After winning the trial, this guy stays up for all of about 5 minutes before he despawns. Much shorter timeframe than the NPCs for the other two trials. Hurry up and get your hails in before he despawns.
When the madmen spawn after killing the guardian, aggro all of them and drag them to room 3; counting from Alekson's room. Kill them all there and when the named in room 3 spawns aggro it and run to room 2. Aggro the named in room 2 then run to room 1, Alekson's room, and aggro the named that spawns there. You have a certain amount of time, ~ 5 minutes, to aggro all 3 or you will fail. Kill them at your leisure then hail Alekson to get the flag. Three named spawn even though only 2 virgins spawn.
Did this with an 85 SK which makes it easier since SK get instant cast dots which helps to get aggro especially when you're constantly being summoned.
Glarion 95 Shadowknight Tunare
Mentalius Mindripper Level 70 Enchanter (retired) Lanys T'Vyl My Stuff
Just wondering.. There have been a few post made in regards to this apperant bug in this trial. I am wondering, is this a bug, or is there a legit write-up on how to do this the right way. Apperantly slaughtering the mobs and the named are not enough. I am literally pwning these guys, and within a min of named spawns POOF..all mobs vanish..mission failed. Wuts up? Does anyone know? Thank you if you can answer my question. =)
This mobmust be bugged. Here;s our run down and tell me if im missing anything or if it in fact IS bugged.
Had a group in room 2 and a group in room 3. Hailed Alekson. Tiggered event. Klled a guardian of marr and spawned mobs. Cleared crazed and named in room 2 and 3. Had no further spawns. Had no respawn of Alekson for any sort of a hail. Had no respawn of any crazed norrathians nor named. About 1-2 minutes later got the end of the event message.
Is this trial timed? Tried it twice today, and both times we failed but neither of the two villagers were killed. The mobs just despawned, and the emote said they were taken away.
We had two people holding down the mobs in the room furthest from Alek, and the rest killing the mobs in the room just off of Alek's. Without warning all the mobs just vanished, and the trial was over. Is there a villager that spawns in Alek's room that we may have missed?
One detail regarding any of these "hail the NPC to get your flag" type events. Make sure you see the message listed in the previous post (An ethereal mist....). It's easy to miss in the spam of hails after the raid.
You CANNOT be on horse/drogmor nor invisible when hailing, or it will not work. I repeat, be dismounted and visible when hailing! Good luck!
This is one of the three trials needed in order to enter the Temple of Marr where Mithaniel Marr resides. Alekson Garn's trial is the easiest of the three trials. Once the trial is triggered, you'll need to protect some innocent virgins from the mean guys that spawn all around them. If you protect the virgins and beat the bad guys, you win. (See the map below for the basic layout.) If Alekson Garn is alive in the zone, his trial can be activated. If he's not there, then the trial cannot be activated. With a few tricks, a group of 18 should be able to do this trial, but it's designed for a raid of 40 to 60 players.
Personal notes,
The mobs move at close to Jboots speed and are very hard to snare. Its better to have only one active kitters and a few inactive Monks, SK's with SoE on to take over should they go down. This was one of the hardest thing we learned, that to many kitters ruin the broth. To seperate a mob at a time use a Pally with Stun or Ench to pull one of at a time.
Once you have killed all the bad guys you can then hail Alekson Garn and you will get text stating "An ethereal mist descends from the air and surrounds your very being. Your body begins to emanate with the power of Alekson Garn." complete the other two trials to enter the Temple of Marr (HoHb).
We did it a bit different (full 72 raid force..pickup raids ya'know). Divided groups into the 3 spawn rooms. Each room killed off all mobs except for one...had a kiter keep it occupied. Balance of raid force then killed off named one at a time (moving room to room), as the named pops when last crazed mob dead in each room.
this can be done with as little as 18 in raid (we have done it a few times)---needs good kiting,druids probably best with soe, tho wiz can do too if soe is fresh---post kiters in each room , kill boss in first room, kite, kill respawn boss in first room, move to second room, kill , move to last room, kill---back to room one, hail (NOT on mount, NOT invis)...gratz you are 1/3 of way thru the HoH trials btw MOST mobs on way dont see invis, but there is usually ONE who does just before you get to the building housing the, con before you proceed thru it---also, about half of the mobs which need to be kited can be snared, prob not worth doing
Does anyone know what number this trial is? The seer has them numbered 1-3, 3 being RD. Was wondering which number the villager is and which number the virgin is.
A little song. A little dance. Evil team's head on a lance!