Uklo's Magic (Illusion Guktan - good)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Spell
Factions Raised:
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    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Legacy of Ykesha
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Fri Aug 8 20:40:14 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Master Scribe Uklo is found at -1940, +450.

    You say, 'Hail, Master Scribe Uklo'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'Well met! Welcome to Gukta, the Outpost of Marr -- our new home and base of operations for our fight to remove the trolls from the rest of our beautiful swamp. The liberation of Gukta was quite a battle! Many brave Froglok warriors, a good dose of [powerful magic] and the blessings of Mithaniel Marr allowed us to cleanse this place of the vile Trolls.'

    You say, 'What powerful magic?'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'Our battle wizards called many comets of ice from the sky, along with bolts of pure magical force, brutal walls of flame and even [illusions] to confuse and disorient the stupid trolls.'

    You say, 'What illusions?'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'A select few of Mithaniel's chosen know the secrets of spinning illusions. This skill allowed our bravest warriors to infiltrate the Troll's defenses and ensure victory. These are some of our most closely guarded secrets. We only [teach] them to a select few so they can better aid us in our battle.'

    You say, 'Please teach me.'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'You must first [prove] yourself a friend of Gukta before I will teach you our secrets.'

    You say, 'How do I prove myself a friend?'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'Very well, I will put your loyalty to the test. Long ago, a great hero of our people lost his life fighting the Trolls. He was in Rathe Mountains investigating a rumor that the Trolls were stockpiling special weapons in an effort to turn the tide of war back in their favor. He was ambushed by a group of troll marauders and their captain Krignok. He fought valiantly, slaying the marauders and eventually locking swords with the captain. But in the end, exhaustion got the better of him and he died by the troll's hand. The Krignok respected the froglok's ferocity and swore that they would one day finish their fight. So through a dark ritual the troll Captain locked the froglok's spirit in his own sword and broke it into 3 pieces. One piece he placed on the [battlefield] where they fought. The other piece he gave to an [infamous troll] warrior to guard. The location of the third piece has been lost over the time but there are [clues] as to where it may be.'

    You say, 'What battlefield?'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'The Mountains of Rathe hold many stories. One of them is the story of froglok warrior Chalex for this is the place where he was killed. Find the place where his bones are kept and say aloud "I wish to recover what is lost" and if you are worthy you shall receive a gift.'

    You say, 'What infamous troll?'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'Gribnor is one of the strongest trolls alive, he is also one of the shortest. His strength is the reason that the Troll Captain entrusted him with a piece of the sword because he knew that it would be almost impossible for anyone to take it away from him. Last we heard Gribnor had taken up residence in Neriak Third Gate along with the rest of those vile trolls. I warn you to be careful as allies of Gukta are not welcome in the home of Innoruuk's children.'

    You say, 'What clues?'

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'The troll captain spent some time in the lower part of Guk. Apparently he was trying to control the undead frogs there and use them against us. His plans did not see fruition and while trying to escape he dropped the sword blade. It is rumored that another explorer found it and the power drove him insane doomed to wander the halls of Lower Guk seeking only to destroy others. I believe you will find this to be the toughest piece to retrieve.'

    First Piece

    Go to 2585, -2040 in the Rathe Mountains. (50 minute respawn)

    You say, 'I wish to recover what is lost.'
    A spectral energy surrounds you as something appears before you.
    A spectral pommel appears in your hands.

    Second Piece

    Go to Lower Guk and kill "a corrupted gnome explorer" at 1075, -750, -245.

    A ghoulish figure rises from the explorer's corpse.

    You say, 'Hail, a spectral shimmer'

    A spectral shimmer says 'Thank you for releasing me, take this and find the rest if you truly wish to help me.' The spectral shimmer fades away.

    Third Piece

    Go to Neriak 3rd Gate and find Gribnor and his Thug at 1399, -1657 in a tower.

    Gribnor`s Thug scowls at you, ready to attack -- he appears to be quite formidable.
    You begin casting Pacification.
    Your target looks unaffected.
    You begin casting Dazzle.
    Your target cannot be mesmerized.
    You have been summoned!
    You begin casting Forlorn Deeds.
    Your target is immune to changes in its attack speed.
    Gribnor`s Thug has been slain by ______!

