Abattoir Initiate Cap  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Armour Set
  • Starting
Quest Items:
Era:Legacy of Ykesha
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Jul 29 18:55:53 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Shwara Volerno'

Shwara Volerno says 'Welcome to The Abattoir fellow Cazicite. I am Shwara Volerno, Mistress of Necromancy. If you have just begun to study the Necromantic arts I will assist you with obtaining some [clothing] and a robe that will be most useful when conducting research outside of The Abattoirs walls. We members of the Abattoir are the most feared of the residents of Paineel by the citizens of Erudin, to venture too far beyond the safety of our city unprepared would be foolish.'

You say, 'What clothing?'

Shwara Volerno says 'You will require this Curing Kit that has been specially prepared for the crafting of a suit and robe of Abattoir Initiate Clothing. The components necessary to craft the clothing vary according to the article that you desire to fabricate. Once you have been outfitted in the proper attire return to me and you may assist with some [important research]. Do you desire to fabricate an [abattoir initiate cap], [abattoir initiate wristband], [abattoir initiate gloves], [abattoir initiate boots], [abattoir initiate sleeves], [abattoir initiate pantaloons], or [abattoir initiate robe]?'

You say, 'I would like to craft an abattoir initiate cap'

Shwara Volerno says 'To craft an Abattoir Initiate Cap you must obtain two [silk thread], woven widow silk, and a briar snake skin. Once you have the necessary components combine them in your Curing Kit with this Tattered Cap Pattern.'
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# Oct 11 2002 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
they fixed it about two weeks after i posted that. The spider spawn was rather sporadic at first (one small section just south and west of the spires) but seems to have balanced now. If I ever get back to Toxx I'll post a /loc.

Shwara Volermo is in the palace in Paineel.
she's in a location that was previously empty. again with the /loc if I get back there.
Good Luck.
Getting the Materials
# Sep 15 2002 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
The Necromancers of Paineel have probably the easiet time of all gathering the compontents compared to the other class/race combinations. Easiest and fastest, bar none. At 4th/5th level, a Necromancer hanging around the entrance from Paineel to Toxxulia can probably get the components for absolutely all the armor pieces within a few hours. Keep in mind that Thistle Snakes can drop the Briar Snake skins as well as the Briar Snakes (I've obtained a Giant Briar Snake Skin off a Giant Thistle Snake for example).

Regular Briar Snakes spawn on either side of the entrance platform fairly regularily. Widows of all sizes can easily be found if you head straight out from the exit. Pass the fallen log to your left (those familiar with Toxxulia from the Necromancers side will know which one right away), and the Widowlings frequently pass by.

Right there, you can guarantee yourself not only the components, but some fairly consistent and fast levelling as well.

By 9th level, my Necromancer had all the armor pieces and it was not very hard at all.

Woven Silk is probably the rarest of the drops, though, but if you just keep smacking around the Widows, it will come.
RE: Getting the Materials
# Oct 28 2003 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not too sure about that.

Two levels in Toxxulia (I was 4 when I started, now I'm 6.) have not produced a single Briar Snake Skin or Woven Widow Silk, although several Spiderling Silks have dropped, as well as some Woven Spider Silk. I'm beginning to wonder if Briar Snake Skin even exists.

I'm sure if I wasn't doing this quest there would be a ton of them everywhere I looked, but I'm ready to forsake this endeavor. I feel like I'm wasting my time.
Shwara Volerno
# Aug 20 2002 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
She is downstairs in the bottom level of the necro guild
where is she
# Jul 31 2002 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
could someone plz post where Shwara Volerno is so i can do this quest
what spiders....
# Jul 30 2002 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
or snakes for that matter, i think i've seen all of two spiders and three briar snakes in the past two days in toxxulia on 7th hammer.
I have a few skins, but nary a silk to speak of.
This spawn seems a wee bit out of sync with the rates in Greater Faydark....
RE: what spiders....
# Dec 04 2002 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
I agree after getting annoyed not finding any spiders I logged on my 21 druid attempted to track them there like 3 spawns and soon as they spawn they poof in 30 sec and to top it all off Woven Widow Silks are rare so I really have to say grats to the EQ people bye making this quest a pane in neck even with druid alt not to mention necro cant track....here idea why don't they get rid of few those dum fire beetle and add more spiders
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