Item GlossaryEverQuest icon


Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Lore Group: Necromancer Epic Weapons
Charges: Unlimited
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 30
DMG: 36 Dmg Bonus: 33 AC: 30
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
DEX: +20 STA: +25 CHA: +20 WIS: 0+4 INT: +30+4 AGI: +15 HP: +320 MANA: +340
HP Regen +2 Mana Regeneration: +2
Required level of 70.
Effect: Guardian of Blood (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 0.8)
Recast Delay: 180 seconds, Recast Type: 6
Effect: Dark Whisper (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
Recast Delay: 180 seconds, Recast Type: 6
WT: 2.9 Size: MEDIUM
Class: NEC
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 8 (General: Raid)
Slot 3, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Voices of the dead call out to you when you hold this weapon
Item Type:1H Blunt
Light:Large Lantern
Submitted By:Adora of Darkwind (Antonius Bayle)
Lucy Entry By:Saraban [DARKWIND - A. Bayle]
Item Updated By:Drewie - D'Pikey
IC Last Updated:2023-12-03 17:40:47
Page Updated:Sun Feb 5th, 2017

*This item is the result of a raid event.
Expansion: Omens of War Omens of War

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Level to Attain: 70

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Necromancer Epic 2.0: Deathwhisper


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Dreadspire Keep
Quest Name
An Epic Augment

Northern Felwithe
Quest Name
An Epic Request (Necromancer)

Item Lore: Voices of the dead call out to you when you hold this weapon

Guardian of Blood:
Casting Time: 0.8 seconds
Recast Delay: 3 minutes
Recast Type: 6

Lore Group: Epic Weapons

Necromancer 2.0 Epic (Deathwhisper)

Uploaded November 30th, 2008 by Sparxx
Updated December 1st, 2008
Send a correction
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Post Comment
# Dec 05 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
3,023 posts
The descriptions for the focus effects in the main text differ completely from those in the "black box" below....
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# Feb 09 2016 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
308 posts
The tooltip was uploaded in 2008, the Focus effect was changed after that. Since Alla is user driven, it falls to someone that has the 2.0 epic to upload the new image, which it would appear no one has yet.
# Aug 13 2014 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I always had assumed the Deathwhisperer had the same, if not similar, effects as of the Soulwhisperer: The DOT affect grants increased damage and chances of critical. Additionally I was told upon starting again after a 10 year hiatus with EverQuest that the NEC epic 2.0 is such a good weapon that even at 100 you'd use it as a NEC, but the effect of hate decrease of the epic 2.0 doesn't seem ultimately vital, especially if you'd aggro kite. Can any NEC give me input?
Ryanxp, Zek server
# Sep 04 2014 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
To answer your question. Yes, the DoT 8% effect on the epic has not been matched or beaten by any other item in the game so far. Making the Necro Epic very valuable even today.
Easy Now
# Feb 15 2011 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
I have no alts, not guilded and I am a 72 Necro; it took me two days (3 hours a day or so) to do pre-quest, 1.5 and 2.0.

Hardest part was PoI for the Hinge. That part sucked.
Helping hands
# Sep 16 2009 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Thanks to Zinb, Gius, Tyrax, and Celebron and all his gang for helping a stranger (me) with the RCoD fight tonight on the FV server!

Spawning fights
# Jun 14 2007 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know if the two fights can be spawned before you have the orb?
Spawning fights
# Mar 22 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
No, you do not need orb to trigger fights.
Spawning fights
# Mar 22 2008 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
2.0 orb from ang
# Dec 12 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
Anyone know can the 2.0 orb from anguish be MQed and has ayone tried... if seems to me that if 2 idems are turned into the same guy it can be MQed
Fight smarter not harder.
2.0 orb from ang
# Feb 06 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Absolutely no parts of any of the OoW epics can be MQed, first off they're based off invisible flags, you can't loot any part until you're up to that parts. secondly, even if both people are both the same class and up to the same flag the NPCs destroy the items if turned in seperatly.
2.0 orb from ang
# May 27 2007 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
actually, you can loot some items out of order, such as 2.0 globe from anguish.
2.0 orb from ang
# Jul 14 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
That's not what MQ means.
The Rathe / Prexus
Krosar Shadowflame - 105 Necro
Rasork - 105 Druid
Imacatlol - 105 Bard
Yaldax Toknight - 105 Rogue
Savi Yorr - 105 Paladin
# Aug 20 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Necromancer 2.0
Delete this post please... posted wrong

