Luggald Studies (Dark Caster Spells)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Spell
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Era:Legacy of Ykesha
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Apr 2 19:35:47 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Cedric Trallus may be found in the Stonebrunt Mountains in the tents east of the zoneline to Gulf of Gunthak at -4445, -3400.

You say, 'Hail, Cedric Trallus'

Cedric Trallus says 'Hello ______, chancing a journey to Brokenskull are you? Many have ventured there, but few have returned. I was favored by the will of Thule to return here in one piece, although I would not call my [journey] exactly successful.'

You say, 'What journey?'

Cedric Trallus says 'Our spies in Erudin were able to learn that a voyage of Deepwater knights was setting sail in search of Brokenskull Island. Our priests in Paineel had received several visions from the lord Cazic telling of great powers that might be found on this island. Our group was instructed to follow their ship across the waters and explore the island should we find it. Find it they did, and more then they ever bargained for on that [cursed isle].'

You say, 'What cursed isle?'

Cedric Trallus says 'Just as the Deepwater knights were about to drop anchor near a small cove on the island, we attacked them. The magic cloaks we had placed over our ship did their job all too well. We took them by surprise and our forces easily overpowered them, but our battle was joined by a [third force].'

You say, 'What third force?'

Cedric Trallus says 'A group of strange creatures crawled up the side of the boats and began to attack everyone on both sides. They cut through many of us before we were able to retreat our forces back to our ship and turn our sails away from the island. Several of the creatures pursued us through the water with amazing speed. We fought them off and we forced them back into the sea. We were able to slay one of them, or so we thought. We brought the [body] back to Paineel for the priests to study.'

You say, 'What body?'

Cedric Trallus says 'When we docked here in Paineel we were carrying the body off of the ship when suddenly the creature came to life. It threw several of our knights into the water and then jumped in himself and swam off into the ocean. We suspect that it used some form of magic to fool us into believing it was actually dead. The necromancers of Paineel are not easily fooled in matters of life and death. We greatly desire to study the [organs] of these creatures to learn the secret of this new magic.'

You say, 'What organs?'

Cedric Trallus says 'Bring me two samples of these creatures internal organs for our priests to study and we may share the secret of their magic with you. Something tells me you won't come back alive though.'

Hand him 2 x Luggald Organs (not parts, which are a different item for a different quest). You can get these in Dulak. After zoning in from Gunthak, to the left is a "wooden wall" or ship. This hides a secret entrance into some tunnels. In these tunnels is a 3-way bridge, and this is where the organs dropped.

Necromancers receive the spell "Auspice." Shadowknights receive the spell "Blood of Pain."

You gain experience!!

Cedric Trallus takes the organs from you and lays them down on the ground before him. He begins to slice and separate the organs from one another with a wicked looking dagger. Dark blue blood stains his robe as he probes the strange flesh. Finally after several minutes he smiles and pulls a parchment from a bag at this side and begins to draw several runes using the dark blue blood. 'Take this, I have discovered the secret of their magic, or so I believe. Of course it might not work and you'll end up actually dead, but we'll never know till you try will we?'

As you take the scroll from him you notice a sickly burning odor in the air. You glance down at Cedric's robes and notice several holes beginning to form where the blood touches his [robes].

You say, 'What is happening to your robes?'

Cedric Trallus glances at the burns in his robes inquisitively. 'It seems an aspect of the luggald's system is acidic in nature. Perhaps we have yet to find the secret of their comatose state. I'll need more samples to continue my research. This time bring me purified samples of their bile, blood, and saliva and I will study them.'

These are random drops off various luggalds. Handing in the three items:

Cedric Trallus takes the vials and holds them out in front of him. He begins to recite an incantation and the vials rise and float in the air in front of him. He ontinues to chant as each of the vials begins to glow and then grow dim in turn. Cedric picks up a large potion bottle and places a rolled piece of parchment inside. He then holds it before him causing it to float in the air as well. Each of the first three vials floats over the potion bottle and a distinct amount of each liquid is poured in, causing it to bubble and shake. Cedric reaches out before him and takes the bottle from the air and hands it to you.

You receive a Glowing dark blue potion.

Cedric Trallus says 'Fear is a weapon to be used against your enemies, ______, but we can not afford to let it cloud our judgment as well. Drink the potion and new power will energize your being.'

