Necromancer Epic 2.0: Deathwhisper  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Factions Raised:
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Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Dec 16 18:21:21 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
[ ] Necro 1.5 done

[ ] Natimbi: Hail Whiahdi say "I wish to locate the paladin"
[ ] Ruined City of Dranik: Say "Sanait Sanaiij Tsulum" to the Discord Fluctuation spawning the below mobs:
   [ ] Kill Arlagai the Defiler loot Staff Piece Number Two
   [ ] Kill Gornogg the Awful loot Staff Piece Number Three
   [ ] Kill Rargari the Destroyer (not required, no loot or flags for 2.0)
[ ] Asylum of Anguish: Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from any boss event
[ ] Natimbi: Give Soulwhisper two staff peices and Globe to Whiadhi receive Deathwhisper, Epic 2.0

If you have Soulwhisper (necromancer epic 1.5), find Whiahdi in Natimbi near the undead camp, at +375, -925.

You say, 'I wish to locate the paladin.'

Whiahdi says, 'I fear for you should you seek the staff, but I promised to help you. I can still hear the staff's dark whispers. It appears that the paladin wielding the staff has been killed and the staff returned to its master. The staff's master has broken the staff into three pieces. two of the pieces have been given to his most trusted minions, and the third piece, a globe of discordant energy, resides in a location known as Anguish, in the Realm of Discord. If you wish to somehow rebuild the staff you must find these three pieces. I can still hear the staff begging for its master. The staff tells me the only way the minions will appear is if a certain phrase is uttered at a place where the power of discord seeks to engulf all. The phrase is, 'Sanait Sanaiij Tsulum'. I don't know what it means or where this place of great discord is however. I'm sorry that's all the staff has told me. If you find all three staff pieces, return them to me along with Soulwhisper and I will see if I can reform the staff for you.'

In the Ruined City of Dranik, find a mob called Discord Fluctuation at +2380, +125, in the northeast room of the building Battlemaster Rhorious is in.

You say, 'Sanait Sanaiij Tsulum'

Discord Fluctuation implodes, blinding you with a bright flash of light, Three horrendous creatures now appear before you, and they don't look happy...

Arlagai the Defiler, Gornogg the Awful, and Rargari the Destroyer spawn around the Discord Fluctuation, facing it, all red /cons to 70. They do not see through invisibility.

Arlagai the Defiler spellcasts, has relatively few HPs, hits for 1500, and gates. Kill Arlagai first to loot Staff Piece Number Two. A chest with additional loot can spawn after you loot it.

Gornogg the Awful is a warrior, has a lot of HPs, and hits for 2000. Kill Gornogg second to loot Staff Piece Number Three.

The worst of the three, Rargari the Destroyer is either a rogue or a warrior, has a lot of HPs, hits for 3000, and procs Dark Inferno. You don't have to kill him, as he drops nothing and it's not required for the quest.

You must now go to the Citadel of Anguish and kill Warden Hanvar. Upon his death, an orb of discordant energy may spawn which contains a globe of discordant energy.

Turn in the two staff pieces along with the globe of discordant energy and your Soulwhisper:

Whiahdi says 'It is against my better judgment to rebuild this staff, but I agreed to help you, if you helped me.'

Whiahdi takes the staff pieces from you and sets them down on the ground. She waves her ghostly hands over the pieces and they begin to glow. A bright, orange flame engulfs the pieces as they begin to join, forming the staff. A bone-chilling shriek fills your ears. You look down to see the staff fully formed. 'Take the staff and leave. I have done something that I should not have done this day.'

You receive Deathwhisper and 10 AA, plus access to your epic 2.0 title, Grand Occultist.
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# Oct 23 2020 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
The three triggered mobs summon all right next to each other. Very easy for an 89 necro with J5 merc. Gornogg resisted everything I had, the others were able to take some spells.
Necro 2.0 checklist
# Mar 05 2019 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
[ ] Necro 1.5 done

