Overseer Wrank  


Uploaded December 30th, 2022 by Drewinette

Overseer Wrank is untargettable until you turn in several Torgiran Shackle Keys to Resistance Miners. There is a random chance of the event spawning the Captains based on turning the keys in so it appears to use the RNG.

Captain Flang, Captain Lkai, Captain Lunq, Captain Nago

Upon their deaths, Overseer Wrank becomes targettable.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2018-08-24 15:01:56.

Level: 52
Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha
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Captain spawns
# Aug 30 2022 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
once enough keys are turned in, [Overseer Wrank yells 'Captains stand at attention. There are invaders in the mines.']

Captain Lunq dropped:
Rank Insignia Ring

Captain Flang dropped:
no loot

Captain Lkai dropped:
Silver Skull Ring

Captain Nago dropped:
Captain's Earring

Overseer Wrank dropped:
Woven Hide Slippers x2
Just killed him, beware of his underconn.
# Dec 22 2021 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
On Agnarr. He's about lvl 50, light blue to my 65 near BIS Time equipped warrior. Had my 62 druid and 62 bst boxes along.

This guy has a bazillion hit points. He also has some sort of snare which may be a mana drain. First he killed my BSTs pet, then my druid, then my bst. Got my 65 WAR down to 4% after using all my offensive discs and using about 3 healing pots. He's not marked as a group or raid encounter, but I don't see how he could be single grouped in-era.
Wrank Event
# Aug 17 2018 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Just killed Wrank and his captains on Agnarr. Took about 15 or so keys to get the captains to spawn. There weren’t that many resistance miners up so I had to clear the other kos miners near Wrank’s room. Any miner in the south half of the zone is a placeholder for the resistance miners. An emote activates when the captains spawn all 4 of which are in the rooms adjacent to Wrank’s. 3 of the 4 captains did not drop any loot. The 4th one dropped a Rank Insignia Ring. Wrank became targetable after the 4th captain died. He is a serious undercon. I was able to duo him with a 65 mage and 60 cleric without too much trouble. He dropped 2 pieces of loot - the chain chest and leather sleeves. Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t believe there’s a set amount of key turn ins that activates the event but rather, each time a key is turned in there’s a small chance of triggering the event. I could be wrong but this makes more sense to me. Hope this helps!
Wrank Event
# Aug 24 2018 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Donroy007 wrote:
Just killed Wrank and his captains on Agnarr. Took about 15 or so keys to get the captains to spawn. There weren’t that many resistance miners up so I had to clear the other kos miners near Wrank’s room. Any miner in the south half of the zone is a placeholder for the resistance miners. An emote activates when the captains spawn all 4 of which are in the rooms adjacent to Wrank’s. 3 of the 4 captains did not drop any loot. The 4th one dropped a Rank Insignia Ring. Wrank became targetable after the 4th captain died. He is a serious undercon. I was able to duo him with a 65 mage and 60 cleric without too much trouble. He dropped 2 pieces of loot - the chain chest and leather sleeves. Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t believe there’s a set amount of key turn ins that activates the event but rather, each time a key is turned in there’s a small chance of triggering the event. I could be wrong but this makes more sense to me. Hope this helps!

Which Captain dropped the Rank Insignia Ring?
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takes forever
# Oct 18 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
i wanted to see how tough this event was.. as said numerous times, the captains are cake. but this guy is no joke. he depleted my 8k hps 3 1/2 times. the only reason i survived was a shot of celestial healing x, a shot of the LoN potion of harvest, and 2 shots of the LoN potion of healing. i was a 69sk at the time of this post with no buffs other than self and the speed pot.

whats worse is it casts "Nightmare Stasis" which is unresistable. he makes 100% sure that you are perma dotted with it too. being 50% slower at everything the whole fight is very annoying, especially considering the crap this guy drops for loot.
Wrank's patience
# Jul 25 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Once you hear Wrank yell his announcement and the captains appear, you only have one hour to kill the four captains and reach Wrank. After that any remaining captains despawn and Wrank is again untargetable.
Yelt Govannon, 65th season Warrior, Forsaken Alliances
# Feb 13 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
Send pet with taunt on. layer on 8 or 9 dots feigning between casts. thud.

Vannja Mahn
70 Necro

Edited, Sun Feb 13 15:34:14 2005
RE: Soloed
# Jul 18 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
how did u trigger captains? i tried doing this befor, 22 keys and 1 hour later not a single captain...
RE: Soloed
# Aug 17 2006 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
Captains spawn 1 in each of the corners in tunnle area before Overseer Wranks area, turn in 6 shackle keys to spawn Captains....let the battle begin..........
soloing the event
# Jan 30 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
tried soloing this event.. beat the captains w/ ease.. got wrank to 73% then i played stupid and got nailed with teh aoe and got Pwned.. i was also only 68 at teh time .. now that i am 70 gonna give it another shot will post with results

