Political Awareness  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Related Quests:
Era:The Burning Lands
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Nov 5 03:21:22 2018
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Prerequisite Quests: A Petitioner's Plight.

This is a shared task.

You can get this quest from Riana Gadliun in Stratos at -154, -75, +154 straight south of the entrance as you are coming around the islands from the entrance going back east.

You say, 'Hail, Rianar Gadliun'

Rianar Gadliun says, 'Hello Jeffro. I am Rianar. I have come here to learn what I can of these jann, their society, and their magic. Perhaps you can assist me? You do look like an [adventurer], after all.'

You say, 'adventurer'

Rianar Gadliun says, 'Perhaps you are just the thing I need. You see I have been trying to get these beings to talk to me, but most of the time they treat me either as an idiot or as if I were trying to trick them in some way. It is obvious that they don't think much of us 'mortals'. I am a researcher, and my usual methods of inquiry have proven unsuccessful to date. I have [learned] very little.'

You say, 'learned'

Rianar Gadliun says, 'Well, I am most certainly willing to share what little I do know. It is obvious by their appearance that these jann are of the same breed in some way. How that came to be is one of the things I would dearly like to know. When you consider the inherent [volatility] of their respective elements it seems odd to me that they appear so [civil] to each other.'

You say, 'volatility'

Rianar Gadliun says, 'Surely you know that air is devoured by fire as it burns? Earth, when mixed with water, becomes an entirely different thing. And of course you know the water extinguishes fire. I have heard talk of a plane of smoke, which appears to have come into existence in between, if such a thing is really possible, the two greater elemental planes of air and fire. Apparently this was the result of battle between the two planes in ancient times.'

You say, 'civil'

Rianar Gadliun says, 'It is my best guess, and it bothers me that this is only a [guess], that the answer to their apparent civility is related to their complex interactions. It all seems to be governed by a set of rules that is so complex that even they seem to have difficulty parsing them properly. I suspect that our lack of understanding of these rules is part of why they think so little of us.'

You say, 'guess'

Rianar Gadliun says, 'Guesses upset me, even when they stand on a reasonable foundation of fact. That is what I am hoping you can help me with. I would be grateful for any information you could bring me about the society of the jann, or, frankly, any information at all will be helpful. Since we are here, we should probably begin with the djinn.'

You have been assigned the task 'Political Awareness'.

  • 1. Discover some of the history of the leadership of the djinn. 0/1 Stratos: Zephyr's Flight

    Task Window: Rianar, some sort of scholar from Erudin, has been having troubles learning about the jann. He appears to have been failingto do so and has asked for your assistance. Starting at the very basics is what he suggests, and in this case he would like to know what can be discovered about the way the djinn society functions. He hopes that he can begin to glean information about their deeper secrets.

    Rianar knows that the current ruler of the djinn is called Moon Serf of the Harmonious Heavens and that he only recently took power. To start, he wants you to learn who this Moon Serf took power from.

    Hail, a gale.

    A gale says, "You may have writ here but that does not mean that I have to approve of it. Things have not been [proper] here lately, I am certain you mortals have something to do with it.

    You say, 'proper'

    A gale says, 'Change is good, usually, we know that. But cuh an overwhelming swarm of petitioners and outsiders, and mortals at that! Surely it is not the [way it was].

    You say, 'way it was'

    a voluminous gale is also reported to work on this step.

  • 2. Discover how rulership change happens in Esianti. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    Say 'what about wind of the shining void' to random mobs near the Great Sky Ocean island and northen islands to Cold Cloud Blossom island.

    A brumebreeze armor says, 'He was foolish, made too many [mistakes].'

    You say, 'mistakes'

    A brumebreeze armor says, 'Got caught not keeping an agreement, that's what! His excuse, that it was not his fault that the djinn he promised to meet was unable to attend, is weak. Not his fault that the fool he was to meet got himself trapped in a muhbis. Maybe so, I suppose, and so long ago that how would anyone remember. Seems to me that the real thing to remember is that Moon Serf of the Harmonious Heavens is the better leader. He was clever and diligent enough to find the error where Wind of the Shining Void was not. In the end, we gain the proper leadership.'

  • 3. Find out what the citizens think about current rulership. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area. The first three updates of different phrases will update steps 4-6 and have a chance to spawn the elementals for step 7. A random response after that will update this step and open step 8.

  • 4. Clearly some of the citizens preferred the current ruler. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area

    An easterly mephit say, 'Each ruler has faults and flaws, each has strengths and benefits. I tend not to worry about it, so long as they obey the rules.'

