I've gone to CS a few times to quad kite the wyverns (lev 54 druid) That rotten azureake will NOT leave me alone. I've never killed anything in CS but wyverns, never killed named anything (there) I can go through Skyshrine, and he cons dubious to me. The first time this happened was around Xmas, he killed me twice. Oh, and he was after me not catching me with corner of his AoE breath. Someone said to pull wyverns to beach. I was annoyed, while watching other people quad kiting, that I gotta hide but... Now I need some black sapphires so I went there last night. Came up top to get a wyvern, and he followed me to the beach and killed me. At my level that was 12 hours or so of work I lost, but I don't understand why everyone else can quad kite in front of him and I can't. I really don't want to try to kill him cause of the faction, can anyone give me an idea of what I'm doing wrong? I realize halflings are a little ugly, but this is making me paranoid!
If you are ally to Claws of Veeshan, you can pull all you want in front of Yvolcarn and Azureake, and they will not assist. If your faction is below ally, they will aggro on you when you pull past them.
...and you can't quad in front of him. Azure and Yvol will assist if they catch you touching their friends. If you are dubious in SS and go into Wolf form, you will definitely be kos.
I'm not sure if faction has anything to do with this, but at ally with CoV, I can waltz right up to Yvolcarn and Azureake, pick off their buddies in plain sight, and I'll never be attacked, other than by the mobs I actually agro.
Yvolcarn and Azurake still love me, even though I generally melee kill wyverns at their spawn points, rather than kiting them around.
I soloed him today as a 53 Druid with Koadic's endless intellect on (clarity 3). Easy enough but he resists a good bit and has a lot of hp. he does give a negative CoV and Yelinak faction hit. I was only helped out when a chanter tashed him for me. otherwise straight up solo. lots of dots. had three dots on him at all times and took almost all my mana. He did drop Improved Invis Vs. Undead.
Thalen Stormrider Level 53 Wanderer of Druzzil Ro Proud member of Torvus`Vir
Just solo'd this guy for the first time. He does in fact give a negative faction hit to CoB and Yelinak and gives positive faction to Kromzek. He has quite a few hp. I was fortunate enough to have gotten C2 from a nice chanter before fight started. I hit him with 6 epic dots (about 1200 a pop) and 6 Plagues (also about 1200 a pop) as well as 3 full JBB blasts once he started running. Not a hard mob to solo, just takes too much time. Named mobs in CS all give a faction hit of some sort. Normal Drakes, Wyverns and Bulthars do not. GL and hope this post helps a bit.
Guys! Guys! Relax. Miriamele is special. She doesn't get faction hits, just the rest of us. I apologize, Miriamele. They just don't realize that you are exempt from all negative faction on your server.
As a shaman in a group, I rarely cast damage spells. Malosi, slow, and cripple will get me summoned 2 or 3 times every fight - and that's after waiting until the mob is at half hit points in an attempt to let tanks collect enough aggro. You don't need to damage a mob to get it really pissed off.
The summoning begins if the Mob takes any damage. that means from anyone. i have had my group summoned to death by gating mobs one at a time...even when half the group did no actual damage to the mob(ie clerics, chanters, shamans....whatever) once the mob is damaged it begins to summon whoever is on the top of the hate list untill there is no one on the hate list left standing....at which point i "*Think*" it stops summoning untill damaged again.
not 100% sure on this, but that is the way i understand it and the way it apears to me usualy. but some variuos mobs could summon along different rules then others. 8)
here is one for the books. i and a friend attacked this mob. i am a lvl 53 necro my friend is a 50 necro. i got hit for 137pts of dmg by him and died. my friend got hit 2 times by him both for 137pts of dmg and he died also. both of us have almost 1000hps and were near full health at the time. am not happy about this. if it is a bug i hope they catch it quick. if not. consider yourself warned. =)
You probably have something in your chat filter turned off that prevents you from seeing spells being cast. I know the drakes' aoe is 500, and I think Azure's is 750, not sure though. Anywho, not seeing getting smacked for 750 with dispell would kill you after a solid smack from this bad boy. Could also have been that you were dead before your chat window registered he was beating the tar out of you...
Seen him up a couple times. Didn't summon. Does have the same huge AE that the other drakes have and if it hits you it dispells. Just keep him rooted and far away from you. I can park him and dot him. That way he doesn't hit you with the AE and he's an easy kill if you have enough mana to take him down. He has a ton of hp. Hurts Claws of Veeshan Faction and helps Kromzek.
Anyone know for sure if this guy can summon or not? I've aggrod him twice and didn't get summoned. I don't want to get him on purpose and get called to my death!
Thanks for the info, I've been trying to find who drops that spell... So you need to be on the giants side to pick up this spell? IE: Kill Dragon's and Dwarfs?