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Duo'd 70pal, 67clr
# Feb 02 2006 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
451 posts
Not rough duo by any means. 12k, 2.5k pal with clr + self buffs, mob lasted 2-3 minutes tops.

Might have been a challenging solo for Time+ geared pally, think I coulda solo'd with a good stack of healpots :)
Ixiblat Spawn
# Jan 01 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Does this mob spawn on its own without a triger?
fight info
# Dec 16 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
Just some info to help peeps..

Found Naxot Deepwater close to the north wall near opening to Chardok around 6 am game time.
Pulled her to SF zoneline, atoned, did turn in, and she did despawn.. Sat around for 5 or 6 min and no Ixiblat Fer.. /tap I, as a ranger, ran around zone a finaly found him at the same place as Socaldudes' post shows him. At the hornets area in south west part of the zone.
I 3 boxed this with lvl 70 ranger, 8.2 k hp. defence aa's through PoP and most offence aa's the same.
69 cleric with 5 k mana pool
69 wizzard
Fight took maybe 4 minutes with wizzard casting lvl 60 ice base spell 4 times and cleric CHed 4 times. Lowest I got to was 15 % because compleat heal fizzeled and i didn't see it.
Could have duoed this easly.
Dropped rod, gloves. and powder.

Hope this helps ya'll out.

Imbrie Bloodhawk
70 Pathfinder
Semper Simul
The Seventh Hammer(Lany)
location of ixiblat spawn
# Dec 04 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
Did with...

70 Warrior
70 Bard
69 Enchanter
67 Shadowknight
52 Cleric

...major overkill

Fight lasted 2 mins (if that...) and healed war once to top off HP bar

Edited, Fri Dec 16 15:12:00 2005
Solos =p
# Oct 27 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
Soloed him again, with my cleric. 6 year old expansion content isnt hard, most can solo with baz gear and a few buffs.
# Oct 26 2005 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Just did this guy, thought I'd post some info on difficulty and such.

Basically, he's totally gimp. Dusted off my old 66 beastlord for tankage (myself being a 69 cleric) and went hunting. Beastlord doesn't even have a complete set of armor atm, and had some 6.2k hp at the time, buffed. My cleric is mostly time geared, but has few aa's. I never dropped below 85m on the cleric, the only thing that coulda made it close was the beastlords lack of mana pool; every slow resisted 4-5 times, and I slowed him every 25% to make damn sure it didn't wear off. Beastlord has 100'ish aa's, most of the pop defensive ones.

Easiest way to get it done is probably to find a 70 tank and a 70 slower willing to donate 15 minutes of time. With that, a 50 something cleric should be able to cover heals np. And if the slower you find happens to be a shaman... well, then just sit back and wait.
Duo'd Him
# Oct 10 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
68 War / 62 War / 66 Cleric took Ixiblat down today.

When Ixiblat was around 50%, 62 War got clobbered. So from there on out it was 68 and 66 clr, it went smoothly. A lil bit heart pounding, but I eneded up with my Scepter!
Soloed Today
# Oct 09 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
Soloed him today - 61 Necromancer - Bazaar gear equipped 2k hp unbuffed. Keep snared - you're in there like underwear.
Soloed Today
# Dec 20 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
You cant solo this guy at 61, sorry. he ate my 75 necro for supper when i was focusing on cleric by accident
RE: Soloed Today
# Dec 21 2006 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
yes, depending on gear, he used to be soloable by 60 to 65.
Just need good ac.

I did it at 65 a few times, and it was too easy.

Now, as for the necro doing it with 2k hp, It is highly unlikely.
I dont think he'd get his snare to land.

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 1:00am by Kalysta
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
RE: Soloed Today
# Nov 24 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm 63. Embracing Darkness didn't land at all. The only things I could get to stick were Lifetap oriented spells.
Rune of Rathe
# Sep 22 2005 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
He just dropped Rune of Rathe too.
# Sep 04 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Ok me and a 70 sk 69 paladin and a 55 warrior did him last night im a 56 cleric, he went down pretty easy but a few things, if your pulling him dont use a spell that will do damage or he will start to summon you, and save HT for last does about 32% damage at lv 70
# Aug 11 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
just soloed him yesterday for revenge i tried a while back but am way better on gear did it selfbuffed had no problem took 40m dropped scapter and eum somethign else can,t remember wat
level 51 cleric?
# Jun 04 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
Hey, i have a question, im a level 51 cleric, if i got all people around 60s to help could i pull it off? im worried about dying and having to start over
RE: level 51 cleric?
# Jul 06 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Any 60+ group with a decent tank could do this no problem. Find yourself a tank class that can buff to at least 6-7k, and you should have no trouble keeping him up with CH while the rest of the group goes to town on DPS.

Edited, Wed Jul 6 19:02:25 2005
Easier Than you would Think
# May 10 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
I just got him today at about 9:30 AM Central time. Little did i know that when i did turn in there was already a Ixiblat up so i did turn in and spawned another. Me a 50 cleric and a 70 bard and 70 cleric 2box killed both of them with no problems at all. I did not see either of them drop the CoF so i dont know if he still drops. And no we did not wait but maybe 5 min between fights, Both of them did cast the AE but it only hit for like 200 at most. We took both out in roughly 15 min. So for all of you who look at his lvl/dmg given/AE/HP, he is VERY easy and you would only need one or two high lvl friends to take him out.
Easier Than you would Think
# May 10 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I just got him today at about 9:30 AM Central time. Little did i know that when i did turn in there was already a Ixiblat up so i did turn in and spawned another. Me a 50 cleric and a 70 bard and 70 cleric 2box killed both of them with no problems at all. I did not see either of them drop the CoF so i dont know if he still drops. And no we did not wait but maybe 5 min between fights, Both of them did cast the AE but it only hit for like 200 at most. We took both out in roughly 15 min. So for all of you who look at his lvl/dmg given/AE/HP, he is VERY easy and you would only need one or two high lvl friends to take him out.
He's not a raid encounter
# Apr 20 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
We did him last night with 1 54 sk, 1 63 cleric, 1 63 mage and a 65 druid. IF the enchanter would have remembered to slow him [my bad lol] he would have been dead in seconds. But even unslowed he died. He spawns by the hornets though, and it's best if you pull him to the SF zone line so you can fight without adds.

