Located at the Elven Outpost. A purveyor of booze, this merchant cons indifferent to evil races and will offer good prices for your loot. Trolls and Ogres are too fat to enter his inn.
Absinthe Glass | 1gp 4cp | |
Absinthe Spoon | 1pp 4sp 9cp | |
Ale | 3sp 1cp | |
Bottle | 5cp | |
Brandy | 7sp 8cp | |
Capt. Orlin's Spiced Ale | 5sp 2cp | |
Cask | 3sp 1cp | |
Fish Wine | 2sp 6cp | |
Grapes | 2sp | |
Honey Mead | 1sp 5cp | |
Mead | 5sp 2cp | |
Nectar of the Green Fairy | 26pp 2gp 4sp 9cp | |
Packet of Kiola Sap | 1gp 1sp 5cp | |
Red Wine | 6sp 2cp | |
Short Ale | 5sp 2cp | |
Short Beer | 1sp 5cp | |
Shotglass | 7sp 8cp | |
The Drink of Timeless Energy | 26pp 2gp 4sp 9cp | |
White Wine | 6sp 2cp |