BArbarians dont have bad stats from the start, but they do need some type of race specific armor. All the armor in Halas is pretty crappy after about level ten.
VI started with the Vah Shir and all the Beastlords at the launch of SOL, then they got around to the Dark Elves last month. The Halflings are just finished, so we just have to wait to see who is next. My GF and I have newbie ( I wont twink them cause she is just starting out) Barbarians waiting to go so I'm kind of hopeing that they are next, but I just like seeing the changes being done more than anything. Cudos to VI for finally getting around to giving the newbie non-twinks good quest items for the work they do.
Thank you so much for your response. I look forward to when they get around to dwarves, Im 36 and I still have a pretty poor chest slot item. Thanks Again
Kazadorm Blightsbane<Sons of Kings> 36 cleric Rodcet Nife Server
"If one learns from others but does not think, one will be bewildered. If, on the otherhand, one thinks but does not learn from others, one will be in peril" -Confucious
all of this armor is exremely cool for the level that you are abl to obtain it, but im just wondering, are they gonna do this for other races too? It would be really cool for every race to have a set of armor like this available to them, not just halflings.
Kazadorm Blightsbane<Sons of Kings> 36 cleric Rodcet Nife
"The asking of questions is in itself the correct rite" -Confucious
You're right, this is good stuff for a new halfling.
I don't think it would be good for every race to have an easy set of armor to quest for. Why? Most other races are larger, with the exception of dwarves and gnomes. The larger races largely rely on player smiths to craft banded armor at a fairly early level. Halflings are tucked away on a different continent...far away from the other tiny races' starting locations.
Dwarves and Gnomes can help one another out with armor in Greater Faydark. Many dwarven player-smiths craft banded almost daily in Greater Fay or Butcher Block Mountains. Granted, banded doesn't have stats but if you make a few orc hill runs, you'll have enough PP after you sell your crushbone belts to buy a set.
As a newbie, halflings must largely rely on other halflings for tiny sized armor. By adding this quest for them, I think this compensates for the lack of player-smiths in the area. Also, we all know halfling paladins need all the help they can get early on. Once halflings improve in levels, their HPs and STR naturally increase with better items. Halflings at low levels simply die all too easy. They need this armor, it is good for them and I'm glad they got it.
I have to disagree. The new gnome paladin rivals the erudite in horrible starting stats. They NEED some decent armor to quest for. Halflings, on the other hand, have very respectable starting stats.
If you don't believe me - do a /who all halfing paladin and then a /who all gnome paladin and you will see.....
I see your point and I think that it's a valid one, if a bit short-sighted. I think that they should do these quests for every race. It's only fair for one thing. Secondly, banded is better than these anyway. And third, trying to get small sized banded or FP has almost always been futile in my experience. Not to mention the fact that it's only visible peices, so banded is still going to be wanted to fill in the gaps. AND not all classes can even use player smithed armor. Druids, casters, etc. Plus it gives people a choice that they usually are only faced with at higher levels...AC or looks.
BOTH of you are missing the point; VI made these quests not just for newbies to have armor, its everQUEST: What better way for a new player to start then to make his goal to get his racial nnewbie armor? THATS why all the races need it, not because there arent smiths who dont make small banded, sheesh. Considering this is VERY new response to an old post, they have since added armor for everyone except barbs, trolls, ogres, and erudites. Hopefully they will soon! I want a barbarian in off tinted blue plate armor!