Only The Blind Will See (Level 80+)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
This Quest is Seasonal
Time:6 Hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Success Lockout Timer: 00:03:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:House of Thule
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Aug 10 21:47:32 2011
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This task was available in August 2011 in the lead-up to the Veil of Alaris expansion release.

It will be available in September 2014 (Sept 3-24) as part of "Stone Cold Summer" tasks and a mission.

NOTE: There are multiple versions of this task. Which one you get depends on your level. This is the highest level version of the task.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins with Arima Fae (click for map image), located near 890, -230 (far north-central boundary of the zone -- due north of the northernmost curve in the path).

Note: You can use Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge (next to the Main Bank at approximately 410, 465, -124) to port directly to Arima Fae.

You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'

Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'

You say, 'Help?'

Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

You have entered The Misty Thicket.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'

Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'

You say, 'I will help.'

Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'

You say, 'Business?'

Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'

You say, 'I will do this.'

Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '

You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See [80+]'.

Arima is looking for information about unusual statues that have been appearing throughout Norrath. He has asked for your help in investigating them.

Speak with Dwedrog 0/1 (Shadow Haven)

Dwedrog is located in Shadow Haven at the bar around the corner northeast of the pad to the Nexus, at 450, 1330.

You say, 'Hail, Dwedrog'

Dwedrog says 'Statues? I saw a real scary one while escaping from Dreadspire. The master... well, I don't want to talk about that. But I remember the statue at the bottom of the Stoneroot. I, um, left something behind there. All the running away made me a little nervous, so I had to relieve myself. You know what it's like.'

Find the statue that Dewdrog was talking about 0/1 (Stoneroot Falls)

The statue is the one that zones into the normal Dreadspire static zone, found at 960, 1590, 65.

In front of you is a statue, and at your feet and under your boots you have discovered something that must be what Dwedrog left behind. The smell is very bad. This statue must be the one he was talking about, but it is certainly not the one you are looking for.

Speak with Arima Fae 0/1 (Misty Thicket)

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'

Arima Fae says 'Well, that's unfortunate, but expected. I've been following hundreds of false leads. I've got another one for you. I've heard that one of the Irontoe brothers, or cousins, or whatever, has been talking about strange statues to one of the many barkeeps that they visit. I need you to go and talk to one of those barkeeps and see if you can find out which Irontoe it was and what they might have said.'

Speak with Jolly Arval 0/1 (Fungus Grove)

Jolly Arval is located at -1190, -545, -277.

You say, 'Hail, Jolly Arval'

Jolly Arval says 'Sure, I know the Irontoes. They're in here pretty frequently. I did get some unpleasant fellows in here recently asking about statues. They tried to get rough with me, but I don't put up with that. Besides, I didn't know anything about any statues. The thugs headed north and then west out of here, maybe you can find them.'

Find the thugs that were interested in statues 0/1 (Fungus Grove)

Proceed north where you'll be attacked by 3x "Ambushing Thief".

Defeat Ambushing Thieves 0/3 (Fungus Grove)

Make sure no other group is in the area. Kill them and receive a "Crinkled Note" on your icon.

Give Arima the note you found 0/1 (Misty Thicket)

Arima Fae says 'Oh, I see you found some of Ven's bunch. I guess I may as well tell you what I can. You see, those thugs had an invaluable text that they could not read. I wanted that text because I think I can figure out how to read it. But to get it from them I had to tell them a small lie. I told them that the text would lead me to great treasure once I deciphered the language. Unfortunately it has taken longer than I expected to decipher the language. Not that there is any real treasure to be found, at least not for thugs like them. I wonder if we can use this to our [advantage]...'

You say, 'Advantage?'

Arima Fae says 'Yes. Yes! It sounds like they've been looking for me by seeking the statues that I've been looking for. I suspect that they have people all over waiting near possible statues. If they have found one of the statues I seek then maybe we can find out where it is from them! Go find my contact in Kithicor Forest. He'll know where they think they can ambush me. Get that information from him and then go there and find the statue! I am quite brilliant, I must admit.'

