Lore Item No Trade Temporary Placeable
AC: 12
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WT: 20.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Scutum Veritas
Lore Item No Trade Temporary Placeable
AC: 12
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WT: 20.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Posted:Feb 23 2002 at 7:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am a 54 mage and that I can recall my pet has never used a shield I have given it...not that I would want it to anyway. I gave mine a summoned elemental defender and did not use it. Maybe the low level pets that cant duel wield might use one...
The elemental defender is a back or secondary slot item. It has no graphic that I know of (when on the back), so how do you know the pet didn't put it on it's back after you gave it 2 weapons? Shields that can't be placed in a different slot will be ditched as Khirsanth says. If I am not chain petting, I always summon little Kabantik a elemental defender for his back. To add to the spam, I am a 52 Mage on Xev.
I'll have to check again. I could swear when I gave my pet the shield it had the graphic of that translucent shield effect I've seen on other chars. Of course, now I just hand it 2 weapons now that it is high enough to dual wield.
I am a 40 mage and my pet will use the elemental defender when I give it to him...and bash with it as well. It is good to use a shield with fire and water pets so that stuns from bashing keep the mobs close to you. However, if you give your pet 2 wpns of any kind it will ditch the shield. I farm platinum in this zone with my 39 pet using the focus item and I have zero problems and never get scratched. Can't figure out how to get deep inside the place yet though so I shouldn't speak too soon I guess...hehe
these also drop off the guards in netherbian...quite easy to kill and are light blue/blue to a 41 sk...also drop a combine gladius which is 6/24 +1 humanoid dmg 1hs with a 25 weight.
My Guess would be for a quest as this item has a very interesting name. In Latin Scutum = Shield and Veritas = Truth... so very roughly translated this is A Shield of Truth
shield of truth is from an old disney cartoon,there was also sword of (rightiousness) but had to meanings,shield of truth meant that the truth will be your shield...just my little bit of trivia
There are some tradeskill quests in luclin, I read on eqtraders that you combined some no rent armor with the skin or whatever from some other mob, and that the armor that you got from that no longer was no rent, might be same thing with these items we see here now.
So far the no rent armour combinations are only for tattered. As far as I can tell at this time, there is nothing for any metallic armours. I would have to lean towards this being a quest item. There have been several Luclin quest items that have been no-rent.
It's concievable that this could be nothing more than a mistake on Verant's part, something they may correct in the future. There have been several instances of items dropping as NO RENT when they first come out, only to be corrected later. Gnome Skin Sleeves, for example.
Those are the only two things I can think of. Ive seen a few high weight no rent items around, which has me leaning towards these being pet items... spruce it up for those beastmasters, a little? Vali
Pet wouldn't use this, since it's No Drop, the pet would just destroy it. It's probably just a trash item for flavor, or a quest item like some Shadow Man stuff is.