Edited, Aug 20th 2006 at 12:36pm EDT by toonafish
time consuming ?
# Jul 23 2006 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
I don't understand why people are saying it takes to long to get. every necro i know that has finished their 2.0 said it took no more then a week with wipes or 2 days with no problems. imho if this took me a year off and on i would still be happy, if only for the feeling of completing my 2.0 Hopefully more people will appreciate the glory in epics instead of the reward in the near future.
3 minutes
# Apr 26 2006 at 11:58 AM Rating: Default
recast time is 3 minutes, not 5
# Apr 11 2006 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
this weapon also has +2 Hp and mana regn

Edited, Tue Apr 11 20:45:46 2006
in the argument
# Feb 19 2006 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
last time i checked EQ was a mmoRPG which means that necromancers being the evil bunch of people that they are should be one of the most uber classes to the point of being overpowered. because if you think about it an evil person has to stay mostly alone being hated by the "good" side and distrusting the other evil people so yeah i know its a great weapon. you can probably get better but it is pointless for all the trouble you have to go to to get it.that being said i love my necro and think that if played correctly anyone could be very powerful as a necro. so all you people who think this weapon should be completely revamped STFU go play mario or something even you could understand.
may be a lil behind the times but..
# Feb 19 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
Druid epic
# Feb 17 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Druids should get the same focus effect, but do we...NO

You want what you want and you half to fight for it...
Razual Thefabledprophet of Terris-Thule
70 Druid
# Oct 15 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone out there have a detailed guide of how to get the Epic 2.0? Ive found olny one website that does explain a bit about it, and its all out of order and missing parts. I have my 1.5, and hopefully will become anguish flagged with my guild sometime soon. Thanks for any one that can help.
# Mar 22 2008 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
its two fights next to each other, why do you need a guide for that?
# Apr 01 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
ok why does it show a dmg bouns? do necro get dmg bouns? i think not =-P
RE: dmg?
# May 29 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
necros don't get damage bonus that is a level based addition to the dmg on a weapon given to a hybrid or melee. all 1hers have the same dmg bonus and 2hers 28+ delay are based on the delay of the weapon. the screenshot here shows dmg bonus because the item is being view by a melee/hybrid.
RE: dmg?
# Aug 08 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
a melee class linked it
RE: dmg?
# Apr 26 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
dmg bonus is a reflection of the minimum dmg a weapon will do when it strikes iirc. Therefore, yes, we get to use dmg bonus.
Awesome look
# Mar 25 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Of all of the epics, I think this one is the best looking. Can anyone pls post me a pic of it. Also, can anyone pls post pics of other cool looking epics? Thx!
RE: Awesome look
# Mar 25 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Excellent
672 posts
I already posted a pic - scroll down all the way to the bottom of this thread please =) A pic of the epic pet is somewhere in the middle of this page...

PS: I'll try to get a closeup of the epic later, it's not very detailed in that screenshot...

PPS: It's later now -> Pic =)

can anyone pls post pics of other cool looking epics
No idea if it's cool enough, but I posted some screenshots of the Paladin 2.0 here when we found it =)

Edited, Sun Mar 27 05:07:39 2005
RE: Awesome look
# Mar 26 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
Cool Pic!

Edited, Sat Mar 26 02:38:20 2005
patch change
# Feb 04 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
The effects have been changed, since the last few patches. the whisper effect now adds +4%(1.5) +8%(2.0) chance to critcal a dot. Everything stacks with oow class armour clicky's and are necro critical AA affliction line.

A total of 32% crit rate combined =)

The pet clicky has also been changed. The recast dly is shorter, but the pet duration has been halved to 30 seconds. The pet now hits twice as hard as before and does still quad.

# Jan 06 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
I can agree and disagree with most of the rants / flames. The 2.0 has some nice stats for a 1hb caster usable. The pet proc / heal is ok to. I like it just for those. The aggro reducer is useless though. I FD off aggro if I need to. There are multiple FD spells and also an AA to click to do just that, drop aggro. Why would necros want a focus effect that reduces it.

