Gynok Moltor  

Duxa - P99

Uploaded April 19th, 2011 by __DEL__1593362337626
Updated November 30th, 2020

It can be assumed by Gynok's last name that he is related to Vin Moltor. The Moltors are a family from Hallas who met the Blackburrow gnolls years ago. During this meeting, they seem to have made off with one of the gnolls hands. This "paw" has remained in the possesion of their family for some time.

The Moltors were cursed by the gnolls years ago, so it's not really surprising to find Gynok raised from the dead. What is surprising is that he managed to hold onto a platinum ring which is needed to restore the Paw of Opolla to it's magical state.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:01:03.

Level: 21
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-12-06 20:03:07

Known Habitats:
Factions Decreased:
  Befallen Inhabitants -30
  Paw of Opolla

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Listen People Heres the deal...
# Aug 31 2000 at 9:01 PM Rating: Excellent
There are NO triggers to this spawn. I have killed Gix and Zytl a hundred times and no Gynok. He spawns right inside Befallen entrance, but he has a LOT of placeholders. The placeholders range from large rats to greater skeletons and ghouls, but after you kill each one the next spawns in almost exactly 16 minutes. The chance of Gynok spawning instead of one of the placeholders is about 3 percent, so you have a LONG wait ahead of you. After spawning each placeholder will wander down to the third floor and despawn after about 18 minutes. They will also run down to third floor when low on life. When killing them do NOT let them run unless very high level. Snare or root first. After a while Gynok should spawn, although if you're really lucky he might spawn early. He and some of his placeholders sometimes yell 'ARGH You have disturbed my slumber NOW suffer as I have!' so you know you are camping the right spawn. Good luck, and dont let some of the BS on this page fool you.
RE: Listen People Heres the deal...
# Feb 20 2001 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
In otherwords kill everything on the first and 2nd floor many times over and do it again til you get bored run & low on mana and hp then lookout he pops :-) I hope that helps.
RE: Listen People Heres the deal...
# Feb 20 2001 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
In otherwords kill everything on the first and 2nd floor many times over and do it again til you get bored run & low on mana then lookout he pops :-) I hope that helps.
# Aug 17 2000 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
well if that guy was rite about 1hour spawn somehow well you could do the quest in a few hours no more camping the others camp the fungus mutant for his 3 drops and you can get the gold silver and copper rings in kera and then camp him and wala you have a paw in no time
Oh btw he dropped the plat ring
# Aug 02 2000 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
Keep your friend awake!
# Aug 02 2000 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
My friend was camping this guy and decided to call it a night, well then I stalled him with some kind of question(can't remember what it was atm) and after he answered me Gynok spawned and started attacking me, hehe. Well then my friend killed him and decided to give me 1000pp for keeping him awake, since he was getting 8kpp,a 2h mithril staff,and something else from a desperate guild member. So heed my advice and help friends out with stupid questions like it did. I've never been more rich..haha
Don't sell the ring
# Jul 27 2000 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
Don't sell the plat ring keep it do the quest and sell the paw much much more money or items
# Jul 20 2000 at 11:22 AM Rating: Default
The Letter is in Goblin btw. just thought I'd be a lil helpful
# Jul 17 2000 at 1:07 AM Rating: Default
i camped this guy for 5 hours to get the plat ring so i could sell it...the first time he spawned i killed him 24th SK solo then i sold the ring for 2k very ver lucky
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 16 2000 at 3:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) He does have a high Magic Resist...but not to DD's...I am a 30 Druid at the time I was a 29 and he was green to me. Resisted my Snare every time but my DD's landed and DoT did to after about 4 tries..otherwise, it is best to have a tank friend help you kill Gix. When I looted him he had 6 silver 4 copper and a Sealed Note which I can't read because obviously it is another leanguage. I hear it is NOT Dark speech either even though he is an inkie.
RE: Gix
# Feb 28 2001 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
No, it's in Tier'Dal
# Jul 12 2000 at 4:12 AM Rating: Default
There is NO way to force Gynok to spawn. He's a rare random spawn with placeholders at the zone entrance. 16 minute spawn, very low chance.

Dragoon Zytl and Kizdean Gix are each other's placeholders, and both spawn at the wizardspire. Gix walks to his spot by the tollbooth, and Dragoon wanders around the lake, going out of his way to attack *all* opponents of the Indigo Brotherhood.

Whenever either is killed, one of them will instaspawn at the spire as soon as the corpse is gone. SO be sure to shout a warning to the zone before you kill Gix or Dragoon. Both of these NPCs have ungodly magic rsistance now too. I witnessed a level 30 wizard beign unble to touch Dragoon when he conned BLUE to him. He simply rezzed EVERY root and snare attempt, and interrupted every spell that had a greater casting time. Must be the armor.

