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Lore Item Placeable
Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 24
DMG: 19 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STA: +5 HP: +50
Effect: Knight's Blessing (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 49
WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: PAL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Sword of Healing
Item Type:1H Slashing
Merchant Value:0 pp 3 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-20 10:57:54
Page Updated:Wed Dec 14th, 2022

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Average Price: 13,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Very Rare
Level to Attain: 45

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This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
Battle Master Ska`tu

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Uploaded December 13th, 2022 by iventheassassin
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Proc Lvl?
# Jul 30 2002 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
anyone know what level this baby procs?
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2002 at 6:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Selling one of these on 7th
once a fight? i think not
# Jun 05 2002 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
just to throw this is there ihave one of these beautys and whoever says it ONLY procs once a fight is very incorrect its procs in the same manner as any proc weap i have had Multiple procs in a fight (with boon) to the point cleric had no need to heal me. Of course solo pallys plain old suck anyway no 50 plus pally without a GOD weap is ever gonna be soloin but this weap is a must have for any pally out there "May Honor Guide Your Path"
RE: once a fight? i think not
# Jun 15 2002 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I solo in velks more then 50% of the time i play for exp. I usually bumb a clarity2 or c3 but i do it. Its I have no more then 3 or 4 mins downtime at most. Im lvl 57 by the way, and 2 out of the 3.5 golds i have now have been solo. KK THX
Sword of Blessing
# Jun 05 2002 at 3:01 AM Rating: Default
Anyone heard of a Sword of Blessing? Drops in Velks pits like Sword of Pain for SK. Basically the exact same weapon as SoP but effect is a right click cure dis/pois and it also looks like a falchion. Imo it is better then Jeldorin for the price... 1 more delay, but has 10ac and 50mana. I think 10ac and 50mana is better then 5sta and 50hp but that is just me. If the weapon procs like once a fight then that really isn't too great. Sure there may be a few instances where a 162hp proc saves my **** but with 2600hp, 162 isn't much at all. Only thing is Sword of Blessing is almost as rare as Jeldorin from what I have see, not near as common as the sk equivalent-SoP. Price on Jeldorin is 16-24k on Fennin Ro (at least that is what I have seen the only 2 people asking)
RE: Sword of Blessing
# Aug 15 2002 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
With the recent patch to remove the 10% healing penalty to non clerics, this heals for 180.
With Healing Adept AA skills, this amount goes up further.
With Healing Gift, you can crit heal on its proc :)

# Apr 25 2002 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
The person below me said something about seeing himself contriubting to the dmg dealing.. I hit for dual 200's w/ my nautures defender, and it procs about 3-4 times during a fight(even more if you have a shammy in your group=) If im soloing, sure id use this weapon, but if im in a regular group and main tanking, im going to use my natures defender over this. Sure you guys are thinking it helps the cleric blah blah blah, but from what I read, it procs not to often, and the cleric is going to cheal when you get to the 2bubish heath range anyway, so its not THAT big of a deal while tanking. In a raid however, especially w/ mobs that aoe, this is great(again assuming, I dont have one). The proc doesnt **** the mob off like a DD would, and you would heal yourself of the AoE if this goes off.
UPDATE: Feb 2002
# Feb 20 2002 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
Some Recent Data on the Jeldorin from my experience:

Price: 21kpp on SolRo (a no haggling price... very very hard to find one)
Damage Bonus: +9 on my particular 53 Pally

A definite upgrade from the SoM I used to weild, however the proc I don't find very useful due to the frequency, that is, with my dex (111), it procs on avg about once per fight, certainly NO more than that. A 162 heal is ok, but a drop in the bucket at this level for a once per fight proc. My DW helm heals about 110 pts or so and only takes a few sec after the fight to do so, so in battle I haven't found the proc to make a difference. The ratio hower is AWESOM... it's a nice feeling to be tanking with dual weilding monks, rangers and warriors and seeing a respectable number of hits coming from the pally (when combined with haste item, and Valor of Marr). Throw in the Divine Might quest spell, and you're really contributing to the damage dealing.

A nicer combo, if I could choose, would be the proc from the SoM (50pt DD Stun), that procs 3 times per fight, on Jeldorin.... now THAT would rock even more than this already fantastic blade. Does the ratio difference justify the difference in price between this and SoM... for me I would have to say probably not. However, if I had been in a position to loot this baby with my guild at the time I got it, well... for the raids we do, really most are for epic pieces for other folks, so stuff like that doesn't happen that often for me.

