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Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl  

Lore Item No Trade Quest Item
AC: 7
STA: +7 CHA: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7
Mana Regeneration: +1
WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Type:Armor
Lucy Entry By:Kheldar
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-08-31 10:04:27
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 52

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Coldain Shawl #7: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

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Wrong trivs
# Aug 07 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
I think pretty much every trivial on the Alla's walkthrough for 7th shawl is wrong. Check under quests for the real trivs
My Thoughts..
# Mar 08 2004 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
Well.. I had an experience with this... I have had so many problems with these shawl.. That I almost gave up at one time. But, then I realized how much time I had put into it.. That I would kick my own butt if I didn't see it through..

Shawl #5 = 2 Fails
Shawl #6 = 4 Fails
Shawl #7 = 1 Fail

After spending 12 hours in the Ice House in Kael to get the Kromriff Blood, I logged on 1 morning and finally got it.. So I headed off to Thurg to beging the combines. I have all my skills at 200 with the exception of JC which is at 250 + 5 mod from trophey and + 9 AA's in JC Mastery.. And tailoring which is only at 162+5 mod from geerlok thingy..

I do all the combines with no problems. Up to the 2nd to last step. The 1 before you put everything in the tailoring kit. This is a JC combine, now of all the things in this particular quest I don't expect to fail on would be this. I have the skill maxed out, and have a 25% less chance of failure with the AA abilities..

But alas.. I hit combine and get that dreaded "You lack the necessary skills bla bla bla" I was so mad.. So, I decided to log since I was in a bad mood.. I went to goto bed, and friend stopped over.. I told him what happened and he laughed at me.. After he left.. I just remembered.. OMG!!! I left my shawl and everything else in a NO RENT bag.. I run down get back on, and my shawl, burin and all the extra components are POOFED!!! I petition.. Wait 2 weeks and finally get my shawl back. Went to SG.. 2 boxed my pally (I'm a chanter if you didn't figure that out) Got the tooth off a fish, that someone else had killed.. Got the pelt in about 8 kills.. Pull the sirens from the well, and got the sea shell off the 5th or so one that I killed.. My friend gave me the blood and everything else I went to the bazaar and picked up for bout 300pp..

So, when I get home this morning.. I'm gonna go in for round 2... Hopefully it won't be as bad as round one...

On a side note, most of the items for this particular quest can be bought with the exception of the swordfish tooth..

Runed Sea Sheel (1 Charge of EB)===800pp
Ulthork Tusk=======================100pp
Bulthork Hide======================200pp
Small Pieces of Velium ============30pp
Small Brick of Velium==============70pp
Royal Kromrif Blood============500pp-3kpp
IceClad Cutlass Fish x3=========90pp each

