Letter from the Producer (January 20, 2006)

This is a letter from EverQuest producer Chris Lena regarding the recent player rollbacks, as seen on. The situation stems from this patch on Wednesday. ====================================================== Hello everyone, We have now completed our last group of character restores in regards to the update issue that occurred on the morning of January 18th. Before I go into the details let me start by giving our apologies to all of those that were unknowingly affected by the correction of our error. We did feel that we needed to be aggressive in dealing with this issue. I also hope that everyone can understand that we needed to be vague on the details while our actions were being taken. However, now that it is complete let me take a moment and explain our solutions. The summary is that we rolled back any character that had traded with the Beta merchants from our Prophecy of Ro testing server. We also rolled back characters that had traded with those ground zero characters as well as any subsequent traders along down the line. Taking a step back I will start with the morning of the update. During the beta testing of an expansion we will have a number of NPCs available to facilitate the testing of new tradeskill recipes. Since the point is to actually test recipes and combines the items are free or extremely cheap. Unfortunately, due to a data error, these 25 NPCs with 1,530 items ended up on the live servers. As soon as we realized the issue we removed the NPCs from the Plane of Knowledge. We decided not to take down the servers until we fully understood the situation and its ramifications. This was the approach that we continued to take throughout the day – slow, steady, and methodical. After researching and tracking both the players and items we crafted a solution that would not require server downtime and would only affect a small percentage of our overall population. We began with the characters that purchased items directly from the Beta merchants taking the time to exclude those people that only purchased harmless items such as water. We also excluded anyone who only sold to those merchants. After that we expanded to those that traded with those characters and iterated down the chain to include all trades. We felt that we had to widen the web in this way to prevent a number of secondary methods of dealing with these ill-gotten items such as trading the results of tradeskill combines. At this point we understand that we are directly affecting players that might have had no knowledge of the source of these items or results of these items. However, we believe it was necessary to take this aggressive step to maintain the integrity of the economy. Soon thereafter we expanded our investigation to the other sources such as guild bank, shared bank, bazaar transactions, and other more obscure possibilities. This afternoon we ended with a final sweep of all areas to ensure that we conducted as thorough of a clean up as possible. We did this in a step by step manner so that we could keep an eye on the number of characters affected, maintain a high level of thoroughness, and minimize any chance of errors. I have also seen a number of people suggest that we should have taken down the servers and rolled back every active character on every server. That was my first thought as well but once you get into the details you can see that this would not have been the best course of action. Primarily, every character would have lost their play time instead of the small percentage that was involved. Also, keep in mind that any rollback or restore has a small chance of an error and rolling back that number of characters would have magnified those exceptions to an unacceptable degree. After going through this process over the last 24 hours and seeing the results I am confident that we took the best course of action under the circumstances. The result is that the integrity of the economy has been maintained while touching less than 1% of the character population of EverQuest. The majority of the EverQuest population was able to enjoy the game normally with zero server downtime and no loss of play time. We do understand that this might not matter to those of you that were rolled back and for that we apologize. In conclusion, there are two known issues with the rollbacks regarding guild membership status and missing corpse issues that may have affected some customers. Customer Service will be assisting with these specific known issues, but will not be assisting with requests for reimbursement of items, coin, experience, AA’s, or flags that were removed due to the character rollbacks. If your character is having problems joining or being removed from a guild or if your character appears to be missing a corpse, please submit a petition under the appropriate category and they will assist you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience, Chris Lena Producer EverQuest


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What a joke.
# Jan 21 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a programmer.. Anyone who tests code on a production platform should be fired. Anyone who doesnt realize they're testing code on a production server shouldn't have been working there in the first place.

This is absurd. I quit starwars and came back to EQ since they royaly trashed SWG. Looks like i should've gone to guildwars or wow.

I'm glad i refuse to take plats for buffs or else i would've been screwed. See, what the people who everyone are calling "kiss asses" dont understand is that 1) this should have never happened and 2) A lot of the people effected did something as small as accept plats in exchange for a buff. The way it was handled is completely unacceptable by any standards (unless you dont have a standard).

The comments made about the EQ economy are ludacris. Everyone knows the EQ economy has been f'ed in the a for a very long time now. Well, i cant speak for other servers but torvo has always been whack and torvo/fennin is even worse. If you want to fix the game get rid of the people selling plats and characters.