    Gribnor the Small has been slain by ______!

    A ghoulish figure rises from Gribnor's corpse.

    You say, 'Hail, a spectral shimmer'

    A Spectral Shimmer says 'Take this final piece and hurry, my power gets weaker by the moment.' The spectral shimmer fades away.

    Restore the Blade

    Go back to Master Scribe Uklo in Gukta and give him the three pieces.

    Master Scribe Uklo says 'I just can't believe that I am holding all three items. You are truly amazing. Now let me see. . . Seems the blade has been fused with some sort of material. We must remove this before the sword can be restored. I think this calls for an old recipe. Take this distiller and use it to mix some skyash bile and a pinch of drake lava powder together. You should be able to find the bile in the mountains of fire and the drake lava powder is best retrieved from fire drakes in the mountains of lava. Bring me the result and I should be able to restore this ancient weapon.'

    Your faction standing with Guktan Suppliers has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with High Council of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Lorekeepers of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Guktan Elders has been adjusted by 20.

    You receive Uklo's Distiller. Kill fire drakes in Lavastorm Mountains for the Drake Lava Powder and skyash drakes in Skyfire Mountains for the Skyash Bile. Combine the powder and the bile in the distiller to create a Vial of Magical Blade Restorative. Give this to Uklo.

    Uklo grins as you hand him the restorative. 'Words cannot describe what you have done. This is truly a wonderful day for our citizens. Now I can rebuild the sword and our hero can finally finish that which he started. Please, while this is more then enough proof of your loyalty, I must ask that you take this sword and place it in the remains. Return with proof that it has been done and I shall reward you with the knowledge you seek.'

    Your faction standing with Guktan Suppliers has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with High Council of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Lorekeepers of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Guktan Elders has been adjusted by 20.

    You receive Marr's Retribution.

    Redeem Chalex

    Go back to Rathe Mountains and give the blade to "a pile of froglok remains."

    A spectral figure appears emanating a powerful yet ghastly aura. Warrior Spirit Chalex says 'Your kindness has given me a chance to finish that which I started. While I thank thee for restoring my blade and bringing it to me I am not worthy to wield it until I have destroyed the one who killed me. Please hold my sword until I have redeemed myself by vanquishing the vile Troll Captain Krignok. Now I must ask that you protect me, I can feel his presence close by and once again he is not alone.'

    He gives you back Marr's retribution.

    Warrior Spirit Chalex shouts 'Come forth coward, this time we fight on equal terms!'

    Krignok's undead minions shamble towards you slowly, littering the ground with rotting flesh.

    Warrior Spirit Chalex shouts 'Give it up Krignok, you are outmatched when facing a paladin of Mithaniel Marr!'

    Undead Captain Krignok shouts 'Your beliefs will find you dead by my hands once again frog!'

    You must hold off the minions while Chalex and Krignok do battle. Chalex will defeat Krignok after about 20-30 seconds and despawn, reappearing as Chalex the Redeemed standing next to Master Scribe Uklo.

    Troll Captain Krignok says, 'I yield Chalex, you are truly a worthy opponent.' Images of the dead whip around the air as Krignok returns to the spectral world taking any of his remaining minions with him. The Warrior Spirit thanks Mithaniel for a second chance as he stands before you redeemed. He then looks at you and asks for his sword.

    You say, 'Hail, Chalex The Redeemed'

    Chalex The Redeemed Looks at you longingly, hand outstretched.

    Give him Marr's Retribution.

    As Chalex takes the sword he begins to change. Old becomes new right before your eyes as the touch of Mithaniel reshapes the warrior spirit. 'Thank you again. Your kindness has allowed my spirit to go home. Please show this to my people so they will have a memory of what you have done.'

    Waving goodbye Chalex The Redeemed disappears just as quickly as he appeared.

    You receive A Spectral Memory.

    Final Reward

    Go back to Uklo in the Rathe Mountains and give him the spectral memory.

    Uklo kneels before you as tears of happiness roll down his face. 'I thank you. Since our creation it has been rare that we have received such kindness. You will always be welcome in our city and future generations will croak the story of your greatness. Please take this as a small token of my gratitude you have truly earned it.'