Those are all the farmable/dropable ingrediants needed.. Like I said only one you need to get yer self is the tooth.. Or, if you are cheap O, farming them is not to difficult. 2nd time around I farmed everything and it took me about 2 hours or so..
Just a FYI
# Dec 26 2003 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
I got my molkor hide / swordfish tooth / and Royal Kromrif Blood today and woot with 160 tailoring and Geerlok got my runed shawl lol time to start farming #8 btw the tailoring triv is sooooooo wrong on this sight
Swordfish Tooth in Revamped Siren's Grotto
# Nov 03 2003 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Has anybody obtained the NODROP Swordfish Tooth from Siren's Grotto since the revamp? Any advice on where and how to best hunt this item, recommendations for levels or force needed are very appreciated. I brought a full group of 6 in here and we nearly wiped once and barely sustained fighting even after the wipe and couldn't even touch swordfish in the water without the uber tough seahorses adding in en masse.
RE: Swordfish Tooth in Revamped Siren's Grotto
# Dec 21 2003 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
Me and 3 guildies hit sirens today, we had 4 or 5 teeth drop, easy
RE: Swordfish Tooth in Revamped Siren's Grotto
# Dec 15 2003 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I went to SG with a raid party. We had some bad luck on the way as some of the people had never been to CS and were kos to Claws of Veeshan. So we had a few corpse runs. Luckily COV love me and I was the one with the click stick. We went into the water but I had trouble getting heals off as I wasn't used to healing while underwater, and if you stand on land and try to cast a spell on someone in the water it will not hit. :-( My spells kept failing to cast. I would start to cast and they would take forever or say they were interrupted even though I was standing still. I got aggro at one point and I jumped my cowardly **** out of the water and onto the land. I know it may seem like a chicken way to do things, but seriously, if you are in the water getting your behind kicked by a seahorse, jump out of the water and give yourself some time to recover. I was surprised that nobody else seemed to know to do this. We only killed about 5 mobs before our MT had to leave for a family emergency so we split up the loot and left. One swordfish tooth dropped and nobody else wanted it so it was mine all mine. :-) Btw, Burin is returned to you on successful combine (possibly on failure as well). Oh, and even with 255 Wis, C3 on, jc at 173 and a geerlok gemsetter in primary slot, I failed the first jc combine twice. So I would recommend getting jc to maybe 180.
RE: Swordfish Tooth in Revamped Siren's Grotto
# Dec 11 2003 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I solo'd the sword fish tooth with my 63 in at first water area jump in water and tash a seahorse then charm it...then pull swordfish with slow and haste your pet...let seahorse kill swordfish...then I zone out and back in jump in water loot my tooth on first pull...had more trouble getting my runed sea shell than the tooth...
RE: Swordfish Tooth in Revamped Siren's Grotto
# Nov 18 2003 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
... whew! The wife and I finally managed to do this last night. Our group consisted of 56 Cleric, 54 Cleric, 63 Wizard, 65 Shammy, and 65 SK, and 61 Bard. We managed to keep everyone healed with a couple dicey moments. We hunted right in the first pool after the zone in. We didn't have more than 2 adds at any given time, thank goodness and got both teeth we needed in about 10 swordfish kills or so.
RE: Swordfish Tooth in Revamped Siren's Grotto
# Nov 05 2003 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Yes and it seems to be a common drop from all swordfish (well it was common when I was hunting them anyway, 3 kills and 2 teeth dropped). This is on the Maelin server. Recommend to bring a chanter with you the seahorses love to party.
Party consisted of 65 chanter, 65 cleric(me), 65 bard, 64 necro, and 50ish druid (BOT of bard). We had no troubles and in about 10-15 mins got 2 teeth to drop (me and necro were happy). BTW we fought them near the CS zoneline.

Edited, Wed Nov 5 15:26:18 2003
# Feb 03 2003 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
170 posts
Only the single-charge EB Runed Sea Shell from inside Siren's Grotto works.

The prayer to Brell must be said at the foot of the LEFT stairs up to the altar as you face it.

The pattern drops in front of the altar, right in the middle, without fail every time. You don't need to spam the prayer but make sure you spell if EXACTLY as it is in the prayer, getting every cap and every punctuation mark precisely correct.

Druid of the 61st season
Karana server
Runed Sea Shell
# Jan 21 2003 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
I am going to ask the same question that was asked earlier, but was not answered. I have the same question...
According to what I have read, you need a Runed Sea Shell with 1 charge of EB for this quest. I cannot seem to find one with only 1 charge, they all have 5. Is this the same thing?

I have one with 5 charges and need to know if I can use it or is there one with just 1 charge on it? Did Verant in their infinite wisdom add 4 charges to this item to make it 5?

Please, if anyone knows let me know so I don't waste more time killing trying to find one with a single charge.

Thank you.

Tienea Bubbells
Druid 56th level

RE: Runed Sea Shell
# Feb 15 2003 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
You are looking at the Runed seashell necklace-- that is the one with 5 charges--dropped in CS

The one you need is just a Runed seashell, not the necklace--that is dropped in SG hope this helps.