  • 5. Obviously some of the citizens do not care who their ruler is. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area

    A patrician djinn says, 'Finally we take action! We need to repay these efreeti for what they did to us during the war. How is it that we are the only ones that followed the pact in the first place? Wind of the Shining Void will bring justice for us all.'

  • 6. Some citizens really dislike their new ruler. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area

    A patrician djinn says, 'Moon Serf of the Harmonious Heavens? Lackluster and weak. He let the efreeti into our plane. THere is a war on! Wind of the SHining Void would never have allowed such to happen.'

  • 7. Defeat the angry elementals. 0/3 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    This comes as you do the previous hails and kill the elementals they spawn.

  • 8. Report what you have learned to Rianar 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Task Window: ?

    You say, 'Hail, Rianar'

    Rianar Gadliun says, 'Interesting, very interesting. On the surface they don't seem all that different from us. Leader makes a mistake, loses power, people have varying opinions about it. The only thing that seems odd to me is the mistake. Failing to meet someone an age ago caused Shining Void fellow to lose power? Seems a bit extreme to me. Also, you mentioned that one of them said something about the creatures of air, or perhaps the djinn, keeping a pact that the others broke? I wonder what that pact was and exactly who the others that broke it might be? So much more to learn. Thank you for getting me started. At least now I have some questions to start with.'

    283pp, 3g, 3s, 3cp
  • Submitted by: Gidono
    • 283pp, 3g, 3s, 3cp, Experience
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    Step 8
    # Dec 27 2020 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
    65 posts
    Step 8 will reveal itself upon another response about current rulership that does not produce elementals.
    Lady Aivei Veil of Tarew Marr . Now Xegony
    Step 3
    # Dec 27 2020 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
    65 posts
    Step 3:
    So, when you say the prompt to mobs you won't always get a response. When you get a response there is a CHANCE that angry elementals will spawn. There are 3 different responses, but I only got 1 angry elemental to spawn out of all of the responses. I had to try and find others to get the response from that would spawn the elementals. This quest is much easier if you aren't KOS to the mobs.
    Lady Aivei Veil of Tarew Marr . Now Xegony
    first update
    # Dec 27 2020 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
    65 posts
    All of the gales /can/ give you a response, but you have to find the right one. its random. I hailed three different ones before I found the update.
    Lady Aivei Veil of Tarew Marr . Now Xegony
    a voluminous gale
    # Aug 24 2020 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
    15 posts
    Updated the first step.
    Something's Not Right
    # Jan 22 2019 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    Finished this earlier as a Wizard - which was not an easy task. I'm pretty sure either the quest is bugged or there's some mechanic that isn't completely understood.

    First off, steps 3 through 6 will ALL spawn angry elementals on successful responses. While you only need three kills you are likely to spawn many additional mobs to get all the needed updates. The elementals are KOS but do not see invis. If you invis immediately after the hail they will not aggro you. They can be snared and rooted, so if you're not KOS to the mobs in the vicinity these can be kited or root/nuked. I did get summoned one time in about six kills but I'm not sure what to make of that.

    The thing is I couldn't find any pattern to what generated a task update. I hailed a ton of mobs, got a lot of the same responses, and eventually despite not getting any new text from a mob, I got the last of my updates before the end of the quest. I've checked my logs and don't see anything that would explain this behavior. The best I can think of is you need three successful hails per step (3 - 6) but only need to kill three elementals. I'm not certain though.

    Found this a bit frustrating because despite it being a solo task with an unlimited timer, it comes up as shared and as such you can't just start and come back to it without losing the ability to join another task. At least it's done.
    Endaar Flaashpoint, Wizard of Karana
    Current member of Ring of Valor, Bristlebane
    Guild history, for the old timers:
    Founder, The Valorous (Karana)
    Officer, Harbingers (Karana)
    Officer, Evolution of Faith (The Rathe)
    Officer, Legend of Marr (The Rathe)
    Officer, Battle Cry (The Rathe)
    Something's Not Right
    # Jan 26 2019 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
    Endaar wrote:
    Finished this earlier as a Wizard - which was not an easy task. I'm pretty sure either the quest is bugged or there's some mechanic that isn't completely understood.

    First off, steps 3 through 6 will ALL spawn angry elementals on successful responses. While you only need three kills you are likely to spawn many additional mobs to get all the needed updates. The elementals are KOS but do not see invis. If you invis immediately after the hail they will not aggro you. They can be snared and rooted, so if you're not KOS to the mobs in the vicinity these can be kited or root/nuked. I did get summoned one time in about six kills but I'm not sure what to make of that.