Question Thimble, Arima's contact in the rogue thieves guild 0/1 (Kithicor Forest)

Arima Fae sends you to speak with Thimble Thrasher in Kithicor Forest. He is in the back room of the last building on the right heading towards the Commonlands at 1110, -695.

You say, 'Hail, Thimble Thrasher'

Thimble Thrasher says 'I can't take it anymore! Everyone pressuring me to find Arima, find some stupid statues, do everything or we'll kill you! Enough already! I give up. I'll tell you where Ven thinks the statue is. Anything to get you away from me!'

Search for a mysterious statue 0/1 (Western Wastes)

The location for the statue is in the northeast corner of the zone, just southwest of the cave looking system on the map, at 1705, -3305, 72.

You find some lizard-like scales that appear to be grasped in the hand of the statue. Just as you pull the scales free, you are ambushed!

You receive a Fractured Dragon Scale on your cursor.

Defeat Ambushing Thieves 0/1 (Western Wastes)

These thieves spawn approximately near the sharp-looking stalagmite at loc n335, n366

Three ambushing thieves spawn. Kill them.

Talk to Arima Fae 0/1 (Misty Thicket)

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'

Arima Fae says 'You are back! And found a dragon scale? Hmm... Take the scale to Loneq Vardrin in West Karana. He is a... dragonologist. He might be able to help us.'

Speak with Loneq Vardrin 0/1 (West Karana)

Loneq Vardrin is located on the north wall in West Karana at 1325, -9625.

You say, 'Hail, Loneq Vardrin'

Loneq Vardrin says 'Arima sent ya did he? What does dat man want now? '

Give the scale to Loneq 0/1 (West Karana)

Loneq Vardrin says 'Ah... He constantly ridicules Loneq's work an' yet he sends ya ta Loneq for help? (Sigh) I am only helpin' ye 'cause dis is easy. I am quite familiar wit dis scale. It belongs to a dragon named Mianoanoc. But I am not seein' how dat will help ya much. Mianoanoc does nae like people much. But dat is Arima's problem. Now git! And I will be keepin' dis scale too!'

Talk to Arima Fae 0/1 (Misty Thicket)

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'

Arima Fae says 'Mianoanoc? I've heard the name. He is not a very sociable dragon, from what I hear. But he must know something if he has been messing around with that statue. Last I heard he was seen around Innothule Swamp. You must find him and find out what he knows. In fact, I have a spell that can send you straight to the swamp when you are [ready]. Oh, and you can offer him a cut of the treasure if that will help get the information from him.'

You say, 'Ready.'

Arima Fae says 'Best of luck to you! Remember, offer him anything you must, but get me that information.'

Convince Mianoanoc to tell you about the statue 0/1 (Innothule Swamp)

You get an instanced version of Innothule Swamp. Locate Mianoanoc to the west of where you zone in, at 1075, 40.

Mianoanoc says 'You dare threaten me? I will tell you nothing! You will die a slow and painful death youngling!'

Attack him and damage him to 30%, at which time he says:

Mianoanoc shouts 'I have watched you bumble about searching for something among the statues around Norrath. Arima is a fool! Yes, I know of Arima and his search. He believes the book he carries has something to do with the statues, and about that he is correct. It is not treasure to which it leads. That book is the history of the statues called the Blind Dreamers, why they are statues, and where they are from. Arima is unable to decipher it not because it is some code, but because it is a long forgotten language, the language of Alaran.'

Mianoanoc shouts 'I am sworn not to talk about those creatures, and I will never break that oath. I will tell you this, however. If the Blind Dreamers are here, that can only mean trouble. They seek that which they once had and no doubt they will go to any lengths to get. Count yourself warned, mortals. I faced these foes long ago. Their power was great even then. To repay you for your treatment of me I will tell you that those statues are sometimes referred to as observer stones in the book Arima holds. Knowledge is power, and if you unravel that book, the power you find will most certainly kill you.'

