Tavid Dennant  

Quest NPC
Who ?

Uploaded December 11th, 2008 by egnaro
Updated March 25th, 2010

Formerly known as "Flavin Deepockets." This NPC will hold onto Seeds of Destruction quest pieces for you to save you bank space, giving you a Chronobine in exchange. When you're ready to get the quest piece back, you give him a Chronobine.

For information about Seeds of Destruction armor, see this wiki article.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2010-05-12 12:56:18.

Level: 75
Expansion: Dragons of Norrath
NPC Added: 2008-11-11 19:04:26
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-03 01:45:14

Known Habitats:
  Guild Lobby

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new items
# Dec 11 2021 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
He now sells the following items for 1 Chronobine each.

Tavid Dennant says, 'Welcome to my shop, Thorque.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Hip Bone.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Jawbone.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Foot Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Hand Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Lower Arm Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Lower Leg Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Ribcage Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Upper Arm Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Left Upper Leg Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Foot Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Hand Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Lower Arm Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Lower Leg Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Ribcage Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Upper Arm Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Right Upper Leg Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Skull.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Spine Bones.'
Tavid Dennant told you, 'That'll be 1 Chronobine for the Iksar Tail Bones.'
Fennin Ro (now Cazic Thule)

Qrow Magnon
85 Outrider
Dragonriders of Norrath
Fennin Ro
new items
# Mar 17 2023 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
That appears to only be the case for someone that has already collected them. I just found the 19 bones available, and I recently completed the Baron Yosig's Skeleton they all go into. I never let Tavid hold any of them. Kept them all in local inventory and did subcombines as I could.

Had a friend check that has not done any of the quests, and was not offered anything.
Who is Flavin Deepockets?
# Apr 07 2020 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
349 posts
deleted pieces
# Feb 12 2013 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
141 posts
He also holds quest pieces you deleted.
from allakhazam armor guide
# Apr 19 2009 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
Say "Luminescent" to receive a Consigned Luminescent Culling Vortex (removes an Incandessence from a piece of armor).

Say "Incandescent" to receive a Consigned Incandescent Culling Vortex (removes a Luminessence from a piece of armor).

Say "Cell" to receive a Consigned Temporal Polymorphic Cell (changes an Incandessence into a Luminessence, and vice versa).

Say "Molting" to receive a Consigned Temporal Molting Cell (functions as a regular Temporal Molting Cell?).
Say "Cocoons" to receive a Consigned (Class)'s Polymorphic Cocoon (functions as a regular Polymorphic Cocoon?).

Note you are limited to 16 free items from Tavid. Beyond that, you will have to see Zebuxoruk in The Void. (All "Consigned" items as above are available from Zebuxoruk and provide the same functions.)

from allakhazam armor guide
# May 11 2010 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
Additional note. Consigned Culling Vortex (1-Slot). WILL NOT DOWNGRADE T5-T4 Essenses. You must purchase the Culling Vortex from Zeb which is a 2-Slot container. You can combine 1 T5 or T4 essense + 1 Chronobine = A T4 or T3 essense. Yes you can downgrade an essense twice. Coeval (T4 raid) essense can also be downgraded to Primeval (T3).

Edited, May 11th 2010 7:27pm by mrduane
For once maybe someone would call me "sir", without adding, "you're making a scene"
new patch dialog
# Feb 14 2009 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
629 posts
[Sun Feb 15 02:11:50 2009] You say, 'Hail, Tavid Dennant'
[Sun Feb 15 02:11:51 2009] Tavid Dennant says 'Well hello! What brings a Wood Elf like you to a place like this? Me? I seem to have misplaced my scarf, I don't suppose you've seen it? Long, wool, colorful? I can't imagine where I might have left it. Speaking of misplaced things, I've got quite a number of who's its and what's its that I've picked up during my travels. You're welcome to take a look if you think you might find any of it useful. All except for this [watch] of course. I also have a limited amount of [items] that work with armor from beyond the void. These I will even give for free, but you must ask me for them.'
[Sun Feb 15 02:11:59 2009] You say, 'items'
[Sun Feb 15 02:11:59 2009] Tavid Dennant says 'I can offer you sixteen total [luminescent] culling vortices or [incandescent] culling vortices, sixteen polymorphic [cells], or sixteen total or any of the [molting] cells or polymorphic [cocoons]. The vortexes will remove a luminessence or incandessence from armor. A polymorphic cell will transform a luminessence to an incandessence or vise versa. Polymorphic cocoons and molting cells will use a luminessence or incandessence to empower armor. If you get something you do not wish, just give it back to me.'
# Dec 17 2008 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Here is complete dialog with Tavid Dennant. Those familiar with the new Doctor Who series third season can figure out why the Doctor is now Tavid Dennant, why he is obsessed with his watch and why he can't remember any "Doctor".