I agree that it should have been enhanced dots, increased life taps, clicky main pet, etc, etc...

The deal is, is that the classes are becoming almost too balanced. Necros aren't the best soloers anymore, we're not the best DPSers, heck, we aren't the best pet class, and we aren't even the best DOT casters.

Alot of the other classes solo very well, just for example, look at bards and wizards. Alot of the classes are excellent DPSers, look up a parser from a rogue on a long boss fight for his / her dps. Mage pets and chanter charm pets out do a necro pet in some ways and are weak in others, but still balance out in the end or slightly above necros. As for DOTs, with all the stackable effects, bards, druids come very close to us and shammies are dead even with us, above us if they got their AAs up.

Necros don't have the best nukes, we weren't meant to. We don't have the best heals, we weren't meant to, we used to have the best dots, but some classes with more AAs are on par. We always were able to do a little of everything and be a master of DOTs. Classes are balancing out a little too much.

They should have given an effect that would have set us apart, not above other classes, but apart from them to keep us as a necro class.
# Oct 09 2006 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
The aggro reducer is useless though. I FD off aggro if I need to. There are multiple FD spells and also an AA to click to do just that, drop aggro. Why would necros want a focus effect that reduces it.

Because completely dropping hate all at once can wipe a raid / group. Think about it. You suddenly steal aggro, you start getting beat on so you FD, but after that for some reason the MH has aggro, see where this is going? Doesn't always happen that way, but it does happen.

I almost aways pull agro off the tank after casting Blood of Thule, and then have to FD get back up and sit down to regen mana

First off, if you're in a decent group, there shouldn't really be any need for you do drop so many dots that the tank can't hold aggro. Secondly, you may already be waiting to cast till the mobs is down to about 95% or so, but you might not be. I drop three DoTs per mob, Night Fire, Blood of Thule, and Chaos Plague and not until the mob is down to about 90%. This keeps me from pulling hate almost with out fail, and thats when I'm not using my mount. Finally, you may want to consider saving up for a mount, even if its just the cheap one, it saves you from pulling sit aggro.

Anyways, just a few (hopefully) helpful suggestions.
Jamae Mortea`mor
Necromancer of Rodcet Nife

Thunderbluff escaped shaman
# Jan 31 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
I agree and Dissagree with you here Tenria...I agree that Necro's are being seriously out classed, like you said we used to be the master of dot's and we're being horriblly out done, we've been seriously wacked repeatidly with the Nerf stick, about as much as trolls where wacked the the Ugly stick.

As for the this epic, I want it! My lvl 67 Necro is on her last fight for Soulwhisper and I can't wait to get to lvl 70 and try for Deathwhisper. I would be a little happier of the pet was a perminant cast but I guess you can't have everything. As for the focus effect on this weopen I can't wait to have it, although not good for soloing the Focus effect would be wonderful to have in groups. When I'm in groups and I start to pile on the dot's I almost aways pull agro off the tank after casting Blood of Thule, and then have to FD get back up and sit down to regen mana (only 4k mana gimpy Necro I know), and it dosn't aways clear agro completely if I'm sitting with all my dot's on the mob he sometimes comes back over to take a pot shot at me, it's annoying to both me and the tank. If I go Full DPS Nukes and dot's it's even worse. For me less hate would be a wonderful thing so I can sit down in peace and watch the mob beat down the tank, and my dot's slowly kick it down a notch or to. but that's me :o)
# Jan 26 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
I couldn't agree more.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 13 2005 at 4:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Word up, Holmes
# Jan 03 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
How can any of you complain about this.. The pet grants hp to your whole group... Well you guys should be happy... I wish I could have a weopon like this, instead I can get the Druid one in about a year or two.
Nice but...
# Dec 30 2004 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
This is an awesome weapon, but when you look at the Beastlord's weapon with 40% inc spell damage it makes you wish this had that
Nice but...
# Jul 23 2006 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
have you looked at a beast's nukes, 40% increase in spell damage just makes em less gimp =)
RE: Nice but...
# Jan 26 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
okay... This is an awesome weapon... since todays patch has added regen +2 & mana regen +2 it's even sweeter... the pet clicky is kinda weird... but trying to say it needs a 40% spell damage modifier is just silly... at level 70 the highest nuke a beastlord gets barely does a thousand damage... & they can only cast it every 30 seconds... with crit AAs they might get some crits in too... at level 70 I've seen a Necro lifetap for over 5000 damage... & their mana taps are insane... saying that this weapon should make a necro more of a necro only points out your deficiencies... & posting this kind of absurd statement before you've even come into your power (level 40? you're not even powerful til 49, and that's just the beginning.) please... you want burning affliction? improved damage? have one of the new OoW augments made. (etching is kinda pricey though, 400k... so you better REALLY want it)

