February 9, 2015
Here are some updates for today:
New Items: Tome: Demolishing Frenzy Rk. III ; Bitter Bottle ; Scroll: Storm of Many Rk. II
New Bestiary: an earthen toiler ; a sand spiritstorm
Updated Items: Ration ; Crude Defiant Breastplate ; Dragon Scale ; Warped Primeval Incandessence ; Distorted Primeval Luminessence ; Mask of Dark Tidings ; Troll Blood ; Elven Blood ; Dark Elf Parts ; Ogre Meat ; Ogre Blood ; Human Parts ; Human Blood ; High Elf Parts ; Army of Light Longsword ; Wood Elf Parts ; Dwarf Meat ; Dwarven Blood ; Empty Phial ; Bixie Stinger ; Bixie Wing ; Cultured Jumjum Honey ; Bixie Parts ; Low Quality Bear Skin ; Bear Parts ; High Quality Bear Skin ; Pearlescent Bear Tooth ; Medium Quality Bear Skin ; Thick Grizzly Bear Skin ; Shiny Bear Tooth ; Ruined Bear Pelt ; Pearlescent Spider Fang ; Spider Venom Sac ; Intricately Patterned Spider Carapace ; Spider Legs ; Spider Mandible ; Spider Silk ; Ticking Companion ; Bearfang Fists
Updated Quests: Ranger Epic 2.0: Aurora, the Heartwood Blade ; Relic of Tides: Thelasas of the Relic
Updated Bestiary: Vicus Nonad ; Haladorf Wuirgon ; Balgros McMichael ; Military Chest (hard) ; an invading gnoll pup ; Gosik