Nights of the Dead: Digging Their Graves  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Quests:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Oct 26 23:58:59 2009
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is a shared Halloween task, available only while Halloween events are open. Its purpose is to serve as task updates in a grand task called "The Hunt for Tattooed Flesh" (you'll be automatically assigned this after completing "Digging Their Graves" the first time).

It begins with Edmund Strangeways in the Plane of Knowledge and has an 18-hour lockout timer.

You say, 'Hail, Edmund Strangeways'

Edmund Strangeways leans on his shovel and peers at you from beneath a wrinkled brow. 'You fool, step carefully! You're disturbing my graves! And aren't you a brash one, running here and there without a care during Harvester's Haunt, oblivious to the [danger] lurking beneath your feet!'

You say, 'What danger?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'This time of year the dead are [restless]. They can't lie still.'

You say, 'Restless?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'I know the dead. I've been putting them in the ground for many [years], and they've taken me to every corner of Norrath. If there's a fire, a plague, a battle, I am there. The dead need burying. But you best bury them deep, for every Harvester's Haunt they toss and turn, yearning to breach the barrier of earth and rejoin the living. It's the right time to [find] them.'

You say, 'Years?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'I've been digging graves since I was but a lad. The disease came swiftly, decimated my village. I buried my friends, my sister, my brother. I buried my father and mother on the hill overlooking our farm. I buried them all, every last one. The village square looked freshly tilled by a herd of oxen, sewn with the seeds of death. The wind in the trees and the rasp of metal was all I heard when I scraped my shovel over the last pile of dirt, packing the soil over the face of the village elder. Not one voice called after me as I walked out of town, carrying my shovel. Somewhere there were more people dying. Somewhere there were more graves to dig.'

You say, 'How can we find them?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'The twitching of the dead churns the soil, and disturbed earth rises. You see a gopher's burrow, I see revealed graves of men long dead and [hidden].'

You say, 'Hidden?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'Ah, made you curious, did I? You may be naive and foolhardy, but I know an adventurer when I see one. I'm old and stiff. . .too many years with the shovel. My legs won't carry me far. But you could go in my stead. You could [bring] me what I [seek].'

You say, 'What do you seek?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'Many corpses have I seen, and many coins have I earned for disposing of them. But money can rot for all I care. I'll be dead soon, and someone will bury me. All that matters is my [collection].'

You say, 'Your collection?'

Edmund Strangeways says 'That ephemeral art that dissolves with a man's flesh--tattoos. Before I cover the dead, I search every inch of their bodies. Such beautiful paintings on rotting canvas. . .I cut them free and preserve them. You should see the [images] that hang on my walls.'

You say, 'Tell me about the images'

Edmund Strangeways says 'A mother, a father, a town, a ship's maiden voyage, a lover's face--things we wish were eternal but know are not. Images of the dead on the skin of the dead, all fading from time and memory. [Bring] them to me, and I'll preserve them.'

You say, 'I'll bring them to you'

Edmund Strangeways says 'Now is the time to find the ancient corpses. Those long dead reveal themselves in the disturbed earth. The art they hide on their bodies hasn't been seen for hundreds of years. Just imagine what beautiful sights and mysteries have been lost from the world all this time. Dig up the corpses and bring me any tattooed skin you find. Here, take my shovel. By the looks of you, I'd say you should head to the Field of Scale or the Loping Plains. The dead there are worth your while. But be careful: restless as they are, the dead don't take kindly to your disturbing their place of slumber. If you forget where to dig, come to me, and I'll remind you.'

You have been assigned the task 'Digging Their Graves'.

NOTE: The zones to which you are directed depend on your level:
- Field of Scale or the Loping Plains (level 85)
- Loping Plains or the Steppes (~75)
- the Steppes or the Buried Sea (~65)
- Barren Coast or Goru`kar Mesa (~55)
- Goru`kar Mesa or Emerald Jungle (~45)
- Emerald Jungle or Firiona Vie (23-32)
- Nektulos Forest or Lake of Ill Omen (1-22)

You receive Edmund's Shovel.

  • Loot 1 intricately tattooed skin 0/1 (ALL)

    In the zones Edmund mentions, you will find piles of brown rocks called "disturbed earth". You cannot /open or attack them, but you can use the click effect on your shovel. If you do so in a zone you're not supposed to be in, you see:

    The graves in this area have nothing of interest to you.

    If you use it in a proper zone, either a disturbed spirit or a tattooed zombie spawns. Only the zombie drops the skin, so you may need to go through multiple spawns.

    Loping Plains:

    For your lopingplains_3.txt file.