Normally when i buy something from a company and they make a mistake.. They bite the bullet and hook me up (as it should be). Whatever happened to the customer is always right and always please the customer? I guess this doesn't apply when you're dealing with megacorporations whose employees come to work only to get a paycheck.

Since i'm a coder ive come up with a theory as to how this happened. In order to update or patch a server they have to recompile the source, take down the server, overwrite the binaries, update the sql/database code, then start the server again (crudely speaking). As the principle of simplicity (ockham's razor) states the easiest answer is usually the correct answer. I figure that when the the noobcoder went to update the test server (which would have a seprate database) he simply connected to the wrong database and made the correct updates to the wrong database. (Ive never been on the test server, does anyone know if the merchants were also on the test server while they were on live?). Since all servers have common items/quests/merchants i figure they all share a common database for those fields to make them easy/quick to update. This would also explain how they were able to take the merchants offline without taking down the servers. As you dont have to shut down a server to make changes to the database.

So what does this boil down to? I think someone was too busy looking at fark to pay attention to what they were doing.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 15:40:48 2006
RE: What a joke.
# Jan 24 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
2) A lot of the people effected did something as small as accept plats in exchange for a buff.
Coder yep, Master of english language? Nope.
Its affected.
RE: What a joke.
# Jan 23 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Just two minor points, you can't "goto" guild wars. It's more or less a mini game to play while your main game is down, fun but nothing to spend mass amounts of time on. And secondly, WoW sucks :p...

Liveye (lvl 70 Wizard)
RE: What a joke.
# Jan 26 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
Why do all the haters say WoW sucks? If "sucks" means that it has taken the top spot among mmorpg's then I guess it does suck.

EQ may have been the first but it certainly isn't the biggest or best (although "best" would be a matter of personal opinion). And to be accurate it wasn't even the first.

Hate if you like but WoW is bigger in terms of player base than EQ ever thought of being.
RE: What a joke.
# Jan 30 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
"If "sucks" means that it has taken the top spot among mmorpg's then I guess it does suck."

Never confuse quality with popularity.
got what you had comnig
# Jan 21 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Only people I felt bad for is peps that took a donation for a buff with tainted pp or bought an item in bazaar form someone who was trying to profit from a mistake I saw the npc's when patch was done and geez I looked at what they had and told myself that they were there by mistake was not a hard thing to think about all you peps who tried to pull one over on others deserve what you got roll back lose of items lose of pp there was a motd not even half hour later so you xp'ed and lose that xp serves you right. An exploit is a exploit.
My 2 cp worth
# Jan 21 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
I feel bad for those who got lost exp.. gear and stuff by being in the right place at the wrong time.. but for those profiteers who wanted to abuse ... It's Karma! Let's face it .. ya had to know that New NPc's standing in the wrong place offering those kind of deals was a mistake. So if you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.. and now want to rant and cancel your accts.
Well TTFN.. Life will be better in game for the rest of us .. It's a game.. Crap happens .. get over yourselves
SONY is worthless
# Jan 21 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Oh .. and by the way ... I have several accounts and those will no longer be active. Your customer service skills, or should I say lack there of, are shameful. One would think that with all the money you make on this game, you could afford some decency and manners. Besides, the whole rollback is a lazy way out in my opinion. It was YOUR mistake so you shaould have just dealt with the tradeskill advancements that characters made. If the concern was that the items were in the game that don't belong, all you had to do was patch to make them no rent, bring down the servers for an hour and problem solved. Your solution is pathetic and too little too late. Not to MENTION at the moment the double exp on Bristlebane isn't even working correctly. You suck.
Screw you sony
# Jan 21 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
JUst giant **** YOU to sony you screwed the people who butter your bread dont be suprised if this ***** you on the next expansion. Once again you guys are ******** and suck
Blunder #1
# Jan 21 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Yup this is the biggest BLUNDER yet. No other software house on earth would allow beta code for a future version of software to leak out in a production version. This is proof that not only have they dummed the game down to the lowest level of competence, they have dumbed down the staff to.