Edited, Sat Feb 15 01:23:00 2003
RE: Runed Sea Shell
# Jan 29 2003 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
Only one that works is the one with 1 charge
RE: Runed Sea Shell
# Jan 24 2003 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I haven't started my hunt yet for the runed seashell, just succesfully combined 6th last night. Plan on looking for the shell tonite, but from my understanding. This Runed SeaShell with a single EB charge, is found on sirens in SG. I think the 5 charge EB item is found in CS. (please correct me if i'm wrong here folks).
RE: Runed Sea Shell
# Mar 10 2003 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
The single charge shell and 5 charge necklace both drop in SG
Down right sick
# Jan 03 2003 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
92 posts
I just started doing the shawl quest this week and finished my 6th shawl tonight. I did the attempt with a 119 tailoring and a tailoring Geerlok and succeeded. Talk about dumb luck. I figured what the heck if I failed I'd go hunting sirens again. But I can't believe my luck!
Royal Kromrif Blood
# Sep 12 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
First 4 shawls were a blast to do, not bad drops to collect, all in all great time doing. 5th was a pain gathering all those wurm biles and threads from silk. Got most of mine at lvl 30 but started finding it becoming a pain so went about leveling for a while. Finally level 54 came around and I buckled down and completed my fifth shawl. 6th was only tough due to the trivial value, so I had to do a lot of boosts to my tailering to finally be able to click combine. Got impatient and tried at 151 skill, failed. Tried again at 158 skill, got lucky and have my 6th. 7th doesnt seem bad except for one thing. Royal Kromrif Blood, either going to have to get a group or two together and do kael (hoping its not camped) or buy it for 5k. Really makes it so you dont want to fail the combine hehe. Looking forward to trying my hand at 8th shawl. Especially now that its Flowing thought III and 20% increased buff duration.
Re: Question and Clarification
# May 20 2002 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
I see you have problems with the 6th shawl, so I thought this might help. I didn't see this posted here anywhere else here.

I finished my 6th shawl yesterday... after which I proceeded to destroy my Drakkel Wolf Whiskers and the one Siren's Hair I had accumulated so far. I also sold my Woven Frost Giant Beard to a vendor and still have 4 Manticore Manes in the bank in case someone on my server still needs them. I used none of these to complete the Embroidered Prayer Shawl!

Here is what you need:

- 2 Velium Bits
- Sandalwood
- Shawl Pattern (given to you by Betti Frostreaver in Thurg)
- 5th Shawl

Velium bits are made by combining 2 small pieces of velium (the stackable kind - but don't stack them to combine) and a Coldain Velium Temper in a forge - this is trivial for me at 82 Blacksmithing.

- You can obtain the small pieces of velium in CC, Velks, ToFS and Icewell Keep.

- You can buy the Coldain Velium Temper from Nimren Stonecutter in Thurg (shop at 41, -111 near mines) at about 40pp, depending on CHA.

- Sandalwood, an alchemy supply, can be bought in Shadow Haven from either Kolburn Inglewort (176, 632) or Zimloro Jalobottle (-414, 1426). Each piece costs around 140pp, again depending on CHA. You can also buy this in Cabillis, Freeport, Felwithe, Grobb, Halas, Kaladim, Katta, RV and Shar Vahl.

Make 2 Velium Bits (cost for 2 about 80p) and buy 1 piece of Sandalwood (cost 140p). Combine these in a forge to make a Spool of Sacred Coldain Thread. I succeeded on first try with 82 smithing.

Then simply combine the Spool of Sacred Coldain Thread with the shawl pattern and your 5th shawl in your coldain tanner's kit to obtain your 6th shawl! I succeeded on first try with 142 tailoring and holding a tinkered sewing contraption. :)

SO, if you have a bit of money to spend and dread the thought of hunting sirens, do the above before they nerf it. It's gotta be a mistake by Verant, right? They wouldn't make something easier for us, right??!??!
RE: Re: Question and Clarification
# Aug 31 2002 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
I did this method before they nerfed it for my 6th shawl and it worked great but yes they have 'nerfed' it. My reason for writing this is to all those people who have the post nerf'ed spools, Do Not Throw Them Away! If you look up the protection of the cabbage (potc) quest one of the nine gifts needed is a Blessed Fishing Rod. The spool that is made by combining 1 sandalwood and 2 velium bits in a forge is used to make the blessed fishing rod. You could prob sell the spool and at least get some of your pp back if you make the spool and it doesn't work for your shawl.
Just wanted to let peeps know cause I saw the one post where someone said that the spool was worthless, prob be able to sell in the bazaar.
RE: Re: Question and Clarification
# Aug 30 2002 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
This combine is no longer valid.But if you made the thread with this method prior to the nerf the thread will still work.You cannot make them anymore though.
RE: Re: Question and Clarification
# Jul 27 2002 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
According to EQ Traders, this method no longer works. (sorry) it now creates a spool instead of the desired thread.
RE: Re: Question and Clarification
# Jun 21 2002 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
Very disappointed to say that this has been nerfed. Combining sandalwood and velium bits now yield a Spool (magic item), and not the Spool of Sacred Coldain Thread. Tried to combine with the pattern and 5th shawl, and of course didn't work. Can't even sell the Spool back to vendors as it is worthless. Bah!

