The Mastery of Fear (Group)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:15 minutes
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Expedition
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Failure Lockout Timer: 02:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 72:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 7 21:22:06 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is a single group trial.

You say, 'Hail, Projection of Mind'

Projection of Mind says 'Halt, Vah Shir, and hear my words. Your background and your status are of no consequence. All are welcome to participate in the trials to prove their worth, or die trying. Whosoever approaches me has addressed the embodiment of Mind, keeper of the trials of Fear and Hatred. The former is a small-scale test, while the latter is large-scale. My task is to explain the rules and usher hopefuls into the battle arena. Would you like to hear the rules for [small-scale] or [large-scale] trials, or do you wish to enroll in [Fear] or [Hatred]?'

You say, 'Fear'

Projection of Mind says 'Fear is power. An opponent whose resolve has been broken has already been defeated. You must learn to invoke terror in the hearts of your enemies and destroy them as they cower in weakness. If you have this ability, now is the opportunity to prove your worth!'

The direction to the entry to your instanced zone(s) have been marked on your compass.
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear is now available to you.

You have entered Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear.

The trial has begun. You cannot bring any additional people into your expedition at this time.

To pass the Mastery of Fear, you need to survive the waves of mobs (there is a pre-determined amount of waves needed to be killed in order to win). There is no boss in this trial, as the Master only stands and watches. Tell him "begin" to start the trial.

Mobs with "fearless" in their name must be killed regularly through nuking and melee. If a mob does not have "fearless" in its name, use your highest level Fear spell possible and Fear them away. These mobs hit extraordinarily hard, so you don't want them wailing away on your group.

Mobs come in fours (wolf - elemental - skeleton - dragorn) and spawn individually depending on how long you take to kill them.

Upon successful completion of the trial, the Shell of the Master will spawn with your rewards.
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something to add
# Nov 14 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
fearless mobs can be snared whereas the fearable ones cannot
Number to win
# Nov 10 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
You have to kill FOUR OF EACH type of mob, regardless of whether they're feared away or fearless ones... you could kill a billion wolves, skeles, and dragorns, but if you only killed 2 elementals - you lose.
Trials info
# Aug 14 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
we were there tonite and failed, not gona say why but when tank died they hit me, and there were hitting me for barely any mele dmg, its thier 2k procs that killed us.

Edited, Sun Aug 14 06:12:43 2005
Successful Attempt
# Jun 25 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Just did this trial with 2 Necros, Warrior, Enchanter, Cleric and Ranger. Only Ranger has time gear. Everyone else is a mix of OoW and DoN gear.

The Chanter was responsible for mezzing "Fearless" mobs and the two Necros kept the others feared. Necros rotated on MW to keep mana on Cleric up.

Several times throughout the trial we were ahead of the spawns waiting on them to come to us.

I was hoping Despair dropped but choaker dropped instead. Gratz to the Warrior.

Brumelin Badassedness of Terris Thule
Lvl 70 Necro

Edited, Sat Jun 25 22:47:26 2005
Fear Trial Bugged?
# Jun 11 2005 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
Twice now we've lived to the end and still failed. I think we killed 20+ but didn't count. I think the trial is bugged.
Fear mob rate increased?
# Jun 08 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
Ok we Did this trial tonite and we finished it ourselves. I would like to know if EQ has changed it myself because we made it for the hole 15 mins and failed. Dont know if it was because our cleric got killed and we got the cleric back up and going and still finished or if it was from the number of mobs killed. Has anyone else had this problem. We had Warrior(me) cleric wizard Nerco shaman enchanter set up.
RE: Fear mob rate increased?
# Jun 08 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
I won this 2 nights ago. Our warrior died during the trial and I Divine rezzed him back in, and we still got the win. So it wasn't someone dying, it may have been number of mobs, although my understnading was that you just needed to survive the 15 minutes.
Fear mob kill rate increased?
# Jun 05 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Im just wondering if anyone knows of any unknown changes to this trial, we did this twice the other night with Pal cle enc nec ran mag, both times killed 23 mobs ( 7 of which fearable first time, 9 the second ) and we still failed >.< has the win limit been increased? I have beaten this trial before just dont understand whats goin on now ehe
Trial Of Fear
# Apr 30 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
23 posts
This is Arguably the easiest Mpg Trial.

Group Makeup: Fear Class, Fear Class/CC, dps dps ma (we use a ranger) healer.