Necros don't *need* the improved damage tacked onto their epic like a beastlord does, believe me... Beastlord nukes are the truly gimpest nukes there are... gimper than a chanter... with a refresh time that really makes them not so useful for burning a mob down. (30 seconds to recast? DUH!)

Chethak Thule - 65 Beastlord
Miszery - 65 Necro.

Saying I have no basis for comparison is like saying you're stupid.
# Dec 28 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
kakkorisu i completly agree with you.. i think the necromancer epic 2.0 takes too much effort for such a dissapointing outcome.. SOE could have made necro epic 2.0 a lot better..

and btw.... Suzycue get a life...and quit flaming everying else because of their opinion.. and for gods sake.. quit saying "Waambulance" .. act your age not your shoe size

Edited, Tue Dec 28 01:12:14 2004
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 25 2004 at 1:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am curious about the pet clicky.
RE: Hey Ladies....
# Dec 25 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good

With a handle like Suzycue... I wouldn't be making fun of anyone else's name...
RE: Hey Ladies....
# Jan 05 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
lol.... I laughed for five minutes.... "handle like Suzycue" that's priceless... :) wtg )
RE: Hey Ladies....
# Dec 25 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
672 posts
Well, clickable every five minutes for a red skeleton pet which is wielding two strange-looking swords which lasts 1 min.

The pet procs a DoT of 250*3 with a recourse of a 250hp group heal. Happens fairly often. Can't say anything about melee capabilities off this pet atm =)

PS : Seems to quad for a max of 96 dmg, bashes for 42 max and kicks for 31 max.

Edited, Tue Dec 28 17:48:02 2004
RE: Hey Ladies....
# Dec 25 2004 at 5:09 AM Rating: Default
Thank you.

Red Skelly of Doom Ride every 5 min. Undead Michael "The Jackko " Jackson. Eeeeee Heeeeee.. Instead of the <cackle> :)
Now that is Ghoulish , Evil and Creepy. 200pt group tap.

Very Cool !

Edited, Sat Dec 25 05:28:29 2004
my thoughts
# Dec 23 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
Personally i think that other then the foci and the fact they just pretty much copied and pasted the stats on int caster epics I dont think this is too terrible at all. To everyone saying how no regen/ft is so awful i just dont get it. If you are able to get this and ya dont have ft/regen capped you should be worrying about other slots before ya get epic 2.0. As for the focus imo it should've been a unique focus like they were saying it was going to be something only available on epic for us i had suggested to dev's an fx similiar to monk's stonewall aa skill only at a slightly reduced amount that will focus death peace/fd when cast so that we have say a 50% chance on epic 1.5 and maybe 75% chance that our fd will not get broken by spells cast on us after our fd goes off. That all being said overall im not disappointed in epic 2.0 but im not ecstatic about it either. As was said in a previous post with 2 aug slots and current available augs(from anguish/high end god) you could easily make this have over 500 hps/mana in one slot. Overall if your complaining about no ft/regen and dont have it capped then by all means get something else. If you want the best item currently available for primary slot then quit your ******* on here and go get it!

also to
Kirjana Goldberry <Summon of the Phoenix>

you sir are a moron please if they do condense servers... dont pick brell we already have enough like you
RE: my thoughts
# Dec 23 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
I am with Pholar. It's NOT the best they could have made it but it doesn't suck either. A better focus than agro reduction would be nice. If I want aggro reduction I FD.