Edited, Fri Jun 21 11:34:32 2002
RE: Re: Question and Clarification
# Jun 02 2002 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
I wish to announce that this method still works on Tholluxe Paels as of 06-01-02 when I reworked my fifth shawl into my sixth shawl on my first attempt skill level 160.

Uhm now to pull shark teeth.
RE: Re: Question and Clarification
# May 25 2002 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks that's really a better way :)

But for the prices, with a little CHA buff :
temper = 26pp 5gp
sandalwood = 84pp

Got mine at first try with 152 tayloring, made me increase to 153.
Question and Clarification
# May 15 2002 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
There is a question that I can't seem to find an answer to, but I am still looking. According to what I have read, you need a Runed Sea Shell with 1 charge of EB for this quest. I cannot seem to find one with only 1 charge, they all have 5. Is this the same thing?

NOW I have seen some mention of repairing faction with Coldain by killing giants in GD, EW and Kael. I have hunted Kael quite a bit and have some pieces of quest armor from Thurgadin that drops in Kael. I have yet to see a Kael Giant give me faction for Coldain. I have hunted the entire main route between zones and the arena. I haven't fought in the area opposit the arena so I can't say for sure if they do. The best place to repair faction for Coldain, and trust me on this cause I hunted missionaries in EW for 3 months straight and was ally with Kael, is WL. Yes, EW and GD give faction, but not as much as WL.

I am working on getting the 6th done, I have failed 3 times probably because my tailoring isn't were it should be. I just got my fletching for the 7th shawl to 202 because fletching is the EASIEST skill to max cheaply. May next conquer is Tailoring, hoping to get it up in the HIGH 100's in a couple of days. This is easy because I have a chanter and can make the viscious mana, but need money to do this. For some reason, money is ALWAYS the object.

Good luck to those that are working on it and those that will be.
RE: Question and Clarification
# Jul 27 2002 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
I suspect this is too late for you, but for other readers might be useful. EQ Traders has lots of information on how to raise tailoring, but this is how I did it:

Raw Silk til caps were trivial. (Just farm spiders)
Cured Silk til caps were trivial.
Thurgadin Silk Tailoring (using silk from Crystal Caverns Spiders... lots of them) caps, then eventually tunics.
Finally Wu's to 158.

Realize, I am also an enchanter. But, the Heady Kiolas needed for Wu's, and the money made cured to Wu's more than I could handle.

Even so, this took months of silk farming. Friends love to insert various pelts and make leather armor for some of the steps. I prefer to farm silk. (EK, Upper Guk, and of course CC)
RE: Question and Clarification
# Jun 02 2002 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
Uhm not to question your plans, but if you plan on getting tailoring to the high 158, (highest level of Wu armor). You must have a healthy stash of cash. If you are planning on 180-190 range, you better have cash and a healthy guild devoted to your cause. For most of us tailors getting to 158 has taken months, and before Luclin and Acrylia Armor, previous tailors took months and 1000's of pp to get near 200. Man, I sure hope you got a new route! Been at this for about a year now and still only 160. JC held at 191 until I get tailoring to 201, hopefully in a few more months now that Acryla Armor is available.

Yes, you did say you were getting short on cash, hehe. At 4+pp each those pearls get annoying, but far less annoying than the relentless slaughtering of every spider you see for their silk. It took me weeks of practice to NOT stop and kill spiders whenever I travel through EK. =-) I got a couple of stacks of silk in the bank for the purported purpose of having some on hand for any monks that come calling for Wu Armor. Had to explain my unreasonable behavior somehow.

Edited, Sun Jun 2 05:19:20 2002
RE: Question and Clarification
# Nov 05 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
At 4+pp each those pearls get annoying, but far less annoying than the relentless slaughtering of every spider you see for their silk.

For silk farming, I recommend a pet class with the appropriate ceramic band (black ceramic band in my case, but there's one for each of the int-caster classes, so this should work fine with a magician or even enchanter). Having to chase down spiders, or replenish arrows or mana, would be annoying indeed. Even the few mana to pull them with a level 1 spell will add up if you never sit down, so the ring helped make the process tolerable. If you can just click your ring on them and then loot when the pet gets done killing them, the silk farming is barely worse than making four zillion kiolas.
RE: Question and Clarification
# May 15 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Wed May 15 19:52:39 2002
RE: Question and Clarification
# May 15 2002 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Wed May 15 19:53:01 2002
# May 02 2002 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
Finished this a few days ago, to let you know i don't think buffs do jack s h i t.... I failed 2 times on the 6th shawl, first 2 tries i was fully buffed and last time 0 buffs and was a success or luck....anyway here were my skills when i was successful on the 7th shawl, and note this, 0 buffs