Appearance wise... I place no real importance on looks myself, hehe in a way I prefer a dull looking sword since you won't get questions thrown at you constantly about it... but I have to say this is one schweeeeet looking weapon. nuf said.
RE: UPDATE: Feb 2002
# Mar 08 2002 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
Im not sure what level you are, but after reading yer post i ind myself asking "what kind of pally can afford/able to obtain this kind of wep only has 111 dex? and more so, why do people with 111dex complain about procs in the first place? and finally, when im solo and a fight finishes and i use my dw helm to heal myself, 10 seconds per 110hp takes quite awhile to heal to full when u have over 2khp (at lvl 51 with self buffs only) so personally any type of heal is welcomed by me, a 162 proc of free health in a fight is sexy, course then again my dex (149) owns yers so....
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 26 2002 at 6:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To both of you above me. First 111dex at lvl 53 is very sad,but so is 149. At lvl 43 i have 143 dex and SoM procs about 10 times a battle(trys to proc...doesnt prob untill 50) Oh and i have over 2k buffed at lvl 43, so dont be happy that you have it at 51. Ok just wanted to put you people to shame...bye
RE: UPDATE: Feb 2002
# Mar 18 2002 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
After reading your reply to my post I find myself asking "why don't most of the peeps who write critical reply, actually READ the post carefully". Yes my dex is 111 unbuffed, and its equal to most of my pally friends... so you travel in a different world than I, I suspect. I've focused on AC (1100), WIS (130) and HP (2900 self buffed), and all of my stats are above 100 (balanced).

The way to afford this weapon (if you haven't been lucky enough to win the roll on it) is to concentrate on farming pp and trading well, again I suppose this is not your preference. I have no opinion on what you spend your time on, and don't understand why the fact that I have this sword at level 54 is of any concern to you.

Also, read more carefully, does it really read as though I'm complaining, or am I just discussing the attributes of the sword and trying to give some insight to from a pally who uses one.

As for the healing, perhaps you solo extensively (which I feel is NOT a particularly strong area for a pally as compared to say.. a droo or Necro), but I don't. I am grouped about 85% of the time, and have a healer for in-battle healing who find a 162 heal better than nothing, but that's about it. The mobs your fighting HIT between 80 and 160. Is it better than nothing and is a nice proc. I voice my opinion (didn't compain) that the 50 point DD stun on the SotM, which procs more frequently and allows all of the melees to whail on the mob undistrubed for a few seconds, more valuable.

One cast from the DW helm (maybe two) and you're even with the roughly once per fight proc from Jeldorin, so the value is good, but not what I would choose. It's just my opinion so what can I say, if you don't agree.. whatever.

Perhaps a friendly demonstration with my lowly dex of 111 would shed some light on the situation. I am available at your convenience for some experimentation in the arena if you are on SolRo and are within one level (plus or minus) of 54.

Nicketh Vindicatum
Human Paladin of the 54th Season
Soluesk Ro
# Feb 07 2002 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
Did`nt take the time to read most of the other posts here so maybe i missed it but, where the *&^%*&%*& is the sk equivalent of this weapon?

RE: Jeldorin
# Feb 04 2003 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Check out the Greenmist Quest.
RE: Jeldorin
# Mar 03 2002 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
Well there is an SK equivalent of this, kinda, shard of night which drops off queen i think *shrug* but its piercing, i think its 21 24 but not positive.
RE: Jeldorin
# Feb 28 2002 at 8:49 PM Rating: Default
there truly is not SK equivalent to this blade. There's the Ebon mace 19/24 no stats and no proc. But this blade far surpasses it.

For the guy who mentioned SoP, there's also the Sword of Blessings that drops in the same camp in Velks that's 19/25 10ac 50mana effect purge, so that would be the equivalent of a SoP.

Hybrid classes are given diffeent things to make their class worthy, while there's no equivalent to this blade in game, SK's can wear incarnadine armor, which is pretty pimp armor imo. And we can weild a lot of weaps they can't, as well as equip. There doesn't always have to be an equivalent, life isn't fair.... and we all know Verant's retarded.
RE: Jeldorin
# Feb 16 2002 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
the sword of pain is 19/25 plus ac and grim aura
...came before this too (velks drop, probably way easier to get too off named dogs in pit)
Price 60k NOT!!!
# Feb 02 2002 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
This weapon is Nice, but nearly 60k On Brell Massive Dragonclaw Shard Sells 20-30k and it owns this blade. Shard is 1hs 28dmg 30dly +3 Wis +3 Int 7.5wt Pally/Shd.
# Dec 23 2001 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure how you guys are coming up with this bs 180 hp heal but I'd like to see it. Mine only heals for 162, has since I was level 53 and I'm 57 now *almost 58*.. is mine defective?
RE: Heal
# Jan 24 2002 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
As a paladin you have an inate -10% to all instant heal spells. Guess it also carries over to procs. The database says 180 but the math is 180 - 10% (18) = 162.
RE: Heal
# Jan 16 2002 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
Just adding to my own post.. I'm lvl 60 now and it still heals for 162 :P
RE: Heal
# Jul 16 2002 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
Might have some good news inc!

