Doldigun Steinwielder  


Uploaded December 21st, 2018 by nytmare

Triggered spawn as part of the 9th coldain ring quest, or just using him to trigger the giants with a good plate armour quest drop rate (aka the Plate House cycle for those not actually doing the ring).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:08:02.

Level: 60
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 21:29:28
Known Loot:
icon Doldigun's Head

Known Habitats:
  Kael Drakkel

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Respawn time?
# Mar 01 2015 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
Got killstole by a couple jerks. I've read to just say the phrase again after clearing the room and some mention of 15 mins but I can't get the little **** to pop again.
Does he have a timer?

Edit: Came back 10 hours later, cleared the room, said the phrase and he spawned and died.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2015 7:48am by hullan
# Sep 16 2008 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I got to his part in the quest, I gave him the letter, he gave me the ring, the battle with the giants ensued. Once the battle was over though I couldn't find Doldigun at first. Then I saw him hightail it out of the room. by the time I caught up with him he was around the corner and out the door. At this time I got jumped by two giants, and near as I can tell he despawn...On a hunch I went back the next night and tried again without redoing the previous steps, and sure enough he dropped his head on death.

So while failure in any other step would mean repeating back at the beginning. If you should fail this step, all is not lost.
# Feb 03 2009 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
The quest works like this:

1: clear the throne room
2: stand on throne, say the line "the Dain shall be slain for the peace we must obtain."
3: give him letter get a ring in return
4: attack him. he the despawns
5: Now prepare for a lengthy kungfu-tower style match where you fight a bunch of giants. Dont worry. Just keep killing them until the dwarf re appears and runs for the steps.

Solo'ed as a 65sk.
He is immune to drain soul, and darkness
he is not immune to touch of innorruk , blood of hate, and ignite blood...
he goes down like a sissy anyway. just have to catch him. ready a quick cast spear spell to tag him and he'll run back and get butchered by you.

MR High
# Apr 04 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
Once again, this guy is basically magic immune. Thanks SOE! A 70 SK in EP gear can solo to him with ease, but he's more dangerous than two giants, becuase I can't lifetap or anything. Lovely.
RE: MR High
# Jul 15 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Please advise as to what others might be thinking.

this mob is on dragon/giant rules i'm guessing IE you have to be under him to land spells.

Was he really immune or was every cast at distance from him?
# Jan 11 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
We've cleared the room on 3 seperate occasions for a total of 15 times and he's only spawned once. Any ideas to what I'm doing wrong?
Is it broken
# Jan 03 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Just did the turn in of the note to Doldigin and then the plate cycle 3 times and Doldigin did spawn after killing all the giants any of the three times. 1/3/05.
Other armor cycles?
# Sep 06 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
Might be a dumb question, but its called the Plate house cycle. Are there a cloth, leather and chain cycle similar?
# Jun 13 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Helped a guildie take him out last night. First attempt didn't go so well. 2nd attempt worked great.

He pops on the throne. Then after aggroing him 2 giants popped and attacked. Had tank and offtank (me) to control it. After taking down the first 2 giants. 2 more giants come out of the doors and attack you. Again, used the tank/offtank method. First set was blue and second set was white to a 54 pally. Afterwards 1 yellow con spawns. After that a red con spawns. After killing ALL of these then the dwarf decides to book it. The 2nd spawn of the dwarf was yellow to me. All except the dwarf have tons of hps and takes some doing to whittle down.
RE: spawn part deux
# Jun 13 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
The first 2 sets of giants can be rooted/snared. Dunno about the rest as nothing ever stuck.

Did this with a 64 war, 54 pally offtank (me), 61 rogue, 63 druid, 64 necro and 61 cleric. Rogue backstabbed my mob whilst the necro/war took care of the other mob.

Fun overall just a bit rough.
How Hard to Kill
# Dec 29 2003 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
How hard is it to kill the 2nd spawn? Is he really level 60? Does he cast?
RE: How Hard to Kill
# Apr 14 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
435 posts
The one who drops the head was dark blue at 61 and an easier kill than the giants... hardest part was stopping him from running, I targetted him as he was running away and sent my pet in, then the other players piled on. I don't remember him casting or resisting any spells (think I used Funeral Pyre and Bond of Death, maybe Neurotoxin too since he was the last mob and I had mana to burn).
# Aug 25 2003 at 1:21 AM Rating: Excellent
128 posts
There are 2 of these. The first one spawns when you say "The Dain shall be slain for the peace we must obtain." and is green to a 65. Aggro him with anything and he depops and 2 giants spawn. The second spawns after the final boss (You will know him because you cant land anything on him). THis one is 60 and is exactly like the last boss. No spells land and such. If you let him go, you cant respawn him for 2 hours. If you kill him, you can instantly respawn the cycle.

Edited, Mon Aug 25 03:27:17 2003
Trigger Phrase
# Aug 24 2003 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Used trigger phrase "The Dain must be slain for the peace we shall obtain". It worked for me. Not sure if you can say it any other way or not but just thought I'd throw that out. It seems to me that as long as you kill the dwarf, you can start the cycle whenever, possibly even right after the dwarf died. We usually wait about 15 minutes so we could kill the respawns but I don't think there is a timer.

57 Wizard
<Elite Steel Alliance>
Luclin Server
trigger limits?
# May 09 2003 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
i've noticed that using the phrase will trigger him, and from there, the fight begins...i've also noticed that sometimes the phrase will not work...

is there a limit on how often he can be used to trigger the cycle?
Doldigun's Loc and Ring Name Correction - May 2/ 03
# May 04 2003 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
He spawns on the throne (loc neg 800 pos 1150) in the south-east corner of the zone. To spawn him, clear the room, stand on the throne and say "the Dain shall be slain for the peace we must obtain."

When I handed him the note, he gave me a "Coldain Council Ring???"(name very close to that - didn't screenshot it - but different from the "Juliash Lockheart's Ring" I expected from researching this quest). He dissappeared for a couple moments, then respawned running for the exit.

The "Coldain Council Ring??" was successfully given to Juliah Lockheart (respawned the traitor version) and the final part of ring 9 was completed.

My group made the mistake of first going to the throne area in the most southern end of the zone (loc neg 1400, pos 1700).

Righteous Protector
60th Season Paladin
RE: Doldigun's Loc and Ring Name Correction - May 2/ 03
# Jul 26 2004 at 4:31 AM Rating: Default
Room is more correctly called "Icewell Keep" to my knowledge.
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