Bunu Stoutheart  

NPC, non-quest

Uploaded October 24th, 2020 by Drewinette

  • Class: Shaman
  • Roams near the north wall with his fellow fangbreakers.

You say, 'Hail, Bunu Stoutheart'

Bunu Stoutheart says 'Hail, Arbonne! I am Bunu Stoutheart of the Fangbreakers. I am a loyal shaman who serves the will of the Tribunal.'

You say, 'Fangbreakers'

Bunu Stoutheart says 'The Fangbreakers are Norrath's foremost lycanthrope hunters. We bring those bloodthirsty beasts to justice.'

You say, 'lycanthrope'

Bunu Stoutheart says 'Lycanthropes, or werewolves, are victims of a horrible curse that transforms them into vicious murdering beasts. But the fact that they are not in control of themselves does not excuse them from responsibility! They must be punished for the atrocities they commit!'

This page last modified 2020-10-24 08:45:10.

Level: 31
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-10-24 08:42:55

Known Habitats:
  North Karana
Factions Decreased:
  Karana Residents -50
  Priests of Life -7
  Knights of Thunder -15
  Guards of Qeynos -12

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Hail text
# Jul 10 2016 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
[Sun Jul 10 08:15:55 2016] You say, 'Hail, Bunu Stoutheart'
[Sun Jul 10 08:15:56 2016] Bunu Stoutheart says 'Hail, Arbonne! I am Bunu Stoutheart of the [Fangbreakers]. I am a loyal shaman who serves the will of the Tribunal.'
[Sun Jul 10 08:15:56 2016] Your feet move faster.
[Sun Jul 10 08:16:00 2016] You say, 'Fangbreakers'
[Sun Jul 10 08:16:00 2016] Bunu Stoutheart says 'The Fangbreakers are Norrath's foremost [lycanthrope] hunters. We bring those bloodthirsty beasts to justice.'
[Sun Jul 10 08:16:02 2016] Your feet move faster.
[Sun Jul 10 08:16:02 2016] You say, 'lycanthrope'
[Sun Jul 10 08:16:03 2016] Bunu Stoutheart says 'Lycanthropes, or werewolves, are victims of a horrible curse that transforms them into vicious murdering beasts. But the fact that they are not in control of themselves does not excuse them from responsibility! They must be punished for the atrocities they commit!'
# Nov 26 2015 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,563 posts
Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Jonarn bites Bunu Stoutheart for 30 points of damage.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Karana Residents has been adjusted by -50.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by -12.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Priests of Life has been adjusted by -7.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Knights of Thunder has been adjusted by -15.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] The master looter, Cendabik, looted 5 gold, 9 silver and 1 copper from the corpse.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Bunu Stoutheart's corpse says 'My comrades will avenge my death.'
# Nov 27 2015 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
drool wrote:
Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Jonarn bites Bunu Stoutheart for 30 points of damage.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Karana Residents has been adjusted by -50.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by -12.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Priests of Life has been adjusted by -7.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Your faction standing with Knights of Thunder has been adjusted by -15.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] The master looter, Cendabik, looted 5 gold, 9 silver and 1 copper from the corpse.
[Thu Nov 26 21:02:50 2015] Bunu Stoutheart's corpse says 'My comrades will avenge my death.'

Updated, thanks.
very nasty
# May 08 2002 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
they had fun with my druid at 48, why i'm KoS i couldn't tell you, heh i killed many NPC's so i'm sure i tapped the faction somewhere and considering they are so different, it may only be one i'm truly KoS to, but since they are friends they aid eachother.
possibilities on what faction they are on and i'm not in good standing with:
Kaladim Citizens (possible cause 2 are dwarves it seems)(threateningly)
Karana Residents (possible cause it's where they live)(KoS)
Priests of Life (possible since one is a paladin)(threateningly)
Order of Thunder (possible since one is a paladin)(KoS)
Antonican Bards (don't think so)(KoS)
and whatever faction the Barbarians in west karana knock down... (perhaps cause one of them seems to be a shaman)(threateningly)
Corrupt Guards of Qeynos (highly unlikely)(KoS)
Freeport Militia (highly unlikely)(can't get any worse lol)
Dark Elves of any sort (highly unlikely)(KoS)
anyways i hope this might help a little
i ruled out the PMS idea that they just sometimes have tissy fits ;p
i have to check sometime if i con threateningly or KoS to them....that would possibly knock down the possibilites a bit more
# Jul 26 2001 at 12:51 AM Rating: Default
I turned in the bar of silver that Fixxig asks for and recieved good faction for Knights of Thunder and the Priests of Life, both which are in Qeynos. The book tells how to create a silver weapon to use in a fight against werewolves. Bad thing is, you need a level 49 enchanter to enchant the High Quality Ore you will need to make into a sheet of metal.
Morons.... ggrr
# Jul 13 2001 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
cast on me and i lost control of myself (charmed), no biggie there, but with full connection i got disconnected. hmmm #1, after waiting a bit and logging back on, (figurning they would've left my body) i was right in the middle of them, insta nuke (hmm#2)

