Journeyman's Boots  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 3 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 21 20:34:29 2000
Modified: Sun Jul 14 11:57:24 2024
It is advised to get the Quest items prior to looking for Hasten in Rathe as he will despawn after a certain amount of time and getting him to spawn in the first place can take hours with bad luck.`

The Shadowed Rapier is a TEMPORARY item that drops from "a shadowed man," found in several zones. Since it's TEMPORARY, it's best to get this last.

Ring of the Ancients drops from an ancient cyclops, found in Ocean of Tears and Southern Desert of Ro. In the Ocean of Tears, the AC spawns on the seafury cyclops island and can spawn in place of any of the seafuries. The Southern Desert of Ro AC has a much more intriciate spawn mechanic that can be found on his bestiary page.

You will also need the equivalent of 3250 Gold for the turn-in. (325 Platinum works).

Hasten Bootstrutter is a semi-rare spawn in Rathe Mountains. He, or any of the mobs on his spawn cycle will spawn in the Northeast section of the map in the area where Hill Giants are found approximately every 6 minutes (provided they are kept down). Once any of these NPCs or Hasten spawns they will begin roaming throughout the zone where after running their route they will despawn and a new mob will spawn. If you set up camp at the little valley leading into the Hill Giant area every placeholder or Hasten will roam right past you provided they aren't killed by another player.

NPCs that are PHs for Hasten listed in order of how often they pop: Spawns are at exactly 4m 45sec cycles.
a drake
a grizzly bear
Brother Zephyl
Maldyn the Unkempt

You say, 'Hail, Hasten Bootstrutter'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Stopped, I have. Greet you, I do. What business do we have? Hmm? Speak up!!'

You say, 'Journeyman's boots.'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Journeyman's boots are what you seek? Ha!! Those I have upon my feet and disintegrate will they if my life is taken. Extra pair have I, and, possibly, [rare trade] can we make.'

You say, 'What rare trade?'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Three things I call for and journeyman boots are yours. A [shadowed rapier], [ring of the ancients] and gold... 3250 gold coins I call for !! This trade I call.'

You say, 'What shadowed rapier?'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Shadowed men, foes to all, have appeared. Many lands do they walk. Invisible are they, but for the items they wield. Seek them out and return to me a shadowed rapier. Return it with haste before 'poof' goes the rapier!! No time to camp have you.'

You say, 'What ring of the ancients?'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Ancient cyclopes [sic] do march the land. Long have they lived and crafted the rings of the ancients. I must have one and you shall go and fetch one for me. Seek the lands of the oldest cyclops clans. Seek the plains, seek the island in tears and search the dunes for there is one who is last. His clan was blown from the sands.'

Give Hasten the Shadowed Rapier, the Ring of the Ancients, and 3250 gold (or 325 platinum)

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the journeyman boots and run like the wind.'

Journeyman's Boots
Submitted by: Bobbybick
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minimum level for turn in?
# Apr 01 2003 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Does your character have to be a minimum level to do the turn in to Hasten and get the boots?

Thanks in advance.
RE: minimum level for turn in?
# Apr 08 2003 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
No, there is no minimum lvl to wear to get the boots, you just have to be able to get the AC ring and the Shadowed Rapeir.
# Mar 14 2003 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
At what lvl can a necro solo the AC?
Spawning AC SRO
# Mar 09 2003 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default
I just got some advice from a nice 62 cleric who used to MQ this all the time.

In SRO, to get the AC to pop:

1) At 6:00PM EQ GAME TIME, goto the undead tower in SRO and kill the mob thats in there, usually "crypt mummy" or a drybone skellie.

2) She didn't tell me this, but it happened to me: All the undead in SRO will seemingly depop.

3) From 8pm, to 8am game time, kill absolutely nothing except undead. Kill every undead you see, and nothing else.

4) The AC will quickly spawn.

I didn't think this would work, but I did exactly as she told me to do, and it worked! I got my AC to pop in about 20 min, after camping it for 12 hours and up.

