Oasis of Marr

Quick Facts





Level Range:
8 - 40

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NOTICE: This zone is no longer in the game. As of February 21, 2006, with the release of the Prophecy of Ro, Oasis, North Ro, and South Ro were condensed into two zones: North Ro and South Ro.

Please email us with updated information for quests, mobs and items that were formerly listed in Oasis of Marr.

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pvp oasis
# May 10 2001 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
If your hunting in oasis on a pvp server. Watch out, pks everywhere.
Derv Rings
# May 10 2001 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, the Derv Rings give decent experience (both acquiring them and turning them in). One note- Ortallius is in the NW corner of S Ro. He has an Erudite buddy you can sell all the crap he gives you. Just watch out for SGs before you zone out of OOM, and the wandering DBS.
Gypsy faction
# Apr 29 2001 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
How do I improve my faction with the gypsies?
# Apr 17 2001 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default
is lvl 11 to low to fight in oasis I am a ll rogue I need a good place to get exp or should I just stay in cb
RE: exp
# Sep 04 2001 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing a lvl 10 dwarf/warrior and have been hunting crocs and caimens (normal and deepwater) in this zone for the last day or so. I find the key at a low lvl is to have a full and diverse group. I was the primary tank with a couple druids, a bard, wizard and a cleric all giving heals or nukes as well as /assist melee. I died once, due to a sand giant getting the group edgy and a mistake by me, but other than that I think I did alright considering all mobs conned red to me. We had one lvl 12 and the rest 11 and 10 I think, so as you can guess I was getting great xp. Another bonus is the little down time that I had with all the healers (just what a Warrior likes). Hope this helps a bit.

Warrior 10th Battlefield
RE: exp
# Apr 29 2001 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
It would probably be better for you to stay in CB for a few more levels. Highpass is great for mid teens to about 20. Orcwall can be a great level elevator. I got levels 14 to 20 there in a matter of days. Of course, this was a while ago. There may be better out there now with the expansions and all.
MONKS 12-17
# Apr 09 2001 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
If you are a monk you could come in from nro and stop at the first big opening and there are usually not many people in that spot and just pick off caimens till level 14 or 15 then move to crocs and caimens for a few levels then when you feel ok about taking on a DW caimen then go for it but they are around 17-18 so be careful and wwatch out for specs...

or you could shout for a group at orc highway
MONKS 12-17
# Apr 09 2001 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
If you are a monk you could come in from nro and stop at the first big opening and there are usually not many peopple in that spot and just pick off caimens till level 14 or 15 then move to crocs and caimens for a few levels then when you feel ok about taking on a DW caimen then go for it but they are around 17-18 so be careful and wwatch out for specs...

or you could shout for a group at orc highway
MONKS 12-17
# Apr 09 2001 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
If you are a monk you could come in from nro and stop at the first big opening and there are usually not many peopple in that spot and just pick off caimens till level 14 or 15 then move to crocs and caimens for a few levels then when you feel ok about taking on a DW caimen then go for it but they are around 17-18 so be careful and wwatch out for specs...

or you could shout for a group at orc highway
Safe for Iksar?
# Apr 03 2001 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Is this a reasonably safe place for Iksar's?
I need to buy a spell from the gypsies, can I do that without being killed, or do I need to get my faction up first?
Is the Oasis a good place to hunt?
# Apr 02 2001 at 2:26 AM Rating: Default
Hi all,

I have read some of the subjects!! And many of my friends tells me that i have to go to Oasis, to gain the best exp, and loots!!

But is this true???

I'm a lvl 14 shaman, and prev. to solo (nothing against grouping, but fell best when i'm alone)

So u would like YOUR appinion :)

/Calzone on CT
RE: Is the Oasis a good place to hunt?
# Jul 22 2001 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,705 posts
Experience yes, loot, no. Some mobs in oasis have loot, such as the orcs, but all the caimens and crocs and such have nothing but meat, and an occasional no drop Rune of Scale which I have no idea what it does. I got better loot from the derv camps in north ro, than I do in oasis, but can't get exp at dervs anymore, except for the thugs.

