FT means you regen mana faster, Spell haste means you cast faster. As a Cleric casting faster won't really help me regen faster much (since it does not affect CH), but for me - I find I could really use that little extra bit of speed on already fast heals. Its a pretty nice range item for a cleric regardless of the focus effect, though if I had to choose I would be really torn between this and the 3rd Marsinger's Priest Gem
Now, if you are a driud or a wizzie (ased on your sig), I suppose faster casting times would help a bit if you are getting beat on.
as a chanter, i look for Spell haste on items. I currently have elemental boots, so im pretty well set, but spell haste is crazy good for a chanter, makes your runes go off faster, your charms (thats the big one) go off faster, and all that jazz, not to mention it does help those buffs.