    Your faction standing with Guktan Suppliers has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with High Council of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Lorekeepers of Gukta has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with Guktan Elders has been adjusted by 20.

    You receive Spell: Illusion Guktan.
    Submitted by: Zusuz, Veledrara, Paanar
    Send a Correction
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    # Oct 29 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
    811 posts
    Hailed the spirit in LGuk (evil side BTW) and the emote was "%T looks at you as if he doesnt understand" and thats it nothing, no item bah bah
    RE: Grrr
    # Dec 28 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
    11 posts
    same here. got first piece without a problem, but this frog in guk just doesnt understand me. wtf?
    Soloing this Quest
    # Oct 17 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Still exists.. Did it as a 70 Chanter solo..

    Gnome explorer.. Had Air Elem illusion on, floated down the ladder, took out his pet 1st, then had pet attack Gnome, VERY high MR, so I just kept casting Uproar on pet and let it melee him to death.. no biggy

    Hardest part was Gribnor.. runed myself, just charmed a guard then had him attack Gribnor and other guard and get killed, gated, came back charmed and hasted other guard had him attack Gribnor while I nuke .. went down smooth.. I would wait til the roaming guard leaves tho.. don't need the add

    Drakes.. pet just took them out

    Chalex.. just runed myself.. have 100K lizzy (probably sow by 70ish player would do the same), ran around in circle kiting around the area.. no biggy
    Does this still exist
    # Sep 27 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent

    Does this quest still exist?

    I've just returned to EQ after a year's absence. I have the Fused Sword Blade in my bank, the drake lava powder, and the skyash bile but no distiller.

    # Aug 31 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
    Corrupted killed and frog spawned on 1st Sept 2005, Frog didnt respond to my hails, but Im not a chanter.
    # May 29 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
    FINISHED IT-almost as an afterthought. One thing NO ONE mentions is the fact that when you return to FM for the second time to hail the froglok remains, and give it the sword-the mobs summoned is like 10+ undead zombies or such. They were blue to my 67 chant, and hit for 100-200 each. I ran and they all followed me-but vanished 30 sec later when the main NPC fight was over.
    Gribnor the Small/thugs Summon...
    # May 05 2005 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
    Gribnor the Small and or his thugs do summon...Made the pull to zoneline interesting...FYI
    # Oct 10 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
    anyone know the spawn time on the gnome explorer plz?

    also, is the pile of froglok remains you give the blade to the same one as you say "i wish to recover what is lost" to?

    Edited, Sun Oct 10 13:31:52 2004
    RE: Gnome
    # Oct 15 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
    Spawn Time on gnome is approx 1hr and his PH is a Zol ghoul knight. He spawns in the pit just north of the jail, on the southern most part of the pit, so instead of just falling and being attacked right away, it would be best to just go to the ladder and camp there. Easy kill, had to put Rune V on the 49 pet twice before he died.

    Yes, you must target the froglok remains and say "i wish to recover what is lost". Quest description is slightly misleading.
    RE: Gnome
    # Dec 11 2004 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
    308 posts
    PH is NOT "a Zol Ghoul Knight" but "Zol Ghoul Knight", named. I have screen shots and info on the Lower Guk zone page here at alla's, will repost here later.
    Easy and fun
    # Sep 28 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Completed this quest tonight with my level 60 enchanter. The gnome almost ate me my first attempt at him so I went back with a cleric only to find he had been killed by someone else and the shimmer was up. Then I grabbed my hubby (66 bst)and a 66 rogue guildie to go hand the troll his smacking. Using my cleric for healing we laid all three out at the zone in with no problem at all and my cleric had only dominion as mana regen. Logged my enchanter back in to hail the shimmer and then went over to finish the quest off. I had no problem keeping the trolls busy till Mr frog got his revenge. All in all it was a fun day and i really love my new illusion.
    Has Sony lost it's mind?
    # Sep 17 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
    Ok...And I want to do all of this WHY?
    Am I bored?
    Do I have a Froglok fetish?
    Am I one of the losers that attempted to do some of the quests that Sony had devised only to realize later that they DON'T work?

    Why not give me something that doen't require me to be a higher level than the spell requirement just to attain it AND 4 friggin people.

    Once again.....the enchanter class is screwed.