I've only done it once, with my necro, but I plan to do it with my druid now to sell the MQ. Can anyone else confirm that this works?
# Mar 02 2003 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
Is this quest hard to do on your own?
RE: Hard?
# Mar 07 2003 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Not as a Level 42 Druid. I found the most difficulty finding the Ancient Cyclops. Stayed for quite a while in OOT then I went to South Ro and killed everything in sight, mostly undead, mummies, and tarantulas, but pretty much everything and he popped by the tents.
The rest was easy just follow directions.
How not to get ripped off on this MQ.
# Mar 02 2003 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
Ok, I mq this a lot. Thought this might help the rest of you out. Ok first thing when you find a buyer. Make them pay up front. Second stayed grouped with them. I have j boots and I group while doing the MQ and it does not effect anything. Some people beleave it causes it to fail. Also you may use 325p. Grab your buyer. Take then to EC to get the shadow rapier. Then head to RM. I make the buyer bring the 325p. Hunt down Hasten. First you Hail Hasten. Then buyer Hails Hasten. Then hand in one item at a time. You hand in the Ring of Acients. Next the buyer hands in shadow rapeir. (Seperatly) Finally they hand in the 325p. If done properly you will both get exp. If you got exp you know the buyer got the boots. So then you can't get screwed. Im a lvl 55 wizard ATM. Zanzer on E'ci Always MQing J boots at a fair price. Most my MQ's take less than a hour. Being a wiz helps. Good luck to the rest of you AC hunters.

Edited, Sun Mar 2 09:31:53 2003
Mmmmm Boots
# Feb 19 2003 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
Me and the 3 people i play on lan with have side characters on Rallos Zek. We are planing to delevel to 15 but first we are going to get 20 and get last names. We could get up to 35 fairly easily, not having the 20% exp bonus of Sullon I'm used to its a little more tedius. We are 2 Vah BST, 1 DE SK, and 1 Wood Elf Ranger. If we were all 35 would we be able to handle this quest with any efficiency, or even at all? Also I notice that when you level up and get your skills past your current level cap and then delevel your skill doesnt go back down...but i was wondering if your skill still works at that effectivness? example if I'm level 17 with a duel weild of 150, would i succede at 150 duel weild or would it work like I have 90 skill? I dont know for sure but also if you are say lv 35 and you deleveled from lv 40 so you have your repost...would you still be able to repost?

Sshin Mannard <Black Crown>
Lv 53 Primalist of Sullon Zek (Whose name was chosen by a GM because I was in trader mode and they have a no names with titles policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
RE: Mmmmm Boots
# Feb 19 2003 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
I'm almost positive that you'll get a message saying you cant use that skill yet if you de-level lower then it requires for use.I seriously would try that unless you really hate the character and dont mind ******** it up.

BTW why is this postin with Journeyman's Boots discussion?
RE: Mmmmm Boots
# Feb 20 2003 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
I figured that would happen but i havn't tried it yet...what I really wanted to know though was weather or not your skill will work at the level of skill you have or the level of skill that your level can have at maximum (through Deleveling)

Edited, Thu Feb 20 18:52:55 2003
RE: Mmmmm Boots
# Feb 26 2003 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
IT has been said that yo would get the Skill of your curent level, and I have also heard +1, or +2 levels, But I know for a fact that if you DeLev from 40 to 20 your skills son't be any where near 200. They will still say 205 or whatever in your skill screen, but in realaty it isn't anywhere nere that. I play on Tallon, and the LVL / Delvl race used to be big in the griefing guilds. but now the playing field is flat. well as flat as it can be. THe ritch get stronger, and the poor get poorer.
RE: Mmmmm Boots
# May 11 2003 at 2:40 AM Rating: Default
I dont know for sure about other servers but I looked at the rules for the PvP server and it says that skills have a effective cap of 2 levels above your current level. Which makes me think that on a blue server it wouldn't matter but you can basically be a level 17 lv 15 on a PvP server.
# Feb 18 2003 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
Last night I had all the stuff together, shadow rapier, 3250 gold, and the ring of the ancients... Then the my level 60 ranger buddy and I hung out in Rathe Mountains for almost FOUR HOURS and Hasten never showed up. By the time I had to go to bed since it was 1am on a work night. Any idea how to get this guy to spawn?? We were killing the drakes and all the stuff that wandered his typical path, even the unkempt ranger guy... nothing... Suggestions?
AC pop
# Feb 18 2003 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
the AC is definately a random spawn, he popped when i killed a sand giant, it wasnt husam and i never killed a sand mummy. i just spent all my time running around the sand part of the zone killing anything and everything. took me about 20 minutes wit hthe help of a tracker, but the AC popped right behidn where i killed the SG. hope this helps any out.
RE: AC pop
# Feb 22 2003 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
It only took you 20 mins, and there is NO chance somebody else killed a PH for him?

