Updating this since it hasn't been in 2 years. The posts immediately below are not about the Elemental Empathy quest, but the quest you have to do first for primal remedy. *This* quest requires camping luggalds in Torigan Mines - and only those luggalds drop the necessary item (Strength of Lava).
This is an ugly ugly camp quest; I spent more time between this quest (still ongoing) and the predecessor quest for primal remedy than I spent camping Lord Begurgle for my cleric epic.
We spent 5 hours yesterday on getting just *1* strength of lava to drop - and we need 3 to do the quest!!! We mostly camped the 9 luggalds that are near the skull room (3 in the skull room, including an occasional named), 3 in the neighboring room, 1 right next to the ramp leading down to the room where about 2 dozen Broken Skull folks are lined up in pairs, and the 2 luggalds which are down the stairs which are just north (I think north) of that single luggald (you can tell you're at the right stair because 3 Broken Skull mobs are occupying 3 of the 4 corners of the room with the staircase.) We also swam and camped the open area with the giant lake to the west that has 4 luggalds in it. And we killed the single luggald behind the 1-way wall (you can't pull him through the wall, from what we could tell; you have to fall down the pit trap and swim up to his area to get him!)
The only one to drop it was the luggald behind the false wall - but he dropped only 1 of 3 times we (Levels 59 and 52 mage) killed him. We're trying again all weekend, but if it was not for the high pet haste associated with this spell I'd give up. I sure wish that Sony would make it researchable!!!!