I also read about a necro being unable to get a single spell to stick on gix, and that was against him as a blue con!
RE: Lies...
# Feb 09 2001 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
thats doo doo Gix spawns near the toll booth
seen him pop
RE: Lies...
# Jan 25 2001 at 10:01 AM Rating: Default
Zytl is not Gix's placeholder and Gix does not spawn at the wizzy spires and walk to his spot behind the inn. Gix spawns where you see him. Also, Zytl will spawn occasionally when Gix is killed, but not the other way around :)
RE: Lies...drop like a sack
# Nov 13 2000 at 8:21 PM Rating: Default
Don't know if Kid has been nerfed, don't know if it is key to spawn. I do know that as I 25 druid I can kick the living **** outta him without breaking much of a sweat. Yeah he does resist some, but that's what SOW is for. Snare until it sticks, dot, and dd until his blue skin is black. No prob.
RE: Lies...
# Oct 05 2000 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
I killed him while i was lv 32 with lv 30 pet, the pet took him out easily. I just used two drain spell and it dropped like stone...thought he's easy to kill....
RE: Lies...
# Sep 24 2000 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
As a 44 druid Zytl resisted my snare once..after that it was all over quickly :) He also slightly resisted my DDs, as in less than max possible dmg.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 24 2000 at 3:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As a 44 druid Zytl resisted my snare once..after that it was all over quickly :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 07 2000 at 10:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) PLEASE!!!! I AM GETTING 10,000 e-mails and i can't respond to them all!!!! so please give me some time to respond to a lot of them then i will post that you can e mail me agin.
# Jul 05 2000 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
He drops the gold, copper and plat rings. I've seen the copper twice, plat twice and a buddy got the gold yesterday.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 26 2000 at 5:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kizdean Gix and Zytl are not the triggers for the spawn i will tell you that but the Seald note that Gix has is part of the quest, please e-mail me at and i would be glad to tell you the real wat to make Gynok spawn with in an hour every time!!!!
Kizdean Gix Spawn Point
# Jun 12 2000 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
Gix spawns between the tool booth and hut on the left. Look for him from the hill to the southwest.
Price of the ring
# May 23 2000 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Platinum ring usually sells for somewhere between 500pp and 1kpp on Mith Marr
RE: Price of the ring
# Oct 05 2000 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
plat ring sells for 800pp-1kpp on E'ci
RE: Price of the ring
# Dec 05 2000 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
An easy 1K on Sol Ro.
Plat ring
# May 14 2000 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone tell me how much this ring normally sell for?
RE: Plat ring
# Dec 05 2000 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
It varies anywhere from 500pp to over 1K, depending upon your server.
Kizdean Gix and Dragoon Zytl
# May 03 2000 at 1:07 AM Rating: Default
Kizdean and Zytl are two Dark elfs who wander around aimlessly in West commonlands and cause general havoc. I dont know where they spawn exactly but Zytl is usually leisuring at the Lake area near the inn (convenient, No?)
Anyhow they arent too hard to find and are limping around West Commonlands like the criple kids on the Jerry Louis Telethon keep a lookout if you are in your mid teens.
# Apr 25 2000 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
Who is Kizdean and where does he spawn? Who is Zytl and where does he spawn?
Gynok Moltor
# Apr 18 2000 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Um...not sure if what that guy before me said is right. I thought that stuff in one zone couldn't effect stuff another zone (spawnwise), but what the hell it's worth a try =).
you dont need to wait for spawn
# Apr 12 2000 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
you guys who spend hours on camping Gynok, now is your lucky day, just kill Kizdean gix who triggers Zytl, then kill Zytl to trigger Gynok
# Apr 12 2000 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Would it be possible for a 25 shaman and a 25 paladin to kill this guy without any problems?
RE: Possible?
# Dec 05 2000 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Very. He is not a spell caster, so the two of you should have no problem wiping the floor with him.
I have to get him next...
# Apr 05 2000 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
I'm on Mitty the damn cat right now, and about to go do this guy, can a level 29 mage kill him?
# Mar 23 2000 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
I have killed him twice, he dropped the platinum ring first, then the copper ring. Blacke has it right, 16 minute spawn interval. He spawns right at the zone entrance so don't med there :)
Spawn Time
# Mar 11 2000 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Good luck with this one, 40+ hours of comping, he has 16min placeholders with a 3% chance to spawn, statistically it is every 8 hours, but doesn't always have to be that way.

Dark Elf Wizard
Povar Server
For those that want the Paw of Opolla...
# Mar 08 2000 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
He also rarely drops the golden ring. He spawns approximately once every eight hours if you kill the place-holder immediately. He was pretty easy to kill, Having less than 1000hp. The Paw is definitely worth getting, making Gynok a very popular camp.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2000 at 5:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I killed him at level 15 and I preceded by killing his momma
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