# Feb 11 2003 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
Killed The AC 5 times Now always at Night I killed Crypt Mummy this last time and he Spawned its either Sand Mummy or Crypt Mummy to make it Spawn. Is My guess or he Just Likes getting Killed By me. :)
# Feb 09 2003 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
I was hoping to get these for my warrior,

could a druid turn in the ring then a warrior turn in the cash/rapier?
RE: multiquest?
# Feb 16 2003 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Sure, just make sure the rapier and gold turned in by the warrior are last. Did it last night that way.

successful MQing
# Feb 08 2003 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
it is always a good idea to hand minor objects numbering the items you need to turn in, before doing a MQ, it clears the items that might have been turned in unsuccessfully before.

several times, on important turnins, like for my epic, I did this, and once got back fewer items than I gave the NPC, so I suspect my turnin would have been botched without handing in a few veggies first. Don't use coin though, that is counted differently.

How to make the AC spawn in Sro?
# Jan 20 2003 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
I been camping the AC several times, and for hours, and never saw one pop.

From what I heard, you should kill Puma's, Spideres and mummies, then eventually a 'sand mummy' will spawn. This is a mummy like all other except it has a different name from the Crypt and Shriveled ones, namely 'sand mummy'

Kill that one and it makes 'a terrorantuling', 'Terrorantula' or the 'ancient cyclops' spawn.

Thats what I heard anyhow. Anyone know if the 'sand mummy' in fact is the PH for those mobs?

Sick of camping the AC, I just want the fargin jboots!

Nargroth Valma'Xukuth
40th Necromancer and Officer of Runerunners
RE: How to make the AC spawn in Sro?
# Jan 27 2003 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
I doubt it. I've camped the AC several times in my EQ career, the latest time being last night. Got him in 45 minutes. His spawn seems most closely related to sand giants. I was killing undead randomly, and sand giants as they popped. I started seeing sand giants more and more commonly. Then as I was roaming around the Derv camp on the East side of the desert, he was up. Nailed him, got the ring, done.

My first time I went for a several hour binge camp and finally got him... swore I'd never do it again. Each time since I've just got him almost in passing. My advice to you is just come and spend a set amount of time. Never spend more than a few hours there... it's just no fun.
RE: How to make the AC spawn in Sro?
# Apr 23 2003 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
SGs are definitely his PH, but the PH for SG spawns can be anything from the sand mummy to madman to asp or desert tarantula
No luck
# Jan 12 2003 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
I was around oot zone so i went to check if the AC was camps, like always it was. So i gated back to the nexus and later i got a tell from the person who was camping it was leaving and i could have it. Thankfully they were willing to wait till i got there to leave so i sat down and started waiting on first spawn. 3 hours pass by and still no luck. Guildy Jumped by and was going to help me. We were there for another 9 hours and still no AC.

I still dont have it at this moment but i plan on getting back in there and checking it out tomorrow.

If you plan to camp the AC plan on camping all night.

I loged on the next day on the island with the AC on it. It wasnt camped so i decided i would try for a little. In my luck i got it with only 3 hours of camping.

After i have gotten the Ring i went to WC to get the rapier, was easy. First kill had one.

Next off to RM to find hasten. Zoned into RM to find him right by zone. Which i was glad i didnt have to camp him as long as i did the AC.