As for the roll back. I payed the going and fair prices for food stuffs to find they roll back several aa's, much money wasted since i must restock and several quest items as well.

Thats 3 accounts and not 1 will be active next month. This sets a precedent. I'm not gonna fund/reward this attitude or procedure.

The 1% figure is pure fiction. They tried the same haze the issue trick a while before the server roll back. I dread to log in because of the anger and strife they caused with this.

I heard mention of a conspiracy theory where they think this will redirect customers to another of their on line games. Another of those looks good in type theories.

This kind of incompetance is not a conspiracy, lets call it like it is. Its a BLUNDER of idiotic proportions. The backlash from this will be financial.

Now for all you A$$ kizerz in here, I didnt deserve this at all. I did nothing and got ripped off. now go count yer server population and subtract 3 more.

Don't bother with the light switch, the util co will cut it off when they dont get paid. Oh and next time you invest in a gaming company, i'd recommend selling the stocks the first time the crap hits the fan. Nothing like getting nailed twice by the same idiots...
RE: Blunder #1
# Jan 23 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
I could have sworn I remembered a bigger blunder they made. What was that? Oh yeah, when they came out with Shadows of Luclin they screwed around with the engine so much that in one swoop they quadrupled the system reqs to run EQ and more basically required you to use 15 times the RAM to run the game smoothly. But most idiots like to call that progress apparently :p...

Liveye (lvl 70 Wizard)
sony has issues
# Jan 21 2006 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
It ought to be a week of double xp. This is still one of the most ridiculous customer service nightmares I have ever seen from any company. Something must be severely wrong with Sony upper management. Look at their CD debacle installing software on your computer without your permission. They really do think they can get away with anything. I'm not quitting eq but I don't have to buy a new Qualia. I am not going to buy a PS3 now either. I might be stuck playing EQ but I'm not going to support a clearly broken corporate culture any further than I have too.
# Jan 21 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
I lost 41 crystals, my Artkeeper's token that I had to turn in and my experience . I think I lost those things because I was casting Kei in Pok and someone who had traded with the merchants gave me a donation with tainted coin. I didn'tsee the merchants, I think I thought it was a raid group forming. Anyway, not terrible but a DON mission takes a long time and the end of that mission was tough for we got caught up in a die,rez, die , rez loop but we managed to rez win in the end. Then to lose that token and the crystals stung a bit. I am a bit disappointed but I know something had to be done to solve the problem. How could I be part of the one percent? sighs
# Jan 21 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
Having had a alt rolled back a level after buying of all thing spiderling silk, I saw the message saying they had completed the rollbacks so i went out and got her level back, Next morning,I get on and the level is gone AGAIN! So that is 2 levels taken for buying a few stacks of spiderling silk.

Having had prior exp with SOE petition process I am not even gonna bother petitioning this time:

Lost quest items...SORRY!
Quests that were completed missing from journal... SORRY!
Acidentally sold a 200K CoS to a vendor for 38 pp...SORRY
(noticing a lack of help from SOE on these things?)
I am not gonna petition SOE SCREWS UP SO I GET SCREWED!...SORRY
Going to do what any smart shopper would do in a case of poor customer service, find a new company to deal with.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 09:28:04 2006
# Jan 21 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! A mistake was made by putting the temp tradeskills merchants on the servers. Twenty minutes later they were taken down and a new patch was done. Then SOE put in the MOTD that they would be doing the rollbacks. They even told everyone NOT to play if they thought they were involved in the slightest way. Accepting money from someone that had gone to the merchants made you involved, even if unwittingly. Now SOE is trying to make it up to peeps by giving us 48 hours of double xp. AND YOU'RE STILL ********* Common sense should have warned peeps against those merchants, everyone was warned that rollbacks were coming, yet everyone says "It won't happen to me. Let me go get that flag, xp, uber kill etc......." Jesus people, nothing is perfect and SOE is doing their best to make it up to those that were inadvertantly affected and all you can do is *****? Go ahead and leave EQ, we don't need you little first grade babies anyway!!!
RE: Rollbacks
# Jan 21 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
Quit being an azzkizzer. I logged off before the systemwide message was posted. This is the first I have heard of one even being sent, I did no business with those merchants and I didn't even know they were there I made only 1 business transaction with 1 person for a couple runes for my 65 spells. I sign on late last night to find I am missing 3 AA's, 9 spells from lvl 64 to 68, a neck slot item, a character flag and a bunch of pp as well as 3 and a half yellow bars of exp. SO I do nothing wrong, get screwed and you defend SONY and say you should have heedd a message I never got? Interesting. You should join the SONY staff, You would fit right in.
RE: Rollbacks
# Jan 21 2006 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
Suck up
# Jan 21 2006 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
What I'm wondering is when did the live servers become the TEST server. This is a common practice on TEST and everyone that plays there knows to camp to save experience earned after about 1 hours play. TEST undergos a lot of rollbacks and changes, that is why it's TEST. Keep it up Sony and EQ will be in the same boat with SWG, sinking with no land in sight and no oars to row with.