    P -2852.6719, 1635.2295, 295.1371, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2027.3898, 1967.2714, 241.9883, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -801.0338, 1497.2444, 42.3272, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3912.8870, 215.9049, 371.4138, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2579.2732, 1195.9529, 311.9054, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3717.5474, -1098.2715, 402.3856, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3424.8401, 196.1600, 348.9677, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3616.7256, -1859.0647, 330.6135, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2963.4373, 954.9589, 324.6428, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3142.5718, 291.9195, 350.9129, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3204.8909, -974.2498, 409.8311, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3067.6736, -262.7728, 324.5918, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -1818.2881, 2076.9058, 155.0767, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3125.2915, 1392.2825, 296.3822, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3629.8130, -80.1382, 350.7523, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3336.2986, -1362.4076, 400.3265, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3348.3296, -369.3068, 326.7838, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3458.9119, 1455.6563, 285.1343, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2863.6323, 2086.7571, 257.7396, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3405.2007, 60.5119, 352.0024, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -1098.5266, 1642.6348, 115.4382, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3627.7727, -2284.2515, 348.7082, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3260.4424, -1615.2024, 400.8377, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3168.2424, -1822.6547, 414.0687, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3046.3374, -1096.2103, 400.6664, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3697.0369, -1449.9814, 399.8764, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)

  • Deliver 1 intricately tattooed skin to Edmund 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

  • Deliver 1 Edmund's Shovel to Edmund 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

  • Upon turn-in, you see:

    Your task 'Digging Their Graves' has been updated.
    Your task 'Digging Their Graves' has been updated.

    Also upon completing "Digging Their Graves" for the first time, you are assigned the task "The Hunt for Tattooed Flesh". If you are repeating this quest, Edmund Strangeways there is a 14 hour cool-down period while he "inspects" the tattooed skin you turned in before you can do The Hunt for Tattooed Flesh. This is a grand task that makes you repeat "Digging Their Graves" multiple times.
  • Rewards:
    Send a Correction
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    Post Comment
    Loping Plains
    # Oct 14 2022 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
    20 posts
    Loping Plains no Good for Level 94.
    Back up working
    # Oct 20 2021 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
    Back up working as of 10-20-21
    # Oct 19 2021 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    trying doing this task from level 1 with my team. so far nothing in any of the zones to level 60
    still nothing 10/17/2021
    # Oct 17 2021 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
    Edmund directs me to field of scale- no disturbed earth- looks like it's an issue.. went and liked this post in the hopes it gets fixed soon..

    EDIT:10/31/21- just had to re-request as the timer ran out digging up graves and no zombies...8 hours later finally got tattooed flesh. hopefully the other three times doing this don't take as long.

    Edited, Oct 31st 2021 11:41pm by derangedvisions
    No disturbed earth 10/13/21
    # Oct 13 2021 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    Tunare Server 10/13/21 7pm PST

    I jumped into this quest with all my toons and searched in both the Field of Scale at 115 and Nek Forest shrouded down to 15 and I haven't been able to find any Disturbed Earth and have nothing on Find. Has anyone else had this issue? Is the quest broken or not fully activated?

    No disturbed earth 10/13/21
    # Oct 14 2021 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
    Same issue on Drinal.
    No disturbed earth 10/13/21
    # Oct 14 2021 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    I've had the same issue. i went to 6 locations, the two suggested as well as the 2 before and after that. no disturbed earth anywhere
    No disturbed earth 10/13/21
    # Oct 14 2021 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    Having the same issue on several different characters in several different level ranges. Can't seem to get anything to show up on find/track or just roaming around.
    Level 115?
    # Oct 01 2021 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    No matter what zone I go to, no graves show up.. not even on find. Are there any zones a level 115 could go to and find the graves? Bleh.
    EQ1: Gooshy:
    EQ2: Gwenythe:
    Level 115?
    # Oct 02 2021 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
    371 posts
    As of Oct 2 2021 the Halloween quests are not up yet so none of the mobs would be either.

    In game calendar show them starting on Oct 13 this year. Try then.

    Edited, Oct 2nd 2021 6:30pm by Dogpaw
    Level 115?
    # Oct 14 2021 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
    225 posts
    October 14 @ 1:50am and they aren't up.
    Last piece and no zombies
    # Oct 31 2019 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
    225 posts
    Last piece needed on 2 chars, First one was at 8 tries when I switched and currently on 5th 'dig' on 2nd char. I usually get the zombie within 1-3 tries. What is this BS?!? We are already suffering with the 16 min cooldown on shovel and 17 hour cooldown between tasks. Give us a break Daybreak!
    Digging the Grave
    # Oct 27 2019 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
    68 posts
    At level 13 I went into Nekulos forest. The graves were all listed on the find. Note though that you are not guarantee a loot on the first try. The mummy's were dark blue and it took 5 try's with a 15 min wait in between.
    Loping Plains
    # Oct 27 2018 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
    3 posts
    For your lopingplains_3.txt file, or wherever you want to put it.

