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When she was little Vuudoo suffered from a life threatening disease that effected her heart. Being of a poor family they couldn't pay doctors or anyone of medical background to help her. There last and only resort was to goto a wicth doctor located deep within the Paluldal caverns, it was a long and peirilous journey that Shamish took Vuudoo on; but it was to save her life. When they reached the shaman he examined her and told Shamish the diesease was cureable, but he would need to run back into the cavern and collect Dulfis mushrooms and Muck Diggers and brew them into a broth for his ritual of cleansing. Shamish did as he was told but was mortally wounded himself by the Muck Diggers, he managed to make it back to the shaman just before he dropped dead from the infection the grew in his wounds. The shaman decided to heal Vuudoo and take her in as his own. As the years went by the shaman taught Vuudoo his ways and showed her his powerful magicks. As he grew older, the shaman finally felt it time to tell Vuudoo the story of how she came to him, and her fathers death. She was sent out and when she returned the shaman was dead, left behind was one of his golden jasper earrings, and a note with a seal on it..... the seal of the Dar Khura. She knew it was time for her to leave her home and return to the city of the noble Vah Shir, Shar Vahl. She now stands as an apprentice of Dar Khura and is begining the search for her ancestors and family....