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Tattered Tomb Shroud  

Lore Item
AC: 5
CHA: -10 INT: +2 HP: +30
WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: NEC
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Grave Clothes
Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Cryosilk Robe
Color (RGB):35, 35, 35
Merchant Value:21 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Jilaman
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 02:13:49
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Average Price: 6,475pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 1

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Crypt of Dalnir
NPC Name
a coerced revenant

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Crypt of Dalnir

Item Lore: Grave Clothes

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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pic please
# Feb 20 2003 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
You guys peaked my curiosity. Can someone please post a pic of this item for me?
This robe is VERY worth it!
# Dec 10 2002 at 3:41 AM Rating: Default
It's got one of the most kick *** robe graphics of any robe... plus... it's NECRO ONLY.. i mean.. cmon. that in itself is nearly worth it
RE: This robe is VERY worth it!
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
50 posts
Why is everyone so down on people who want to Look Good? Face it, at high levels you can get your int well into the 200s without Robes with high int. I dont think its wrong to try to max out stats asap, or make level 65 in 6 months... or to try to Look Good. why do people flame each other for their play style? I, myself, have spent months green camping to get faction in as many towns as i can. is this necessary to game play? No! but I "Wanted to do it". Im not saying I would pay 6k for these, nor would I camp them but If thats what someone wants to do, more power to them. I Love having items that set my look apart from others. Why? /shrug. maybe so people will say "There goes that guy again" Again, is this necessary to leveling my char? No!. It is just what I want to do. I have a friend who is a 53 enchanter and she still wears Blackened Crystaline Robes because she likes the look. Is this wrong? She seems to be doing fine. Everyone has their own style of play. and if its not effecting you, why let it bother you?

RE: This robe is VERY worth it!
# Feb 19 2003 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
kthomas, you're absolutely right!
In fact, one should gain levels to play the game, visit new interesting ares one could not reach earlier and do things one wasn't able to do before.
In my eyes, those people who just play to gain levels did not understand the meaning of a roleplaying game.
This leads to all those comments saying 'item A has a slight better ratio than item B, so item B is not worth the effort'. If everyone would play this way, all characters would look alike and the diversity offered by the game would be completely lost.
38 hours? Are you kidding me!!!
# Nov 29 2002 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
Ummm...this robe isn't worth the time I'm taking to comment on it on this message board, unless its a quest item. Why anyone would camp this crap for 38 hours is beyond me. You would really need to have nothing to do with yourself to waste your time like that. Aaaoneplumbing, if you're that hard for plat for a GOOD robe, send me a /tell if you're on Seventh Hammer. I'm sure I can get you something better outta my bank inventory.

Vardeth Bloodrend
Necromancer of the 40th Season
Seventh Hammer
Here is some helpful Info on that Tattered Tomb shroud
# Jul 26 2002 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Ok here it is:
1) drops off of "a coerced revenant"
2) same Spawn as "a coerced Penkeeper"
3) he will wear the robe if he has it
4) he is an iksar Necromancer
5) blue to a 45 druid
6) he can spawn at any time ( had him spawn 2 times in a row on me )
7) as a former poster said " be prepared to camp him for a long time"

Hope that helps.. and good luck

This is a Repost jus cause some seem to have missed the previous .. no offense intended

Edited, Fri Jul 26 18:50:15 2002
This is not a short camp...
# May 20 2002 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
I'm going on 38 hours straight now and still no robe...
Average camp time?
# May 20 2002 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
Whats the average camp time of this robe?
6000+ Pp...?
# Apr 02 2002 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
6000+ Pp for this Robe...? the stats are trash I have seen better stat robes for half that price. Sorry but this definately NOT worth no 6000+ Pp
# Dec 20 2001 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
the new graphics of lucin destroyed this robes appearance. this a sad thing.
Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# Dec 19 2001 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default

I'm getting a little tired of everyones theory about Charisma and how it effects fear and charm spells, does anyone really know what their talking about? Ive heard it all from -cha helps make fear stick, to it makes fear last longer, to charm gets resisted less and last longer....I think its just common for everyone on eq to pretend they know everything about everything and always bless us with their unwanted B.S. opinions on how to play the char we've worked hard to make what they are. Does anyone really know, or do you just like making outrageous, pretentious, emotional posts on every board to try and get a rise out of people....Is anyone trying to help at all anymore?

If someone REALLY knows how -/+Charisma effects fear and charm spells I would appreciate some advice...but if your just going to blow your horn save it for the DAoC boards.....