    P -2852.6719, 1635.2295, 295.1371, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2027.3898, 1967.2714, 241.9883, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -801.0338, 1497.2444, 42.3272, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3912.8870, 215.9049, 371.4138, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2579.2732, 1195.9529, 311.9054, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3717.5474, -1098.2715, 402.3856, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3424.8401, 196.1600, 348.9677, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3616.7256, -1859.0647, 330.6135, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2963.4373, 954.9589, 324.6428, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3142.5718, 291.9195, 350.9129, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3204.8909, -974.2498, 409.8311, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3067.6736, -262.7728, 324.5918, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -1818.2881, 2076.9058, 155.0767, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3125.2915, 1392.2825, 296.3822, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3629.8130, -80.1382, 350.7523, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3336.2986, -1362.4076, 400.3265, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3348.3296, -369.3068, 326.7838, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3458.9119, 1455.6563, 285.1343, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -2863.6323, 2086.7571, 257.7396, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3405.2007, 60.5119, 352.0024, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -1098.5266, 1642.6348, 115.4382, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3627.7727, -2284.2515, 348.7082, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3260.4424, -1615.2024, 400.8377, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3168.2424, -1822.6547, 414.0687, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3046.3374, -1096.2103, 400.6664, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)
    P -3697.0369, -1449.9814, 399.8764, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth (Halloween)

    Be careful out there.

    Edited, Oct 27th 2018 7:53pm by Quallain
    Loping Plains
    # Nov 03 2018 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
    371 posts
    I have noticed they respawn at different locations but are always listed under the "find" key
    Digging their graves
    # Oct 15 2018 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
    3 posts
    Well, the quest is working as intended. We first started in one of the other zones that were not prescribed and the quest will not spawn "Tattooed Zombie" - indicating you are not in the proper level-appropriate zone. But upon reading the quest a second (more like the 5th time) we zoned into Field of Bone (via Emerald Jungle and Lessor Succor) and found the rocks. I am, at the time of the quest a 45 Druid (Thank you Port Spells!!!) and did it with a 45 Warrior. Upon turn-in, the quest completes but in order to do the next successive quest for Edmund Strangeways there is a 14hr cool-down period while he "inspects" the tattooed skin you turned in. Hope this helps! Happy Hunting...
    interrupt nerf
    # Nov 02 2015 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
    77 posts
    looks like they nerfed the interrupt effect. they can't keep the game stable or fix the login server but they can fix what they perceive as exploits and we can't have that. the intention was to make you waste hours of your time over days and they don't want you to bypass this aggravation.

    based on the new expansion telecast, my impression of the devs is that they are a bunch of drunks with very little talent and no professionalism. i think they are down to their last few months so they are just doing as many little **** yous as possible before shutting down.
    Finding the earth
    # Oct 31 2015 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,738 posts
    If you prefer to hunt for the graves yourself, enjoy!

    If not...
    you can use the Find command to locate them.
    Finding the earth
    # Nov 02 2018 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
    14 posts
    You're my hero! lol
    Lilpugs ~ danger ranger of Cazic Thule
    Muliku ~ shaman pet/guild buff *****
    some disturbing information
    # Oct 29 2015 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
    1,068 posts
    This particular task isn't shared. No taskadding, its a solo task. I went with another level 105. It took them 5 hours just to get her update. so far I have had to drop task twice and get it again because it is taking so long. I have clicked on the disturbed earth 19 times so far ( over a 2 day period and 3 tasks) without spawning a zombie. Also, neither of us was able to 'interrupt the shovel effect' and get it to function. All we got was spell interruptions. Perhaps they tinkered with the shovel since those posts, but it has 0.5 second cast time. Huge time sink for this task. Cannot even project how long the entire task will take to complete the achievement since you have to repeat this multiple times later.
    some disturbing information
    # Oct 30 2015 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Shuraz wrote:
    This particular task isn't shared. No taskadding, its a solo task. I went with another level 105. It took them 5 hours just to get her update. so far I have had to drop task twice and get it again because it is taking so long. I have clicked on the disturbed earth 19 times so far ( over a 2 day period and 3 tasks) without spawning a zombie. Also, neither of us was able to 'interrupt the shovel effect' and get it to function. All we got was spell interruptions. Perhaps they tinkered with the shovel since those posts, but it has 0.5 second cast time. Huge time sink for this task. Cannot even project how long the entire task will take to complete the achievement since you have to repeat this multiple times later.