Kirjana (who has obviously never played a necro, and has a terminal case of necro envy) you can beef this item up without making the class unbalanced. Imagine if YOUR precious cleric shield didn't help you heal...imagine if they gave you, instead, upgraded undead nukes. Would you be overjoyed? I doubt it. It might help you a bit, but not a lot. Still wouldnt make that shield suck stat wise though. It would just be inappropriate. And yes, clerics would whine. So just STFU when you know nada about necros and stick to cleric matters and begging for feeds ok?

Constructive suggestion: burning affliction focus, or stun resist. The rest is pretty decent.

RE: my thoughts
# Dec 23 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
K, I should have been more specific on my earlier post. Stat wise and everything, sure the epic is awesome. But what I was complaining about, yes complaining for all u who want to complain about my complainging... (kinda funny ain't it) is the fact that all the other epic 2.0s are getting these nice bonus' to theirs. We only get Spell Shield 5%. Ok, ya, if we are in a guild good enough to do this, FT should be maxed out. Plus we get lich. So ***** having FT on there. What about something class specific for a bonus, like rogues and bards get, like DoT DMG bonus 5%, something like that. That is all I am saying. YES, the epic is good, just missing alot of stuff it should have. Give it Stun Resist, give it DoT shielding, give it something more than just 5% Spell Shielding. And ya, IMO i think they should have had a different focus effect than hate reduction. Like a super burning affliction focus or something like that, something that can affect a way a necro plays. And for those of you flamin on how some of us play, give it a break. All that is really is insecurity about how you play. I am a 70 necro myself, and I don't think I am the best necro out there, but I am pretty damn good. If ya think you are better than me, good for you.

Edited, Thu Dec 23 20:50:33 2004
# Dec 23 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
ok necros are complaining again, didnt see that one coming. how about we give necros the best heals, most melee damage output, the best nukes, more hp than warriors, and killer bow skills also... would that keep you guys from complaining? look soe made this epic like this for one reason, balance. true it sucks but deal with it or dont do it. necros already get the most damage output with spells which means the best dots, nice life tap dds, they can solo the best, they can twitch others, they have awesome pets... i think what im getting at is that necros have a lot and to give them the best epic around would just unbalance the game. if necros got the best of everything, then who would really want to play another class?! so the next time you are soloing unbelievably hard mobs and think that soe has conspiracy to keep the necro down, f*cking get over it.
RE: stfu
# Dec 23 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
That's perhaps the most retarded argument I've heard in a long time, so congrats. For one, you actually admit that it sucks and tell people not to do the quest if they don't want an item that sucks that bad? Let's just examine the situation for a second... it's the Necro EPIC 2.0... so I'm thinking to myself that it should technically be the best item a Necro can get in the game... in other words, it shouldn't suck simply because it is an epic and because of all the time and huge guild support you need to acquire it... it shouldn't be made specifically with a flaw in it, as you argue. We're not asking for a BST slow, ENC mezzes, or CLR heals, just that our best weapon that is exceedingly time consuming didn't have a hate reducing effect for a class that clears aggro in about two seconds if it wants to (not to mention this weapon has no FT or Regen on it... for an EPIC, and again I stress EPIC, that's pretty lame). This item reduces hate even when you don't want it to... there's ALOT of times I WANT aggro... so to have my ultimate weapon reduce one of my key abilities to hold aggro is pretty retarded. Sorry dude, but the sheer magnitude of the weapon and the amount of time to get it are not worth the weapon that you yourself admit sucks. Yeah, we can solo alot of stuff, we have alot of DPS, but the argument is about whether this item is worth it or not... and simply put, it's not and it's disappointing as our supposedly *beefiest* item in the game. And once again, that SOE should make our Epic 2.0 suck specifically for balance is a total waste of an argument... it's not the point or the nature of an Epic item to just suck... it wouldn't be very Epic if it did... would it? And if you're jealous of the class, then play a Necro, you do have the option of creating more than one character you know... just FYI.

Edited, Thu Dec 23 17:23:27 2004
RE: stfu
# Dec 25 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Default
" I WANT MY AGGRO " you say.

