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Blackened Alloy Bastard Sword  

Lore Item Placeable
Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 39
DMG: 24 Dmg Bonus: 131
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:2H Slashing
Light:Flameless Lantern
Merchant Value:6 pp 5 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Submitted By:Fundin
Lucy Entry By:Kheldar
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-08-27 08:36:55
Page Updated:Fri Jun 2nd, 2017

Expansion: Original Original

Average Price: 25pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 33

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Clan RunnyEye

Uploaded February 6th, 2023 by iventheassassin
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lvl 3-26
# Jan 18 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
I got this sword from this guy that was getting rid of his account and he gave me twinked armor and babs
When i got this i said thanks so much then i went off to use it i hit 20 at lvl 3 and it was actually pretty fast Well i just want to say thanks for giving em this sword ive used this from 3-26 and i will continue to use this sword at lvl 10 ive hit 28 damage and it got fast then i leveled up too 20 and it got faster and now i can hit fro 48 damage and i went to CC and leveled up to 26 so ive used this sword for 23 leveled and i will continue to use it and im trying to get too 31 so i can hit over 100 damage or so Well thats my message thanks for listening and reading my biography 26 Warrior Stromm (newbie) server send me a tell if you have any quesions or want to group with my BYE
Drakkel BSvs Icereaver vs BABS
# Mar 13 2003 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
OK I'm considering giving up my much loved Drakkel Forged ******* Sword (DMG 20 DLY 45 WT 10.0) for one of these or an Icereaver.

Thing is I know the Icereaver won't Proc for another 10 levels and will add 5wt to my current burden.

My 2HSlash is nearly 100, even though I mainly used Dual Wielded 1HSlash up to now.

Is it worth me buying one of these to replace my Drakkel Forged BS?

Ideally I want better 1HS weapons but they're expensive and I already have a BALS.

Advice appreciated.
RE: Drakkel BSvs Icereaver vs BABS
# Mar 13 2003 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
170 posts
Not exactly the end-all answer to your questions, but use these formulas to judge what weapon is good for you. Keep it in reference.

One Handed DamageBonus = (Level-25)/3

(FAST) IF WeaponDelay <= 27
1.) DamangeBonus = One Handed DamageBonus + 1
* Damage Bonuses are always rounded down (ie, 7.65 = 7).
2.) PrimaryModal = WeaponDamage * 2 + DamageBonus
3.) ComparedPrimaryModel = PrimaryModal / WeaponDelay

(MEDIUM) IF WeaponDelay >= 28 AND <= 39
1.) DamageBonus = One Handed DamageBonus + (Level - 27) / 4
2.) PrimaryModal = WeaponDamage * 2 + DamageBonus
3.) ComparedPrimaryModel = PrimaryModal / WeaponDelay

(SLOW) IF WeaponDelay >= 40 AND <= 42
1.) DamageBonus = One Handed DamageBonus + ((Level - 27) / 4) + 1
2.) PrimaryModal = WeaponDamage * 2 + DamageBonus
3.) ComparedPrimaryModel = PrimaryModal / WeaponDelay

(VERY SLOW) IF WeaponDelay > 42
1.) DamageBonus = One Handed DamageBonus + ((Level - 27) / 4) + (WeaponDelay - 34) / 3
2.) PrimaryModal = WeaponDamage * 2 + DamageBonus
3.) ComparedPrimaryModel = PrimaryModal / WeaponDelay

Ripped from Monkly-Business.

Edited, Thu Mar 13 13:14:15 2003
RE: Drakkel BSvs Icereaver vs BABS
# May 19 2003 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
For fast reference:
RE: Drakkel BSvs Icereaver vs BABS
# Oct 21 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
Um, concidering other 2 handers, this thing is insanely light. Id say for say a wood elf ranger looking for a 2HS. Or even the Gnome/Pally (strength limited toons) This is very nice - I never noticed the weight before.

I have heard however over 40 delay gets a different damage bonus? I need to look again at chart. I hear that is one of the deciding factors for people. With haste and it being so close to 40 anyways, most opt to use more delay to get bonus. looking at that chat I dont see it though......?

