Kanwell ... I'm sorry! I think you would wipe just from trying to wipe it's snot ..soloing. I doubt you could stay up with one round of it's dots alone. hmmm.. your playstation cool off yet? It's calling you =p
Really, I do appreciate you discounting my abilities, it actually brought me back to to EQ after not playing for 5-6 months. Chailak is veyr much soloable.
Here is parse data for a later solo that I did of him on 8/7
Chailak on 8/7/2008 Damage.by.Total.%.of.Tot..Time..DPS..Scaled.Hits..Max.hit..Avg.hit.Dmg.to.PC Total 752392....100%......828...909...909...3084..2618.......243..259859 Kanwell 752392..100%......828...909...909...3084..2618.....243....259859
NPC DPS Total 315 Kanwell 315 Produced by GamParse v1.0.0
The numbers are shifted a little on the columns, but they still line up in order.
As you can see, his dps was 315, which is pretty weak considering my heals can crit for 6k on a regular basis.
I actually logged back into the game after I stopped playing solely for the reason to solo this guy to get parse data for someone that was asking about it btw.
Since I'm not entirely sure Kan's even around to reply to this, I feel like I should defend his honor at least a little. :) This mob is absolutely soloable to a Ranger, and would have been at 80 to someone who was pretty well-geared... which he was/is. http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/lite/index.vm?characterId=502511492142&resize=no
Something to think about. Chailak ain't so tough anymore, even back in February when Kan posted that.
Killed y-day with a 80 bst as the tank, who boxed a 75 dru for heals, i had a 80 monk and 73 shaman, mana on dru after kill was 35, shaman 45, went better then we expected.
3 Boxed today with a 80SK 4200 AC and a 80 cleric and 75 shaman was easy just took a long time to kill him shaman had 30 mana at the end and cleric was at 40% SK was OOM trying to do as much damage as he could LMAO
Did you actually need the cleric and shaman, or did most of that mana go to healing whichever of the shaman and cleric ended up on ramp? What was his a verage hit on 4200ac and do you have max shielding / avoidance? I wanna try this guy for his oh so yummy ring, and my SK sounds pretty similar to your gear lvl.
Did with: 75 Cleric (10.5k mana, max FT, MPG Efficiency belt overcap) 75 Monk (Anguish Geared) 75 Monk (Qvic geared, ramp) 72 Shaman (Junk geared)
Placed him at doorway at top of steps heading to the fire side Had one monk pull the chimeras away, and the other monk pull chailak
casters stand around side to stop from getting hit by AE Lev stopped knockback for most part, i think (anguish monk never got hit iirc) Fight was pretty long, shaman died early on from ramp Cleric was oom at end
dropped bracer, went to cleric Gratz rot on runes
Edit:: Fought him unslowed, shaman died too early to get slow off
did it with 7, 1 death lvl 70 gimp shammy, i boxxed shammy -75 12k hp and mana and 13k monk , pally tanked sk was ramp, pally and sk was demi + geared, knock back was a pain but other then that fight was easy, was killed faster then Mshas in qvic
If you bring a monk they can now both be pulled single very easy. Have monk tag Feratha or Chailok with throwing item. Start running towards raid or group. Then stop a good distance away and mez Feratha/Chailok with the lvl 73 monk mez disc. Then feign. Mob will stay and all the adds will walk back. You can now have tank tag mob while mezzed. Or you can use Imitate death and tag mob yourself and run abck to the group/raid with it. I've done it many times now :)
Killed on 10/24/06 with 75 Paladin, 75 Beastlord, 71 Shaman and 74 Druid, with ease. Rathe Server, 18k/3500 paladin, 10k mana shaman, 15k/2700 beastlord and a gimp druid :) Dropped the Eye and 2 70 runes the day before, dropped ring and 2 70 runes the 24th. Repop appears to be 24 hours.
5 boxed... (easily could do with 3) ---------------------------------------- Warrior ~ 1017 AAs ( 17k hp, 3k AC ) Shadow Knight ~ 238 AAs ( 14k hp, 2.95k AC ) Shaman ~ 697 AAs ( 11k hp, 10k m ) Druid ~ 392 AAs ( 10k hp, 10k m ) Cleric ~ 557 AAs ( 15k hp, 14.3k m ) ------------------- Set Up: At "CP" Camp, Warrior shrinks down, stands in corner. Ramp Tank (SK) sits half way down the stairs waiting. Slower (Shm) sits with the Ramp tank (SK). Cleric however will sit directly below the platform.. (Directions to get to spot. If your looking down the stairs, hug the left side, till u get directly under the warrior, you should be able to CH him from the bottom). Druid will be explained in the 'To Pull:' Section.