174 brewing <all combines trivial>
195 fletching <all combines trivial>
157 jewel craft <all combines trivial>
181 pottery <all combines trivial>
144 tailoring <shawl combine was not trivial>

56 Preserver
Couple of questions
# May 01 2002 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Can the evil races (DE's, Iksars, Ogres etc...) do this line of quests? Im a DE Cleric and I want to try this quest, but I dont like going places where Im KoS. If I am KoS where the quests starts, anyone know how to bring up faction there?

Any help is appreciated.
RE: Couple of questions
# May 14 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Unless you've gone around killing Coldain dwarves or their wolves, evil races are not kos in Thurgadin, or to any of the Coldain. You should be able to wander freely in Thurg and get the quests. If you have messed up your faction, spend lots of time kiling giants or Drakkel Dire wolves in GD, EW, or Kael to get your faction back.

Smoosher Underphoot
52nd season Ogre Oracle
Does Mana Regen Stack
# Mar 30 2002 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
I have a question regarding Mana Regeneration spells and items.
DO all these different types of mana regens actually stack with one another? For instance, if I have Form of the Howler (which has Mana Regen, though very low form) then I have this item with Flowing THought, and let's say a friend of mine casts Clarity or Clarity II. Will they all stack?
Does one cancel the other and if so which ones don't stack?
Thanks for any info you may have.

The Nomadic Wanderer
(uummmm Sayden?... In the dictionary under redundant it says "See --redundant")
RE: Does Mana Regen Stack
# Apr 22 2002 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
FT items stack. But (I think) FT items of the same lvl do not stack. So ft1 item1 + ft1 item2 = ft1. They stack up to 15 total mana per tick I am told.
RE: Does Mana Regen Stack
# Sep 09 2002 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
I think that WAS the way... Now all FT items stack to 15... It would be counter productive to have ft 1 + ft 1 = ft1. Verant finally realized that and fixxed it. So any FT stacks with any other FT until a maximum of 15. And you can take that to Thurgadin bank.

Edited, Mon Sep 9 14:56:34 2002
RE: Does Mana Regen Stack
# Apr 27 2002 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
Cool, thank you for the info :-)
some people have too much time on their hands.. lol
# Mar 07 2002 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
im not sure which is worse.. that you guys are arguing over the idea of doing this quest based on reward/cost. or that i actually took 15 minutes out of my life to read the entire line of posting under the kewl picture i look at to remind myself why im still doing the prayer shawl quests.

tonight i finished my 5th shawl.. after having 4 of the 5 silks combined for the total combine. i needed 1 more wurm bile. for 3 days straight i slain every wurm that spawned outside the south side cave and not 1 bile dropped.. i got a group together tonight and was going to raid the crystaline wurms so i could have xp while trying for bile, but i got extremely lucky and the 2nd wurm into the cave dropped the bile i needed.

my tailoring wasnt at the trivial skill level for the combine. but i said to myself if i fail this combine. i am not going to make mroe than the 4th shawl. i will get me one of them good old kedge keep 8 wis 5 ac prayer shawls. but tonight I got the 5th. and let me tell you.. compared to the braided ivy cords i was running around with at level 58.. this 5th shawl blows it out of the water. and when i complete the 6th. still have to get hair in siren grotto.. that's going to blow this one out of the water.

it's all about having a good time, and feeling good about yourself when you do what YOU wanted.

we set goals.. then when we complete the goal we evaluate if it was worth the time and energy. i can tell you for me. the 3 days i spent getting the last stupid bile from the wurms was worth it.
but that's just my opinion i could be wrong.

virr lonelyheart
tarew marr
Got it!
# Mar 04 2002 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
91 posts
Fashioned the 7th Coldain Prayer Shawl on my first attempt:

WIS 243 (buffed)
INT 114
DEX 186 (buffed)

168 Brewing
183 Pottery
175 Fletching
158 Tailoring
172 JewelCraft

Kaidian Blade
57 Preserver and Protector of the Glade
Fate's Union, Solusek Ro

# Nov 18 2001 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
In my oppinion this shawl isnt worth the time it takes for only 1 mana point per tick. The stats ARE nice, but homestly, how long would it take to complete this quest.