Vaxxus 70necro Kane Bayle, plz merge the servers sony gahhh
Just the fax
# Jan 10 2005 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
JUST the fax man just the Fax:

just keep turning in keys to "a resistance minor"
about 15 to 20 keys the 4 guards will spawn outisde his room 1 in each of the 4 corners of the square corner rooms

Named Does:
level is < level 55 cus it had a 7 min corpse
Rampage semi offten
can be snared, slowed (partialy), and debuffed
is NOT perma Rooted
Avrage hit for us on a pally tank (level 70) was 71 damage and max hit was 261 Minimum hit was 16 most hits where between 61 and 134

he has about 50k HP's

the Slow debuff is snoying the snare is not bad. but the slow just makes it a longer fight.
the debuff does not last long but he keeps casting it .
his AE DD is semi anoying so have group heals ready.

120 Wood Elf, Druid w/ 80,000+ AA on Test Server
Baking 395 M3 ---- Fletching 395 M3
Brewing 395 M3 ---- Pottery 395 M3
Jewelry 395 M3 ---- Smithing 395 M3
Tailoring 395 M3 ---- Research 395 M3
Fishing 265
Artisan's prize + Maxed Blooded Earring of Rallos Zek
Funny and easy
# Oct 19 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
Killed him yesterday on Kael Drakkal Server.
His Captains were spawning after turning in 18 Keys...

While walking around the Tunnels wie found much more Keys then Resistance Miners were up, so in the end we had a ranger running around invisible und doing the turnins to whichever miner he was able to track while the rest of us was waiting near Wranks Room.

When the Captains finally spawn it was - as stated before - in the chambers near wranks room.

Wrank dropped his Whip and the Grobb Hide Sleeves
Easy 'n fun for newer guild
# Sep 23 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
13 posts
Last night my guild tried this was fun, loot isnt the best but good experience for the fun of it. Had a small raid (if you'd call it that) of 10 mixed lvls lowest was 47 cleric and 3 66's. Tank had 5.5khp's. Hardest part was getting all the keys for turn in, not really hard just alot of time. You need 20 keys, turn them in to the resistance guys one at a time, the captian's started spawing at the 12th turn in. The captians were cake. Low dmg forgot to ask tank for exact hit, slowable unmezable. Our crazy guild leader 66 mage solo'd one. Anyway kill all the capt's, while on last one we cleared Wranks room, med buff ect. Wrank hit for 100's his spells where nothing but a bother. Burned him down in around 2 min or less, would have been faster but tank forgot to call assist. Was easy IMO dropped gloves and boots (gratz rot).

65 Cleric
Key turn in
# Sep 06 2004 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
A few weeks ago , myself and a few friends wanted to check out how tuff this guy was, only , we could not get him targetable! We must have turned in close to a dozen keys to miners, and no captains spawned. We just kept wiping out the caves from Wranks area, all the way to the ent,...freeing any slaves along the way . It got so late in the night , we wound up quitting. Does anyone know if this has been changed ? Or if there is a set number of miners you have to free, or in any particular order?
# Aug 23 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
try to duo him now :P he must have been revamped we have taken him out a # of times till last night 20 of us went to knock him off fast before we went to the Overlord, and Wrank put a nasty Dent into use killing a # of ppl. I heard Inny was revamped aswell. i can only guess SoE is slowly raising the Diff. of the mobs around norrath to prepare for Omens of war and lvl 70 players
RE: Revamped
# Aug 24 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
nicoblue wrote:
i can only guess SoE is slowly raising the Diff. of the mobs around norrath to prepare for Omens of war and lvl 70 players

SOE probably feels they have to force people to buy it since it isn't selling. Well, it doesn't matter to me. They might as well call "Omens of War" "Omens of Warcraft" instead.

Edited, Tue Aug 24 14:06:35 2004
# Aug 08 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
Duoed by a 65 druid and a 65 Beastlord with LDoN/Luclin gear. BL had around 6k hp with V and focus and c3, and self buffs. BL had 200 AAs, I had around 24(druid) heheh. Radiant cure cures the nightmare stasis, Remove curse did not seem to cure it at all.

I would recommend clearing the two slavers that are next to him BEFORE you kill the 4th captain, otherwise, you might aggro Wrank when you are trying to clear his room.

His captains have around the same HP as BoT trash, 35k hp. And i'd say Wrank has around 100k hp

Wrank was at 3 percent when i went 00m, and BL had blown all discs and para etc, and he was 20m. We had one repop while fighting, but BL kept him slowed and just took the damage. He repopped when wrank was at around 15 percent.

Dropped ring and sleeves.

Edited, Sun Aug 8 16:25:13 2004
# May 29 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, you think a 65 beastlord with all his spells and 40 aa's could take the the captians and then the overseer. He would probably con me dark blue. I don't see how any of these guys would be hard as long as they were slowed. Tell me if you think this could be a possible camp for a 65 beastlord. As long as i keep my resist up it will be hard for him to slow.

