Jharin Apprentice (Bard #3)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Mon Jul 14 20:42:14 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Hymnist Gawfed is at location -120, 90. As you look up the palace steps, he's in the building to the left. Hand him the Buckler of the Jharin Recruit to start the following dialogue:

    Hymnist Gawfed says 'Very well met, young friend. I assume that Gherik has sent you to me for the purpose of training you. Unforunately, I will not be doing any formal training for the several days. I'm taking a bit of a holiday to celebrate my wife's birthday. If you could take this receipt to the merchant for me before my wife gets home, I'd appreciate it. I'll place you at the top of my training list as well.'

    You say, 'What merchant?'

    Hymnist Gawfed says 'Gah... I'm losing my wits. I didn't tell you which merchant. Well, the fur is the first thing to go, and the mind is a close second. My wife's birthday is usually quite a large event in my household and I've been trying to make this one extra special. I'm lucky I can still find my tail. Take the note to Jihli Mahej. He's an importer who lives near the... gah! I can't remember the address. I'm sure you'll find him though. Good luck!'

    Jihli Mahej is in the building to the left of the Registrar. After you talk to Jihli (dialogues needed) (apparently the vase that had been ordered was broken), he directs you to Chogar to repair the vase that Gawfed bought, instead of refunding the money.

    Chogar is located under a tent in the southern-most section of the town. (loc -483, -313; Outside of Building #17 on EQAtlas's page).

    Chogar will give you a Rough Vase Sketch (dialogues needed) and will send you back to the pottery wheel to complete this step. (The sketch is returned on a failure) Combine a block of clay, water and sketch in the pottery wheel to receive the unfired vase. Then fire it in the kiln with a quality firing sheet. Trivial for the combine is between 85 and 95.

    Take the vase back to Gawfed.

    Hymnist Gawfed looks at the vase and nods his head in approval. "I know that she's going to love this vase. The craftsmenship is amazing!" He says as he admires the vase. I need to properly thank you for retrieveing it for me and I think that I know just the thing. If you gather some owlbear feathers I can have my brother apply them to your cloak. He can make a cloak really stand out. It will be a prize fit for any aspiring apprentice to wear. Take this sack and fill it with seven feathers and your recruits cloak. Then return it to me with your cloak. I'll have it all sent over to my brother together in one bag.

    You will receive a Large Cloth Sack (make sure you have a container slot open).

    Owlbear feathers drop off owlbear cubs, fleshrenders and razorbeaks in Hollowshade Moor, as well as off grimy owlbear cubs in Paludal Caverns.

    Combine 7 of the feathers and your Cloak of the Jharin Recruit in the sack to craft a Bag of Feathers, which you should hand to Hymnist Gawfed.

    Hymnist Gawfed says 'It looks like you're all set. I'll have this sent over to my brother at once. Thank you again for fetch the vase for me. I can't wait to give it to the missus. I just know that she's going to love it. I have another task for you. It shouldn't take much time at all. Your cloak won't be done for a while, so you can do this while you wait. Take this piece of parchment to Jangle. He'll give you a bag of lute strings. I'm restringing all of my instruments before the party. Please be quick. Thank you again. '

    You receive experience, positive faction with the Jharin, and a Note for Jangle.

    Jangle can be found at 237.85, -493.71.

    Jangle says 'I would love to fill this order for you friend, but the lad that we sent out into the moor to hunt up our last batch of owlbear guts has not returned. No guts, no strings. I'm afraid that I have neither. If your master will allow it, perhaps you could go gather the guts for me. If you complete this task, I will waive the fee for his next couple of orders. I'm sure that he'll find that proposal pleasant enough. Here's a bag to gather the guts in. Please fill it before you return to me. '

    You receive Jangle's Bag to fill with the Owl bear guts. They look like Fatty owl Bear Meat so it is best to look before you loot as the bag will not combine if you mix and match. If you didn't gather enough guts while collecting feathers, go back out to Hollowshade Moor (yes, it's likely you're going to get tired of that zone, just like every other Vah Shir) and chase more owlbear cubs.

    Combine the 8 guts in the bag to craft a Bag of Owlbear Guts, which you should give to Jangle.

    Jangle says 'Thank you for gathering these materials for me. This bag should last for some time. I'll need to clean this bag and make the strings. While I'm doing that, please take this note back to Gawfed and have him specify how many of each string he wants. He only listed the sizes in his note, not the quantities. '

    You receive experience, positive faction with the Guardians of Shar Vahl, and a Note from Jangle. Give the note to Hymnist Gawfed.

    Hymnist Gawfed says 'I really must be losing my mind. I could have sworn I specified the quantities. Oh well, I apologize for the confusion. Please take this back to him with my apologies. '

    You receive experience, positive faction with the Jharen, and a Note to Jangle.