Also, you can't solo well in oasis. Best exp is grouped on orcs or croc hunting.
# Feb 24 2001 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
If your going to spend some time hunting here in the Oasis getting a bind will definatly help you out. Like others have said binding by the dock is not a good place to bind yourself due to the mob traffic..BUT....I'm a wizard and am always looking for a cozy little bind spot for me to gate to and believe I've found the best one for me. Strewn along the beach off into the water are giant columns that you can walk half of the way up on. If you make your way around to the backside of these and bind yourself you will pop up completely by yourself. I've found that you will rarely agro a creature enough for him to swim out into the water and make the climb up and around the column to get you. Plus your next to dock wich they're generally a pile of people if your looking for buffs or groups or whatever
Warrior Solo
# Feb 07 2001 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
where is a good spot for a lvl 14 war to solo in oasis?
RE: Warrior Solo
# Jul 22 2001 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
3,705 posts
Oasis is not a good place to solo a lvl 14. Stay in north ro, or hunt young kodiaks, kodiaks in commons.
RE: Warrior Solo
# Feb 09 2001 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
don't solo your warrior. if you want to solo a character, make a necro or druid already.
RE: Warrior Solo
# Jun 20 2001 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
Get real. Any class can solo. I have a warrior I soloed every level up to 44 (not playing him currently, or I'd still be soloing!), and a 54 Ranger, solo'ed all the way. If you're good, you can solo any class.

(PS Necros don't solo, they leave the fighting to their pet).
RE: Warrior Solo
# Aug 27 2001 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Hehe, I hafta agree with you. Every class can solo, just some classes have easier ways of doing it than others. Druids can Kite, necros can kite and rev. kite. It's just harder to solo with a warrior cuz you don't have the magic or any of the pretty strats that magic using classes have that make the soloing easier. Necros and Druids can usually solo most white things, if they have full mana/hp an ok pet in the case of a necro and no crippling debuffs (slow spells, nasty posions). But I have a hard time soloing white with my monk. Maybe I'm doing something wrong *shrug* Anyway, soloing is just lots easier if you have a few little dirty tricks to make the killing easier.

Rock on necros. =)

17th Necromancer
Saryn Server

"In the name of Bertoxxulous, I bonk thee!"
RE: Warrior Solo
# Aug 09 2001 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
I agree that every class can solo, but not every player can group. I'd rather solo with my pet than with a couple of people that would rather fight over who get's to pull or don't like to work as a team. My Necro pet groups with me just fine. The best is grouping with a tank who panics at half health and leads the mob to the casters, hoping they'll agro them.
# Jan 07 2001 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
I haven't been to oasis in ages. But I leveled past characters in their teens there. Now I find horrible warping problems exsist in this zone. Has Verant broken this zone? I had caimens and crocs while running disapear on me only to return 5 min later.

# Jan 07 2001 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
I haven't been to oasis in ages. But I leveled past characters in their teens there. Now I find horrible warping problems exsist in this zone. Has Verant broken this zone? I had caimens and crocs while running disapear on me only to return 5 min later.

leveling help
# Nov 29 2000 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
As I have traveled the different zones i have to say that this zone is more crowded than most! I try to kill caiman and croc's but when ever I track they are always taken. OK here comes tha good part, if you are a caster that has fear or fear animal you can attack just about any croc, caiman, DW croc or caiman. If as a ranger or druid you snare them then cast fear you can just follow and kill at your leasiure! if you are a pure caster you have your pet attack and fear, root them and BOOM you save lots of mana and down time.

If you are lvl 14 are below you can travel to Sro and kill dervs or undead there. as i am a 13 ranger with a huge exp penalty i have found that the dervs are some easy exp to get.

If you really want some fun sloloing you should go to the orc hiughway and pull a preist that is even or a warrior and the kill them! best way is to get into a group and to pull yellow's and the few red's that you can find but beware- the red con's will resist your spells about every time!

