Whether or not you want to do the quest, go hail Jemoz (he's downstairs in the Temple of Mithaniel Marr - Guilds for the Clerics and Paladins - #3 on eqatlas.com map of N Freeport - and is always standing at the end of the reflective water on the basement level) and respond to his [request]. Even if you only ask him the first response, he'll cast Holy Armor on you - a nice buff at any level, but especially for newbies if you're running around smacking stuff outside the city gates. I have been able to get the buff at "indifferent," and using different characters/classes, so presumably so long as you are not KOS on the way in, you should be able to get this buff.
Meryddian of Amazon Storm Enchanter of 7 seasons Seventh Hammer server