[ ] Natimbi: Hail Whiahdi say "I wish to locate the paladin"
[ ] Ruined City of Dranik: Say "Sanait Sanaiij Tsulum" to the Discord Fluctuation spawning the below mobs:
     [ ] Kill Arlagai the Defiler loot Staff Piece Number Two
     [ ] Kill Gornogg the Awful loot Staff Piece Number Three
     [ ] Kill Rargari the Destroyer (not required, no loot or flags for 2.0)
[ ] Asylum of Anguish: Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from any boss event
[ ] Natimbi: Give Soulwhisper two staff peices and Globe to Whiadhi receive Deathwhisper, Epic 2.0
Deathwhisper Effect
# Aug 20 2014 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I always had assumed the Deathwhisperer had the same, if not similar, effects as of the Soulwhisperer: The DOT affect grants increased damage and chances of critical. Additionally I was told upon starting again after a 10 year hiatus with EverQuest that the NEC epic 2.0 is such a good weapon that even at 100 you'd use it as a NEC, but the effect of hate decrease of the epic 2.0 doesn't seem ultimately vital, especially if you'd aggro kite. Can any NEC give me input?
Deathwhisper Effect
# Aug 29 2014 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
The effect doesn't have anything to do with hate decrease, it has to do with your dot critical hits. The 1.5 had a similar effect, but not as much so as the 2.0. If you manage to pull off a 2.5 group you can get the epic augment quest which applies even more percentage to your dots landing a critical hit.

Yes, necros at level 100 still carry their 2.0. If they aren't, they don't know what's going on and need to start a new character. You will want your 2.0!
Deathwhisper Effect
# Aug 29 2014 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Just got my soulwhisperer and now see its just an upgrade. No worries
# Nov 22 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Just got my 2.0 today for Nastee so proud to have it!
Not so bad nowadays
# Aug 16 2013 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
An update from a recent kill.

Level 90, bazaar geared, J5 Healer Merc.

87 pet can tank all three, making for a pretty easy kill.
Fighting the 3 is not that bad
# Jul 02 2013 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
I'm a lvl 83 necro with only 900 AA's and bazaar gear (I just got back after many years away and only worked on levels for a couple months).

The way to do this is easy. The very first that you have to do is clear the room. Then You do as stated earlier and say the 3 words while invis to the Discrod Fluctuation. Put the merc on passive and the pet on hold ~ move to the right side - away far enough to cast- of the 3 mobs after they spawn. Then you cast a dot or something on Gomogg The Awful (he's on the right). He will come running with Arlagal the Defiler (the easiest). These 2 are the only ones you need to kill. The other one (the hardest one) doesn't even join in.

We went right after Arlagal. He really is easy to kill. Not a lot of HP's and hits slow. When he died, I looted Piece 2 and gated. After a quick med up and re buff, I ran back. Gomogg was still in the middle of the room - away from the respawns and just standing there looking ready to get beat up. We did just that. Fully buffed and healed, we slowly chewed him up (Didn't even need merc), got piece 3 and looted the chest (don't need to kill 3rd guy for chest). Then gated back, ran over and got my new 2.0. (Yes, I saved this for last for some dumb reason).

**** NOTE TO ALL ****

Please, Please, Please ~ even though you will be excited and anxious, don't forget to remove your aug from the Soulwhisperer before you just give it away. I was 1/100'th of a second from doing that myself. Whoops!

The End.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 6:31pm by draska
Whiahdi's Loc Is:
# Jul 02 2013 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
Whiahdi's loc is +375, -925 near the stone alter
Epics through 2.0 pretty trivial at 90+
# May 13 2013 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
As a 91 necro with 1200 aa's and only group gear in the 85-90 range, I moloed the 1.5 prequest and 1.5 soulwhisper in about 6 hours, of which most of the time was spent running around from zone to zone, looking for paladins in the karanas, and skilling up smithing. Followed the strats posted here. The fights with healer merc and pet were cake - so 1.5 is very, very easy, if time consuming (given the ease of the content). Even getting the hinge and gnarled wood didn't take too long since at this level you can kill so fast (the hinge dropped pretty quick, had to kill awhile for the wood). I had a 100 war help with the nobles fight for the end of it but it was overkill I'm sure I could have moloed it with my pet tanking.