Talk to Arima Fae 0/1 (Misty Thicket)

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'

Arima Fae says 'I am surprised that dragon told you anything! Between us, I knew that the book did not lead to any treasure, but I had to tell Ven Baga something in order for him to give it to me. But after what that dragon told you, I am confident I am on the right trail. Thank you. Talk to Helagan if you are up to something a little more dangerous!'

You have discovered the connection of the Tome to the statues around Norrath and that they are called the Blind Dreamers. Arima looked pleased, but mentioned a concern about having time to decipher the book.

The above-mentioned statues appear in their given zones similar to the one in this screenshot. They may be trackable.

Quest rewards:
Experience (less than an AA)
112p, 0g, 0s, 0c
An Ancient Artifact
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Ambushing thieves in WW
# Aug 27 2021 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
2 posts
Had a bit of a prob getting them to spawn the other night, I think they won't spawn if you're invis or maybe if you get too far away from the statue, I think I did both. They spawn right at the statue. Neat looking weapon ornament.
Ambushing Thieves (80+) in Fungus Grove
# Sep 02 2017 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
I was also having trouble getting the ambushing thieves to spawn, when I noticed someone's campfire off to the right, just after the passageway heading north opens up. I was moving when I got the 'task completed' update, but I'd say the location was very near the sharp-looking stalagmite at loc n335, n366.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2017 5:59pm by Sigpaos
It's back
# Aug 31 2016 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
The quest has re-appeared for the end of summer.
Egat the Dedicated Artisan
Imperator of <Phoenix Ascending>, Erollisi Marr
Ambushing Thieves
# Sep 25 2015 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
I had trouble finding the three Ambushing Thieves. I had to run around quite a bit. I went to the locations shown below. But I didn't find them on those exact spots. I just ran around that area till they finally spawned.

For me, they spawned at -298, -278. At level 105, with a well buffed, well geared WAR Merc, they were consistently hitting her for 1200. She was taking them down pretty quickly while I was on heals. Unfortunately, they were spawning faster than she was killing. Even with my dots and a few nukes.

My advice #for a 105 molo Druid# is to load up the ring of Misty before you go looking for these guys. Once you've killed your three and gotten the Crinkled note, port out so you don't have to mess with chain killing grey mobs.

Prexus (The Rathe)
As of Sept 12, 2015
# Sep 12 2015 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
157 posts
You can still request this mission but Dwedrog is no longer in Shadowhaven so you can't actually do it.
As of Sept 12, 2015
# Sep 23 2015 at 5:45 PM Rating: Excellent
123 posts
Not sure when they patched it, but he was missing for quite some time.
He appears to have returned now.
The Rathe / Prexus
Krosar Shadowflame - 105 Necro
Rasork - 105 Druid
Imacatlol - 105 Bard
Yaldax Toknight - 105 Rogue
Savi Yorr - 105 Paladin
... and it's back.
# Sep 06 2014 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Could be an end of Summer thing.
It appeared in a reminder window as Stone Cold Summer (or SCS)
Arima Fae is trying to research strange statues, but is being chased by a guild of thieves. Seek out Arima in Misty Thicket to offer your assistance. Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge can transport you there. This involves a task for all levels.
He says he is pursued by our old periodic nemesis Ven Baga. As before, I suspect it will be going away after X number of days.
~ Muse Temperance the Elf
~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
# Oct 11 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
"This task stopped being available on or about September 11, 2001." Many things happened on that date, but this quest ending wasn't one of them.
The event is over
# Sep 11 2011 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
The event is no longer available.
Spawn place for Three "Ambushing Thief" - Fungus Grove
# Sep 04 2011 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
Find the thugs that were interested in statues 0/1 (Fungus Grove)

Proceed north. Three "Ambushing Thief" (exact name in-game?) will spawn and attack.

Defeat Ambushing Thieves 0/1 (Fungus Grove)

Make sure no other group is in the area. Kill them and receive a "Crinkled Note" on your icon.