The potion has the effect Luggald Blood, which causes 300 hps of damage and summons a copy of Spell: Comatose.
Submitted by: Knayil
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Locations of drops
# Apr 18 2004 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
I can tell you definitively that the saliva drops off mobs past the bridge if you head straight across. The saliva becomes more common however on the mobs past the giant spiral steps in the actual tile floored room with the waterfall. The waterfall room is divided into two tiers. The bottom tier with the 2 square pools drops the blood and the bile. I didn't get to the final room behind the stone doors before I had all my drops. Also note: the mobs that dropped the bile and blood were both level 50 exactly.

I did this at level 52 while 2 boxing with a 50 BL and had little difficulty. If one is careful there is no reason why they should ever pull 2 at once. I think I could easily have done this with just the necro (manaskin and virtue or Pot9) as there is plenty of room to agro kite, even when breaking, and especially when the room is cleared. Watch the 1 roamer, however. The quest turn in gives 16% AA at 100% AA.

Note: I turned in an extra set of organs for auspice and got the spell (again) but no xp the second time. I'm guessing comatose is the same way.

Xegony necro
where to go
# Mar 04 2004 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
ok everyone i did this quest, and let me tell u I spent many hours killing luggalds in the wrong friggin place. From my experience, and i was down there for 6 hour sessions every day until I got help from a group. You can kill luggalds in the beginning of the tunnels all day and not see anything but organs, what u have to do is look for luggald assassins and or bring a grup all the way down where the waterfall is and thru the door, now at the top of the stairs where the big door is at the bottom make camp in the corner of the room away from the stairs, the luggald assassin is a 80% drop rate of blood, saliva, bile, or the belt. Also every other mob in this area drops the blood, bile, and saliva randomly, but the drop rate is very consistent and wont take much time to get all you need. So bring a group down there, shouldnt take more than an hour if that to get all the parts you need.
# Feb 22 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
I camped this spot in the caves for about 2 hours with two others also looking for the Organs. We killed about 20 of the things and saw only Luggald Flesh and other various drops. I was starting to think these Organs were a myth. And then...

Just as we were breaking up, the last Luggald we killed yielded up some Organs. So I do know they exist. But this seems like a lot of work for a few spells...

52 Ikky SK
RE: Organs
# Feb 23 2004 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
I think the organs are rare, but they DO drop frequently enough for me to see 3 in two hours. Of course, last time before this I saw none.

So bring a dps friend ( another necro is excelent.. ) and slaughter hard and fast.

Btw first part yielded 6% aaxp..
# Feb 01 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
I too have camped the luggald organs three times for about 2 hours each, and still have not once seen one organ drop. This quest is starting to be BS!

Septimos Incensio
55 Necromancer
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 21 2004 at 3:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) IF more players would beatch and send feedbacks and bug reports.. and if have time, petition occasionally .. and tell it like it is, SOE and VI/EQ might wake their dumb design group up and check it out. A bunch who cannot get patches right week after week... surely would not know if a part of the game is hosed or broken now would they?
# Jan 21 2004 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
2,198 posts
I've been trying this quest for 2 levels now. I'm halfway through 52 and still am missing a bile. Compared to the other LoY spell quests, this one is rediculously hard. I went in with groups three times, at about 2 hours a pop, and still haven't gotten what I needed. We did see plenty of flesh drop for the regen I rings, 3 saliva, and 2 bloods, but no bile what-so-ever. I've been hunting mostly in the 1st room, at the top of the stairs. It's possible the drop rate is better in the last (next) room, but with our group makeup, it was difficult to pull from in there. On the upside, I have been making pretty good exp and great loot (I've personnally gotten 1 BD, 3 diamonds, several peridots, and a slew of lesser gems/loot) and usually end up making around 500pp for every 2 hours spent hunting there. I'd still rather get my spell and be on my way though...