People are fickle and a lot of compition is out there.
small rant
# Jan 21 2006 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
well for me what happend, my mage from other computer lost 1 aa not a real biggies easy to get back, but my main on other computer had just finished the emgosh hit in the DoN progression, i was stoked i waited so long to do this hit. Then i went to do the turn in the NPC ate my turn in, so i had to pettiton it, next i got the item back then rollback happened, i still had the stone, but now NPC wont take it , I petitioned yet again, and was told there was no record of my encounter with Emgosh , And that I should do him if i want to progress in DoN, lol so now im stuck with a stone I cant turn in until guild soes another hit on him.
no 66 spell for me =(
# Jan 21 2006 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
Well how do i put this i really dont know.

It was about a good few hours before the patch and i was right then and there turning in my last level 66 muramite rune. got the turn in was excited and happy. then 15 minutes before the servers go down a message went around server wide saying "Shutdown iminent in <time here>. please find a safe spot and log out."

well i did log out and then when the servers went back up i was shocked to find that a the gnome by pok small bank had a beard now... in fact all human male modles in PoK had beards as well. but this was at the time not my concern. what my real concern was when seeing the temp merchants behind pok bank. now when the roll backs took place i found myself with my muramite rune again. well it seems that i thought maybe i can turn it in again and hope it is not bugged due to it seems my spell got lost as well.

so tried to turn it in and he would not take it.
Just goes to show you they never do the right things sometimes *sony i mean*
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 21 2006 at 12:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Losing Flags and Raid loot is pretty lame indeed.
Ticked-Off and Quitting
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Quote--The result is that the integrity of the economy has been maintained while touching less than 1% of the character population of EverQuest.

Basically.. Sony rolled us all back and now the economy is still in the favor of those Uber tradeskilers RAPING the majority of the casual-gamers. Some of those *casual-gamers* whom took advantage of seeing the *TEMP Traders* in PoK..Purchasing some items to maybe further their OWN tradeskills or even stockpiling items that they need that are otherwise RARE or insanely priced by farmers. The Temp traders were only up for a SHORT period of time. Only those with fast reflexes and the knowledge of what is valuable, rare, NEEDED, etc etc grabbed what they could--not for the EXPLOIT purpose. But because the traders were listed as TEMPORARY. No one knew how long they would be up. Some speculated they were giving us an introductory "peek" as to what we can expect in the upcoming expansion. I know I myself did. Sure, I scrounged those NPCs up and down. FAST. I only grabbed thigns that I knew -- I -- needed. Sadly Not many Poison items for my skill level were available (/cry RARE FUGGIN Noc Tails....Grrr.FIX THAT issue Sony) At any rate, I grabbed what I could then the NPCs went Poof. So, gaming carried on as normal.--Lengthly time spent LFG (Lack of Gaming population--Get teh Hint SONY !!!) before a guild group formed to blast out some PoP Flagging and some regular exp / looting groups before guild raid that evening.
Sure...should have headed the warnings that BLASTED us in game about not playing our toons for the next day or two. WTF - Don't PLAY???? WTF do you think we PAY for? Bad enough gamings beeen on a downward spiral since Luclin introduced the Bazaar and the game was split into --Raiders and Those making Profit through Tradeskilling. people that play this game on a casual basis OR FOR FUN get shafted. Groupings are slim. Enjoyable groups are slimmer. Guilds are popping up left and right because people can't find the right blend of people that will cater to their every need and desire. In turn making ANY guild harder to build.