    Next they will be offering clarity to SK's

    Edited, Fri Sep 17 04:21:56 2004
    info of quest
    # Aug 01 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
    39 posts
    Gribnor & Co ;

    Can pull them to the zoneline without neriak people addnig. makes it easier. Yeah, unmezzable, etc. The Thugs can be charmed though. Makes things a little easier :)

    LGuk Explorer ;
    Was nearly 100pct magic resistant to me. Just used arcane rune and let a summoned pet beat on him to death.

    Undead Troll Marauders ;
    Funny really. just run around sitting next to em, and train em around. Got a nice screenie. They run slooooow. Easy easy.

    And now... I make one hell of an ugly frog. heh.
    Quest Worked for Me
    # Jul 11 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
    Just completed this quest tonight. Some comments about the event.

    When we pulled Gribnor (the successfull time I won't mention the other :) ) My Sk had sow on them and managed to outrun Gribnor himself When Gribnor stopped to cast a spell. His two Bodyguards however managed it all the way to Neriak Commons Zone line where we were waiting.

    I Charmed one of them and had him beat on the other (with the help of those who had arrived after the first pull went wrong :) Thanks Kerey, Tycchi and Ozgut) Taking the two of them down was easy at this point.

    All the while we were waiting on short stuff (gribnor) to show up, since he didn't I ran off to the tower again and there he was just standing there on his spawn point.

    Pulling him again I pulled him down the stairs of the tower and through the two doors this time (the original time I used a tap on him from the end of the corridor and then ran toward him and his bodyguards, past them and then out over the balcony he was standing in front of. This gave me a nice lead on them for the pull (and may have contributed to outrunning him in the first place though he kept up fine on the failed pull and I did it the same way /wink)

    The second comment I'd like to make is regarding the "a pile of froglok remains" since this quest was done with the step listed first above in Rathe Mountains done last, we arrived back in Rathe Mountains before the pile had respawned. The time of the respawn fits in with the 'approximately' 1 hour mentioned below.

    The fight at the end turned out to be a total non-event in its own way. But a lot of fun none the less. Getting and keeping agro was trivial, so was survivng with runes up. I'd reccomend no one but the chanter goes anywhere close to the bones when this step is done and also as mentioned by others below use an AoE tash to grab agro, repeat it as needed (if you miss some in the initial cast or they seem not to be paying enough attention to you) while keeping in front of the slow moving trolls that your kiting.

    I'd reccomend hailing Chalex after the fight and wait till he puts his hand outstreatched before you hand him Marr's Promise again. Don't know that its essential but like the person who mentioned this below, it worked for me when I did this, so just in case that's 'whats broken' don't forget to do it.

    mini troll in neriak
    # Jul 08 2004 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
    FYI there is no faction hit in the little bugger
    The minions
    # Jun 27 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
    When bringing backup, expect about 20 average DC pets for about 30 seconds. and just stand near chalex, you will have no problem getting agro :)
    # Jun 06 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
    corrupted gnome explorer is located in pit trap outside of AM camp. near lvl 46, max hit 45ish.
    Troll and RM fight
    # Jun 03 2004 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
    63 posts
    Did this quest today with 2 chanters (57 and 65), a pally (65) and a cleric(65). We took out the wandering dark elves first, to avoid adds. They were light blue at 57.

    The thugs and small guy were dk blue to 57 and the thugs can not be mezed, slowed, or pacified, but they CAN be charmed. The other chanter and I each mezed a thug and the small guy went down fast with the Pally beating on him too. Was alot of fun.

    When it came to the final RM fight, the mobs spawned and beat me up, I ran and when the cleric healed me, they turned on her and killed her. Then they despawned. *sorry* It wasn't how it was planned, but hey, it worked.