EDIT: Typo's

Edited, Wed Jan 21 19:45:32 2004
the last room
# Jan 18 2004 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
we whent to the back room to the far north whit a full party 49 to 55 most were 55 had to paci some on the way but most have lots of room for clean pulls i dont know how many see thou invis but if you can get to the last to rooms there lost of room between the mods there had a few adds on respawn but only trhe cleric died
55 paladin 55 bst to 55 necos 55 sk and 49 and he dinged to 50 cleric i missed whit loh but he tolk the 75% rezz got all the drops need for the 3 that need then in one kie some of the mobs debuff you so make sure you got some junk buffs up before you buff
If Solo as SK..
# Nov 28 2003 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
i solo'd this as a lvl 60 sk and would suggest no underestimating the luggalds. though all with be light blue at this lvl they will assist and there is almost no room to kite these things.

best strategy i found is to go to the first room on right and got to the back left wall.

set up camp here. you will first need to kill two roamers. when killing the roamers tank them down and tap as necessary. if you kite you'll likely get a cleric add which is a total pain in the ***.

after tanking down the two wanderers, clear the cleric mob in the middle of the room. you can kite him with the short fear but be sure to use at least dooming darkness to keep him from getting far.

once he's down take the other cleric towards the middle of the room but to your right as you face the entrance. again kite with fear. once these two are down there are 4 servants of hate in the room you can pull and kite in the middle but be very careful to stay slightly left of middle and don't use a long fear as you'll get adds.

it's sort of a pain in the *** honestly. if you have a priest friend i'd just mindlessly chew through them which would be easy as a duo but if you're obsessed with doing it solo, this worked for me.
Comatose and Auspice
# Oct 27 2003 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Did this last night and tonight. To make it simple you need 2 Luggald organs for Auspice. Do your turn in after talking to Cedric Trallus. Then then turn in 1 of each of bile, saliva, blood and you will get Comatose.

Bile was the hardest to get. I got them in the 1st room past the bridge. Lots of saliva dropped here as well, and maybe 1 blood. organs and blood drop a lot more as you go past this room in the main tunnel.

Good luck
# Sep 16 2003 at 12:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Did this tonight helping a friend. Got the organs in the first room to right, dropped off a servent of Hate and Wavebringer Initiate so its a random off any luggald.

For the second part cross bridge to North and go in the first right. We got the Bile off a Blackblooded Assassin, the Blood off a Blackblooded Ninja and the Saliva off a Blackblooded Mercenary or something. Also a bile off a robed luggald in there but the others dropped it everytime.
# Aug 23 2003 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
I was camping for the Soulstripper myself a 49 DRU with a 56 Magi & 56 DRU when a few of the wandering mobs dropped parts for the quest here (bloods, bile, etc.)...

I looted them being the Quest love that I am and since noone answered an /ooc ...

Anyone know of this can be MQed? i.e. Since I have a few parts, can an SK or NEC friend of mine come with me and hand in the other parts to get the spell(s)?

EDIT: In reading the Quest further it looks as though as a DRU I would be KoS to this NPC right? Want to make sure you know I am not a complete idiot before you start flaming me Smiley: boozing

Edited, Sat Aug 23 21:03:13 2003
Don't eat your Organs
# Aug 14 2003 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
where they drop
# Jul 30 2003 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
Go straight in caves over bridge and straight untill u enter large room with alot of tuff luggalds... kill these 4 blood bile and saliva

Edited, Wed Jul 30 23:15:44 2003
saliva, blood, bile, and hard work
# Jul 30 2003 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
# Jul 20 2003 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
I spent 9 and a half hours today killing luggalds and didn't have one single piece drop -- saw plenty of flesh, but no blood, saliva, etc.

They are just random from any luggald, correct?

Edit: I spoke to a SK also camping for pieces and he told me organs *only* drop from 'a servant of hate'. After focusing on those mobs, I got one organ to drop before I had to log. Perhaps the blood, saliva and bile only drop from certain ones as well. I will post more if I find anything out....

Edited, Mon Jul 21 23:46:04 2003
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
I recently completed the first part of this quest getting the spell Auspice. The organs dropped off servants of hate both times. I was camping the soulstripper with a group at the time. As far as the blood, bile, and saliva goes I havent seen any drop in that particular area or off any servants of hate that I have killed. It took perhaps three hours of killing to get the two organs to drop. I have compared several quests of the same level, classwise, and necros got one of the harder ones to complete as far as rarity of drops. I still have no clue as to where or what drops the saliva blood bile. I will try to complete this spell before I hit level 60 and it becomes useless when I get death Peace.