So all in all. My frustration with EQ--Sony in general for that matter since its not EQs fault. EQ is a great game--has reached the breaking point. I've struggled through enough. Sadly I won't be enjoying it anymore or any other game LINKED to Sony.
So long EQ and F-U Sony. Take your Double exp weekend that you claim will --Make-up-- for the hassle YOU caused, and shove it.
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I happened to just browse the traders. I didn't buy anything, yet somehow me and three of my other characters who hadn't left Dranik Scar in over 3 days, got rolled back. I lost a level on eclipse blade and 6 AA in the process. They say it was only those who bought, but this is untrue. Lots of people got rolled back for no apparent reason. Some people lost as much as 11AA and some very important steps in questing. The warning was fair, but some of the people it affected were not involved.
Poor move SOE
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
1% very interesting number. Wonder where they got that from. Last night 20 or 30 players in POK were almost in tears because of the stuff they lost. One guy BOUGHT 100k pp with real money and lost it... to which I laugh out loud, but the rest lost from a few items to their entire corpse and bank inventory, from 1 to 5 levels or more. This is fair? Well the EULA says that the characters are THIER property (SOE), and we just basicly use em... BUT, I personaly know several peeps quiting EQ over this. Business wise this is a very, very poor move imo.
Very very bad Call
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,603 posts
I was not on to see the tradeskill Merchants.

However -- had I been on -- I would have been blowing my bank on them and very excited about it -- just like everyone else.

How are players to know that it was a Sony ***** up? And not some special event or new Merchants added?

Why punish players for a Sony ***** up?

I know several players who were rolled back and rolled back like they were being punished by Sony -- scapegoat-like.

If Sony had taken the items back, rolled back any skill ups, refunded/reset their coin and no more -- that would be OK.

After all -- if they can go back step by step as noted in the press release -- they could have just as easily done this properly and fairly.

What they did, however, was roll them back more than once. In doing so -- they took away hard and properly earned Levels, AA, looted items and so forth.

Giving everyone double XP on the weekend is not a good way to make this up. It rewards everyone. It does not make reparations to those they harmed.

It in no way makes up for the lost play time and gains made outside of the merchant/tradeskill issues (as everyone gets this benefit -- not just those they did harm to).

Just my opinion.


# Jan 20 2006 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I never did get into any of this, however I am going to say I think its wrong people should lose anything over this. Chances are many of the people pointing fingers have at some point taken advantage of ways to make money/exp quickly. Rather it was afking for free exp in monster missions, fishing in GAtes, etc chances are all of us have done it. As far as I am concerned if SOE puts something in the game that makes it too easy to make money/exp it is SOE's fault. Players pay $15 a month to play this game, it is not our job to avoid doing something SOE allows us to do in game because it might hurt us later on.

I have seen the treats people have made to leave, but I think we all know very few people will leave the game. Within a month it will have washed over and thats the end.
RE: hmm
# Jan 21 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Well, i'll say this. As far as people making idle threats to leave the game is concerned:
If all those threats were idle, why are servers merging? If nobody is leaveing, we would still have all the servers that were here when i started playing. Do I think there is going to be a mass exodus from the game? No, at leat not now. I do beleive that for many, this was the final straw. Every giant falls at some point, and SoE's "we don't care about our customers" philosophy of doing business will only speed the process. IMHO, what should have been done, was the servers should have been taken down as soon as the problem was discovered, then they could have taken back all that the players unkowingly bought from "tainted" vendors. Would have been much quicker and fiar than to chase ghosts and roll back players, some more than once for doing something they didn't even know was wrong. That's just my 2cp.
Ugly Remarks
# Jan 20 2006 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
The one thing that bothers me about all of this is how Sony is talking down to those who took advantage of the situation. Don't get me wrong, this isn't personal to me, I haven't been online in a week.. the only side effect I'm getting is double EXP this weekend.