16 necro, my first vendeta.... whoohooo,

Luclin Server
They about had me for lunch!
# Jul 03 2001 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
I was running back to Qeynos after taking a beating from the Griffons. I'm a level 25 Barbarian, and at the time my hit points were down around 200. I was following the path northwest to the West Karanas Border, and I had just made the last turn to the left. I ran a little bit further and then got a little lag hiccup. When I recovered I had been hit for 45 twice, then "reality has run amok" for 95. They each took another swing at me, and all missed except for one of their pets, he hit me for 6. Just as I thought, "Boy am I glad I got bound in the gypsie camp" I got LOADING. .PLEASE WAIT! Halleluah. I check my hit points when I came up. That's right campers, 4 hit points left. I started to bandage my wounds, but I was out of bandages. So I settled in with a couple of bottles of blackburrow stout, and waited until I had half of my hit points back. These little dudes are dead, as soon I can kill them. All of them.

Houek R'Du
Warrior of the 25th Season
Proud Member of the Shadow Shifters
Master Smithe
the werewolf hunters
# Nov 16 2000 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
I was told by someone that this group is referred to as the werewolf hunters. Apparantely they hunt a lot more than werewoves. :) I have to say, I hadnt read this board before encountering them. I am a high elf magician, and have no faction that a light race should not have, ie, I have never killed any druids, treants, whataver, only gnolls, orcs and inky guards.. the usual. I found them mildly amusing, watching them stump around, an odd procession, which is what caught my attention, a halflinf female, a dwarf male, a gnome male and a barbarian male all following each other on a track. :) I hailed them, no response. I tried waving, crying, and a variety of other actions, and no response. At that time we were near the withered treant, so I thought they might offer good protection. I sat down to med. A few minutes later, they had marched on. I still see them a lot, but I have no idea what provokes them. I still think there little entourage is really really cute. :) I get a kick out of watching them walk by. I dont know if I can count on them for protection tho.. by what I hear they are pretty powerful and I would like to see if they can drop GrimFeather is I ever am in a bind. :) Another theory is that they might be a part of a quest that has not beem implemented yet. I am almost wondering.. and this is just a THEORY.. but if you have ANY negative faction with ANY of their races, you could be screwed. I happen to know that because of the amount of mobs that I have killed, I con warmly to Kaladim, Rivervale, Halas, AND Ak'Anon, ie I have killed countless goblins, orcs, minotaurs and gnolls. And I dont just mean amiable. I mean WARM. *shrug* thought I would offer my 2cp. I dont know if this wil help anyone. I hope so.
RE: the werewolf hunters
# Nov 16 2000 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
please excuse my horrible typing. my room is cold and I seem to lose coordination with the temperature variance. :)
RE: Aggro range
# Sep 24 2000 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
Brunu Stoutheart hangs with 2 other npcs(3 counting a pet), one is fixxing (sp?) a gnome enchanter and someother dwarf npc. I, an erudite necro am kos to them and i agree their aggro range is absolutley riddiculous when i saw them grouped up they were at the top of a hill and i was a good 4 sec from the bottom of hill, so i was probably a 8 sec run from them ( which is very far) when i saw them run at me. I knew i was kos so i ran. then fixxing charmed me then summoned me. all 4 started running around pointlessly dragging me along with them, they never touched me or my pet while i was charmed so i hit the reboot button and then logged back on unharmed and in the middle of nowhere. anyways that was my exp and by the way my theory of why their aggro range is soooooo huge is because one of them is an enchanter who probably has sentinal on at all times which would explain the large aggro range but i dont know im just a newbie who got too close *shrugs* P.S. THEY HAVE A HUGE AGGRO RANGE.
RE: Aggro range
# Sep 25 2000 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
My lvl 17 Paly ran across them while resting on the north edge of NK about +1500 +1400. I was meddin and heard casting noises. I stood up and there they were just below me and at the moment they were ignoring me. It was Brunu and a side kick named Cory. I quickly moved off not wanting to press my luck. They must have just spawned as it got dark.
Aggro range
# Sep 01 2000 at 7:50 AM Rating: Default
This guy runs with 3 other NPC in NE corner of NK. They have a huge aggro range and can attack before you know they are there. They hate Dark Elves, which makes doing the Cleric bracer quest a challenge.
RE: Aggro range
# Sep 03 2000 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
If anyone has any info on these npcs please post it because at lvl 33 there group waxed me totally and i have no idea why they kos to me our what factions they hate because im a totally good ranger i only killed senty alechin in sk once thats all i did bad. so please tell me what screwed up faction i have!
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