Spell Icon Haunting Visage  


1: Increase Aggro Modifier by 5%

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 100 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 2 Recast Time: 24
Fizzle Time: 4 Range: 150
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 25 Deletable: Yes
Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: You take on a threatening visage.
Cast on other: Soandso takes on a threatening visage.
Effect Fades: The threatening visage fades.

Game Description

Cloaks your target in a haunting visage, drawing more attention to any action they take.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Haunting Visage


Shadows of Luclin

6 ticks
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Low Duration
# Dec 05 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
I just looked back over this spell and noticed the low duration.

At first, it seems like a great spell. Cast it on the tank/tanking-pet whenever you buff for group/solo, then go hunt, and it'll just help the tank hold agro, right? Well, yes, but for thirty-six seconds. Just 6 ticks. And, for those ticks, its only +5% agro, which, though it helps, seems a bit costly. You sacarfice two seconds (or four, if fizzle), plus the recast delay between normal spells, while holding still for the cast time, and 100 mana for a mere 5% increase in the tank's agro ability for 36 seconds.

I mean, a spell is better than no spell, since there may still be cases when it'd be useful, such as before a major pull when agro is hard for a tank to gain, 5% is a help.. even if not that much. Still, it seems to handicap an elsewise great spell. Should this spell have had a duration of 36 minutes as opposed to 36 seconds, it'd still be balanced.. I mean, after all, its a small increase in agro ability... frankly, a Haste spell provides more agroing ability than this does.

My Smiley: twocents.
It does have some usefulness
# Apr 28 2010 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Like I posted to your other comment on Calming Visage, this line does have some usefulness. The example I used was a group with a tank and a cleric. Using Calming Visage on your cleric and Haunting Visage on your tank, the tank will be building a little extra aggro and the cleric will be getting a little less while healing. The short duration, relatively high cost for the level, and other more pressing enchanter duties means this spell is really only useful for boss fights, not a constant-use spell.
RE: Low Duration
# May 22 2006 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
The low duration would probably be that they intend it to be another way for an enchanter to quickly dump aggro (assuming the tank is paying attention, and immediately pounces upon the creature on the enchanter). Y'know...for those unmezzables. Hehe.
Cast on self???
# Aug 14 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sun Aug 14 10:07:43 2005
Cast on self????
# May 23 2005 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
I know this is a good spell to cast on the tanks in your group but they should make this spell line 'cast on others' only. I can not envision any situation where an enchanter would want to cast this on himself. We want to shed aggro, not pile it on even faster. It might be good to cast on your pets, though. It might be a sneaky thing to pull on someone in PvP, though, if they are using their pet to tank something, cast Haunting Visage on them so that the mob they are fighting comes after them instead! :-D
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
RE: Cast on self????
# Nov 27 2005 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
they should make this spell line 'cast on others' only

I can not envision any situation where an enchanter would want to cast this on himself.

DD's, DoT's, debuffs, roots, mezzes, etc, are all single-target cast spells; why should this spell be any different? For this matter, why take away a Chanter's ability to gain agro? It may not be an overly used ability, but why go out of your way to limit yourself?
also in PoK
# Jan 17 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
This spell is also sold in the library in PoK. I can't remember which merchant it was, either a Mystic or Illusionist.
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# Dec 06 2003 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sat Dec 6 10:47:03 2003
# Jul 17 2003 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
What is the beneficial use of this spell
RE: Spell
# Jul 22 2003 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
Cast this spell on a tank in your group and he or she will be able to to hold aggro better.
# Jul 08 2003 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
increase not a decrease
RE: spell
# Jul 15 2003 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
yeah, i was wondering about that! ty for the info Smiley: smile
* * * * * * * * * *
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