He's a 62 warrior and I didnt see him use his fire aoe once.
96 Elemental Mistress
95 Mezzin fool
85 Wizard

Easy Fight
# Mar 17 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
Doable with 61 clr and 70 mage ..wasnt hard at all.

Clr did the turn in and i CoH him to spawn point and we had my lvl 66 pet as tank..
CoF 2-18-05
# Feb 18 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped the cloak of flames tonight. Of course, I had the low roll, but it's all good.
Done with 4
# Feb 01 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Took him today wiht me 2 boxing a 69 Pally and 46 Cleric, and my wife boxing 70 Druid and 70 Rogue. Was very easy. Cleric bound at his spawn point, did turn in and gated back. Pally stunned and tanked him. Only one CH needed and fight lasted maybe 1 minute. Pally has just under 10K HP buffed and all (but cleric) have mostly OoW armor.
# Jan 28 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
as a 70 SK with 9-10k buffed i can prolly solo this dude no problem. My HT, 9-10k, took more than half his HP and he was hittin me for crap. But anyway killed him in 10secs with me, warrior, cleric. Cleric didnt have to heal. Was fun though.
Bard / Cleric Duo
# Jan 14 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
Just did this 2 boxing my 70 bard and 56 cleric. It was a REALLY long fight since I was kiting him and he resists all poison, fire, and disease, which didn't leave me with much left for DPS.

Here is the song twist that I used:
-Volka's Chant of Frost
-Fufil's Diminishing Dirge
-Bellow of Chaos
-Chorus of Life

He seems to regen at about 250 HPs/tick, so on rounds where I only landed the cold song (about half), I didn't do any net damage.

The only trick was timing the CHs perfectly so that I would run into CH range, start the CH cast, then get summoned, then get back into range for the spell to land again without Ixiblat catching me. I did this whenever I hit 50% health (out of 7200HPs) and it seemed about perfect, as it allowed a bit of room for error.

I CH'd 5 times during the fight.

Bard / cleric is not a great combo for this fight, but can get the job done :)

Easy with 3
# Dec 10 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
I helped a friend get his cleric epic piece from this mob a few nights ago. I tanked as a 66 SK with no problems, had a 65 Rogue hitting him from behind, and had his wimpy cleric casting heals. Could've probably been done with no cleric just using lifetaps, etc. but would've been hard.
RE: Easy with 3
# Dec 12 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
We did this guy with a 68 SK and a 61 Cleric. (Cleric only had about 20m at the start of the fight).. Only needed 3 CH's through the whole fight. Amazing what the new equipment and levels can accomplish.

Hait Kittenstomper
61 Cleric
RE: Easy with 3
# Dec 12 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
We did this guy with a 68 SK and a 61 Cleric. (Cleric only had about 20m at the start of the fight).. Only needed 3 CH's through the whole fight. Amazing what the new equipment and levels can accomplish.

Hait Kittenstomper
61 Cleric
Soloable by Druid?
# Dec 04 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
I wonder if I can solo this guy?

More so, does he spawn at all untriggered? Or does he only spawn when triggered for cleric.

I buff up to 7500 - 8000 HP and have about a 6250 mana pool. Elemental geared with FT18. Easy solo? As a Druid?
# Oct 23 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
working on my epic(59 cleric) and was ready for Ixiblat. Grabbed my 67 necro friend and 2 67 GoD/OoW geared monks. Spawned Ixiblat, gated to his spawn point where I was bound (-2000, +1500)I only healed the monk once for a 1.6k blast, as his mend was the main healer thru-out the fight. Ix died in about 30 seconds. Very easy kill. After I finish epic I will be farming him to see if cloak of flames still drops off him. I will let you know how many kills it takes, if at all. Saoweyn Ishin <Semper Carborundum> Maelin Starpyre

Edited, Fri Jan 28 01:03:52 2005
RE: Tactics
# Nov 03 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
bout time slacker
cleric, maelin <retired 05>
# Sep 20 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
Killed him with a group of 3 toons 66 sk, 65 mage and a 65 cleric. lol very easy
# Sep 10 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
While most the information below is correct, the time of his spawn is not. It is random. We did him yesterday at 11am (gametime). So, the information about 6pm and 9pm are incorrect.

-Daith (65 Druid, Bristlebane)
RE: Coorection
# Oct 22 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
There is no set spawn time, it just depends on when the cleric hands in the ornate shell to Naxot. I tried this guy twice...the first time was hilarious because I only had a group of me (cleric 51), 2 rangers (54 and 61), wizard(54) and necro (60). We all wiped in about 5 seconds. I went back that night and Ix was still up but this time I brought 2 BL's (64, 65), a Pally (63), a shammy (65), another cleric (65) and we took him down quickly. The reason I say there is no set spawn time is that we thought he would respawn and the shammy had a cleric alt, so we thought we would kill him again for her. He didn't spawn at all in and we sat there for about 2 hours. She hadn't started the epic yet so she couldn't do the hand in.
RE: Coorection
# May 26 2005 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
208 posts
He meant the spawn of Naxot...
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