    The thing is I couldn't find any pattern to what generated a task update. I hailed a ton of mobs, got a lot of the same responses, and eventually despite not getting any new text from a mob, I got the last of my updates before the end of the quest. I've checked my logs and don't see anything that would explain this behavior. The best I can think of is you need three successful hails per step (3 - 6) but only need to kill three elementals. I'm not certain though.

    Found this a bit frustrating because despite it being a solo task with an unlimited timer, it comes up as shared and as such you can't just start and come back to it without losing the ability to join another task. At least it's done.

    This way the updates happen in this task, I wouldn't be surprised if it is bugged. You might check the latest bug thread on the eq dev forums to see if bugs for this task has been reported.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    Quest runthrough
    # Dec 14 2018 at 5:38 PM Rating: Excellent
    40 posts
    This quest is started by hailing Rianar Gadliun in Startos and saying "guess" to him. It is a shared task with no lockout timer.

    * Discover some of the history of the leadership of the djinn. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Hail, a gale.
    A gale says, "You may have writ here but that does not mean that I have to approve of it. Things have not been [proper] here lately, I am certain you mortals have something to do with it.
    You say, 'proper'
    A gale says, 'Change is good, usually, we know that. But cuh an overwhelming swarm of petitioners and outsiders, and mortals at that! Surely it is not the [way it was].
    You say, 'way it was'

    * Discover how rulership change happens in Esianti. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Say 'what about wind of the shining void' to random mobs near the Great Sky Ocean island and northen islands to Cold Cloud Blossom island.
    A brumebreeze armor says, 'He was foolish, made too many [mistakes].'
    You say, 'mistakes'
    A brumebreeze armor says, 'Got caught not keeping an agreement, that's what! His excuse, that it was not his fault that the djinn he promised to meet was unable to attend, is weak. Not his fault that the fool he was to meet got himself trapped in a muhbis. Maybe so, I suppose, and so long ago that how would anyone remember. Seems to me that the real thing to remember is that Moon Serf of the Harmonious Heavens is the better leader. He was clever and diligent enough to find the error where Wind of the Shining Void was not. In the end, we gain the proper leadership.'

    * Find out what the citizens think about current rulership. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area. The first three updates of different phrases will update steps 4-6 and spawn the elementals for step 7. A random response after that will update this step and open step 8.

    * Clearly some of the citizens preferred the current ruler.

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area
    An easterly mephit say, 'Each ruler has faults and flaws, each has strenghts and benefits. I tend not to worry about it, so long as they obey the rules.'

    * Obviously some of the citizens do not care who their ruler is. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area
    A patrician djinn says, 'Finally we take action! We need to repay these efreeti for what they did to us during the war. How is it that we are the only ones that followed the pact in the first place? Wind of the Shining Void will bring justice for us all.'

    *Some citizens really dislike their new ruler.

    Say 'what about the current rulership' to various mobs in same area
    A patrician djinn says, 'Moon Serf of the Harmonious Heavens? Lackluster and weak. He let the efreeti into our plane. THere is a war on! Wind of the SHining Void would never have allowed such to happen.'

    * Defeat the angry elementals. 0/3 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    This comes as you do the previous hails and kill the elementals they spawn.

    * Report what you have learned to Rianar 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

    You say, 'Hail, Rianar'
    Rianar Gadliun says, 'Interesting, very interesting. On the surface they don't seem all that different from us. Leader makes a mistake, loses power, people have varying opinions about it. The only thing that seems odd to me is the mistake. Failing to meet someone an age ago caused Shining Void fellow to lose power? Seems a bit extreme to me. Also, you mentioned that one of them said something about the creatures of air, or perhaps the djinn, keeping a pact that the others broke? I wonder what that pact was and exactly who the others that broke it might be? So much more to learn. Thank you for getting me started. At least now I have some questions to start with.'
    Trials necessary
    # Dec 12 2018 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
    328 posts
    As Enchanter tried to cast Collaboration (Faction +300), no chance. This quests are only possible to do in a certain fixed order. So this expansion is locked behind some Trials. Without that, progression is not possible. Only the first Quest Soldier of Air and Mission Fight Fire is possible.

    The only exception is, if you can fellowship/port yourself into the zones when somebody else got the access....
    Step 1
    # Dec 11 2018 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    Literally hailed every Djinn in the zone even kos ones and could never get the first step to update. Got aggravated and just gave up.
    -Orienn Starchaser 120 Ranger <Triton> Povar
    Step 1
    # Jan 16 2019 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
    128 posts
    Gambacha wrote:
    Literally hailed every Djinn in the zone even kos ones and could never get the first step to update. Got aggravated and just gave up.

    The first update is from a gale
    Vaal Halen
    115 Bard
    Council of Norrath
    Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
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