Edited, Fri Mar 14 20:40:22 2003
# Jan 08 2003 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Finished this quest today. Started yesterday with camping the AC in OOT for four hours and nothing. Finally got the ring today after four hours of killing the place holders then headed to lower faydark for the shadowed rapier from the shadowed men art the statue southeast of the greater faydark zone. Then headed to RM to look for Hasten, First time zoning in to RM couldn't find him, sent an ooc chat asking if anyone had seen him or had him on track and no one replied. Wound up running in circles in the hill giant area killing hill giants and got way too encumbered so gated back to POK bank and unloaded loot, then headed back to RM. This time when I zoned in asked again if anyone had hasten on track and luckily a kind person replied he was on track and said he would take me to him and he did. I used 3,250 GP, didn't want to chance him not taking the PP. Hasten was at loc n1131,p563 when I was there.I am iksar necro and no problems turning in and getting my boots ;)
# Jan 08 2003 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Got the boots last night. Camped the AC in OOT, it took 6 hours. Lots of Cyclops spwan, dark blue to lvl 44 necro. Just want to say thanks to Gelati and Taber you guys rock.
Did SRo Camp Last night
# Jan 06 2003 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Was in South Ro Last Night, actually trying to get the Terrorantula to spawn, was doing the same thing Gathering up everything I could and then using Super Nova to kill them all off, did this several times. I did this several times, the only thing I really noticed as a Pattern was one young Ronin Popped then two. Shortly after. After that the AC Popped first Ice comet did 1110 damage and took him down to 33% next one killed him, I already have my Jboots from the camp in OOT, so I will use this for my guild. The only thing that I have seen for sure on this camp is that the Terrorrantulas always pop on the east side of the zone and the AC always pops on the West. That is my experience anyways. But if anyone needs help clearing the desert on Bertoxx send me a tell and I will Super Nova whatever you bring me. GL
journeyman's boots
# Jan 05 2003 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
I uderstand that the JBoots can be done in multi quest. I play on PVP server and he is always camped and I seem to always get pked when I go there. Anyway there is a player that wants to sell the ring as a multi quest which I'm thinking about buying if anyone can tell me exactly how the multi quest is done or if it can be done.
RE: journeyman's boots
# Jan 06 2003 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
Multiquesting is turning in quest items when you have something for the quest, and someone else has the other part. You go to the quest NPC, the person who sold you the MQ would turn in whatever part he has (in this case, the ring), then you would turn in the scythe and the money. Provided you do this reasonably soon after he turns in the ring, you will get the boots.

You might check if whoever's selling you the MQ has any kind of a reputation on your server...because people get ripped off on MQ's all the time. It's all trust-based, and GM's won't help you if you do get ripped off.
325 pp
# Dec 22 2002 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
did this today got ring lastnight camped . was easy found bored 60 wiz to help with Shadow men boom loot rapier then off to Hasten in Rathe mtns we was by Feerot zone runnin back out to the Hill Giant area Hailed him (when he finally stopped damn) gave him ring,rapier,and 325 pp ok take these here Journey mans boots ) thank you and bow ) the end

Bromadrosis 33 Sk Troll Zeb
RE: 325 pp
# Dec 30 2002 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
I thought he would not accept plat... that it had to be in gold.
RE: 325 pp
# Dec 30 2002 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
he will take any combo of coin as long as it is exact amount all at once.
RE: 325 pp
# Jan 07 2003 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
WRONG, I lost the 325 pp I turned in. It does not work unless 3250gps are used.
RE: 325 pp
# Jan 08 2003 at 8:36 PM Rating: Good
114 posts
wrong again friend did it in combo of pp and gold. I was the one who gave it. there must have been another problem with your turn in
The AC and other stuff
# Nov 30 2002 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I camped the SRO area for the AC for about 8/12 hours a day for 4 days.

On the first day the AC spawned three times...on all occasions I got beaten to it which is fair enough as its not exactly a valid camp. First come first served.

Days later after killing 5 sand giants and the named one I was losing heart and popped back in to see if it was up - if it wasn't I was going to give up.

The DBS in the tower was killed at about 4pm server time. Then everything undead was killed and also the tarantulas.

At around 2am after killing a ghoul in the tower, the AC popped and luckily I got there first. Damage output from a 39 cleric is not that high compared to some level 50's that usually camp the AC on my I used a rotation of Wrath, Smite, Force which killed the AC and ensured that if a KS were to happen then my damage output would be fairly high and I might still get the kill. As it happens, the other person was standing back very politely.

Then a friend got the rapier from the Shadowed Men in the commons and gave it to me in Rathe Mountains...where I eventually stopped Hasten by just giving him the rapier, ring and 3250 gold pieces. He was by the zoneline to Feerott.

Tada! One happy cleric with new boots.
# Nov 23 2002 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I just dinged 35 all excited to get these boots. Friday morning i decide i'll log. Everyone i asked says that the AC is over camped. But ahh i figure i'll go try so i head over there i zone 1 other person is in the zone he's a lvl 54 and killing everything. I sit for 3 minutes and out of the corner of my screen i see the AC i've got half mana. NOW was my chance. piece of cake. i kill him he's dead. WOOT i gate out. i have a friend help me get the sword. That was easy. Now i head over to RM i wait for hours and i found that the "a drake" is the PH for the little *******. He follows the same path as hasten. if u wait infront of Feerott ent he dos a little dance right there runs back and forth but you can get him safely there. Kill the a drake and wait about 10 minutes and he'll just come running out of no where. so anyway. i can't catch him. so a friendly druid of the 56 lvl roots and snares him. That was nice now he's mine and those boots are mine. Finally. WRONG Make sure you give him excatly the right about of money i gave him 1 GP over and he ate them. I was so pissed off. he was just added to my list of people i'm going to rape when i get to the higher lvl. Hope someone can use this.