To Pull: Clear a path to his room, knocking out some roamers while ya go. Once the path is clear, DI the warrior. Druid needs to load up Eggress, and some type of Snare, preferably Mire, or the lvl 69 upped version.. (Serpent Vines?..). The difference is Resist Adj: -20 on Mire, and Resist Adj: -50 on the upped. Anyway, stand right out of chailaks room in the hall, and cast mire, if it lands, simply run down to the warrior, keep chai in eye view preferably, or just run and cast egress, do not let the Chimeras get to CP. anyway, chailak might stay on the path down to CP or he will warp directly outside of his room, far enough so adds dont jump ya, have sk go up and pull chai, then bring it down slowly, and have warrior use 'Mock' or 'Bazu Bellow' to grab aggro,
To Kill: Pop fort at this time ( Directly at start ), have CH start rolling, and shmmy HoT Ramp Tank (SK). Then Pop Stonewall each time its up. Shmmy will need to malos, and then switch from balance to Malosinia, once balance lands, switch from malosina to Turgur. Once either lands, invis self, run down to cleric, and Cure yourself, this will let you Heal the Ramp tank easier, and Cast Panther for much more dps =). Cleric Just Cast CH at 80% and it lands ussualy when warrior isat 40% ish.. Commanding Voice from the 68 DoD Spell missions is sweet for this. (20% adj to Dodge).
Extra Infos: HP: 1,525,250
Time: 17 Minutes Ussual
Ramp: Yes, Single Target
Enrage: Yes
Timer: 24 hours, +/- 6 hours.
Hit Average: 750-2250 on 27% Shielding / 3050 AC warrior with all AAs
AEs: He cast a pretty useless Dot Called 'Chailak's Venom?' it last for quite a bit, but easily cureable with rc6 of Puratus ( From Sky3 ). Then his Main Dot is from useclose, abotu 1k per tick, for 3-4 ticks. Cast pretty often and is most killer in the fight on shmmy when trying to slow / Malosinia.
(Btw: PM me if you think i should post Tactics under / for a certain mob :p.. anything up to Demi)
Well, I will tell you something I have used since omens came out. And you wont't have to use the "pet pull" exploit, which makes me laugh when I hear of the fd being an exploit.
Pull a chimera past chailaks room, he will assist and come, without his guards.
Same works for Feratha.
You either deal with one add or run your puller a good enough distance before the tag.
Any ideas on chailak / feratha spawn times? I'm looking to start farming them for some alt gear, wondering how often i should be checking if i can ever find them up the first time...
Actually has any1 find a true way to pull this beast (away from common buggexploits such as the fm trick)? We did spend a whole afternoon trying to single this thing out, but A) minions seems aggrolinkeds, B) if they lose aggro and named is more than 20 metters away from camp they all warp back, an d ae dont let us a big error marge, any info /suggestion appreciated, kk thx 8)
Just pet pulled him with lvl 52 Fire pet. First time fighting him. Did the norm-summon pet, make sure bard songs off him. Positioned pet directly in front of Chailak, clear line of sight. /pet attack, pet started casting, spammed /pet back and /pet hold, ran to raid.
Perfect, flawless single pull. Best to practice your Pet Pulls Mages before you try this guy, dont get a second chance if you ***** up :P
Easy monk pull. Go up to top of stairs outside his lair. Set tagger down stairs but in view of where you are. Throw at him, FD the MOMENT the throwie lands. He will path out by himself. Tagger brings him down stairs to raid.
Supposedly a friend landed snare on him. Not sure if it's true or not, went through a whole 10 charge of swollen fungusbeast gland. Most people just use FD pulling and stuff though, I can get him single within like 5 seconds of aggroing him using FD.
This mobs difficutly scales with the number of people on his hate list. So he is doable with less than a full raid. We do him with 3groupish 2 man wheel worked on him
What's a two man wheel? I haven't heard that term before.
-- Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade Luclin (Veeshan) Server Lord, Lightbringer, and Redeemer in the service of Erollisi Marr Master Artisan (300 + GM Trophy in All) Master Fisherman (200 + 5%) and maybe Master Drunk (2xx + 20%, too drunk to tell!)
anyone knows how hard he hits and i see u need bout 1 cleric in eatcxh group to heal aoe and is he slowable and how many dps u need like 18 dps and 4 clerics and shammy,s
Chailak's melee output changes depending on how many are on his aggro list fighting him. If you have just a single group, then the group heals will more than cover the tank (parsed 64dps...). If you have a full raid, then he'll hit for 2000-3000 and do a bit more dps.
His AE's and HP (~750k) stay the same regardless. It's just his melee output that changes depending on the amount of people on his aggro list.