They spawn at about -38, -350 just were the passage from the town opens up. To your right on my map it says Tarmok Huts. they spawned slightly to the left as the area opens up.

They seem to VP (Virtual Paralysis) OK maybe they will root too?

They are tough~! and if 2 groups are doing it at the same time you will get 6 spawn and they all seem to follow each other. I'm a Shaman I Vp'ed 1, then used Totem, VP'ed another and pulled the 3rd to kill it, which I did. Darn me another one spawned, VP broke on one of the others and all my work was in vain they got the best of me.

Now this is what really SUX, if you die I can't find anyway to try again it seems you have to start over and do all the stupid running aoround zones all over again, PLEASE correct me if you have found a way to re-spawn them after a wipe.

I think there maybe a delay in them spawning once you pass trigger point as I missed them at first or maybe they simply did not agro as I had invis on and I missed seeing them.

Edited, Sep 6th 2011 7:18am by LordZycon
split mobs
# Sep 04 2011 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
You can use Beguiler's Direct Banishment to split mobs after they are pulled. Mobs can also be Rooted.
Needs a Related Quest entry
# Sep 01 2011 at 8:46 PM Rating: Good
This quest needs a Related Quest entry pointing to
# Aug 31 2011 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
all this running for an ornamentation? You can't be serious SOE
Fights scenes
# Aug 31 2011 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
The first set of ambushing thieves were vulnerable to Assassinate as well (rog aa, maxed). Conned light blue to 90 and max hit on me was about 5K. Watch out for backstabs though. My tank merc had no trouble. They spawned just outside the first tunnel to the north at -293, -330, -259.

Second set is the same. spawn in vicinity of the statue. They don't see through Shroud of Stealth and my enc. pacify didn't seem to work right. Once again, mercs handled things fine.

the dragon was more interesting. He wild rampages. Hit me for almost 9K max. My mercs decided to be useless, probably because the mob is right on the zone wall, seems to cause merc confusion. In any event, my sha managed heals and disciplines took him down in about a minute.

Edited, Aug 31st 2011 5:51pm by NukeWyrm
Info on Ambushing thieves
# Aug 24 2011 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
For your enjoyment, it seems the thieves are vunrable to headshot. Lvl 90 ranger with HS AA's maxed.
No shrouds
# Aug 24 2011 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Unlike many other tasks, you cannot request this task while in a shroud. You receive the following response when you /say "do this" to Arima Fae:

Arima Fae says 'Your current form is not your real from; I can't really judge your abilities this way, so I can't assign you any work.'
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
# Aug 23 2011 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
Bard charm is fun to split with =0) the thieves for the level 90 version.

also, i was unable to mez em. maybe thats because i wasnt really paying attention lol.
My 21 Paladin received...
# Aug 19 2011 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
NOTE: There are multiple versions of this task. Which one you get depends on your level.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins with Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge next to the Main Bank, at approximately 410, 465, -124.

You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'How can I help you?'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

Arima Fae is located on the north wall of Misty Thicket at 890, -230.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help you'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'What business?'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'I will do this for you'
Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '

Arima Fae sends you to North Karana to find Scribbles, he is located at -597.26, -184.97, -7.04 in the Gypsy village.
You say, 'Hail, Scribbles'
Scribbles says 'A statue? Well, I did once have the great misfortune of having to travel to Everfrost. I'm not a big fan of the cold, so I didn't spend a long time there, but I remember seeing an odd looking statue. Some small bird appeared to have nested on it. I didn't get too close, since my business there didn't require such a trip, but it was off in the snow by the river. You'll have to find it on your own, though, I'm certainly not interested in going there again.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
The statue at 1925.61, -4791.51, -58.23 is not the one you need.
You are looking for the Stone Giant Statue around 800.00, -5400.00
You look up at the giant statue, ancient landmark of the area, and spot a ratty-looking birds nest wedged in the space between its right shoulder and its neck. The bird must have been huge to make such a nest, so Scribbles must not have been very close at all to the statue when he saw it. Obviously this is not the statue you seek.
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'Well, that's unfortunate, but expected. I've been following hundreds of false leads. I've got another one for you. I've heard that one of the Irontoe brothers, or cousins, or whatever, has been talking about strange statues to one of the many barkeeps that they visit. I need you to go and talk to one of those barkeeps and see if you can find out which Irontoe it was and what they might have said.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Arima Fae sends you to the Commonlands to see Innkeep Blaise she is located at 235.54, -298.86 (large building near the center of the zone.)
You say, 'Hail, Innkeep Blaise'
Innkeep Blaise says 'Ah, I know the Irontoe clan well. They do frequent my establishment, but none of them have ever discussed statues that I am aware of. There was a gentleman here a while back asking about statues. He dressed in such a way that made him appear to be an unsavory type, though he was pleasant enough to me. Perhaps it is this man that you are looking for? He headed off to the south with his friends. You might be able to find them.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
Ambuhing thieves spawn at approx. -308.85, -153.45, 91.77


If you fail, return to Innkeep Blaise and say to her "I ran into trouble."

Beware ambushing thieves run faster than a Verdant Topiary Lion.

Unsolved from here. We need all task stages and descriptions, dialogues, quest items, quest mobs, faction hits if any, minimum and maximum levels allowed, fight information, list of rewards.

Reward offered:
31p, 0g, 0s, 0c
An Ancient Artifact
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
My 50 Warrior received this...
# Aug 18 2011 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
NOTE: There are multiple versions of this task. Which one you get depends on your level.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins with Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge next to the Main Bank, at approximately 410, 465, -124.

You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'I will help'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help you'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'What business'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'I will do this for you.'
Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '
You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See'.

Arima Fae sends you to Gulf of Gunthak to speak to Whimbly Cottonbottom. He is located outside the lighthouse near the Drogmor pen.
You say, 'Hail, Whimbly Cottonbottom'
Whimbly Cottonbottom says 'Statue... statue... oh, yes, I remember one. I was working on the Maiden's Voyage when I saw it. We were near that Firiona Vie place, rowing about in the small boat trying to find something that captain needed, I don't know what. I saw this ugly statue, so I threw my bottle of Kalish at it. I'm pretty sure I hit it. I wasn't going on shore to get a closer look, no matter what the captain said. You see, I don't like grass. Hate the way it tickles my feet. You'll have to go look for it.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Whimbly Cottonbottom sends you too Firiona Vie to find the statue.
Statue's location is -1421.45, 2378.51, -64.00
You look up at statue of some ancient Iksar, noticing the smashed Kalish bottle at its feet. This is certainly the statue Whimbly was talking about, and is just as certainly not the statue that you seek
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'Well, that's unfortunate, but expected. I've been following hundreds of false leads. I've got another one for you. I've heard that one of the Irontoe brothers, or cousins, or whatever, has been talking about strange statues to one of the many barkeeps that they visit. I need you to go and talk to one of those barkeeps and see if you can find out which Irontoe it was and what they might have said.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Arima Fae sends you to Erud's Crossing to speak to Renna.
Renna is located in a hut to the right leaving to dock the translocator puts you on in Erud's Crossing.
You say, 'Hail, Renna'
Renna says 'Sure, various Irontoes come in here, they visit just about anyone that sells mead. I've never heard them talk about statues, though. I did get some folks in here a little while ago asking about statues, though. I didn't have any answers for them, and they were a bit rude to me. I wouldn't mind if you asked them about the statues and were rude to them in kind. They headed out west from here.'

Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
Three ambushing thieves spawn around -1452.02, 1230.72, 99.60. West of Renna, up the hill.

Unsolved from here. We need all task stages and descriptions, dialogues, quest items, quest mobs, faction hits if any, fight information, list of rewards.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
My 41 Enchanter received this...
# Aug 18 2011 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
NOTE: There are multiple versions of this task. Which one you get depends on your level.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins with Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge next to the Main Bank, at approximately 410, 465, -124.