On test right now, it sounds like they removed the healing penalty... So heals will be for full, regardless if you're a cleric or not :)

Still waiting to hear if it's gonna go live tho...
Wonder Gift
# Nov 15 2001 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
After returning from vacation. Yes Pallys need time off I was summoned to Sol B by my guilds second incharge. After makeing my way from Velous to Lava Storm I poke my head in Sol B and tell him im there. As I'm waiting for him a Kolbold showes up and I start fighting with him. Now I have a Vehement Sword of Reivaj Dmg 27, Dly 42. +6 Str +6 Int Procs rampage. I have to zone. I come back in after healing my self with my DW helm and I see my trade window pop up. Its my guild leader handing me a shield and sword. I click the trade window and I get the lore item message. Well I guess that is a clay guardian shield. Ok now just the sword pops in the window. This time I look. ACK! Jeldorin. ACK! I had never heard of it. ACK! At level 45 or so I was just hopeing for the sword of blessing from vl. At the time I was level 52. Still hopeing for a Sword of Blessing. What a most wonderfull gift. Six of my guild mates had been hunting in Chardok and this sword dropped. Well they all took a vote and decided to give the weapon to me. Wow. I wielded the sword and It looked impressive. Next came another kolbold. This time with this sword I walked out of Sol B with 4 bubbles of health. Wow. It proc'ed 3 times and my dex 95. Yes the heal is 180 points. Thank you Temple of Dawn on Morrell-Thule
RE: Wonder Gift
# Dec 20 2001 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
153 posts
The proc on this sword is nice but I think people get infatuated with the idea of it, i.e. that you can heal during a fight. Optimistically you can expect it to proc once during each fight. And 180 heal is a drop in the bucket. A friend let me borrow it and even with a dex buff I was proc'ing either once per fight or every other fight with a 120-130 dex. At lvl 33, 180 was only 2/3 of a bubble of health for me and against giants that was about two combat rounds.

The ratio, however, is very nice.
RE: Wonder Gift
# Sep 08 2002 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe I have read your post the wrong way but, it does NOT proc at 33.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 19 2001 at 8:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This sword is awsome for my newbie. i already got one and gave it to him. i saw it up for sale and asked what the stats where once he told me i was like HOW MUCH? i told him any price. i had good trades and money. i gave him 2k, master wu's trance stack, heavy velium war lance and a fishbone earring. he was a vert happy man and so is my lowbie pally.
# Oct 15 2001 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
I got one of these today, the proc rate is amazing, proc's once every 1-3 fights with is awesome, ive been told it works since lvl 1, it looks like a Jar nal Longsword/Ceremonial Wedding Sword with a slighty diff design on the blade.
To the Paladin that posted its good for dragon allied paladins, Dragon Allied Guilds Raid ToV as well, its called the Halls of Testing, Dragons with no faction hits
RE: uummm
# Oct 16 2001 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
The dragons there do have faction hits, + to dragons - to giants. And the only sword from there i can think of that beats this (1hs that is) Dawncaller, and it is of of a north ToV dragon.

Also, im wondering, what would a 60 warrior have with this? its paladin only. and if you have it on a twink, thats just SAD!
RE: uummm
# Oct 26 2001 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
No, the wurms, racnars, drakes, and wyverns there do not have any faction whatsoever, the Halls of Testing is a cursed wing of ToV and is not a part of Claws of Veeshan like the entrance/center/West wing.
# Oct 15 2001 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
Well, it looks like verant is finally seeing that Paladins need better 1hs weapons, gonna have to go and help my bro get this Weapon.
# Oct 10 2001 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Wow, i know this seems poor to ToV drops, but for us dragon allied paladins who dont wanna waid on the list for a lower kobald group in Velks, WOW. heh. But, now this is cona be camped by every super guild on the tribunal just like SOM was.
RE: ........
# Oct 10 2001 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
Actually, there are only 2 North ToV drops that beat this in the 1h-slash department for Paladins.