Aarop Crystalyn
Sol Ro
RE: Honestly
# Mar 25 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
RE: Honestly
# Mar 25 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Comeon this is Everquest, and Obviously you have ne quad kitig and run our of mana, wouldnt YOU want that extra Tick of mana every 6 seconds, and the stats alone are worht it, i would trade in my Ivy Braids any time i could for one of these bad boy's.

Runical StormBow 34th Season Ranger Luclin
Runi 10th season Wizard Luclin
and my new account from my ex girlfriend
Runelle Icedancer 40th season Druid Luclin
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 25 2002 at 3:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Man this Moron Cannot Proofread.......
RE: Honestly
# Dec 04 2001 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Look at the other items that have 7int or 7wis for shoulders. Now look at how you get them.
That alone makes this shawl more than worth it. Any time you can squeeze more int/wis onto those rarely considered slots (shoulders, gloves, feet, wrists) you can dump even more resists onto your ears, fingers, head, face, etc..

+1 mana/tick too slow? Not when you're standing to prevent drawing aggro in a long fight, not when you're a necromancer and Feigned, not when you go oom on a mob and if Only you had enough to re-root could get that quest item/exp/new gear.

And most importantly, this is NOT the last shawl.
The gent who does these quests already said it would go till a 10th shawl, but they have had him busy with Luclin. It comes out today, so we should see the 8th-10th shawl quests soon.

10th shawl :
10ac, 10int, 10wis, 10sta, 10agi, 10cha
10vsFire, 10vsCold, 10vsPoi, 10vsDis 10vsMag
Effect : Flowing thought IV I'm close on this ;)
RE: Honestly
# Jan 05 2002 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
Don't forget the 7 CHA... /drool hehe

Karm / 56 Enc
RE: Honestly
# Dec 09 2001 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
Probably will have effect like "Coldain Spirit" based on Ring quest that will give a LOT more mana regen and involve a huge 10th quest.... Verent..... they give so many things to big guilds
RE: Honestly
# Apr 17 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Actually, the early rings require many large group (or one bard... freaks) =P efforts. I think the only real trade skill I noticed (the tailoring is a joke in that) is the brewing (Like that is REALLY a tradeskill anyway). But anyhow, this requires tons and tons of tradeskills, and some few rather annoying drops. But overall, quite possible to do solo for some, and duo for most.

--Note, I haven't reached 7 and SG yet, but have already purchased the Kromriff Blood, and hope to grab a Sea shell soon; so I like to think all future large kills will also be NO DROP, making this a item you buy with MUCH time, and MUCH cash (JC / Tailoring)
RE: Honestly
# Nov 28 2001 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
You're right, what good is unlimited mana regen when standing... this item rocks and the quest has been alot of fun so far!
RE: Honestly
# Nov 28 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'm just starting shawl 4 and have spent a good 12 hours on this quest so far. I didnt buy any heads/toes, only looted a grif egg for $ once and I'm including the time to raise my trade skills.
RE: Honestly
# Jul 04 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Starting Shawl 4 here, as well... 55 Druid, spent like two hours quadding giants in GD before I had the faction, heads and toes to get the first two shawls. The third shawl was the real time waster, what with all those baking components you have to accumulate.
RE: Honestly
# Nov 27 2001 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Or, you could think of it as DOUBLING your normal mana regen rate.

RE: Honestly
# Dec 01 2001 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Just finished my thrid shawl and I am enjoying this quest line greatly. I like the way trade skills have been put to use and the background story that unfolds. To all those that are thinking about doing this quest , I suggest you do it and take no notice of the people who try and make it seem a worthless item.
good quests
# Nov 13 2001 at 4:33 AM Rating: Excellent
All I have to say is that once I get a high enough level to actually do this quest, I'm going to. Why might you ask? Well, because I think there ought to be more of these skill related quests out there. I think there ought to even be quests that you need language skills for. Maybe for actually reading a book, or speaking with NPC's. Simply stated, I think there ought to be more quests like this that are hard as nails to get, and are impossible to farm. The only thing to show for these quests is blood, sweat, tears, and a shawl that could be your favorite piece of all: something to point to proudly and say, "This was ALL me!" Just my 2cp worth...
RE: good quests
# Nov 23 2001 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
I agree wholeheartedly with you davisi. I love the game but get very frustrated at times with all the farming and loot hungry people out there. This is the type of quest that makes the game worthwhile. I just finished the third one today and I have a very long way to go before getting the others but I am having a great time at it. Good luck to all those who are making the journey:)
oh btw
# Nov 11 2001 at 5:21 PM Rating: Excellent
To all doing this
best info i seen on this
cmon now
# Nov 11 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Why all the haggle here people?Iam going to do this(no kidding,got the 4th and speeding up)
and i need not to justify myself to anyone.So,all the people doing this,dont read all the discouragment stuff,its not like there's anything that would help you in any way.
So,why do this quest?
Cause i feel like it.