Its just, in EQ, we don't get many good breaks.. most are pretty bad.. some idiot trains you, you go linkdead, a group member does in a mission, one of the millions of bugs, a quest NPC eats something, etc. I've learned that EQ is a dynamic world where things don't always go by the rules. Though I was jealous of those who got to use the Beta merchants, and I'm glad they did roll it back, the insult to those who took the oppurtunity and went with it is disgraceful.
C'est la vie
# Jan 20 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Am I the only one who read that those affected by the roll-backs will not be reimbursed in any way? I believe that Lena might have been correct in saying that the roll-backs would only affect a small number of people in play. However, I sincerely doubt it was 1% as most of my guild and my friends across servers were affected by the roll backs. I think it was such a small percentage because it took into account all the alts, unused chars/accounts and such. Those who regularly play were ALL affected as near as I can tell. So this weekend they offer double xp to EVERYONE, not just those who were rolled back? And that's not going to be exploited? Hello. Well, Sony just lost a customer of 6 plus years and minimum of 2 accounts at any given time. Last night I was livid. Today I'm not angry anymore, but I feel betrayed by Sony. And despite all the bugs they're going to, once again, release another bug-ridden expansion that has ALREADY caused problems with the existing game. Smart move, guys. Luckily, there's something I can do about this. *smiles tightly* Almost my entire guild is leaving Everquest. See how you like it when you get hit in the pocket book, where it really hurts you. Because you obviously have no balls, nor much of a sense of responsibility to the players.

Edited, Fri Jan 20 18:23:34 2006
# Jan 20 2006 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
The amount of player ******** is remarkable...state facts and give them a chance to make it right...those that knew what they were doing was wrong...take you crayons and coloring books elsewhere and STFU!

# Jan 21 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts
Ok, well here's my situation. I play this game with my wife and she is normally the KL. We weren't on when this happened, and could give a rat's *** about tradeskills. When she sold normal, honestly gotten gains to a vendor after getting some major xp in the 69.1 mission she got bugged because someone who sold to the vendor previous was bugged. This was the only interaction that she had with any pc or npc that day. She lost several AAs, and a few items, NO DROP items, how the hell was she going to exploit a no drop. Her petition was answered with a polite "we screwed up, your bad for playing our game" We've since made up the xp and the 2 spell missions she lost, but it really irritated us as she did absolutely nothing wrong. "state facts and give them a chance to make it right..." is an utterly stupid statement, because stating the facts did not help one bit, SOE is just trying to cover it with a blanket. Oh, and we weren't on when that warning message was issued, and if it was there when we logged in, it was likely missed due to guild motd spam. If you weren't affected then you probably don't realize that you could have done nothing at all wrong, in any way shape or fashion and still gotten hit with a nerf bat. so to you, Scoda, I say don't say anything unless you know what is going on.
# Jan 21 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
state facts and give them a chance to make it right...those that knew what they were doing was wrong...

An arguable point even with the characters that directly interacted. Irregardless it was the worst handled (from a community-relations perspective) thing I have ever seen.

This was an ignore it and pretend it did not happen situation. Considering the ebay plat and characters rampant in this game this little mistake is a joke to be dealt with so severely.

Don't apologize or justify Sony on this one. You don't have to stick up for the people that bought from "temp" merchants... but they have a case. It is not like someone hacked it to make them appear.

The next patch message should have read "Programmer ~name-of-idiot-here~ has been reassigned, sorry for any inconvience and grats to those who use the NPC economy"

I think people will quit over this one. The "fix" is like giving the whole orphanage a spanking with a wet belt because one kid ate 10 cookies out of the box that was not supposed to be open.
# Jan 21 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with Scoda ... Why is it that anyone who is in agreement with someone else is either a suck up or some other stupid derrogatory title. Let's face facts. Every time you log on you hit a button that says you agree with SOE's rules. One such rule is that you report a bug instead of taking advantage of it for your personal gains. As far as I'm concerned, it's your greedy, I want something for nothing, cheat the system, let's MM to level 70 , gimmee, gimmee, gimmee attitude that has ruined this game ... NOT SOE nor the majority of the other players. I remember when you couldn't get KEI or Virtue. When a caster was willing to give up his/her time to buff us, we were gratefull and thanked them with words and donations to help pay for the spells needed to be able to help us with a buff. Now, if a caster has to med for a minute, you get pissed off and impatient and call her a *****. If you don't like the temperature of the water, don't get in the pool. If you don't like the way the game is run, don't hit the "I AGREE" button. I hope I never have the ill fortune to group with any of you ungratefull morons.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 10:34:49 2006
# Jan 21 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
What happens when the money that was tipped for the kei was from a bugged npc.. Then the enc gets rolled back for unknowingly accepting plats that originated from a tainted npc and they lose 10 aa and 3-5 items?