Set up behind the podium that the master is on, between the four projections. Coordination is the key here, and being aware of what is going to happen.

Initially, all four mobs will spawn at once. Have your ranger start the trial,weaponshield and stand in front of the group, which will give you 18 seconds to get initial fears and cc done.

Light blue mobs are to be feared (a dragorn, a cackling skeleton, a dire wolf, an elemental). In this trial, fear is like an amazing dot or nuke. Each tick it does 5-8% damage to fearable mobs. Fearable mobs are not to be attacked (they have a large ds and are almost immune to normal attacks). Make sure that pets don't go chasing after them.

Dark blue mobs (a fearless suchandsuch) are to be tanked, cc'd, and dps'd down normally. These dont' hit hard (800s) and are easily slowable.

You DO NOT require a large tank for this. 10-10.5 k hp is fine.

The first minute/minute and a half are the worst part of this trial. After the initial wave is killed, mobs will come one by one, in the order that they were killed, so make a note.

Kill as fast as is feasibly possible. Not quite sure of the exact number of mobs that need sto be killed, we usually manage around 23 provided there isn't an abundance of fearless mobs.
RE: Trial Of Fear
# May 04 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Would a rangers 'Panic Animal' attack work on the wolves? Thanks.
RE: Trial Of Fear
# May 06 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Yes. Rangers can fear the wolves(as could druids I assume), sk's/enchanters/bards/clerics/necros (any class with a non-specific fear spell)can fear everything.

Edited, Mon May 9 12:52:23 2005
RE: Trial Of Fear
# Jan 26 2007 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I am not sure that a ranger can fear the wolf mobs, as our Panic Animal spell only fears mobs up to lvl 52 according to Lucy, and the beasiary says the wolves are lvl 60.
RE: Trial Of Fear
# May 08 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Oh mercy. Lets not forget about necros hun.
RE: Trial Of Fear
# May 25 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
necro is on the list ><
RE: Trial Of Fear
# Jun 08 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
3,705 posts
Edited, Mon May 9 12:52:23 2005

His post was the 8th. The original post was edited on the 9th. Want to make bets on what was changed.
RE: Trial Of Fear
# Jun 15 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
Im gonna bet it was the necro that was put in maybe?
RE: Trial Of Fear
# May 03 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
Guess we were just very unlucky had a 11k tank, enc, bard, cleric, ranger, bst and got 4 fearless mobz at the start and got raped before we had time to react :/
RE: Trial Of Fear
# May 03 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
Guess we were just very unlucky had a 11k tank, enc, bard, cleric, ranger, bst and got 4 fearless mobz at the start and got raped before we had time to react :/
Must kill a certain # to win
# Apr 21 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
We haven't discovered exactly how many yet, but you do have to kill a certain number of mobs to win this trial. I'll try to update and edit a ball park number that must be killed to win.

EDIT: We think we won killing about 20 mobs a week ago or so. It seems like the RNG is streaky when it comes to fear/fearless mobs. You'll get a streak of fearables and then a streak of fearless. MR has been lowered quite a bit, and it's very easy to land fear. Oh, lower level fear spells work great, by the way! Used Invoke Fear with no problem whatsoever. The fearless mobs were the bigger problem. We handled adds usually be mezzing, but it is possible to root the adds also. That is not the case on the fearables. They are immune to run speed changes, and cannot be mezzed. The fearless don't hit very hard, I think 700s max, but they do proc a 1500 DD a couple of times or so each minute. Our group makeup was War, Dru, Sha, Chant, Necr, Rog.

Edited, Sat May 7 10:16:17 2005
# Mar 27 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
# Feb 02 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I don't know if this is new with the latest patch, the one that lowered the resist rates in some trials, but I completed the trial 2/1/05 and the lockout was three days, while it is listed as one day on the walkthroughs.
Guide to MPG trails
# Dec 08 2004 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
For more information about the MPG group trails, see this link:

Greetings Gukak Kluelezz
Guide to MPG trails
# Jul 24 2010 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
463 posts
The link no longer works as of July 2010. (Forwards to some gaming blog, but not an article about MPG trials.)
Sukrasisx (105 monk) / Terrwini (67 druid) / Teviron (59 shadowknight) / Wizbeau (36 wizard)
-- Mystic Coercion, EMarr
Re: Guide to MPG trails
# Jul 24 2010 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Caster's Realm is no more.

Way Back Machine ftw :)

Yther Ore.
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