Edited, Wed Dec 19 12:43:18 2001
RE: Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# Dec 26 2001 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
I don't know any mathematical formulas or anything, I can just say this:
As a level 24 enchanter, with a low charisma *around 125 or so*, my charm spells last a shorter amount of time than my friend of the same level with a charisma of close to 200. My intelligence is higher, so I have more mana, but since I have to cast charm/mez, etc. more often, I waste more mana. As for fear, I have no idea.
RE: Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# Jan 02 2002 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
Okay . I play a Dark elf level 52 necromancer and have had charisma way down to 20 and way up to 80 through out my levels. And I have found that having a high or low charisma for fear makes no difference, I have also talked to some other high level necros and they say the same thing. Charisma is only good for charming the mobs either the undead sort or the live sort. Hope this helps.
RE: Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# Mar 14 2002 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
i recently aquired a robe that is +100cha outta katta kestellum and i have 157cha i am a necro not only does my charm stick much better but i believe stick a little better along with every other magic based spell (i.e fear, darkness, etc) so try for posative cha instead of low char works for me

MALKINI Necro 49 bertoxxulous server
RE: Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# May 20 2002 at 2:55 AM Rating: Default
100cha Robe? Sounds like bull ****... What's the name of this robe?
RE: Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# Oct 23 2002 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
Please look up the info before calling BS on folks =)
RE: Someone needs to start making some sense for once
# Oct 17 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
The name of it is Robe of Dark Beguilment, and it drops off of a lvl 58(?) mob in Katta Castellum. It is on this site under equipment dropped in Katta
Just got one tonight...
# Oct 30 2001 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
A few things that differed in my experience from those of others here. First of all, the guy that dropped this robes was green to me at 42, though someone said it was blue to him at 45, so there must be some variation in level.
Also, Viz's post makes it sound like this robe drops all the time now. I too have camped this room for many, many, way too many hours, but this is the first time I've seen this robe drop. It's almost always the crappy purple one that the guy is wearing. While it may drop more frequently than it once did, I wouldn't expect to get it in the first hour or two that you're there. If you do, then great, but my experience has been otherwise.
Anyway, I'm going to go start a necro now *grin*.
# Aug 22 2001 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
I felt like this needs to be said.

This is, by far, one of the best looking colour combinations on a robe. Noone i have ever encountered, thought less of this robe.
Why is it so pricy, when the stats are as they are?
Simple... Back in the day, THe coerced Revenant, was a VERY rare spawn. He spawned about 2 or 3 times a day.<insert CONSTANT camping here>. About once per week, he spawned with this robe. This robe was one of the rarest robes in the game at that time. So, in addition to look EXTREMELY good, and, not to mention, different, this was also VERY rare. When i got mine about a year ago, there was no more than 10 or 15 of this robe on the server.
So, the fact that it looks cool and is so rare, made this robe a status symbol for necro's, and also, as a kinda 'cult' item. THAT is why the price is so high, THAT is why people are WILLING to pay so much for this robe.
Not all people in this game are 'stat' whores. Pardon my french, but that IS the best word.
The /sigh... in the headline, is because Verant changed the spawn. Now, he pops with it rather often, it is now more the rule then the exception it used to be, and thus the price has gone down. /sigh also, because i spent my time camping this robe, up to more than 100 hours direct camping it. Yeah, that might be kinda silly, but as in RL, you become what you set your mind to. You dont get to look good unless you work hard for it.
I have tried various other robes in the game, even worn them for a long time, but i never can get myself to get rid of this one.
THis is, and almost always will be a 'cult' item, one of the things that are different from what the game normally is, namely a stat hunting melodrama. And that is the TRUE beauty about this robe, allthough the look is its equivalent.
RE: /sigh...
# Oct 29 2001 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
A) This explanation of the price has been a long time coming.

B) Climb down off the high horse, my friend - Luclin's not out yet.

Stat whoring? I like to think of myself as "efficient". Your attractive gear is perfect when we're at a wedding or guild event, but you're not going to be of much use to the party dead from low AC/resists.

I don't point a finger at your fashion sense and ridicule you for treating your character like a Malibu Barbie. Lay off my powergaming tendencies.
Great Look
# Jul 09 2001 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
After having a 200int, I manly go for the looks this is a very good robe to start the looks with. My next robe will be the froggy, selling this robe for 1k would be wrong, i would not sell mine for less than 5k.This robe is not ment for Necros with less than 200Int just for looks is what this robe value is based on. If your in need for INT then this robe is not for you, Get the Crystalline robe then, just like everyone else =P
Just my 2cents

this is lame
# Jul 04 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
To correct corwin, cha dosnt effect how long fear sticks or if it does never has done never will do. I know this by testing fear has a max time limit and rerolls everytime the mob is hit.7K for that crap give me a 400pp orcle robe anytime.
RE: this is lame
# Sep 26 2001 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
I know that this is an old post and that by now whomever posted this should know what I'm about to say. Charisma has nothing to do with fear, I hope everyone knows this. Why is negative charisma a big deal then? It affects how well and long you can charm undead. While chanters need more charisma to charm the living, we need as little as possible to appeal to the exact opposite kind, the dead. So yes, this robe is very useful in that sense. And for those who would think "Well, I only use my pet." Sure, that is the case most of the time....... But haven't you ever wanted to charm a spectre and make it call you Master after all the times it's killed you in Oasis as a newb? =P

Viticeps Duttonian- Phoenix Order
45th Iksar Necromancer

# Jun 15 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
This robe drops in the coerced reverent in the crusader room and it is his uncommon drop, you haev to clear the room before getting it. He is a rare spawn with PH's.... The robe looks badass it drops off lvl 33 to 37 i believe, im gonna stay here till i can get one...