You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'I will help'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help you'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'What business?'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'I will do this for you'
Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '
You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See'.

Arima Fae sends you to Firiona Vie to speak to Glibriddle.
Glibriddle located at 585.43, -3576.15, 234.27 (On the hill, next to a tree within the new outpost.)
You say, 'Hail, Glibriddle'
Glibriddle says 'Well, statues, eh? Ribbit! I saw one recently that I'd never seen before. Why, it was so surprising to me that I dropped my special sandwich, flies wrapped in mosquito wings. Very tasty! It was in the Mountains of Rathe, like it just burst from the ground. Very nasty. Ribbit.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Glibriddle tells you to look for the statue in the Rathe Mountains.

Unsolved from here. We need all task stages and descriptions, dialogues, quest items, quest mobs, faction hits if any, fight information, list of rewards.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
western wastes statue
# Aug 18 2011 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
Search for a mysterious statue 0/1 (Western Wastes)

/loc = 1703.92,-3307.09,72.09
My level 12 naked bazaar mule Warrior received this...
# Aug 17 2011 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
NOTE: There are multiple versions of this task. Which one you get depends on your level.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins with Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge next to the Main Bank, at approximately 410, 465, -124.

You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'How can I help you?'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

Arima Fae is located on the north wall of Misty Thicket at 890, -230.

You have entered The Misty Thicket.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'What business?'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'I will do this'
Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '
You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See'.
Arima Fae sends you to talk to Graglon in Abysmal Sea, who may be found on the the deck below the magus to the west at -125.12, 259.82, 115.50.

You say, 'Hail, Graglon'
Graglon says 'Shuuure, I saw a shtatue. Real scary thing. I don't remember exshactly where, but it was in Butcherblock shhomeplace. Near the shtupid entry to their shtupid dorf city. You'll be able to find it if you look hard enough Heh, I threw a moldy mushroom I found at the shtupid thing!'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

I could not locate the statue.

Unsolved from here. We need all task stages and descriptions, dialogues, quest items, quest mobs, faction hits if any, fight information, list of rewards.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
My 73 Berserker received this...
# Aug 17 2011 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
NOTE: There are multiple versions of this task. Which one you get depends on your level.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins with Meeka Gharn in the Plane of Knowledge next to the Main Bank, at approximately 410, 465, -124.

You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'How can I help you?'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

Arima Fae is located on the north wall of Misty Thicket at 890, -230.

You have entered The Misty Thicket.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help you'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'What business?'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'What statues?'
Arima Fae says 'You haven't noticed them? They have been appearing recently around certain parts of Norrath. I think it has something to do with the recent events with Cazic Thule. But I digress... We should get back to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'I will do this for you'
Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '
You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See'.

Arima Fae sends you to see Scretch the Deadly in the Commonlands. His location is P232.44, N273.89, P27.41 (Big hut in the center of the zone)
You say, 'Hail, Scretch the Deadly'
Scretch the Deadly says 'I saw a weird statue on the moon. Luclin, I think they call it. I was there doing a job in the city called Sanity Saw You or something like that. Weird people there. I dropped a coin next to it, one of my signature coins, since I completed my job there. I bet they've taken the um... remains of my work away by now. But you can't miss the statue, I bet. Now move along, you're cramping my style.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Scretch the Deadly sends you to Sanctus Seru. Statue is located around P584.26, N227.29. As you enter from Dawnshroud Peaks, it is straight ahead of you surrounded by water.
You look up at the immense statue. In the pool at its feet you see a tarnished coin. Without even picking it up you can see that the coin has the letter S scratched into it. This is certainly the statue that Stretch was talking about, and is just as certainly not the statue that you are looking for.
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
Head back to Arima Fae.