13th seaon ranger of the bertoxxulos server

I follow Tunare with all my heart and if you are evil beware of me
Pulling in an Overcrowded Oasis
# Nov 02 2000 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
ok, i just wanted a neat name really, i have one tip to share with you however. If you are a low level in Oasis(killing caim's and crocs for Exp), a great spot to check for them is in the water between the dock and P1(the pillar to the right of the dock if you looking at the dock from the sand). Because it's underwater not tooooo many people think to pull from here, and the caim's/croc's then get back here keep bouncing of the docks, then P1, and keep going back and forth. I have seen as many as 5 at one time, so when your pulling on a crowded day, be sure to check there(hey maybee the title did make a little sence)
-39 ranger of Brell
Darn Specs
# Oct 19 2000 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
Whatch out for specs, especilly, if oyua re ahngen roungd the highway. I saw about 13 specs (I swaer, had to be at least that many, solid line of black like 10feet long) come up over a hill, and nobdy saw, then cept me, everybody died, i gated, cause it hit the other group first, chewed them and spit em out in about 10sec. Whatch for specs, and SG's. When looken for specs at night, as a note, their Scythes, thats what you should look for, they stick out. Being metal and all. AND for all those people who get specs runne round everywhere, DON"T, it's a real pain fo rthe rest of us, haven to run form FP to get our boddies.
RE: Darn Specs
# Jan 19 2001 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
OK you spec hunters, I noticed how you all like to train your specs to the dock when you are overcome by them. Here is an idea.
If you have a train of specs on ya, PLEASE train then up towars the stone wall and zone into nro if you need to.
( keep em away from the docks )
RE: Darn Specs
# Jan 25 2001 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
I once died 5 times in one night because of wandering specs and lost a level in the process. So, please if you play with specters and run into trouble then please try to train them away from everyone else.
RE: Darn Specs
# Mar 10 2001 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
i know the feeling when i was lvl 14-19 specs and Sgs were all over me, but they run real slow. If u can run with an agi over 95 it should be easy to run, but if u got low Hp then u might get a little stunned. I am now lvl 37 and specs give horrible xp and sometimes good loot. Cant see why they want to hunt specs in the first place. U can go to crystal caverns for 5times the xp. PLUS good, but rare, loot there that sels for 2-4k
RE: Darn Specs
# Mar 13 2001 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
How about people just /shout train to... when ever they train their out of control mobs, that way we can get away. But then what would they be training to? Then, just don't fight them! (:-P)
RE: Darn Specs
# Apr 06 2001 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Well.. the thing is, when a spec pull goes bad.. and u do zone .. they end up circling the lake and sometimes making a tour by the docs.. this is just the bad pathing of the specs. So in defense of the spec hunters (dont train to docks still hehe) this is the cause of those pesky specs running amuck sometimes.
Some general tips for the 'teens
# Sep 01 2000 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
It's VERY easy for a caster to solo in Oasis in the mid-teens (starting around 13 or 14) if you're careful. Stay along the coast from just south of the dock to the North Ro zone.

I can't stress enough, CON EVERYTHING. You may be beating down blue caimans left and right but you never know when the one that's pounding on you is actually white or yellow even.

BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. This is a good rule generally, but especially important here. The biggest dangers are the sand giants and spectres but more common dangers are the desert madmen, mummies, and dry bones skeletons. A desert madman might con green to you, but if you're in a fight when a caster madman comes in, you could well die quickly. Dry bones skeletons are even worse. They are more powerful than most of the monsters they are found with (like the crocs and the caimans and orc warriors as well) but they are casters as well. They're VERY aggressive. So again, KNOW YOUR SURROUNDINGS and be aware of what's around you before you start a fight.

KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR TRAIN MESSAGES which will usually be on shout and warn of spectre trains or the location of the sand giants (referred to as SG).

THE BEST PLACE TO MEDITATE IS ON THE DOCK. The reason for this is that the dock is a very popular place for standing around and you're not as close to the fighting area where monsters will aggro on you. There is usually a lot of help from people just waiting for the raft to Kunark who are very nice and will help a lower level person such as myself when things get out of hand or I get jumped while meditating.

CROCS AND CAIMANS AREN'T AGGRESSIVE even though the consider message says so which makes them some of the best targets since you can choose when to fight them and you won't have to face more than one at a time. But they're also very fast so if you can slow them down (using languid pace as an enchanter or snare as a druid) that will help a lot.

ENCHANTER TRICKS for Oasis of Marr:

Use Dark Elf illusion at night unles you're already DE. You get ultravision butyou don't have to worry about NPC's killing you at all. It's better than serpent sight with the only real downside being that it's gone if you zone.

Keep memory blur memorized. If you're fighting a croc or tarantula with a pet and it gets killed and you are either dying or afraid you'll die, cast memory blur on it and it will no longer fight you. You won't be as lucky with other monsters though and blur will possibly just make people angry since the monster could just turn on someone else.

RE: Some general tips for the 'teens
# Jan 07 2001 at 4:28 AM Rating: Default
It is also a good idea if your a caster to bind yourself right next to the zone line so if a sg comes you can just step back and zone. Right next to the shore is not the best place to bind because people usually zone there when they run from sgs so it bit off to the right of the shore woiuld be better
RE: Some general tips for the 'teens
# Jan 07 2001 at 4:27 AM Rating: Default
It is also a good idea if your a caster to bind yourself right next to the zone line so if a sg comes you can just step back and zone. Right next to the shore is not the best place to bind because people usually zone there when they run from sgs so it bit off to the right of the shore woiuld be better
RE: Some general tips for the 'teens
# Oct 23 2000 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
For casters: Whatever you do do not bind yourself at the docks!!!!!! when a SG kills you around there it will trash everyone at the docks and if you die and keep popping up at the docks you will lose a lot of xps. if this does happen to you go linkdead by typing /q and you will only die one more time

