I have been trying to kill this little goblin for the past three days. He is no where to be found. I know exactly where he should be, because I have got him with other characters in the past.l Has he been moved or is there some sort of glitch?
Use the Find to locate Guard Maddoc and Guard Hobart. Travel East from them towards Dig Site One on map. As you approach the pit look straight across (facing East) and you will see a tunnel and a wood ramp. Go to the wood ramp and down. Go down to the second landing of ramp and you will see a tunnel on your left. At mouth of tunnel is a Gloomingdeep spiritweaver and a goblin slave. Follow this tunnel all the way back. As you enter the area where Rookfynn is he is just on your left on North East wall standing behind what appears to be a half buried barrel.
The area has a Gloomingdeep slave warden, 3 goblin slaves and 2 diseased rats in it as well as Rookfynn. These mobs did not agro me when I attacked Rookfynn.
Rookfynn is on a 2 to 2 1/2 minute spawn timer. Resists Snare but DD takes. Loot is a worthless pick, crude binding powder, Crude Defiant Amethyst and 9 silver was the best loot I found out of 6 killigs. He is a task mob for the Goblin Treachery task.
Hope this helps.
*Note that using /loc or following the /loc of someone else is not an exact science. Everyone's varies in numbers.
These instructions were very helpful but it should be noted that when I did this quest, the mob at the tunnel opening was a slave warden, not a spiritkeeper.
RE: seems to take forever to spawn, I find he is usually not worth the effort...
I don't know what game you are playing...or if you are looking in the wrong spot, but Rookfynn always spawns repeatedly in about 2 minutes or so. Kill him, then slavemaster, and he's already up again. Also tonight he just dropped Gloomiron Helm...gladly it was with my paladin, who could surely use it!:). He occasionally drops crude binding powder as well. I don't know if he drops the other gloomiron armor, but he may rarely do so since the helm dropped-a shock to me as he usually has nothing or the pick. He also drops upwards of 1 GP worth of change (around 9 silver, 9 copper).
As far as finding him, go down the ramp toward the pit fiend, Krenshin, but get off at the first straight ahead tunnel where the exhausted goblin is...Rookfynn is past all the goblins in another room full of 'em.
Oh, and at level 10, he's still worth about 1 & 1/5 bubbles of xp.