Edited, Thu Oct 21 18:41:31 2004
Not giving it up...
# Feb 21 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
I got a [b]BABS at level 17 for my warrior, survived past the lvl cap, and still won't give this up now that I am lvl 27. Damage is averaging 48 to 56 per hit, dishing out over 100 pts of damage every other time at bat, with crits near 100. It is possible to hit for WAY more damage - I have dealt crippling blows of up to 173 pts! And it keeps getting better...

Level 145 in corpse retreival
Level 145 in finding unlikely places to leave a corpse
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 12 2003 at 11:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this sword is crap compared to the darkedged two hander(the sword my pally has). its 24 40 and has good stats on it i sugjest u dump this sword and pick up the darkedged 2 hander its way better. i got it for 125pp on the drinal server
RE: i know of better
# Feb 10 2003 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
You are an idiot.
RE: i know of better
# Jan 13 2003 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Just because your sword is(arguably) a TINY bit better, doesn't make this one crap.

This is a very nice sword, considering you can pick them up for about 25pp in the bazaar, on occasion, and it actually has a better damage/delay ratio than yours.

Since the damage bonus won't kick in for another 8 levels for you, the 40 delay on your sword vs 39 on this one isn't a big issue yet.

And, btw there are a ton of 2hs weapons better than yours out there, so don't be so arrogant, and insult people who are happy to have this sword.
I was blessed
# Nov 06 2002 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
63 posts
My first hours ever of EQ play, my first character (a human paladin), and someone out of the blue in Qeynos handed me, sub level 10, one of these swords. Then I discovered Blackburrow and the rest is history. I didn't know at the time how special this sword is. And I failed to note the name of my benefactor who gave it to me. This sword does not deserve to be sold but to be passed on to another low level player as it was to me. Not until I'm done with it though, I'm 22 now and it's edge is keener than ever.
- Paying it forward -
# Oct 21 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
You, my friend, keep the very spirit of Everquest alive. The 'pay it forward' rule has been around on all of the GOOD servers. I commend you, its awesome you have that attitude. :) --- Seriously, that is what made this game great. My main is on Terris-Thule but I find the best server attitue thus far to date, even in old school respect and game experience is Mithaniel-Marr. I STILL to this day get items that dont sell TOO well, and offer them for a stack of bat wings, and drag a noob to the bank and gear them up.

I get too much crap, it sells for too little. Currently on mith-marr its my Mage with Kodiak Claws and even an Icetooth Paw Claw thingie... some back slot pelts. :) I will make my journey to a new person area, and hand them out. :)

When I am not on my mage, anytime a Mage summons me armor or weapons I shout out before I log, and/or at LEAST drop at a popular bank (PoK now) for another to use.

Edited, Thu Oct 21 19:18:45 2004
This Sword is Excellent
# Aug 16 2002 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Folks,
Here are my 2cp on this sword. I advise to read some of the earlier posts on the damage cap and damage bonus, because they definitely apply. I received this sword from a friend while I was in my teens. At the time, I had used 1hs exclusively up till then, with the Giant Militia Longsword. Once I got this, I still stuck with my 1hs. I would hit for 29 with both swords, but I also got bash with 1hs and this gave me another 5 to 8 with each hit, and my 1hs skill was also much better. Once I got to 20, this all changed. As soon as I equipped the BABS at 20, I was hitting for 48. The Giant was hitting only for high 20s and low 30s. I now use the BABS exclusively, at least until I get a better 1hs (looking to get Ghoulbane this weekend). It was a little rough at first, at least until I got my 2hs skill up to a decent level. I am now 25, close to 26 and have been doing good damage with this. My 2hs is around 120 and my double attack is in the 90s, so I hit for over 100 (combined) regularly. The note about damage getting better as you near your skill max seems to apply too. I was hitting for 48 to 50 with this for most of 5 levels. I just recently got my 2hs within 10 levels of max, and I am now all of a sudden hitting for 57 to 60 on the first hit, 45 to 50 on the second hit (when it connects). I got ahold of a Nathsar Greatsword, which has lower damage, but also lower delay, and I used it a bit to train. I still find myself returning to the BABS though. The Nathsar hits faster, but the hits are only around 40 or so. I will sacrifice around 1 second between hits to gain the extra 20 damage on the first shot. It just seems to work out better, IMHO. I know I will have to return to 1hs sometime in the future if I want to keep that skill up (around 105 now), but it just takes too long to kill something with the Giant (rest after every single kill in Paludal). I recommend getting a BABS if you have a chance. You will not be disappointed.