You say, 'Hail, Tavid Dennant'
Tavid Dennant says 'Well hello! What brings a Dark Elf like you to a place like this? Me? I seem to have misplaced my scarf, I don't suppose you've seen it? Long, wool, colorful? I can't imagine where I might have left it. Speaking of misplaced things, I've got quite a number of who's its and what's its that I've picked up during my travels. You're welcome to take a look if you think you might find any of it useful. All except for this [watch] of course.'

You say, 'What watch?'
Tavid Dennant says 'I can remember where I found all of these other things, but the watch I just seem to have always had. I can't quite recall when I got it or who gave it to me. Still, I can't imagine parting with it. It's almost like it's a part of me.'

You say, 'Are you the Doctor?'
Tavid Dennant says 'Doctor? No I think you must have me confused with someone else. I've never studied medicine in any form.'
Mitsune Foxfire, Vazaelle
Tavid Dennant = The Doctor
# Dec 15 2008 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
SO...for anyone interested...Tavid Dennant is just a slight change from the name David Tennant, who currently plays the role of The Doctor on Doctor Who (the character "The Doctor" is often incorrectly called Doctor Who....long story). Anyways, that is why he talks about his long, multi-colored scarf, which is a reference to the scarf worn by Tom Baker when he played The Doctor. Another reference is the watch he talks about, which has to do with an episode involving The Doctors nemesis, The Master.
If you ask Tavid Dennant if he is the Doctor, he responds with something like "Doctor? No, I've had no medical training whatsoever." Anyways...as a big Doctor Who fan myself, I found this amusing.
NPC Changed
# Dec 10 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Default
Changed the name to Tavid Dennant, he now takes Chorobines, and will give you one Chorobine when you sell an item to him and will cost one to purchase it back.
Get Smart
# Nov 19 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
228 posts
Ok Soe listen up. Another good idea that you managed to totally miss the boat on. Have this guy accept any and all alt currancy. make it on a sliding scale for old alt currency like radiant/ebon crystals. Also let this guy hold any no drop items that ppl cant or dont want to get rid of. My 3 main toons do trade skill and i tell you what, 2/3 of the bank are for holding trade skill supplies and combines. I also suggest that you do NOT make the charged currency depend on which expansion the item came from. Make it a choice. But like any of what i mentioned will ever happen. Makes to much sense.

Making more bank slots would be a good idea to. Better yet.......lets have (banker bags) that are 20 slot containers. =p

SOE.....i can send you a resume if you have a developer position open!
Although the only thing under qualifications will be "common sense". Thats all you really need.

I feel better now that i got that off my chest.

Was i to harsh?
Get Smart
# Nov 30 2008 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Yah, actually, you were a bit too harsh.

Sony devs have explained, at great length, why bags with more slots are completely impossible without massive redesign of the guts of the game. A one-semester course on economics and business will make it clear why a total redesign of the guts of the game is not going to happen.

Recriminations about why the game is so badly misdesigned are also overly harsh. The code base is well over ten years old. If you haven't been developing software for that long, you have no understanding of what that actually means. Crusty software devs (like me) who've been coding that long, well, we shake our heads, mutter "there but for the grace of god and a strong software architect go I", and move on to yell at the current crop of devs for things that ARE under their control and can be fixed. (Like charging dubloons to get stuff outta hock from this shyster. Really. That's just so wrong it's flagrantly dumb.)
Get Smart
# Mar 28 2012 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
minyeni wrote:
Sony devs have explained, at great length, why bags with more slots are completely impossible without massive redesign of the guts of the game. A one-semester course on economics and business will make it clear why a total redesign of the guts of the game is not going to happen.
I thought this was a satirical / sarcastic post at first, until I realized it's actually from 2008. Funny how those same economic principles suddenly made the 20 slot bag a simple rewrite of code. Makes you wonder what other "impossible things" are possible, when there's profit to be made! Smiley: wink
Get Smart
# Jul 14 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Sounds a lot like what American automakers said over 30 years ago.
Get Smart
# Mar 25 2010 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
The easiest way to get rid of tradeskill items which clog up your bank is to do. the. tradeskill. Chances are, if you just do a quick inventory, that with the rare exception you will have leveled past the usefulness of half the crap you were storing.