    Eldoff wrote:
    as of October 25th 2010 this quest is broken if you are above L85 possibly able to shroud around this issue though

    Edited, Oct 25th 2010 8:10am by Eldoff

    Darwitchgamer wrote:
    Was able to get mine shrouded as a lev 15 in Nek. recast delay is the major pain and delay in doing this.

    Is the quest still messed up for those attempting it over level 85?
    some disturbing information
    # Oct 31 2015 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
    1,068 posts
    It is functioning at 105. I mentioned my friend got it at 105. and I successfully ( finally) did get a zombie to spawn. I also got a 2nd one. Currently working on the 3rd. Was standing at a disturbed earth waiting for my shovel to be usable again, someone walked up behind me, clicked, popped zombie and left. that was really annoying. I am on my 3rd click since then.
    some disturbing information
    # Oct 31 2015 at 6:21 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Shuraz wrote:
    It is functioning at 105. I mentioned my friend got it at 105. and I successfully ( finally) did get a zombie to spawn. I also got a 2nd one. Currently working on the 3rd. Was standing at a disturbed earth waiting for my shovel to be usable again, someone walked up behind me, clicked, popped zombie and left. that was really annoying. I am on my 3rd click since then.


    What I mean is the quest working properly under 85, as it sounds like it is not working properly for you at 105?

    If that's the case, then the workaround of shrouding down (possibly having to re-accept the task while shrouded down) from the past may still be a valid approach.
    some disturbing information
    # Oct 31 2015 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
    52 posts
    The quest works fine at 105. I requested the quest at 105, clicked a pile in field of scale, got a tattooed zombie, and got the flesh. No shrouding involved.
    Halloween: Digging Their Graves appears to still be broken.
    # Oct 27 2014 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    I missed the comment about it being broken if you were over 85. I got the quest along with my druid earlier today. It was not given as a shared task, both characters had to get it to get the shovel.

    I finally completed it on both characters (three hours) and returned to PoK and tried to turn in the items. Edmund simply hands them back with no response. I checked the logs and there was no update after looting the item and the quest apparently disappeared at that time. There was no "The Hunt for Tattooed Flesh" quest before or after hailing him or handing in the two items on either character. When I hailed him he went through the exact same dialogue that he did earlier, only this time there is 5 hours to do it, not the expected 5 hour lockout that is

    I'll try the shroud and see if that makes any difference.
    Trying to interrupt
    # Oct 28 2012 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
    Trying to interrupt the shovel effect can still spawn the mob without activating the timer, so that you can go spawn another one. Unless the RNG just really, really hates me, it's either that or get a group all clicking their shovels so that one person can get the skin within the six-hour time limit. Or start it early, so that you can put in six hours of spawning PHs each day for many days, and get the tattooed zombie on four of them.
    Another PH
    # Oct 26 2012 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
    PH can also be "a turbulent specter" or "turbulent bones". The specter dropped a lucidem and a versluierd fungus.

    Edited, Oct 27th 2012 12:42am by Jakmagister
    Another PH
    # Oct 27 2012 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,738 posts
    Can be "a tossing spirit", too.
    Field of Scale Locations
    # Oct 26 2012 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
    153 posts
    For your oldfieldofbone_1 file:

    P -1853.7595, 251.6314, -47.0952, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -393.7848, 2160.8762, -53.9355, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -529.0391, 2047.0686, -49.8508, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -866.0444, 2154.2390, -52.3656, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -2078.1196, 2322.3718, -20.9399, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -1789.6617, 2290.8486, -43.5190, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -1766.9424, 2248.8577, -43.1507, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -1496.7668, 2042.7635, -30.2538, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -1530.3815, 2219.2324, -30.8682, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -501.5741, 2031.0663, -50.9999, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -517.1176, 2124.2578, -51.3030, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -607.6125, 2367.1965, -52.4149, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -2341.0303, 2242.3591, -47.5119, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -2232.2471, 2025.0629, -45.4162, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -2157.5166, 1357.4984, -36.1914, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -1913.6086, 1124.1812, -50.9867, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -1060.9205, 192.4941, -35.1705, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -916.1946, 173.5967, -53.7829, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -842.7390, -225.7756, -51.7693, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -585.4457, 492.8762, -32.7548, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -570.6860, 720.5974, -51.3024, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -453.4633, 840.8943, -52.3644, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -256.0966, 1237.9698, -50.0858, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -360.3162, 1573.6633, -45.8186, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -635.0904, 1828.5612, -50.2499, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)
    P -440.8572, 2554.0415, -52.4053, 240, 127, 0, 3, Disturbed_Earth_(Halloween)

    Good Luck
    "Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
    Field of Scale Locations
    # Oct 21 2014 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
    Bless you.