58 necro
greyhand torv server
# Jul 05 2003 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
# Jul 05 2003 at 8:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Everything you asked is already stated. And as far as the mobs... check the bestiary.
The blood of pain/Auspice part require two organs
If you are an SK turn in will provide Blood of Pain
If you are a Necromancer It will provide Auspice.
One bile One blood and one saliva provide the spell Comatose. This applies to both SK and Nec

As far as the levels of the mobs.. Range seems to be 45-50
Doing It twice...
# Jun 29 2003 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, someone said something about doing this 2 times..

Question one.. Did you get another copy of the spell?
Question two.. Did you try deleting the first spell from the spell book?

Theory: If you remove the spell from your spell book, perhaps you can get XP again?
RE: Doing It twice...
# Jul 14 2003 at 5:38 PM Rating: Excellent
You can only delete vendor sold spells from your spell book. Dropped and quest only spells cannot be deleted
# May 27 2003 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
ok everyone I am a 51st lvl necro on rocet knife I recently completed this quest it does work without having done the organ quest first. also you must me 52nd lvl to drink the potion it will not work if you are not 52nd lvl it will not be used but it will not work either
# May 21 2003 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
I have two blood, two bile, and no saliva. Has anyone tried to multiquest this yet?

55 Necro, Bristlebane
# May 28 2003 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know about this 2nd portion of the quest, but I know guildmates did MQ the 1st part for the SK Blood of Pain spell.
Turn in
# May 06 2003 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
I did the turn in for Comatose the other night and I gained about 15% AA xp. 1st thing I did afterward was return to my lil camp and gathered 3 more sets. Unfortunately, you only gain the xp, AA or regular Once. Shame really but its an interesting lock on the quest.
I got the Spell
# May 05 2003 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
1 blood 1 bile and 1 Saliva turn in get Glowing dark blue potion. drink potion get 300 dammage and spell Comatose. at lvl 61. me and a 52 cleric did the tunnel no truble i'll never use it.

Teariny lvl 61 Ayonae Ro
No spell but,,,
# May 04 2003 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I turned in bile, lava and blood today and got this:

Glowing dark blue potion
EXPENDABLE Charges : 1
Effect:Luggald Blood

You have to drink it to get the spell.

Edited, Sun May 4 11:54:09 2003
No Drop?
# Apr 29 2003 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
Are the pieces you pick up for this quest droppable or no drop?

The quests...
# Apr 25 2003 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
If you're reading in here, then you already know that we were outcast to the Stonebrunt Mountains. Notice we were the only ones? (Necro's and SK) Hmmm... some sort of plot? hehe

Organs. The pieces needed for the first quest, Spell: Auspice, are Luggald Organs - NOT LUGGALD PARTS OR FLESH (those are used in another quest). Just two are needed. They are found in the first passage to the right when entering the tunnels. There is a room with about 10+ spawns in there with three in the tunnels leading to it and they drop randomly from them. (About 10 - 20% chance) I tried to do this alone but there isn't anywhere you can sit and recover without an add. A group is almost necessary to go into there. I personlly did it with a mage friend of mine.
Hand in the two organs, get the spell - pretty simple.

Luggald Parts. Used Blood, Bile and Saliva (look like little viles) to get a drink. Drink? Yes, drink... Effect: Luggald Blood. 3 second cast time. Drink it, it gives you the Comotose Spell. These parts can be found in the third tunnel on the right - first tunnel on the right past the bridge. Go straight across the bridge then hang your first right. There is another larger room from the previous one with 15+ spawns huddled around the campfires with 5 or 6 in the tunnel leading to it. These are even stronger mobs (Blood-something fishies) and it is necessary to carry a group with you. Be careful of the Assassin (sp?) mob, he is super tough with alot of HPs...
Most of all? HAVE FUN - that's what it's all about - heart pounding, fingers twitching from the fight... enjoy! And if I helped just one with this quest, then I did my job to help my brotherin.

Edited, Fri Apr 25 15:05:42 2003
necro only?
# Apr 23 2003 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
I tried to do this quest with a character that was not a necro. He wouldn't give me the quest. Maybe it is a faction issue. Regardless, I gave him the organs and nothing happened.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 16 2003 at 10:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) finish this quest and the other LOY quest easy with a level 35 for most of them in about 1 hour
RE: guide
# Apr 19 2003 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
Apart from the minor detail that luggald saliva isn't dropping anywhere in the game at the moment, you mean?
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