Mendayen Darktide > Tallon Zek
Just dropped for me
# Jun 06 2001 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
I just got one of these yesterday after camping the Revenant for 1 1/2 hours......I was really surprised when I saw him wearing it. Looks almost gray with brown tints....REALLY cool looking on my Necro. I heard it was a rare drop... also got Robe of Dalnir while waiting for this. Stats might suck but it really does look cool.

Qazz Emoto - Lvl 55 Preserver on Karana
Gaard Heere - Lvl 30 Necro on Karana
RE: Just dropped for me
# May 20 2002 at 2:41 AM Rating: Excellent
I'd just like to say what everyone who has camped this robe forever is thinking...

# May 27 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
Err the -10 Char is great for a Necro if you want your Fear spell to stick
RE: Lame
# Jul 30 2001 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
Urban legend. Lots of people have tested it and it seems to make no difference whatsoever.
Low down on that Tattered Tomb Shroud
# May 22 2001 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok here it is:
1) drops off of "a coerced revenant"
2) same Spawn as "a coerced Penkeeper"
3) he will wear the robe if he has it
4) he is an iksar Necromancer
5) blue to a 45 druid
6) he can spawn at any time ( had him spawn 2 times in a row on me )
7) as a former poster said " be prepared to camp him for a long time"

Hope that helps.. and good luck
# May 01 2001 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
Was bored so i decided to go camp Dalnir. At lvl 42 i could hold the crusader room very easily. I got one of these robes after about an hour and a half or so, with a 20 minute spawn time. anyone know how much they go for on Vallon Zek?
# Apr 21 2001 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
i think it's just for giving to my newbie necro...
Very Lame Robe...
# Apr 01 2001 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
What a lame robe...5ac, +2 Int, -10 Cha. If you though your Charm Undead was lame before, this lousy robe certainly assures it.
Why on earth would anyone camp more than like 5 minutes for this robe? Looks? You gotta be kidding me...12k for this robe? Whoever pays that much should buy some big floppy shoes and a red ball to wear on the end of their nose as well.
I would like to thank the brain-trust at Verant for making a really good looking robe with terrible stats and putting it in a difficult location with very low drop rates, lol
RE: Very Lame Robe...
# May 29 2001 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
I think when you where born your dad Dropped you on your head. This is the coolest looking necro in the game period and has decent stats for NECROS. Ok hers the catch my necro at lvl 52 alrdy had maxed wiz of like 210 so with this on it went down to woopie doo 207!!! Big diff NOT. I also lost 10 cha gained hps and was the best looking necro. So be quiet and go play with yourself if you want to make fun of this robe.
RE: Very Lame Robe...
# Jul 02 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hey heh Aint you a rebel first NECRO ive heard of with a maxed WIZ of 210. i bet you dont like mana do you, oh yea and tell me why this robe made your WIZ go down to 207 cause there is NO WIZ on the robe.

just a small observation :) have a nice day ;)
RE: Very Lame Robe...
# Jul 30 2001 at 2:26 AM Rating: Default
I would assume his wis dropped because he was wearing a robe with wis on it. Probably not a necro though, if he thinks wisdom is so important.
Robe Graphic
# Mar 14 2001 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
This robe is the perfect necromancer look.. it is like an advisor robe except all black and gray.. the stats are horrible but the look makes up for it.. take this robe add in a Shield of Spectral Essence and a Spirit Tome or GBS and you look aweosme :)

# Jan 11 2001 at 3:40 AM Rating: Default
anyone know where i could pick one of these up for my lowbie necro? i'm 18, mad low on cash, and have no int items... i'd like to work on that. Thanx!!
# Jan 20 2001 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
This robe is droped on 3rd floor of dalnir with an invis you can get to this room fairly easy with only 1 pop in room, which is random between PH (a kly follower) the penkeeper who drops the foci robe, the crusader, and the guy who drops this thing, some iksar wearing a purple robe forgot name tho. He spawned 1 time the 3 hours i camped him, only droping a defiled shroud which was iskar nec only (no drop) some i section of a staff (no drop) and some other junk which was all no drop. Altough the stats suck horribly on this robe I believe and several other necro buds think this is the best nec robe in the game. So cosmeticly inclined that it sells for 12k in nfp (almost as much as a bonecaster robe) Dont plan on gettin this robe unless you can invest large amounts of time campin this guy.

50 dark elf warrior
RE: where?
# Jan 15 2001 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
They drop in Dalnir I have heard, so its not likely to be something easy to get for a lowbie necro :(
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 15 2001 at 11:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
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