Edited, Fri Aug 16 13:52:51 2002
Why is it Worth so little?
# Jul 29 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
I got this sword at lvl one from a girl that was quieting and had no use for it. So she gave it to me and in 4 days no lie i was lvl 20. I love this sword it should be worth more.
# Jul 24 2002 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default
I was given this sword by a friend when I was a lvl 16 Troll SK. I already had an Axe of the Ironback which was given to me in Upper Guk by a very kind Dwarf. To make a long story short, I refused to use this sword until I was 21. The reason being, the Axe hit harder than the BABS did for some reason. I got 29 almost constantly with the Axe and was lucky if I got 25 to 28 with the BABS and it was slower too. Once I hit 21 though, the damage began to increase exponentially. I am now 37 and hit double attacks for high 80s. I have never regretted keeping this sword, and have tried to attain one for each of my melees as they hit 20. GREAT sword!
RE: Damage
# Mar 08 2003 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
When Ahma puppy of 5 dings. I got Babs from lady elf what come tru me home in Feerrott. Me want my 2 hand go...but dis sord do some mondo dmg, so me keeps and works both me 2 hand go, and me 2 hs. Not notice much about me 1hs, but wid dis sord me was kickin scales and takin names. so me go to commons and get orc group. bard was sing heal and buff song and his belched for dmg. chanter keep tings mezed so me get to them when i done, and drood kept me healed. was kickin furry little bears and mondo udder stuffs (all cons db to red) and ahma become mondo tank. learned, if caster gets hurt, sword go to work and get off. good wep for pulling agro, and very good dmg with no sta loss. dis be uber sord for lower lvls. (i still carry one at lvl 46)

Ahma Bigmeetshield
Tiny tank be comin
You hit my caster YOU MUST DIE.
# Jul 11 2002 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
I Got this sword when i first started as a dark elf warrior when someone gave it to me and i didn't have any use for my warrior with it so i made my pally and she is now lvl 20 and i am hitting things for 50 points of damage!!!Well if i were to sell it i would sure as heck make more than 300pp.
just got this
# Jul 03 2002 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, I just got this weapon and I am doing 49 dmg with it. I am a lvl 20 pally. I used to have a Drakken Forged ******* sword. I jsut love it. My 2HS isn't even maxed, its about 63 now.

wish to buy
# Jul 02 2002 at 7:14 AM Rating: Default
Hail, I will be on xev at about 8:30 est tonight, 7.2.02.
I would like to buy this, it seems better thaen what I have.
Love, Badori Silkfeather, 28 warrior
A few words on damage caps
# Jun 19 2002 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Just to clarify a few things brought up in this thread here's a basic run down of the damage caps. There are two damage caps, one applies from level 1 to 10, the other one applies from 11 to 20. I don't remember exaclty what the cap is for 1 to 10, something like 15 damage, but the cap from 11 to 20 is 29 damage. This means that no matter what your strength is, what your weapon skill is at, or what the damage on your weapon is, you can not get a single normal hit for harder than the cap. There is not a a damage cap that is removed at 31. Melee's will notice an increase in their damage output at 31 because they reach a different damage table at that level. Different damage table means that there is an unlisted bonus to the damage of their weapon and/or an increase to how hard they can hit with the same damage weapon, but it is not capped to the best of my knowledge from 21 on up to 60. For example using a Poison Wind Censer (20/28 2hb) my troll warrior could not hit harder than 29 till lv 21 except for Critical hits and Crippling blows. As soon as I hit lv 21, however, I was hitting in the 50-60 range regularaly. These caps were imposed because they dont want lv 10 characters doing driveby's for xp.
In my personal oppinion I would suggest that pre-21 people should get the fastest weapon they can that will still occasionally hit for 29, not necessarily for the damage, but just to get a basis for weapon skills. You never know what kind of weapon your gonna be using later on. If you can hit relativley quickly for 29 you can tear through anything at low levels in no time flat. Generally speaking it's difficult (for a non-twink) to find a 1h weapon that can hit for the damage cap, but if you do find one grab a shield and go for it. At higher levels weapons are all about damage ratio, at lower levels damage ratio only matters if you are not hitting for the damage cap.