Not poor at all!
# Oct 10 2001 at 1:20 PM Rating: Excellent
The Battlemaster spawns near Korocaust, by the waterfall and bridge.

Good luck!
# Oct 10 2001 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for posting this. Where in Chardok does the Battlemaster spawn?

Pretty leet
# Oct 10 2001 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
I dont see anything wrong with this, 19/24 is rocking and heal spell proc? on those rare occasions when weapons proc 3 or 4 times in a row, woooooot! oh and +hp is never a bad thing either!
Info on weapon
# Oct 10 2001 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
I was the recipient of this item and my guild submitted it to Allakazams. To answer the questions:

It has not attack bonus listed. Not every item has an attack bonus identified and the absence of one listed has nothing to do with who is taking the screenshot. I took the screenshot while the weapon was equipped. The screenshot is correct--it is dropable.

The sword drops off a Battlemaster, who has a placeholder. From what we could tell, this was his rare drop. The sword looks like a smaller version of the Nature's Defender with a gem-inlaid hilt and carvings on the blade.

The heal is a self-heal of approximately 140 points. I have heard speculation that it could be as high as 180 hp heal, but the best I can tell is its approximately 140hps.

RE: Info on weapon
# Apr 08 2002 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
LOL this sword looks nothing like the Natures Defender but I take your point that the style of graphics with gems and such is similar.
The Jeldorin's graphic is based upon the Emerald ******* Sword of Purity which dropps off Telkorenar in West ToV (I know this because one dropped for us and I saw the Paladin wielding it)
When Chardok got revamped they just used the same graphic the lazy buggers. My friend also told me that this was the same for the Darkmetal Falchion from which the graphic is also used for the Bone Scimitar out of the Ring of Fire Quest in Acrylia Caverns. The other identical looking blade out of NtoV is Dawncaller but I haven't seen one yet and I believe the gem is a different colour.

Sage Arradien
Southern Armada
RE: Info on weapon
# Oct 10 2001 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
The source of the 180 HP speculation can be found in the SpDat.eff file.

Knight's Blessing
Increase Hit Points (HP) by 180 (L1)
Classes: None
Skill: Alteration
Allowable Targets: Self
Range to Target: 100 feet
Resistance Check: None
Spell Duration: Instant
Spell Recovery: 2.50 seconds
Spell cast on you: You feel much better.
Spell cast on someone: Soandso feels much better.
# Oct 09 2001 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
are you sure this doesnt heal the opponent? because this just seems tooo good to be true


not no drop
# Oct 09 2001 at 7:51 PM Rating: Default
i noticed it says this item is not a no drop item? is this true? and if it is how much would it sell for?
RE: not no drop
# Oct 10 2001 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
Let's see... a weapon with a better ratio than any 1h-slash Planar weapon for Paladins except the Darkmetal Falchion. In fact, it's only beaten by that and three (four, but one was replaced by another) weapons from Velious. Two North ToV mob drops and one Necropolis drop.

The Massive Dragonclaw Shard listed for 45kpp... sounds about right for this one, too.
RE: not no drop
# Oct 11 2001 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
45k? Maybe for a month or so but once word of this item gets out it will be just like SoM, it will be overfarmed and in a couple months it will be a 10 to 15k item. 2 months ago SoM was selling for 25 to 30k now if your patient enough you can get one for 10k.
# Oct 09 2001 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
Why does this weapon not have a spot for damage bonus like all the other weapons that have shown in this update?
RE: Hmmm
# Oct 09 2001 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
31 posts
Because it is a 1 hand slashing weapon, and the only one that is posting a damage bonus on the inspection screen are two handed weapons.
RE: Hmmm
# Oct 09 2001 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default
Because it was probably taken by someone who cannot use any two handed weapons (like a bard).

OR maybe the screenshot was taken when the changes were on test, and they confirmed first that it was still the same.
RE: Hmmm
# Oct 09 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
I read a message post on one of the boards that answered my question. If you can't use the weapon the it doesn't show the damage bonus.
And bards can use some two handed weapons, they just don't have any skill in them.
# Oct 09 2001 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
180pt self heal, drops off a Battlemaster(not common drop, and has a placeholder
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 09 2001 at 3:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A useful post for once woohoo
RE: Proc
# Oct 09 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Now there's a taunt and a half! Wow.
im getting one
# Oct 09 2001 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
WOW this thing seems awesome, im going to Chardok tonight to get one, ill let you all know what it does once i get it
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