This mob spawns at in the Academy of Arcane Sciences.- West Freeport (When you zone into the main building, go up one flight in a room to the right at the first landing. (loc -200, -888, 14.
Only up during anniversary events in March and April.
Starts off as gray con to 61, upon hailing with a 64 mage, he conned even to my 61 wiz, so it looks like he becomes the level of the lowest person in the group. Both forms say he's 'relatively weak' when conned. Typically only hits in the 25-90 range, but on occasion can hit for up to 280.
I'm an 85 druid and he hit me 3 time for 60 and then knocked me unconscious and I was dead. No additional damage...just dead. (I was raid buffed, BTW. LOL) He cons green to me. (Am I that sad of a druid?!?)