    Lee of Povar
    Fight smarter not harder.
    # Oct 31 2011 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
    122 posts
    Character: Level 68 Druid

    Locations found:
    187.22, 1019.71, 94.04 in-game
    -467/27, -544.81, 96.28 in-game
    -145.80, -724.32, 96.28 in-game
    127.36, -543.84, 124.08 in-game
    265.56, -373.79, 125.67 in-game
    -798.33, -388.88, 73.98 in-game

    map file
    P 53.7550, 1682.8251, 10.4556,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -326.4495, 1527.9928, 11.0067,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P 387.0944, 797.7548, 71.5075,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P 375.0117, -263.5169, 123.0364,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P 544.4624, -128.3700, 123.0391,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -121.8717, 897.1731, 62.7756,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -1031.1062, -180.3380, 90.8875,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -618.8032, 1106.8197, 88.1546,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P 719.5211, 147.0954, 91.7489,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P 552.4243, 459.4619, 91.8565,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -1257.4102, -375.1935, 93.4862,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -884.6857, -311.3601, 130.3539,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -571.1242, -427.6145, 123.8833,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 
    P -294.1238, 1227.4009, 41.0974,  127, 127, 0,  1,  disturbed_earth_(Holloween) 

    Edited, Oct 31st 2011 5:58pm by goldbishop
    Edited, Oct 31st 2011 9:23pm by goldbishop
    Edited, Oct 31st 2011 9:44pm by goldbishop
    Added more map-file locations.

    Edited, Nov 1st 2011 4:33pm by goldbishop
    not right level WTF!!
    # Oct 25 2011 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
    24 posts
    im lvl 90 and tried getting this task and it says im not the right level?? so since im lvl 90 i am to high to get to hiring a scarecrow merc, COME ON!!!
    not right level WTF!!
    # Oct 27 2011 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
    shroud to get task and to do task, take a box or buddy with you to kill the mobs.
    RE-cast Delay bugged
    # Oct 27 2010 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
    25 posts
    Target your pile of rocks (disturbed earth) from a distance. Begin running toward the rocks and click the shovel as you run over top. The cast will continue and the mob will spawn without the shovel timer activating. Hence the shovel is ready to reuse without the wait.
    Recast Delay
    # Oct 25 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Now, what's the purpose of the recast delay? By the time I find the next set of rocks, the 16 minutes hasn't passed yet. =/
    EQ1: Gooshy:
    EQ2: Gwenythe:
    Recast Delay
    # Oct 26 2011 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
    Just a way for Sony to waste more of your time with useless waiting around. Just like the quests where you have to camp a rare spawn for weeks at a time, through several hundred place holders, for an item that by the time you get it, is of no use to you anymore, other than a "See what I got" effect. Point in fact, the Epic weapons. No one even does them any more except for the Oooh! effect, or in the case of the 1.5 and 2.0, the clickies.

    And before you flame me for stating a fact, I do in fact still do the Epic quests on my characters, since I like being able to be proud of an accomplishment. I just wish Sony would understand, we really DON'T want to sit around for 15 minutes doing nothing productive. Granted, most of the zones you will be able to do this quest in have mobs that are relative to your lvl to kill for exp, when you're doing a quest, no one really wants to go kill other mobs that aren't related to the quest.
    All that is lost, is not Forsaken
    shovel recast
    # Oct 25 2010 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
    42 posts
    I see the picture says the shovel recast is 2seconds, while the effect info says 1000 seconds. In games its 16min 40 seconds...thats a long *** recast, especially if you have some bad luck, everyone in my groups has now clicked 3 times each(for those math geniuses thats 18x) and not one zombie=P
    86-90 bug
    # Oct 25 2010 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
    23 posts
    as of October 25th 2010 this quest is broken if you are above L85 possibly able to shroud around this issue though

    Edited, Oct 25th 2010 8:10am by Eldoff
    86-90 bug
    # Oct 16 2011 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    Was able to get mine shrouded as a lev 15 in Nek. recast delay is the major pain and delay in doing this.
    Location in EJ
    # Oct 31 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
    -598 +4159 -54, just east of the succor point near the building.
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