'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'Well, that's unfortunate, but expected. I've been following hundreds of false leads. I've got another one for you. I've heard that one of the Irontoe brothers, or cousins, or whatever, has been talking about strange statues to one of the many barkeeps that they visit. I need you to go and talk to one of those barkeeps and see if you can find out which Irontoe it was and what they might have said.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Arima Fae sends you to Gulf of Gunthak to speak to Kwyllon Geerlok. He is in the lighthouse at P1503.93, N215.68, P5.01
'Hail, Kwyllon Geerlok'
Kwyllon Geerlok says 'Irontoes? Sure, they've been here. They come by when others run out of mead to keep them... fed. But they've never mentioned any statues. There were a couple of thug types here asking about statues, though. Maybe you'd like to talk to them? They headed off to the south east, toward the beach. You might be able to find them over there.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
The 3 Ambushing Thieves spawn at the water line on the East end of the beach, South of the lighthouse next to the Greysong pirates who help them. They are serious undercon. Dark blue to a level 73.
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

*********** hit ambushing thief for 14790 points of non-melee damage.
*********** hit ambushing thief for 39192 points of non-melee damage.
*********** delivers a critical blast! (39192)
a festering Greysong pirate begins to cast a spell.
Ambushing thief pierces YOU for 3290 points of damage.
Serious undercon

If you fail, go back to Kwyllon Geerlok,
You say, 'I ran into trouble'
Kwyllon Geerlok says 'Well, then perhaps you should go out and look for them again.'

Once you've killed them you get the message: you find a note on one of the thugs you defeated.
A "Crinkled Note" appears on your cursor.

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'I hope you are trying your very best to help me.'
Arima Fae says 'Oh, I see you found some of Ven's bunch. I guess I may as well tell you what I can. You see, those thugs had an invaluable text that they could not read. I wanted that text because I think I can figure out how to read it. But to get it from them I had to tell them a small lie. I told them that the text would lead me to great treasure once I deciphered the language. Unfortunately it has taken longer than I expected to decipher the language. Not that there is any real treasure to be found, at least not for thugs like them. I wonder if we can use this to our [advantage]...'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
You say, 'To our advantage?'
Arima Fae says 'Yes. Yes! It sounds like they've been looking for me by seeking the statues that I've been looking for. I suspect that they have people all over waiting near possible statues. If they have found one of the statues I seek then maybe we can find out where it is from them! Go find my contact in Kithicor Forest. He'll know where they think they can ambush me. Get that information from him and then go there and find the statue! I am quite brilliant, I must admit.'

Arima Fae sends you speak with Thimble Thrasher in Kithicor Forest. He is in the back room of the last building on the right heading towards the Commonlands at 1112.30, N695.76
You say, 'Hail, Thimble Thrasher'
Thimble Thrasher says 'I can't take it anymore! Everyone pressuring me to find Arima, find some stupid statues, do everything or we'll kill you! Enough already! I give up. I'll tell you where Ven thinks the statue is. Anything to get you away from me!'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
Thimble sends you to Cobalt Scar.

The statue is on top of a rock on the beach near an Othmir camp.
A Fractured Dragon Scale appeared on my cursor, the Ambushing Thieves spawned and...

If you fail go back to Thimble.

Unsolved from here.

Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
My 37 Monk received this...
# Aug 14 2011 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'I will help'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'what business'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'I will do this for you'
You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See'.
Arima Fae sends me to speak with Flightfire in Erud's Crossing'

You say, 'Hail, Flightfire' (Flightfire is located off the dock in Erud's Crossing.)
Flightfire says 'I heard there were some folks looking for for odd statues. I did see one while crossing through the mountains to the High Keep. I suppose it might be what you are looking for. I started a camp near it, but decided to move on another hour rather than try to sleep in it's shadow.
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

You say, 'Off to East Karana'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
Your Location is -1735.57, -6033.44, 394.47 (First tower coming down the ramp from High Keep.)