Don't pretend you're going to gear up a lowbie alt with it. That *might* be true for low end jewelry (earrings, rings) but it's certainly false for every other slot...period.

I mean seriously...I had bits for *Velious* armor rotting in my bank!

Spend 20 minutes asking yourself important questions about what is clogging your bank such as "am I *really* going to go through the many steps to make the once-coveted Halas 10lb meat pie...or should I sell this meat to some other sucker because I know *MY* stats (and probably everyone else's) are pretty much MAXED for my level just off the defiant gear that drops like rain in every zone?"

My rules for keeping things are:

1) Is the item part of a recipe in the MOST CURRENT "level this skill" chain?
2) Is the item from a recipe less than 2 expansion old?
3) Is this item a huge P.I.T.A. to find, even for cash (some foraged stuff)?
4) Is this item only available in a raid?

Stuff has to pass through all of those loops to survive my bank purges. Every now and then I find a rare prize, like a whole stack of high quality rockhopper hides...yeah...I can still make and use and sell 10 slot backpacks. But in general, foraged bits aside, there was *no* reason to keep most of the stuff I was hording (from like 5 expansions ago).

Got a bank full of runes and words? Grab the solvent and get clicking!

In lieu of that, if you *must* stuff yourself full of patterns and other nonsense, you could always use the terribly klugy, bad-text-interface, omg I can't believe this is what they stuck us with, tradeskill treasurer people in the PoK.

If you use them though - make a written list of what they are supposed to have on them and do not lose it, there is no point and click way to clear them out, and you get to turn items in to them 4 at a time like any npc...in short...you may as well spend those clicks...doing...the...tradeskill.
*Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
# Nov 12 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
This guy will hold onto your Seeds of Destruction reward quest pieces for you to buy back later such as the Crest pieces, Miniature Rallosian pieces, Timeshear fragments, etc. He doesnt say anything when you hail him but if you hand him any of the SoD reward pieces he'll tell you he'll be glad to hold onto it for you, for a small fee. Right click on him and a merchant window pops up for you to buy your pieces back for a cost of 1 doubloon per piece(thats the small fee he was talking about).
# Nov 12 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
313 posts
This NPC was replaced with Tavin Dennant (yeah very un original..)
The npc will "buy" quest pieces from SoD for 1 chronobine each, then will sell them back for 1 chronobine each. He's some sort of "banker" for quest pieces in SoD
# Nov 12 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Thucidyes wrote:
This NPC was replaced with Tavin Dennant (yeah very un original..)
The npc will "buy" quest pieces from SoD for 1 chronobine each, then will sell them back for 1 chronobine each. He's some sort of "banker" for quest pieces in SoD

Ok so I had heard the were gonna change the currency of which you could buy the pieces back from this NPC for but I hadnt heard they put in a different NPC as Flavin still resides in the lobby of Fennin Ro and is still holding my pieces for me to buy back from him for 1 doubloon each. If you have the extra doubloons I suppose it wouldnt matter really but since he only holds onto your SoD pieces and not previous expansions it just makes more sense to charge Chronobines.
Where is this Tavin Dennant located at?

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 3:53pm by Kaiena
# Nov 14 2008 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Thucidyes is on the Test server, so guessing the new NPC is there but hasn't made it to the Live servers yet.
# Nov 20 2008 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
313 posts
Yes sorry for not pointing that out :) This "new" NPC was changed on the Test Server and his currency is Chronobines. I'm assuming he will get pushed to Live sooner or later

P.S He will buy any of the SoD quest pieces for 1 chronobine then will "sell" them back for 1 chronobine

Edited, Nov 20th 2008 2:49pm by Thucidyes
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