So now, a nice person who took their time to buff someone gets screwed because of something they may or may have not known about. Get a clue about what the arguement is about before you open your mouth.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 14:49:33 2006
# Jan 21 2006 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
Suck up X2
Missing items that do not pertain to the error
# Jan 20 2006 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
I know a couple people that lost items they have had for months because of the roll back and now are being told they cant get them back. That is total BS. These items should not hve been effected in the first place but now due to another mistake in programming somehow they are gone.

One case in particular, is a ranger friend whom bought a Tolan's Bracer about 6 months ago. He was indirectly invovled in the merchant problem by buying an item off someone in the Bazaar. His rollback took his Tolan's Bracer off his character. That item should be restored because it was noway involved with this January 18th thing.
RE: Missing items that do not pertain to the error
# Jan 20 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
I agree. I lost items and plat that had nothing to do in any way with the rollback-causing bug. I could petition, but why bother? In the end, it's only a game. Time to stand up from the table.
Sony strikes again!
# Jan 20 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
So instead of correcting the problem right away.......they choose to wait till the problem gets bigger and then ***** EVERYBODY!!! Oh and Sorry....we WON"T do anything about it! Typical SOE!
# Jan 20 2006 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Can I have your stuff?
# Jan 20 2006 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Buh Bye
# Jan 20 2006 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
Well, if you lost money because you amade merchant trades or sales to other characters, then petition, politely and give them good rational reasons. If all you are going to do is whine and *****, then just deal with it or go away. I figure that you were doing one of 2 things:

1) Innocent sales to other characters, you should get the money back or
2) You were exploiting, and therefore should not get anything back, and thats tough cookies for being and exploiter.

Just my 2 cents

(strapping on the flame retardent suit.)
# Jan 21 2006 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
So what you are saying is if a person sees an oppertunity they shouldnt take it? You put the blame on an "exploiter" for Sony's mistake? I say you need to think a little more about this label of exploiter you so causually use. Yeah, maybe ppl shouldnt have bought anything from the merchants. . .but hey hindsight is 20/20 ya know. I for one wasnt gonna sit by and watch ppl take full atvantage of the situation and then kick myself later for not doing the same. So carry on about how you think exploiters dont deserve fair treatment, but remember you would have been in line too with the rest of the exploiters if you had the oppertunity.

# Jan 21 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
lmao. This is definitely funny. So, there was an exploit, and people realized it was an exploit, but they did it anyway realizing the whole time "this is not right" or "there could be consequences" so they buy a bunch of stuff, and/or do a bunch of tradeskills to max out some skill areas. Then, they get rolled back and the whining starts. lmao I just so happened to not get rolled back, and did not interact with any vendors that morning, but I sure as hell am not kicking myself later for not doing the same.
# Jan 20 2006 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts
So you lost 100k doing what? Trading or playing? If you were involved in some way then that's just to bad. But if you were indirectly involved then place your request and be precise in your reasoning. They wont listen to the ravings of an agrieved person unless you have factual information. I will be doing as Chris Lena suggests and hopefully you shall to.
# Jan 21 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
FYI ... I did petition nicely. No mean words, no attitude. GM's response ... "sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused for you but we can offer no assitance as the rollbacks were necessary."
# Jan 20 2006 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
Bottom line: ZERO reimbursements....read Chris Lena's msg again....ZERO, zip, zilch, nada, bupkis, squat in the form of reimbursements. Can you possibly now see why this is an issue?
And SOE saying 1% were affected would be the same as SOE saying they have a 1% profit margin on EQ. Had i been affected i would quit as well. I do not blame in the least all of my friends and guild members that are upset, irate and/or quitting this game. EQ is a business as far as SOE is concerned and if any other business on the face of earth made such an error to it's customer base, with the proposed remedy; that company would find itself in bankruptcy if not court. And if you can't see this you're blind. Eq is a game, yes, and a game that people pay to play; hence a business transaction has occurred.
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