November 6, 2014

Here are today's updates:

New Items: Mace of Violent WatersDredging AnchorBrigand's HoopTome: Warrior's Bulwark Rk. IIWater Portal SpellHighwater Wrist Band of the DivinerHighwater Leggings of the DivinerHighwater Wristguard of the DivinerLeft Half of The Endless Song Page VIThe Endless Song Page IIShoulder Guards of AlarmThe Endless Song Page VMarauder's Steel PauldronsScroll: Brell's Stalwart Bulwark Rk. IIPlexipharia's PowderCarved Tyrannosaurus FigurineExotic Fruit BowlParrot Feathered Short CapeSeaweed EarringPolished Coral FragmentCastaway Wristguard of the DivinerSynthesis ChamberContract of the Arc WorkerCrystalline Trichordont Guardian - AmethystCountry Estates Kitchen Rotisserie SpitRotted Treant ProtectorTamed Black WolfFlood Telmira GuardianCountry Estates Kitchen FireplaceMinotaur GuardianFriendly Frost WerewolfVerdant Treant ProtectorCrystalline Trichordont Guardian - RubyCountry Estates Kitchen OvenLiving Grandfather ClockTamed OashimFlame Telmira GuardianCountry Estates Kitchen Cooking PotsThe Snoog Ornament

New Recipes: Repaired Tunare StatueFull Degmar InkwellMemorial Ceremony AnnouncementAugust Warborn ArmbandAugust Warborn BootsAugust Warborn CuirassAugust Warborn GlovesAugust Warborn GreavesAugust Warborn HelmAugust Warborn SleevesAugust Tyrant ArmbandAugust Tyrant BootsAugust Tyrant CuirassAugust Tyrant GlovesAugust Tyrant GreavesAugust Tyrant HelmAugust Tyrant Sleeves

New Bestiary: a barkeepa confused smitha crazed diggera crazed prisonera dead elfa dedicated artisana Degmar ambushera Degmar archera Degmar citizena Degmar guarda Degmar residenta Degmar sharpshota determined diggera dirty diggera librariana prisonera servera spectral apparitiona spectral furora spectral haunta spectral librariana spectral ragera spectral revelera spectral wandereran angry guardan angry prisoneran angry spectral reveleran incensed guardan offended guardan outraged guardDead Apostlean enraged guard

Updated Items: Turtleshell MaskSlimy TentacleColorful Glistenwing CloakTalon of RexsaurkarusTemple Raider's CloakRaptor Bone RingStrange Triceratop's HornOld Tyrannosaurus Hide CloakReginasaur's ToothHighwater BootsPauldron of DegmarTattered Remnants of SanityDigging ToolsPure WaterAquatic PlantsDegmar Ceremonial HammerLibrary BookFancy DrumstickFancy Red AppleFancy MushroomFancy HamFancy Green AppleFancy FruitcakeFancy TurkeyDegmar Castle AleFancy PumpkinTiny Silver Hammer of BrellSecond Stage Frangible OreMemorial Ceremony AnnouncementFull Degmar InkwellSticky MudDegmar QuillDegmar InkwellBlank Degmar ScrollDegmar Dwarf BloodRepaired Tunare StatueSacred Rites of Forge and ForestElf SkeletonDegmar Artisinal ClayStatue of Tunare TorsoStatue of Tunare HeadStatue of Tunare Legs

Updated Quests: TDS Progression #11: The Sacred ProfanedTDS Progression #12: Crying for the DeadCastle TravelCastle RaidCastle CrasherCastle GrowthParanoia: GuardsParanoia: CommonersParanoia: LibrariansParanoia: GhostsParanoia: RevelersParanoia: BreweryParanoia: ArtisansJonas Dagmire's Skeletal Parrot

Updated Bestiary: StrangaculKaevon MaeloraOld SpirespineCommander Alast DegmarEnraged Spectral RevelerPsychotic PrisonerBlacksmith ThassisCuisinier SraskusHemocoraxiusPlexiphariaReginasaurTricerasaurVisoraciusFractureshellNecromaticus AbominatioPraetor Ledalus ThaddaeusPria the PenitentVicarum Spiritus PsycheWarleader JocelynDeicoraxiusRexsaurkarusPriestess GlihelinJailor Muggroffa corpse desecratorLost Scribe


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