Is there anything else that needs to be said?
Taryen 47 druid
Mana Regen
# Nov 09 2001 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
This adds up to 600mana per hour it regens... Every little bit helps tho =)
For the Haters
# Oct 25 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
1 mana/tick.
1 tick = 6 seconds.
10 mana/minute,
600 mana/hour.

How many hours you log last night?
Got my Shawl :)
# Sep 21 2001 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
I am so proud to have finished this quest! I think it's got to be the best quest I've seen. I love the fact that it was based on my own accomplishments and that I had to develop a lot of different skills.

A lot of people helped me (can anyone say Siren's Grotto?). Fonodila, Ravenwing, Worff, Imagin, Krakka in my guild (Astral Alliance). A lot of nice people in Familjen, a lot of Veeshan's Fury (especially Jerien and Maelak / Rylak - who gave me two Royal Kromrif Bloods).

I'd love to see more quests based on skills. My only complaint is that as a High Elf, it's impossible to get your tailoring up past 158, unless you fail on combine and go to 159 like I did :)

Thanks to all - I love my runed coldain prayer shawl!

Aelanor Dreamspirit
RE: Got my Shawl :)
# Oct 14 2001 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
i don't understand.. why is it impossible to get past 158 unless you fail and get a point at the same time?
RE: Got my Shawl :)
# Oct 19 2001 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Because Tailoring is incredibly difficult to level up beyond the Level of Wu's (which trivials at 158), the only next step (apart from wood elf and halfling cultural armour) is the various Velious armours and these don't trivial above 250, hence to raise you skill above 158 your looking at huge amounts of time and money.
RE: Got my Shawl :)
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Allow me to disagree,

LoY Golden ribbon recipes and Soft fur Padding can raise Tailoring in the 170s, for a small if not no feeat all

Edited, Wed Aug 6 11:06:52 2003
RE: Got my Shawl :)
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Yes, but these posts were made back in 2001, before LoY ribbons, before 8th shawl quest, and even before Acrylia studded/reinforced were added to the game. back then, the jump was straight from Wu's at 158, to velious leathers, which trivial above 250, and were pretty much just throwing away materials at 158 skill.
RE: Got my Shawl :)
# Aug 09 2003 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent

Shut up Solo :p
#Mnayar, Posted: Oct 26 2001 at 1:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Final Shawl?
# Sep 04 2001 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
If I am reading the quest right, this is the last shawl in the quest.
RE: Final Shawl?
# Sep 18 2001 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Currently, yes it is the last of the quests. However, a recent post from Steve Burke states:

"I regret that I was unable to complete the implementation of the final quests for the Coldain Shawl before Luclin production began. It's still my intention to implement the remaining segments, but my current workload has forced me to postpone its completion. I hope you'll feel the remaining portion was worth the wait.

Steve Burke"

However, the cool thing with these shawls, is that there is an ADDITIONAL stat added to each shawl, as well as, each stat going up by +1.

For example, the 6th shawl has +6 to everything and has + stamina added. The 7th shawl has +7 to everything and has + sv poison too.

I imagine, that if these shawls go upto say 10, we probably will end up seeing + str, + sv disease and + sv magic (hopefully), or maybe + agi instead of str.

Anyways, these are excellent quests and I can't wait to get started on them :)
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 18 2001 at 4:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) N/T
about a detail
# Sep 03 2001 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
if the screen shot is true look at the effect flowing thought I <--- number 1 then if its true that is gona have a 10th shawl this number gona surely goes up like the coldain ring.. that will make at least 4 mp per tick... better than a breeze! and always stackable with clarity line spell. and i could guess that 1 or 2 stat gona be added too or could be fun if all stat and save gona be there...

Lets dream while we can

Garsak Wineblood
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