~Sadven Cryptkeep 35th lvl of evil
oot ac
# Nov 19 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
me and a couple friends sat in oot last night waiting for that darn ac to spawn. killed many ph. i think we were there for at least five or six hours. has anyone tried both places and seem to have better luck in one or the other? although since we are evils on sullon we are kinda chicken to go try camping it in south ro 8). but it seems like most of the peopl ein the forums here have done their camp there and not in oot.
You don't need to make it into gold!!!
# Nov 19 2002 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
Someone from my guild just did the quest, and guess what, they turned in 325 Platinum without turning it into gold!! Imagine that.....


Make that two members!

-Matthyas Lionheart
57 Paladin of the Sigils
Innoruuk Server
How to make the AC spawn in Sro
# Jan 20 2003 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
*edited to blank, I hate double posts*

Edited, Mon Jan 20 18:36:36 2003
RE: You don't need to make it into gold!!!
# Jan 20 2003 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
Get a horse and you can carry as much as you want and still be able to move normally (normally as per on horseback) I had 430/89 Encumberance, 1 agi, and still were moving just as usual on the horseback ;)

Nargroth Valma'Xukuth
40th Necromancer
Officer of Runerunners
RE: You don't need to make it into gold!!!
# Dec 12 2002 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
EQ is counting the number of coppers you give him.
You can give him 325 Plat, 3250 gold, 32500 silver, or 325,000 copper (should you somehow be able to carry that much loot) and the EQ computer would treat it the same. Add one copper wrong, though, you're screwed.
It's that way in all the quests.
did it!
# Nov 13 2002 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
Well, a week ago i finally did my quest :)

Took me several hours to get the AC (first time i camped the AC i was 34th). I killed him in Sro (I was a lucky man, only 2 persons here and AC appeared in front of me, tho i was killing some PH like SG, named SG and undeaths), but camped him at OOT too (i was bound in the AC island). Sro AC is easy than OOT, cos have less hp (just one ice comet and one conflagration..hehehe).

After i got (at last!!!!) my AC ring, i headed to WC, and camped the shadowed for the rapier. I looted it in 30 minutes.

Then went to bank, get str buff and 3250 gp (maybe is possible with pp, but i wanted to be sure :P ).

OMW to bazaar, asked a 50 ranger to help me find Hasten, and we went to RM. Hasten wasn´t up, but in 10 minutes killin some PH (i supose) he was up.

Then the ranger was hailing him ( a lot of times) and i gave all the components: first ring, then rapier and finally gold... and tatatachaaann!!!!! u gain exp and Jboots!!!!

Hope it will help u.
took forever
# Nov 12 2002 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
I just read the post below, and I must say that is totally lucky. I had been in S Ro for about 20 hours total waiting for the AC by killing as much as possible, and usually people in zone doing the same thing. In all that time there I had seen 1 terrorantula and about 5 named giants. Then Decided to go to the Ocean of Tears and try that camp, and it was taken so being the patient wizzy that I am I offered a Nuke here and there for the PH. Well they let me in the group and later in the Guild. I have to say that this camp is much better than the S Ro because if you have more than 1 person you can pull seafury cyclops over to pass the time. Anyways after about an hour and a half AC poped we killed it and I won the Roll.
As for the Shadow Rapier I would suggest WC I have never been there over a half an hour that it didn't pop on one of them, Me and my guild tried SK were there over an hour and not one Rapier.
For three days I waited for Hasten to pop on my second account while with my main I continued to help my guild try to get the AC. For at least another 10 camping hours no AC spawned and it took 3 days for Hasten to pop up long enough for me to catch him He was basically just SSW of the Tower in the HG area, Stuck on front of a cliff. Small Price to pay for such an key piece of equipment for a Wizard
# Nov 12 2002 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
I was just stolling through SRO, on my way to Freeport. By pure dumb luck I wondered up on an Ancient Cyclops. Being familiar with the quest I immediately started whacking on him. After a thorough thrashing he dropped the ring. I then high tailed it to WC and went through 3 rounds of Shadowmen and got the rapier. Got a quick port from a friend to the Shadow Haven bank and back down to Feerot, thenI hot footed it into RM and got my boots. Saving me a fortune on SOW potions! I completed the whole deal in under an hour.
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