You say, 'Hail, Cook Yalkiin'
Cook Yalkiin says, 'Welcome to the palace kitchen! We supply all meals, from simple snacks to full feasts for the royalty and their guests, so we're kept on our toes day and night. Let us know if you need anything while you're visiting, or if you would like to [lend a hand].'
Bottle of Milk | 5cp | |
Cup of Flour | 1cp | |
Free-Range Egg | 7sp 8cp | |
Frosting | 9cp | |
Garnish | 7cp | |
Ice Cream is Good - Part 1 | 1cp | |
Ice Cream is Good - Part 2 | 1cp | |
Jug of Sauces | 1sp | |
Loaf of Bread | 1sp 9cp | |
Meals Lost in Time | 26pp 2gp 4sp 9cp | |
Mixing Bowl | 1sp | |
Muffin | 7cp | |
Pumpkin Cider Spice | 1cp | |
Pumpkin Pie Spice | 1cp | |
Simple Sausage Casing | 1pp 1gp 7sp | |
Spices | 7cp | |
Spit | 2gp 9cp | |
Vinegar | 1sp |