    Hand the note to Jangle.

    Jangle says 'Very good, he's got it all written down this time. These strings should work nicely for him, and let's not mention the fact that they are absolutely free. Take care and remember to shop here for all of your Jharin needs. '

    You receive experience, positive faction with the Guardians of Shar Vahl, and a Bag of Lute Strings.

    Yes, that's right, go back to Hynist Gawfed, and give him the strings.

    Hymnist Gawfed says 'My dear friend, _____, you have been a wondrous help! Though we have not had an opportunity to work on the more refined Jharin teachings, you have definitely proven yourself to be an honorable citizen and worthy apprentice. My brother has returned with your cloak. Please take it along with the title of Jharin Apprentice. To further demonstrate my appreciation of your work for me, please take this lute. '

    You receive Cloak of the Jharin Apprentice (ac+6 sta+1 cha+2 hp+5 Pottery +2% Class Bard, Race Vah Shir only), and Lute of the Jharin Apprentice (+2cha Class Bard, Race Vah Shir only).

    Hymnist Gawfed shouts 'Everyone, please welcome my student and friend, _____, to the rank of Jharin Apprentice! '

    Hymnist Gawfed says 'Now, please meet with Aljuum Mohim. He will be responsible for your training during my holiday. Please show him the lute that I just gave you. He'll most likely be in a tavern somewhere. I just hope that he is sober. Take care, friend! '

    You also gain experience, and faction with the Jharin.
    Send a Correction
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    # Jul 13 2022 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
    207 posts
    "Vah Shir Citizenship (#1)
    Vah Shir Garrison Cloak (#5)
    Vah Shir Officer's Cloak (#6)"
    need to add
    # Jul 13 2022 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
    207 posts
    related quest Jharin Journeyman (Bard #4)
    if the owlbears are in charge of the cave
    # Jul 13 2022 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
    207 posts
    Farm for the feathers at the cave entrance since the pups are on a 10 minute timer. Just check track every few mins if you have it.
    Missing dialogue text
    # Mar 02 2016 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
    Jihli Mahej is in the building to the left of the Registrar. After you talk to Jihli (dialogues needed) (apparently the vase that had been ordered was broken), he directs you to Chogar to repair the vase that Gawfed bought, instead of refunding the money.

    Jihli Mahej looks at the note and begins to look a bit nervous. 'The vase that Master Gawfed purchased was accidentally knocked off of the shelf last night by a most clumsy customer. I apologize greatly, but I have only the broken pieces of the vase to offer you. Here, please take them with my sincere apologies. I will give Master Gawfed house credit for the vase and I can recommend someone that may be able to assist you in this most unfortunate dilemma. Give the pieces to Chogar and he may be able to assist you in repairing the vase.

    Your faction standing with Guardians of Shar Vahl has been adjusted by 1.

    You gain experience!!

    Chogar will give you a Rough Vase Sketch (dialogues needed) and will send you back to the pottery wheel to complete this step. (The sketch is returned on a failure) Combine a block of clay, water and sketch in the pottery wheel to receive the unfired vase. Then fire it in the kiln with a quality firing sheet. Trivial for the combine is between 85 and 95.

    Chogar says 'I can do nothing to repair this mess, but a skilled potter like you should be able to create a new one with little trouble. One second please, I'll jot a rough sketch of the what I surmise the original looked like when it was intact. You can take the sketch and make a new one. It will require of you a medium sized block of clay, a little water, and this sketch. Here you go. The sketch is a little crude, but I am sure that it will suffice. Fire it with a quality firing sheet and give the resulting product to Gawfed. Jihli told me that he was eager to receive it.'

    Your faction standing with Guardians of Shar Vahl has been adjusted by 1.

    You gain experience!!
    Missing dialogue text
    # Jan 12 2021 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    Dialog confirmed
    Cistilya Ogreburner of Veeshan
    [Bounty Hunters of Veeshan]
    Creator of the first Collapsible Distillery on the server
    Name of the Sketch given by Chogar
    # Nov 02 2014 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
    262 posts
    The sketch given for you to fix the broken vase is called 'Rough Vase Sketch'

    Here is the text when you give the broken pieces to Chogar:

    Chogar says 'I can do nothing to repair this mess, but a skilled potter like you should be able to create a new one with little trouble. One second please, I'll jot a rough sketch of the what I surmise the original looked like when it was intact. You can take the sketch and make a new one. It will require of you a medium sized block of clay, a little water, and this sketch. Here you go. The sketch is a little crude, but I am sure that it will suffice. Fire it with a quality firing sheet and give the resulting product to Gawfed. Jihli told me that he was eager to receive it.'

    Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 11:54pm by Ridolain
    You receive an 8 slot bag ([b]called what?[/b]) to fill with
    # Oct 20 2013 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
    756 posts
    Take this sack and fill it with seven feathers and your recruits cloak.

    It's called "Large Cloth Sack". When combined it is a "Bag of Feathers"

    You receive experience, positive faction with the Jharin, and a no drop piece of parchment.

    Called "Note for Jangle"

    You receive an 8 slot bag (called what?) to fill with the Owl bear guts.

    Called "Jangle's Bag" Combines to "Bag of Owlbear Guts"

    You receive experience, positive faction with the Guardians of Shar Vahl, and a Note to Gawfed.

    It's now called "Note from Jangle"

    Just as an aside, my never played Bard (Level 21, P/L'd to do these quests to get the item for my Beastlord) on my now silver account cannot equip this lute. It shows with a red title and also did so during the recent free gold upgrade. My current Bard on my gold account can equip it.

    ARGH: My log doesn't show what the sketch was called and I can't go back in the quest to find out...

    EDIT: My gold account Bard now cannot equip it either. I'm not sure when this changed, but it looks like a patch broke it sometime since my original post.

    Edited, Apr 8th 2014 9:44am by KC13
    Medium Block of Clay
    # Oct 08 2013 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
    756 posts
    No such thing. The recipe works with a Block of Clay
    Gut bag
    # Feb 20 2004 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
    75 posts
    container to combine the guts is broken since the last patch (GoD launch).
    RE: Gut bag
    # Dec 21 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
    Quest is confirmed as working now, completed collecting guts this morning and did combine. Now for some information to help others attempting this quest. I only found 2 Owlbear Cubs in all my exploration of hollowshade. First was when owlbears occupied the northern caves, there was an owlbear cub that'd roam the wall north-northeast of the Vah shir outpost. Second was west of the zoneline to Grimling Forest roaming the area north of the v in the river , as long as owlbears occupied the eastern caves. Both those owlbears had a respawn of a little over 10 mins,which with running back n forth and locating them keeps ya busy while the drop rate of the guts for me was about 1 every 2 to 4 kills. Good luck to all you other bards doing this quest, I love mine now I have it. Was well worth the work if you can't afford a Lute of the Howler.
    RE: Gut bag
    # May 30 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
    I believe this has been fixed now--I haven't tried it specifically (next on the list for my little bard), but lots of quest combines were broken and are now fixed.

    Eldraar (65 necro, Brell)
    # Nov 11 2003 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
    As no one else has, I will take a moment to mention a few things that are slightly importent to those camping for this. The owl bear guts only drop off the cubs and then only rarely. At any given time there is from 0 to 5 possible owl bear spawns available, depending on what phase the war is in. Be ready for days and days of camping to get 8. I spent 3 days of 4 to 8 hours at a time camping every owl bear spawn I could find with a 65 beastlord and only got 4.
    RE: rarity
    # Jan 20 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    I found the best way to camp the Owlbear Guts was to always camp out at the Hollowshade zone line. That way every time I logged in or out I could check the state of the zone and see if the Owlbear Cubs were up. If they were, kill 4 or 5 of them before I headed or logged out. I started this when I was around 20th and by 25th had all the Owlbear Guts I needed and I did not have to camp greens in Hollowshade non-stop for days.

    The only, as far as I could find (don't have track yet), Owlbear Cubs spawn on the hill behind the small fort just inside the zone.
    1 - 2 spawn and they are on a less 10min respawn. Problem is they are only there when the Owlbears are in control of the north tunnel complex. If you run over the hill and see Owlbears at the tunnel entrance then wait for some Owlbear Cubs. Otherwise, check back later.
    RE: rarity
    # Aug 13 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
    Well since recent patches (11 Aug 04 being most recent), it appears that the frop rate of Owlbear Gut has improved dramaticly. I kave killed 8 owlbear cubs and have had 5 OB G and OB Fatty Meats drop, so it seems it is now back to common drop. Viva Bards
    Unfired vase replica
    # Aug 21 2003 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
    Got trivial message at 88. Same thing when I fired it to get Finished Vase Replica
    going on...
    # Aug 04 2003 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Allakhazam seems not to update the quests I gave in... :-/
    So, if you want to know ALL progressive Vahr Shir quests go to:


    The hero mantle is AWESOME!!!

    Edited, Mon Aug 4 17:52:41 2003
    What about the buckler?
    # Jul 21 2003 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
    Does anyone know if you get your buckler back, after handing to Gawfed to start the quest?
    RE: What about the buckler?
    # Jul 22 2003 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
    you should have gotten it back after you gave it to him Smiley: blush
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