For 2.0, I decided to do the Ruined City of Dranik fight alone, molo. I cleared the entire room first (do this) and then tried to peel off the first mob and FD to split it, but they saw through my feign and i ended up with all 3 beating on me. I managed to get the pet on the toughest one and I kited the other two around but they are immune to run speed and very magic resistant. Used swarm and army to delay one of the 2 on me, and focused on killing the other so i basically tanked while i cast (in retrospect I would have had some taps up but I did not). Bottom line - i killed all 3, used virtually all of my mana and mercs mana, and never really worried about dying as they didn't hit me very hard but the one worry was running out of mana. Since I had staunch recovery up i figured I would be ok (I didn't have to use it). So the keys are - clear the room first so you have room to work (however, they started repopping as I was killing the third so move quick); malo if you have it (I did not), and if you get all 3 get your pet on the tough one that hits the hardest (Gornogg). I had all the toys on my pet and he tanked it easy (he was 87 Aziad's shade warrior pet with EM 8 focus). For the Anguish fight I took my 100 Paladin solo and easily beat the Jelvan event. I don't think I could have done that on the necro at 91 without at least a healer along. Paladin finished the fight at full health with 70% of his mana left.The whole thing took 2 hours including an unnecessary event in Anguish that my paladin did for fun. This can be done in 1.5 hours or perhaps less. So about 8 hours should take you from nothing to a 2.0.

update Anguish
# Feb 21 2013 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
The Good. you can now kill just about any named in Anguish and the globe will show up in a chest when it dies. The seal is also there with every kill of a named. There are alot of named mobs in there.

The Bad. You are not going to solo this at any level.
First you need real players to get into Anguish, the zone will not allow you to use mercs.

Second, when you start fighting the named mobs, regualar mobs pop and join in at intervals. if you do not kill them, they will sespawn when named dies but you could very well end up with 20 or more adds by the end of the fight and the named mobs there have a ton of hitpoints. it took a while to kill them with 2 full groups in a raid. One of them, a magus, casted a "marked for death" spell on you that counts down from 45 or 50 seconds. if the cleric does not despell it, you get a DT. The magus was the only one with that nasty suprise we encountered. Wiped the whole raid first time, only tank and healer survived second attempt and killed the mob.

Third, the globe is used for more than just the necro 2.0. Gona have to kill a few named mobs to get everyone their globe.
update Anguish
# Jul 14 2014 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
Actually, Anguish CAN be soloed by the right class. I take my Shadow Knight when I go to get globes for my chars, and have never had an issue soloing ALL of Anguish since around level 90. Including Mata Muram, twice now. Just to see if it could be done. My biggest problem has always been keeping the alts along with me alive. Since the SK doesn't really have group heals.
update Anguish
# May 22 2013 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,036 posts
Yeah, I'm surprised also to hear you getting random adds for named fights. Of course, it's news to me that EVERY nameds pops a chest with an orb inside. Even the so-called "minis"? I will have to do an Anguish run to check this out!
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
update Anguish
# Mar 01 2013 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know what your were doing to get adds on the bosses. If you clear trash there is no reason other than scripted adds to be on you. Secondly, many, many classes can solo it at the current level. I wouldnot be suprised it some classes at 90 could do it. I know I was able to get all but Mata Muram as a 95 necro with about 5k AA.
necro 2.0 Epic
# Apr 06 2012 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
for all those working on the epic 2.0 when you get to Anguish and kill the mobs you need to get orb dont forget to loot a seal, master of all first as you cannot loot the orb without that. i tried today and couldnt loot the orb untill i got one of the seals
Wonder if they are gonna make 3.0's next.
# May 18 2011 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
"Wonder if they are gonna make 3.0's next. "
During the HoThule pre-release video that was one of the questions. They said 99% no because it takes way too long to configure them all.
Ture + Warden Hanvar = Orb
# Mar 23 2011 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
Just to let everyone know you have to kill both Ture and Hanvar to get the orb to spawn... it does not matter which order... the orb spawns by the last one you killed... you just need to kill them both.

Good luck
2 boxed the 2 fights
# Sep 05 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
80 necro 80 mage took 10 minutes or less counting raid OOC timer
# Dec 12 2007 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
is this a 2.0 quest?????
SoE is so unfair...
If mobs despawn from Discordling fluctuation
# Sep 16 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Just FYI anyone who has the mobs despawn(they are on a timer, not sure how long but 20+min) from the fluctuation...

You have to go back and hail whiahdi and retrigger the paladin phrase before you can respawn the mobs.
If mobs despawn from Discordling fluctuation
# Aug 31 2010 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Mob stay up for over an hour....camped it and got pieces just need orb now...woohoo
# Sep 08 2007 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Tip for the necro. Invis when saying the trigger. They will not agro and you can back away to group and begin Paci pulling. Very easy 1 groupable. Just paci pull them and your done.
1.5 and ....
# Jul 28 2007 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't read the part about having to turn in Soulwhisper, too and I wanted to cry cause she wouldn't take my stuff.