#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 23 2000 at 11:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For casters:
What's In A Name? Maybe Death.
# Aug 25 2000 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
For a game with a long history of poor spelling (although improving), it's odd to see big differences in level from some very small differences in names.
One of the oddest is the difference between "A Orc Warrior" and "An Orc Warrior" in Oasis. An Orc Warrior is maybe low teens. A Orc Warrior is more like upper teens. There's typically a five level difference between teh two types. A group that fights An Orc Warrior for experience had better be wary of pulling A Orc Warrior when not ready for a much bigger fight. I have seen groups which were doing well on the Orc Highway wiped out when they pulled two A's by mistake. When fighting, especially when a new mob jumps in the middle of a fight, make sure you know what you have there.
RE: What's In A Name? Maybe Death.
# Feb 26 2001 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
More specifically, An Orc Warrior is about lvl 14 or 15, hits for 30 or so.

A Orc Warrior is 19 or 20 and hits for 50 or so.

Erudite Necromancer
Druzzil Ro
Spectres the Enchanter way
# Aug 25 2000 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
279 posts
I started to do Spectres at level 35 in the Oasis. I did a lot of research on this as they are a tight spawn that can deal damage quickly.

1) If you are an ENC trade Clarity for SoW on the beach. SoW is not needed as the specs are slow but it makes things much easier.
2) Use your Air Elem illusion or levitate as the extra time you save running across the mounds can give you extra time to cast a spell as they come down the mound and up the other side.
3) Pull from a corner but ALWAYS con all four corners first so you know what your odds are (I get blue to yellow at 35).
4) Pull the one you want to be your pet. I tend to pull blues as the charm lasts longer. Pull with tashani then run back to the beach on the south side. *South side is important as there are no Giants that wander there unlike the North and West side and it is long and flat so it is easy to work here*
5) Once they hit the beach mez one of the extras. Continue this process until you have all but two mezzed. Then tashani one and charm him to kill the other. Best thing to do is tepid the other so that your spec will win. Toss in a choke if you wish as well.
6) Once the other dies make your pet guard his spot then move away. Cast invis or hide if you are a DE. This will break the charm and you can then root and nuke your old pet for the XP.

Spectres are a 15+ minute spawn so the initial spawn is hard but you can space the others for great loot and XP.