LaterDaze ya'll...
RE: A few words on damage caps
# Mar 20 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Fast forward almost 2 years, this still rings true, i started a ranger and gave him a twink weapon, i hit for 20 all the time even at level 1 as well
RE: A few words on damage caps
# Jul 02 2002 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
266 posts
You are part right, but off on part as well.

There is a damage cap until 10, and another til 20. Howver, these are NOT ABSOLUTE caps. They are caps on the WEAPON damage.

The cap until 10 caps all weapons as 10 damage. So the 20/28 you mention would be a 10/28. Your max hit would then be 10*2+1+str bonus (21 is common max hit for untwinked, smaller races.)

The cap from 10-19 is 14. Your weapon becomes a 14/28, and max hit is now 2*14+1+str bonus. this is 29, unless you have high str. My kinda twinked human warrior had 160ish strength through his teen levels, and often max hit in the mid 30ish pts damage.

Note that you only seem to get the strength bonus if your weapon skill is near the max. I get it for 1hs, which is maxxed, but not for 2hs, which is 50pts behind right now. If you were only hitting for 29 with a troll warrior, you must have been using a wepons skill that was lagging.

At lvl 28, you start getting LEVEL based damage Bonuses. There also is some change to the damage formula somewhere around this point, as I have noticed occasional hits at 3x weapon damage, instead of 2x.
RE: A few words on damage caps
# Jun 23 2002 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
I have a Lvl 6 Pally that is hitting for 21 with his Centi Warspear and has been hitting for 20 since Lvl 1.
Real Good Weapon
# Jun 19 2002 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
I hit in the low 60's with this at lvl 25 with my warrior and str of 165. Crits are usually in high 90's to mid 100's

Edited, Wed Jun 19 15:19:41 2002
Great weapon, but not for teen-level twinks
# Jun 19 2002 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
This is a great weapon once the first two damage caps are removed (the second at level 20).

For those low-level hybrids, I would start with an Axe of the Iron Back (16/36), however. Below level 20, any weapon with a DR above 14 acts as a 14 damage weapon (and therefore hits for a max of ~29).

The Axe of the Iron Back, then, has a lower delay and does the same amount of damage at those levels.

AFTER level 20, of course, it's a whole other story. Use this instead :)
#REDACTED, Posted: May 28 2002 at 1:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I will trade my axe of iron back and half my pp for a babs.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 10 2002 at 4:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol i was given one for free
The Two handed Challenge
# May 17 2002 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent

I challenge you to find a better two handed weapon that is sellable, has less than 40 delay, does more than 20 damage that not only a level 15 can get reasonably but is less than 150plat. This is single-handedly the best two handed weapon you can buy lower than 40 IMHO. Do NOT leave the teens without one.
RE: The Two handed Challenge
# Jan 29 2003 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
Ok - the Drakkel Icereaver procs a 30 point DD (not 52) at levle 30 not level 1.

Yes, it's a nice weapon - don't get me wrong... and you could probably get it for just as cheaply now...
RE: The Two handed Challenge
# Jun 18 2002 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
281 posts
Ok I'll bit, how about 24/40 2hs with effect Icerend (52dd) procs at lvl 1. Yeh I think that's a little better, drops off a higher level MOB but sells for alot less and sometimes is just not even looted. So The Drakel Icereaver is a better weapon in my book, and it looks like a real sword too. But the BABS is nice.
RE: The Two handed Challenge
# Jun 19 2002 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
I have a Drakkel Icereaver on my 26 warrior, and it has yet to proc. According to the posts on the Icereaver, it starts pumping out the DD at 30 (as opposed to the Icegrinder, the 2hb version, which started proccing for me as soon as I got it).