I managed to get this done without my orb of deathspeaking... I must have deleted it by accident. But, have my Deathwhisper now... one of these days may even have the aug for it. Wonder if they are gonna make 3.0's next.

Edited, Jul 29th 2007 3:06am by Saxavian
# Jul 25 2007 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
We did with one group, pally, wizard, cleric, me (necro), me botting shaman, and a ranger.

Cleric tried to paci pull and got resist, so we ended up fighting both Arlagai and Rargari at the same time since no one could land root on either. Was able to slow Arlagai easily but Rargari resisted blance of discord like no one's businiess, as well as malo and cripple. Chain casted about 10 times, gave up. After Arlagai was dead, tried slow again and was able to land it. After it wore off was unable to slow again due to resists.
We had Rargari down to like 25% before his AE finally ate us up. I had res box ready, so I took res, ressed cleric, and killed repops. Rargari was parked in middle where cleric died, so were able to engage Gornogg solo, which was cake. He resisted slow a couple times, but nothing like Rargari. Would probably had less troubles with a tasher there. Didn't notice any of them resisting Ashengate Pyre, or Corath Venom, or Curse of Mortality, or the lifetap Dot. All landed with np.

Proud new owner of Deathwhisper, and amazed at how easy this fight was. Hope this helps someone.

Chest drop was:
Pitted Shoulderpads of Stone
AC: 28
STR: +20 DEX: +30 STA: +25 CHA: +25 HP: +230 MANA: +210 ENDUR: +210
Accuracy: +25
Required level of 66.
WT: 0.7 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 10:19pm by rilsisx
Some Information
# Jun 19 2007 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
The Discord Fluctuation is located at 2379, 123, 123 in RCoD

As another poster noted, it's in the NE room of the BUILDING that Battlemaster Rhorious is in -- not in his room itself.

Kill the all mobs in the room, just in case.

Place your raid (in my case 3 groups) a reasonable distance away. Invis up and simply say the magic words to the Discord Fluctuation. The 3 mobs pop around the DF and facing it. As others have noted, they do not see through invis.

Have someone with a high level pacify use it. We pulled Arlagai first and Gornogg second. Raid pulled and killed Rargari last although it's not necessary.

Loot and head for turn-in to Whiahdi -- after removing your augs from your 1.5 first :-)

Some Information
# Jun 19 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Ekymez wrote:
The Discord Fluctuation is located at 2379, 123, 123 in RCoD

As another poster noted, it's in the NE room of the BUILDING that Battlemaster Rhorious is in -- not in his room itself.

Kill the all mobs in the room, just in case.

Place your raid (in my case 3 groups) a reasonable distance away. Invis up and simply say the magic words to the Discord Fluctuation. The 3 mobs pop around the DF and facing it. As others have noted, they do not see through invis.

Have someone with a high level pacify use it. We pulled Arlagai first and Gornogg second. Raid pulled and killed Rargari last although it's not necessary.

Loot and head for turn-in to Whiahdi -- after removing your augs from your 1.5 first :-)

Updated, thanks.
Only 2 need to be killed
# May 01 2007 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
You still only need to kill Arlagai the Defiler and Gornogg the Awful.

These can easily be pulled single now with latest Pacy's.

On a 15k tank a single cleric should be sufficient for both and mez works on Arlagai to interupt his gate, tho he mostly just tried to CH with us, but mez stopped that from happening.
2.0 solo
# Dec 13 2006 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
anyone have any useful information on the RCoD fight as far as kiting them after split pull>? and why people saying the 3rd mob must be killed now.... only first two drop the pieces for quest...
# Dec 12 2006 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
Can 2.0 orb from anguish be MQed?
# Dec 16 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
# Oct 08 2006 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
as of october 7th I only needed to kill the two mobs, not Rargari, but gornogg DOES cast, just doesn't gate or CHeal... very easy I did it with 4 anguish/DS geared people, 2 monks a cleric and a warr, monks split with their lull and pulled. Hope this helps for anyone that is doing the quest.
# Aug 28 2006 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
As of Monday, August 28, 2006:

Went to RCoD, and only had to kill the first two mobs...dropped staff pieces two and three respectively, and did not have to engage mob no. 3...

Hope that helps...
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