    FYI: Illusion:Guktan (52) is the player frog spell. Illusion:froklok(65) is illusion for frog that looks like those in Upper Guk.
    Master Scribe Uklo
    # Jun 02 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
    For thos having Problems finding Masterr Scribe Uklo he is located by the wizzy spell merchant Scribe Bulo.... Hope that helps you some

    # May 25 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
    Can Gribnor's thug's be mezzed?
    RE: Gribnor
    # Jan 02 2005 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
    More then one Chalex
    # May 15 2004 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
    53 posts
    When I turned in Marr's retrobution to Chalex, he was lvl 65(conned even). AFTER he ate the sword he conned dark blue... so, what may be the cause of all these bugs is folks turning their sword in too early. I hailed Chalex before turning the sword in, and after. He said the same bit about holding out his hand, both times.
    # May 12 2004 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
    Quest is fixed on MM as of last night 5/11/04
    56 shaman soloable
    # Apr 24 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
    Just killed the bugger w/ my 56 shaman, the corrupted guy. was a tough fight but I am glad i just got spirit of howler b4 doing it. I had no idea what I was doing quest wise. Bah
    BuGz GalOrE
    # Apr 19 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
    Guys this quest is bugged. You do the hand in to chalex (the marrs retrebution) and he just stands there, im waiting on a reply from a gm to see if i can get the spectral memory.

    Anyone had the same problems?
    RE: BuGz GalOrE
    # Apr 20 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
    Yes...had the same thing happen 4/12/04 and having trouble getting a response from the gms (shock!) I have a post to the same effect on, and Brenlo says he has them looking into it, but so far no word on a fix and no return of my Marr's Retribution.
    RE: BuGz GalOrE
    # Apr 28 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
    A pile of froglok remain is now Absent from zone - A Gm told me to /bug report it I did no answer yet
    RE: BuGz GalOrE
    # Apr 29 2004 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
    Saw pile today gathered friendds to do Fight, gave Marr's retribution ...... Result /bug /petition and no more Marr,s retribution
    RE: BuGz GalOrE
    # May 12 2004 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
    Been fixed as far as I could see. Did it last night. Yes the server was a bit slow in getting Chalex The Redeemed targetable. I waited til I could actually hail him and then did the turnin.

    Final turn-in
    # Apr 11 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
    104 posts
    I just completed the final turn in to chalex the redeemed. Yes, about 10 mobs appeared, I was all alone, a 57 enchanter at the time. So i had AoE mezz loaded before hand, the trolls aggroed me, i ran backwards... they are very slow. All had me aggroed and you can just about kite them from my experience. I didn't know how long the battle was going to last, so I ran a little then AoE mezzed the whole lot of them. Then the battle ended in about 10 seconds. It was rather easy. Just turn it in, then run. When your target mob despawns, the fight is over. EZ.

    Eelise FV
    League of Shadows
    # Mar 31 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
    I just did this quest on 3/31/2004.

    I got Marr's Retribution from Master Scribe Ukloand and headed to Rathe Mtns. I handed it to the pile of froglok remains and spawned Warrior Spirit Chalex, receiving Marr's Retribution back from him. After the fight, I handed Marr's Retribution to Chalex The Redeemed and he ate it.

    I Hailed Master Scribe Ukloand to try to get another distiller but he just wants me to complete my task.

    # Feb 16 2004 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
    I just did this quest in about 2 and a half hours. Its very easy... Any 65 enchanter can solo the Gnome Explorer... I duo'ed Gribnor and his thugs with a pally friend, it was very easy too... The last encounter is not that tough at all, I soloed it without losing any life... All i did was load AE tash and used it when they spawned and kited for the whole 25 seconds it took for him to kill the duders.
    Grib and his thugs are all very high MR... immunte to changes in attack / run speed. We just pulled all 3, killed the two thugs then took down Grib... I wouldnt suggest duo'ing him w/o some form of a healer unless you have a high hp pally.

    thoughts on protecting Chalex
    # Feb 10 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    I just completed this quest Feb 9, 2004. I wanted to add some info from my experience:

    The final battle to protect Chalex was harder than expected. Between 12-16 minions spawned, not 6 as someone else suggested. These minions all conned blue to me at level 62. They aggroed EVERYONE in range...spawning right in the middle of the ruins around where Chalex spawns. They quickly killed my group's wizard, necromancer, and druid. I (the enchanter who spawned the quest) survived, due to my Arcane Rune and Zeb's rune. All minions despawned after Chalex won the fight...about 25 seconds.

    The fight was not hard, but I was surprised by the number of minions and how fast they aggroed and killed folks nearby.

    I advise any group members besides tanks that are helping on this quest stay a bit far away from the spawn location. Also, make sure the enchanter has Runes up.

    good luck!
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