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'Well, that's unfortunate, but expected. I've been following hundreds of false leads. I've got another one for you. I've heard that one of the Irontoe brothers, or cousins, or whatever, has been talking about strange statues to one of the many barkeeps that they visit. I need you to go and talk to one of those barkeeps and see if you can find out which Irontoe it was and what they might have said.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Arima Fae sends me to speak with Dray Cuves.
You say, 'Hail, Dray Cuves'
Dray Cuves says 'I am familiar with the Irontoes. They come in frequently enough. They never talk about statues, though. If you're asking about folks that talk about statues, I did have a few fellows come in recently asking about statues. I had no idea what they were talking about. They looked like a rough lot, but if you are interested in talking to them, all I can say is that they headed below decks after talking to me.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

I searched every room on the deck below and found nothing. Is there a way to get to the lowest decks?
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
My 69 Druid received this...
# Aug 13 2011 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
You say, 'Hail, Meeka Gharn'
Meeka Gharn says 'Greetings adventurer! I am wondering if you could [help].'
You say, 'I will help'
Meeka Gharn says 'My associate Arima Fae is in danger. He is being sought by the leader of a guild of thieves who calls himself Ven Baga. Arima received a book from Baga thought to lead to many treasures, if it could be deciphered. This was months ago, and now Baga grows impatient and believes Arima is trying to take the treasure for himself. Arima has sent me here to find someone who can help him. He has hired mercenaries for his personal protection, but he needs someone who is capable enough to do some outside work. If you are interested, you will find him in Misty Thicket.'

You say, 'Hail, Arima Fae'
Arima Fae says 'You must have been sent by Meeka! Excellent! I have been having trouble finding the clues necessary to decipher this blasted Tome. It doesn't help that Ven Baga and his men are searching for me and making it difficult to travel. Will you [help] me?'
You say, 'I will help you'
Arima Fae says 'Excellent! I'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your efforts. Should we find anything, I will gladly cut you in on whatever we find. Now, to the [business] at hand.'
You say, 'what business?'
Arima Fae says 'I am certain that this Tome is related to the [statues] that have been appearing in Norrath. I will need you to track down and find these statues and see what clues you can get from them. I would go myself, but I suspect that Baga will no doubt think the same thing and be waiting for me. But you? I am sure you can handle a couple of low-rent thugs. Will you [do this] for me?'
You say, 'I will do this for you'
Arima Fae says 'Your help is much appreciated! '
You have been assigned the task 'Only The Blind Will See'.

Arima Fae sent me to find Driggles Sparkwaddle in Fungus Grove. (Driggles Sparkwaddle is located in the last building on the the left leaving the vendor area of Fungus Grove.)
Driggles Sparkwaddle says 'Statues! I don't really want to talk about statues. The last one I saw gave me a serious fright. It's like it snuck up on me. Made me drop my best kerchief. It was in... a place they called Skyfire. I can see why, it's got a lot of scary flames and hot spots all over it. Once that statue snuck up on me, I left, fast. You'll have to find your own way there, I'm not interested in going back. I feel safer here.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

Statue location is -2201.07, -3586.61, -114.09 in Skyfire (Between Druid port in and Overthere zone.)
You find a singed handkerchief that was probably a very expensive item before it was left on the volcanic ground. The handkerchief has a large D stitched into one corner. It is obvious that Driggles thought that this was the appropriate statue, but you know that this ancient dragon statue is not what you seek.
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.
You say, 'Hail, Samson'

Samson's location is 291.27, -3535.43, 253.92 in FV (On a hill behind the new Outpost.)
Samson says 'I know the Irontoes, every seller of mead knows the Irontoes. They haven't mentioned statues to me. Come to think of it, though, there were some fellows here asking about statues. They looked a bit seedy, but I didn't have any information for them any more than I do for you. They headed west and then south out of here when they left, if you're looking for them.'
Your task 'Only The Blind Will See' has been updated.

I could not find them even with track.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
# Aug 13 2011 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,028 posts
There's a statue in Qeynos Hills southwest of the ruins. Not related to this quest, but possible future quest.
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