BABS is a great weapon to have around, and relatively easy to go and get one of your own. Besides... it's fun to run around the depths of RunnyEye, whacking everything in sight.
Damage Cap
# May 13 2002 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
For the past several days, my level 16 Paladin has been using a Fine Steel Two-Handed sword in the Estate of Unrest. It was a fine weapon with which I held my own and consistently hit for 25 damage - until I discovered Ghouls.

Knowing that I needed a magic weapon to fight effectively in Unrest and having heard people talk about the BABS, I went to the bank, emptied my account and headed to the Commons to try to pick one up in an auction. After finding a seller and equiping the BABS I quickly ran around and killed whatever I could find. What I noticed was that I was hitting for only slightly more damage than with the Fine Steel Two-Handed Sword - maybe for 28 or 29 points on average.

So, given that the Fine Steel Two-Handed Sword has a damage rating of 10 (I believe) and I hit for 25 with it, why do I not hit for more damage with a sword rated at 24 damage?

I suspect that the answer has to do with my level, but am not sure quite how it is calculated.

An addition point is that I bought a BALS at the same time and regularly hit for about 20 with it, but with a much lower delay. It almost makes more sense to use the BALS unless I'll reach a point where the BABS starts to inflict more damage than it does now (presumably because a level-based damage cap will be removed as I gain experience?)

I would appreciate any insights you may have.

18 Paladin

Edited, Mon May 13 20:56:47 2002
RE: Damage Cap
# May 14 2002 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
Two Words: Damage Cap

Below level 20, the max you can hit with ANYTHING is 29 (I think).

After Dinging 21, you start hitting higher. (My max was about 52 with a Darkwood Battle Staff)

After Dinging 31, the last (I think) damage cap is lifted and you start doing killer damage.

RE: Damage Cap
# Jun 18 2002 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
Latinchemist spells it out above, thats main reason why 2handers are ignored so much is because of the silly damage cap. why use a uber 2hander that hits for 30 when you can dual weild 2 that hit for 20 ea? goof on verants side, no serious damage dealer will use a 2hander prior to lvl 31.
RE: Damage Cap
# Jun 19 2002 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
That is not true...20+ the babs will outdamage and run of the mill 1h slashers you would have for this level. I play on a pvp server and your a damn fool if you run into pvp battle with your 1h slashers out because I will give you a free ride to your bind site for sure. I took my warriors SCHW and put them on a ranger...he does more dmg with the babs at 30 than he does with Icetooths Claw and blackened alloy long sword. 1h slashers good for maintaining aggro is all...ya wanna do real dmg below 40 get yourself a decent 2h slasher!

Ccraxtd Skullz
50 Shaman
41 Warrior
# May 09 2002 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
Has anybody else noticed that this is now delay 47?
RE: nerfed?
# May 09 2002 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
you know this sword is blackened alloy ******* sword, and what you probably have is the blackened iron ******* sword , the iron sword has a dly of 47.
2h taunt
# May 01 2002 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
this baby holds taunt excelently for me in most groups, with 60% haste on i mean =)

Edited, Wed May 1 20:48:21 2002
BABS - The Benefits
# Apr 28 2002 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
303 posts
Last week I spent a relatively small amount of platinum and purchased the Blackened Alloy ******* Sword. I was formerly using the Drakkel Forged ******* Sword for two hand slashing, and have found the BABS to be a significant upgrade. This weapon is beneficial in several ways:

  • Cheap - This is a common market item due to the lower level required to obtain it. Two-handers also seem to be a bit cheaper than the more popular one-handers, since many melee classes prefer to dual wield.

  • Potent - The damage capability of this weapon is very good for the level it is aquired. It is also relatively fast for a two-hander, meaning you can train the skill more quickly and use your weapon as a more effective taunt.

  • Light Weight - One of the hassles of training a second weapon skill is carrying around the extra weight, and most lower-level two-hand slashers are extremely heavy. At 2.5 stones, the BABS will not hold you down.

  • Light Source - To my surprise, this weapon is an excellent light source! To a night-blind human paladin, this means you'll never be left in the dark.