Saerien - Vallon Zek
RE: Spectres the Enchanter way
# Jun 09 2001 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
I am a lvl 37 Necromancer, who has also taken a liking to slaying these bastards in vengence for my teen levels in Oasis. Necromancers are perhaps even better than Enchanters, for the reason that we can snare/fear/charm/and undead nuke, all of which cost VERY low amounts of mana, except for the snare (darkness). I have recently been in a group with a lovely 35 druid, and a 33 RL SK bud. I suggest at least this group, if you want to stay alive... the druid snares, since you will want to run away, charm, and fear so the SK (any meleer) can beat on it, since the Specs do massive dmg, and stun (sux huh?). SO far, between the three of us (no lieing here) We have taken at most, 5 Specs out at once... of course, there are some bad pulls where three come, spells get resisted a lot, and we have to zone, but if you do this, I suggest logging, as the newbies tend to get really pissed... We usually leave me behind, so I can kite and fear the Specs while the druid and SK heal and med up... not too good on the exp side, but the loot is nice (scythes sell for 9pp and change with 55 cha) and it is soooooo fun to get back at the bastards for what they used to do to me. Anyway, that's my 2cp, and remember to get a necro for crowd control, cause, damn... we're good at the undead... don't do living, but the undead are all my bi@tches...
L.A. Story on Rallos
# Aug 24 2000 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Have you ever seen the movie "LA Story" ...in it there is a scene with Steve Martin who is at an ATM machine waiting in line and there is a totaly different line of people waiting in line to Rob the people getting money from the ATM..its funny..anyhoo this is what this zone is like on the Rallos Zek server ugg ...it is by far one of the most pk fequented zones and a very unsafe place to hunt because of it...though I will admit that the crocs give excellent exp and as long as you stay naked and bagged things can work here for you...just group up with a caster that can cast fear and reverse kite the crocs...be sure to be a pro-active pvper and strike at any gnomes or inkies that just stand there and watch you fight..they are not amazed at your Jack Hannan-esk relationship with the crocs...they are ankle-biting, croch-sniffing, shin punching gankers and want nothing more than to play with your very nuked husk..once the corc has done most of the dirty work for them
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 11 2001 at 8:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) did your dad treat you wrong or somthing
A better place to hunt one zone away
# Aug 22 2000 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
This isn't actually a strategy for this zone but I think this is a good place to post this. Oasis is often crowded but one zone away in Timorous Deep is a very nice place to hunt as an alternative to Oasis and is probably even better than Oasis. I have a detailed post about it under Timorous Deep strategy.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 17 2001 at 9:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
RE: A better place to hunt one zone away
# Aug 23 2000 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
South Ro is also a zone away and not overcamped and you have the benefit of always having levels in the zone camping the AC. But, sigh, people just love the Oasis and all the KSing and Spec trains I guess : ).
Soloing? Come to S Ro
# Aug 26 2000 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
This fellow has the right of it, although he did not articulate it well. If you are a more 'soloable' class, or a class strong against undead, south Ro is a great Oasis alternative. The big mobs are rapidly slain by the AC campers, and low density of PCs here makes KSing non-existent. There are a plethora of lesser and crypt mummies, ghouls, and drybone skeletons wandering about. They are great XP and loot for levels that you would spend in Oasis. There are also scarabs and spiders if you are in the low teens. I leveled much faster here than my friends who did crocs and orcs in Oasis, mostly because I almost never died.
A note - the pathing is messed up near the oasis border. If you get to with about 20 seconds of the border, you'll notice the mob who was chasing you is gone, and often in its route to get to you will de-aggro entirely. Don't count on it, though. Also, know your pet will get lost in a similar manner, although he should come back )
The Oasis' best kept secret
# Aug 22 2000 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
When you think of the Oasis of Marr (at least in the lower levels), you probably think of hunting crocs along the beach, or perhaps orcs near the northern border. Some people also know about the orc highway and the derv camp by the lake. But there is one area that is often not hunted, but is a great place to hunt from level 13 to 16 or so, and can be hunted solo fairly easily. In the far sw corner of the zone there is a ridge overlooking a derv camp. This ridge is usually a safe spot (though Mobs will very rarely find their way up there, so you do need to be a little alert). From that ridge, you overlook not only the derv camp, but a number of orc spawn /wandering points. You can look at the orcs as they appear or as they wander over the hill in front of you and con them to see if you can handle them. If you can, you just have to pull them to the top of the ridge and you can safely kill them there with no risk of interference from their friends. Then sit down there and med or heal and grab the next one. You can also get madmen and mummies here as well. I soloed my wizard there from 13 to 16. The wizard has the advantage of being able to target them and get off a bolt spell from far away and still get a root in before they can make it up the hill. And, if you get in trouble, you are actually very close to the S Ro zone. I've been in that zone with over 100 people listed and still nobody anywhere near that spot. Sweet.
RE: The Oasis' best kept secret
# Aug 22 2000 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Unless I'm badly mistaken, the ridge you're talking about is in the Southwest corner of the
zone (not southeast).
RE: The Oasis' best kept secret
# Aug 23 2000 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
Original poster said SW corner.
RE: The Oasis' best kept secret
# Aug 23 2000 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
I agree with this post. I've soloed three characters here from 12-21st lvl and done exactly as the person said with a wizard, magician and shaman. The magician was the easiest s she had the pet to tank for her. The wizard and shaman had to rely on their roots to effectively kill the pulls. I had specters trained in on me only three times and got away once. Every 5 or so spawns on the top of the hill results inan "A" orc dropping 9gold to 1.2PP. You also have the freedom to pick on any spawning deepwater crocs or caymans that pass up and over this hill. With a wizard I would post myself on the second hill to the north and blast from there, usually getting off two DD spells. Soloing the oasis can be done rather safely if you stay away from where everyon hangs out (docks andorc alley). The beach north of the docks is also a good spot, near the tower that is down in a valley. I hunt Drybones and ghouls here by wandering into the desert and pulling back to the beach. Hopefully they don't pull friends and if they do just zone a short distance to the north. This is one of the favorit spots for groups to hunt DW's and can get crowded but if you pull from the desert you should do well. Med in the water and listed for giants. They can be a nasty surprise.
RE: The Oasis' best kept secret
# Mar 05 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
Don't forget in this zone you can hunt Dervs which almost always drops a derv insignia ring. The ring is a +2 dex ring, but more importantly it can be given to an Orc NPC in the northeast corner of South Ro for experience points (much like you did with the DF orc belts in Ecommons). The NPC is an orc named Ortallius or something like that. Don't be afraid, he won't attack you. Just remember to give him 3 rings at a time.
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