Funny when did your job change to #1 Agro Queen?
You saying you cannot out agro your pet? I think his post was right on and you are the proof. You wont be happy untill you can do everything better. You made his Argument for him. You are jealous and have your pantys in a bunch because you want to out agro the guys with TAUNT BUTTONS & TAUNT DISC. If you cannot out Agro your Pet then you have big problems Hun.
I am afraid we must kick you out of the Cruel, Cool and Chatioc Evil Club Kakky. No Sissy Girls are Allowed. Turn in your Guy Card on the way out the door Kakkorisu.

I suggest you go back to playing your Druid. No wait I hear the WAAAAMMMBULANCE......... coming for you sweety! Here is a EPIC sized Tissue for your EPIC sized Tantrum. Now scoot along to the Druid Epic posting site.

REAL MEN play Necros and real men dont cry like a little baby because they dont like the trophy! Besides Necros go commando so Suck it up buttercup.

RE: stfu
# Feb 04 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
Dear Suzycue,

Were sorry but your application to be smart *** of the year has been rejected. We Necro's here at the Norrathian Association of Necromancy (or N.A.o.N.) have decided that Necromancers should be qoute "real men" and not use terms such as "sweety", "buttercup" or "Waaambulance" (sorry if there isnt enough A's... we here at the N.A.o.N. tend to not use words that only exist in thirteen year olds diaries). In addition to your illiterate and immature vocabulary we have also decided that anyone who thinks Necro's only want aggro when Duo'ing with there Jebober's (or 'pet' as you say) has actually not reached level 60, and still considers kiting letting your pet tank until you get your dots stacked and are able to cast Fear. We here at the N.A.o.N. would like to encourage you please delete your Necromancer and prevent our kind of further embarresment.
Lastly, we have noticed that you have some sort of obbsession with the necromancer known as Kakkorisu, and ask that you please stop sending him love letters signed 'The Secret Admireir known as WAAAAMBULANCE'. We have all been 13 at one time and know that disagreeing or argueing with someone repeatedly is a sign of love, but we encourage you to actually know something about what your talking about before engaging in the act.
Thank you for submitting your application and giving us all something to laugh about. Next year please visit, buy a necromancer, read 15-20 guides on how to play the necromancer, attempt to play the necromancer, fail horribly, and then return to us so that we may laugh at you again.

~ Sincerly,
Lich Lord Dwarfey Gnomer
Founder of the N.A.o.N.
RE: stfu
# Dec 25 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
You saying you cannot out agro your pet?

What... ? Did you even read my post... better yet, did you even read the focus effect on the epic item? Because apparently you're confused... and yeah, there's alot of times I do want aggro, and if you actually knew what you were doing... you'd want it to. Apparently you're only good in a full group... I usually duo or trio and I'm usually the guy aggro kiting... and even when I'm in a full group, I tend to enjoy DPS groups with 5 Necro + DRU or SHM where the Necro in charge wants aggro specifically. Enough said. If I don't want aggro, I FD... I don't need an item to lower my aggro. Get it this time? If not, let me know and I can email you a 10 page explanation on how to play a class that doesn't need a full group to get to where it's going... you are one of the most solo capable classes out there... you know that right? And in OoW our class can do a whole lot with 1 to 2 other classes with it... and I'll let you in on a secret, if there's only 2 or 3 of you, you don't have to split up the loot half as much... cool concept huh? And when I'm with 2 others I really want to sustain aggro while the others are dishing out a lot of DPS so they aren't being summoned or dying, make sense now? And by the way...
really isn't all that great of a "bash"... in fact, it pretty much solidifies my assumption that you're either 12 or mentally retarded... especially to use it in two separate posts. Congrats on your failed attempt to be witty. You should come out of retirement, you'd look good as another idiotic Necro that sits on LFG for 5 hours because you're not aware of your own potential to solo/duo.

One last thing: "REAL MEN play Necros and real men dont cry like a little baby"? Last I checked, "REAL MEN" didn't use Suzycue as their handle either... And if you actually are a girl... nice job totally degrading your own sex...

Edited, Sat Dec 25 21:27:18 2004
RE: stfu
# Dec 26 2004 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
Hey.... I have lfg up for a few hours.... doesn't mean I'm not doing anything, duh! :P
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 23 2004 at 3:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It would have been much better if it ahd like Summon Food... i mean its a joke. Give argo reducing to a class that can't whip their argo in the blicnk of an eye.
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