  • Put all these benefits together, and you can see why I'd recommend the BABS to any paladin (or other 2HS user) for their first two-hand slashing purchase.

    Edited, Sun Apr 28 07:17:09 2002
    RE: BABS - The Benefits
    # May 13 2002 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
    Thank you, my lady. This is the most cogent and accurate assesment of the BABS I have seen. I surely love mine, and my dwarf paladin wife agrees. May Tunare bless you as we have been blessed by the Duke of Below.

    Dwargo Evilsbane, Dwarf Warrior of 31 campaigns
    Karey Evilsbane, Dwarf Paladin of 31 crusades

    Veeshan server.
    Oh Yeah..
    # Apr 14 2002 at 8:45 AM Rating: Default
    Got one last night for 70PP. Was just hanging around and a Wizzard auction BABS for 99PP but all I had was 70PP. I send tell asking if he would take that instead. What a great deal. Thanks again to whoever it was for their kindness.

    #REDACTED, Posted: Apr 11 2002 at 5:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i got a halfling warrior that needs it and some blackened alloy armor from runny eye contact me by negas,baiun,runeporter,huril one of those got more but cant remember plz sell one to me thx a lot bye
    #REDACTED, Posted: Apr 05 2002 at 7:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) if anyone has a BABS that they dont want give it to me or to my cousin and tell him to give it to me his guys name's are duwins or duwin.Both of us are on the saryan server my cousin will ethier be at unrest with duwin or gfay with duwins and i'll be at gfay to and if we're not on but edyan is on give it to edyan and tell him to give it to me. I might be able to pay you from 30pp to 10pp. i will pay you back for sure and if i cant get the pp i'll give you my dwarf 2hs axe.
    # Apr 01 2002 at 10:29 PM Rating: Default
    I swear by this sword...I got it when I was a level 9 Paladin, and now I am19, I have used the sword the entire leveling, except for the intermittend Message of the Queen...but that is another post. I recieved this sword from a guild normal hit for this sword is 30-39 is awesome....but fairtheewell when dual weild arrived :**( .....

    Kerbouchard Lightbringer <The Phoenix Legion>
    Paladin of Brell
    19 Season

    ~~Dont forget in the darkness the promises that God showed you in the Light~~
    RE: swear
    # Apr 06 2002 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
    I think he means double attack...boy is he going to be disappointed :)

    Edited, Sat Apr 6 08:00:29 2002
    RE: swear
    # Aug 16 2002 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
    240 posts
    LOL, poor guy thinks he gonna get dual wield :P


    RE: swear
    # Apr 04 2002 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
    I am guess the comment about dual weild is a poor attempt at April Fools. If not then sorry bud but ya dont get dual weild as a Pally.
    Dropped in bar
    # Mar 14 2002 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
    I was in there witha warrior and another druid, just hunting for fun (all green to me and warrior), and this sword dropped off a Foeslicer that wanderered into the room with the bartender. The warrior won the roll, and went home very happy. So, just kill everything you see down there. You may get lucky and get this sword,or at least some nice BA armor.

    Ceinnoni Proudfoot
    druid of the 40th season
    MT server
    RE: Dropped in bar
    # Apr 09 2002 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
    I just wanted mention that sometimes items drop off of other mobs because people like me give them items. I used to get FS weps and go to a newbie zone and "hand" them to the rats or snakes in the area. Sort of my way of helping out the newbies without having to actually deal with them. But, it could actually drop off these guys at random, who's to say with EQ these days?
    RE: Dropped in bar
    # Apr 02 2002 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
    Indeed this sword will drop from other Goblins than the named ones. I got one yesterday off a Goblin Destroyer.
    RE: Dropped in bar
    # Apr 11 2002 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
    It only drop from mobs that actually appear to be carrying weapons? Or do you really have to kill everything just in case? (Not that I'm some kinda Goblin pacifist, or anything - just want to save time and effort :))
    RE: Dropped in bar
    # Mar 19 2002 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
    This was a gift from a very sweet dwarf. I was carrying a huge 2HS axe that hits great but weighs a ton. I love this sword. Hate to give it up to dual wield. <sigh>
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