originally worried about due to lack of a focused Healer or Crowd Control (Knights of Sathir sometimes add during the fight with Venril Sathir), was overkill for this encounter.
Our Ranger got her epic piece though, so all good.
VSR was in the large, multi-level room when we did the turnins and subsequent killings last night... I believe it is #6 on the EQAtlas.com map.
Took him with 54 Shaman, 51 Warx2, 53 Enc, 58 Brd, 56 Druid, 52 Druid, 65 Clr, 58 Clr. One of the Wars got killed, transferred MA over to second War while first was clicky rezzed. First War was back up and in the fight before it went down. Whole thing took a couple minutes. 2 pulsing stones, and some bones.
Just to let you all know that this mob DOES DESPAWN... I'm not sure how long it takes... I was just logging in a couple weeks ago and one of the higher level rangers zoned in and checked tracking and noticed he was up so we all got together to do turn ins for ranger/druid epic and once we all got there at him and buffed. Just as he was about to do turn ins he despawned and the real VS returned. So just FYI for all when planning to take him down. If you don't know how long he's been up prepare quickly and once your all there perhaps do part of the turn just to make sure he doesn't despawn.
It say that VSR drops 2 pulsing green stones. Am I correct in think that you only need one pulsing green stone for the Ranger epic quest? The other would be extra?
Decided to continue on druid epic tonight and was luck to have to full gorups of lvl 54+ including several 65's. The first VS went down easy from this group and i waited for VSR to spawn. When he did, I had a Lvl 65 necro + lvl 60 warrior and 2 druids with me to kill this lesser VSR. It summoned adn was Yellow to me at 54 just as the orignal and it hit just as hard. Needless to say the necro went LD and we were all dead.
rounded up a bit bigger group and killed it with some more 65's.
I dont think the VSR summon was any easier then the first and it hit just as hard.
65 Necro can solo this. I have seen it done (he also had well over 100 AA’s). I was offered a stone but at the time I was not working on my epic so I did not loot. The bitter irony of it is….this is now the only item I need to complete my epic besides the dragon which is cake to camp and kill.
As for spawn time, people are looking into this way to deep. We know one thing, his spawn time is random and uncertain usually more than 8 hour intervals after VR (not VSR) is killed and no more than 24 hours.
Here's the lowdown on VSR for anyone who doesn't feel like reading through multiple pages for info. I just two boxed him with a 65 War and a 59 Druid.
You start by handing a skele named 'Venril Sathir's remains' a Globe of the Fireflies. This spawns the 'Spirit of Venril Sathir'. Hand him a Ressurection scroll. This spawns a mob named 'Venril Sathir', however, it isn't the real VS.
He doubles for a max of 310 non-defensive, seemed to attack just slightly faster than regular mobs in KC. Every 10-15 rounds of melee he'll randomly lifetap you for 1500, unresistable from what I've seen. The healer should always assume that VSR is going to lifetap next round and heal accordingly, in other words never let the MT drop below 2000 hitpoints because if he is lifetaped, you'll probably not get a heal off in time. VSR had about 20k-25k hitpoints, just an estimate. He did not run at low health. He DOES summon. His resists are fairly high. Resisted everything the druid threw at him and about 50% of the procs from the warrior's weapons. After a tash/mala it should be much more manageable.
First two boxing attempt failed at 21% due to excessive lifetapping. It wasn't really the damage from the lifetap that made it hard, it was the fact that he kept healing himself with it. Second attempt was successful.
Just a note that his lifetap IS resistable. I tanked him last night (65 pally with a 110 unbuffed MR) and used my sanctification discipline before doing the rez spell turn in. He went down in about 45 seconds to 3 groups average level 62. WAY overkill.
The interesting note is the last time I did VSR, was with 5 separate groups (avg level around 58 or 59) and he procced lifetap after lifetap. He kept healing himself and eventually the MT went down...soon thereafter the rest of those 5 groups went down. This happened twice.
This time was MUCH easier since his 2 lifetaps he was able to cast were resisted.
Seems to be up alot now, killed him last night was up this morning before work appx 8hours later. Group was 61 ranger ( MT ) 63 Mage & pet 60-56-55-46 Druids 46 cleric 61 enchanter ( died ) 53 monk
Chanter died when she tried to slow VS and was getting hit in the 200s. Ranger was very well equipt, as well as being Runed and symboled. Is wise to have turn in person do step by step and have cleric begin CH upon turn in of last item. have your MT do the turn in as VS will HT ( and it refreshes ) all in all I'd say we were over kill fight lasted maybe 3-4 minutes with an add.
What is the spawn timer after VS is killed i need to know...... its driving me nuts not to have this part in my Druids epic done yet, Baroness Wolvesoul Silver'Shadow 55 Preserver of Tunare<Flames of Zek> Zebuxoruk Server.
Over the course of about a week, my best guess is the following:
VSR can pop at any time. But there appears to be a set pop at 24 hours from last kill / de-spawn if he has not already popped.
So, if you drop him at 8:00pm, he should re-pop about 8:00pm the next night. However, if he spawns at a random interval before hand, this gets screwed up.
I did not observe any 12 hour spawns. I had several 24 hour spawn points confirmed. I have seen one ‘random’ spawn. That being a time I arrived to camp my toon for a later spawn and found him up when he should not have been.
My sampling is very limited – 4 times I checked at 12 hours, all negative. 5 at 24 were positive. 1 check showed a pop that was not on the 12 or 24 hour schedule over the course of one week. Though I did spend a lot of time in zone, I did not by any means live there during this time.
On the one ‘off pop’ I cannot confirm a zone reset or similar. He was just there when I did not expect him to be there.
I continue to edit and add data to this post, and I add the following: After seeing VSR go down the days in a row at the 24 hour point, he failed to show for a 4th time.
I have been told that the spawn time on VSR and the Real VS has been changed so 1 is up about every 3 hours. Has anyone else heard this or can confirm it?
Killed him today - took two groups and MT died. Was blasting a 1500 point dd three times. MT and several others were 60+ not sure if he can very in strength but was not an easy fight for us this time. I had read here that one group can do it - very glad we brought two.
Ok two groups killing VSR is a TOTAL over kill, we waxed him in under a minute. Guildes got the stones and we went on. Only questions we have are what is the Charred Iksar Bones for?
Angerclaw 56 warrior Guild leader of ICHOR Villiamjohm 53 druid
Charred Iksar Cones are for the 8th Cudgel quest for Shamans. I believe that it was originally Iksar-only, as was the Greenmist, but was later made available to anyone willing to do the faction work required to be able to deal with the Cabilis NPCs.
You have to get your faction up. I had to go to do the muffin quest for faction. I was Kos with humans in Freeport, however the guy that you do the muffin quest with is on dorf faction. Hand him asa many muffins as you can to get faction up with the elf in BW.
Uh...heh. *Feels like a newbie* Don't know how/if I can edit my post, but...I meant 11 P.M. on that same day, 7 A.M. on the next day after spawn, then 2 P.M. same day, etc.