Edited, Sat May 29 17:28:50 2004
RE: Solo?
# Jun 09 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Not a chance. His slow is unresistable, so you or your pet would eventually be slowed, eventually you would die without a healer and have a long corpse run :(
# May 29 2004 at 3:26 AM Rating: Default
I swear I turned in like 14 keys, no spawn. Must've been doing something wrong
# Feb 08 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
Owned by 65 war, 65 cler, 65 nec and 54 chanter. This mob is not tough at all except for that AoE slow spell and he does rampage. Try to put chanter on rampage then let him die after slow lands :-) A good tank and cleric are a must.
# Jan 03 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
This was the funnest mob i have ever encountered. He has this Ae that messes u up. He also casted something onme that slowed my casting time. He got owned by my raid though.
# Nov 24 2003 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
Does one Captain spawn in each of the 4 rooms just before the Overseer's room?
If not, exactly where do the captains spawn.
Did him last night
# Sep 02 2003 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
We did him last night. The group was:
65 cleric - me
65 warrior
65 ranger
62 chanter
60 shaman
53 druid

The chanter drained all of him mana, but guess what, this guys AEs are procs not spells.
Radiant cure removed Nightmare Stasis, but has too long of a recast to be effective, I may try remove curse or pureblood next time.

Nightmare Stasis makes this fight tough. We are going to try it again with a bard in the group to see if his remove curse song speeds things up.

This guy is way under conned!!!!

Btw he dropped the earing and the slippers
Insta Gator Monk of Utopian
Rumblepants Loudbottom Shaman of Utopian
Nottall Attall Cleric of Utopian <retired>
Can you say wipe?
# Aug 27 2003 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
The cappy's spawned after turning in about 12 keys. They aren't too difficult - hit high 200s and mitigate slow. HP about same as golems in PoV, maybe a little more. They see invis and will summon. After killing the 4 captains, Overseer Wrank was targetable.

Cleared the first 2 slavers in room no problem. Pacified the ones next to him and pulled. Group was 59 War, 56 Cle, 53 Ran, 62 Dru and 63 Enc.

First thing he hits us with is an AE for 500 (this is fire based with neg300 resist lol). Second is a snare / slow - Nightmare Stasis - which slowed movement, atk speed, and even casting (50 pct and not resistable). While both his AE's are point-blank - they have a range of 200.

I was able to slow him, after tashing. At about 90 pct, I called evac (melees moving so slow it didn't look like they were swinging) - unfortunately he summoned cleric, killed him and then went for druid. Complete wipe with the Tank last to die.

With these effects, this guy should be level 65 minimum - comparable to Radir, possibly Tawro. Level 52 my *%$ !

Nokei Orhaste

Edited, Wed Aug 27 18:55:07 2003
His Captains
# Aug 04 2003 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
From what I've seen he is up 24/7 with 4 slavers in his room.

He is always saying You cannot harm me while under the protection of the magic of my captains. Or something close to that.

From what I've seen he is not Triggered by turning in keys. His captains are however!!! Four of them.

There are four rooms outside his chamber and after turning in a certain amount of keys 4 to ?? to the resistant miners. the captains Spawn.

They can see thru invis and where deadly to my party of 4. RNG-55, SK-51, CLR-52, ENC-52. I couldn't even get past the 1st captain. But ENC, CLR gated out barely, SK FD'd and I died. And the captain was at only 50%.

Well, I will try this again in a few more lvl. I really want to take him out.
# Jul 24 2003 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
Me(65 SK), 65 shm, 65 chant, 63 ranger, and me two boxin a 60 clr took him easy. Just started CH at 50% hp, when the whole group was at 50% from the ae i just did a group Elixer. Dropped a 6k HT on him at the beginning so i was sure not to lose agro. Cleric finished with 1 bub of mana, but I dont even think shm had used much mana. I finished 3m. Too bad all the loot rotted, couldnt get chantys alt Rogue there in time to loot whip, so the ranger did...hes not gonna use tho, got ST weps. Monk arms dropped, rotted. Make sure to have alts camped invis in room where u kill him, 7 min rot doesnt give u much time.
# Jun 21 2003 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
Be careful about pushing him back behind the Throne, our Main Tank, 62 Paladin did that and a 58 Ranger could not get a clear shot at him with his bow. Is 500DD fire AoE IS MASSIVE. The hub room that connects to his chamber is not safe, even the corridor directly opposite his chamber is not safe. Had about 14 people, and got him down to 15% before wipe on our first try. Another healer, nuker, or tank and we would have owned him. The AoE slow he casts affects spells too, making the delay longer. Make sure his chamber is at 4 spawn, IE 4 Trolls+ Wrank before you turn in the Keys, otherwise his Captains will not come. Captains can be mezzed and slowed, but they have a habit of being pushed into the walls and not coming back for a while. Being the lowest in the raid, 43, had I been an more appropriate level, we prolly could've taken him. Even though it was a wipe, It was fun!
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