16th Anniversary: Pub Crawl  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 3 ratings)
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:24:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:The Darkened Sea
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Mar 13 21:38:44 2015
Modified: Tue Mar 19 12:18:12 2024

For an overview, schedule, and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is an anniversary shared task with a 24-hour timer (1-6 players) introduced with EverQuest's 16th anniversary. It begins with a dwarf named Brasse (click for map image) in the Plane of Knowledge (located in the vendor area just east of the Guild Lobby entrance).

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Level 21
- Minimum Alcohol Tolerance Skill Level of 50
- Must have had some alcohol to drink...
- Brasse must have had some alcohol to drink...

NOTE: If you're only after the bonus reward, Drunkard's Stein, then you can skip the whole quest and do only the bonus part involving Galdorin Visigothe in Abysmal Sea (see below).

Before starting, gather up:

- Your choice of alcohol to drink (and get drunk on) to request the task.

- As many as 20x "Ogre Swill" may be required to start the task (for Brasse, bought from Brewmaster Berina in the Plane of Knowledge).

- As many as 20x "Brasse's Bitter Brew."
--- bought from Brewmaster Berina in the Plane of Knowledge

- As many as 20x "Skunk Breath Ale" (Brewing, 155 Trivial)
--- 1x "Cask" + 1x "Gnomish Spirits" + 1x "Malt" + 1x "Short Beer" + 1x "Yeast" + 2x "Skunk Scent Gland"
------ Skunk Glands drop in the Butcherblock Mountains and Toxxulia Forest
------ All other components are bought in the Plane of Knowledge

- As many as 20x "Elven Wine"
--- From most/many Brewing merchants

Load up on alcohol and say "help me" to request the task.

You say, 'Hail, Brasse'

Brasse says 'I'm way ahead of you. Have a few and catch up, then we can talk.'

You say, 'Hail, Brasse'

Brasse says 'I'm not nearly drunk enough to talk to you. Find me a drink that I like and maybe we'll chat.'

On handing in a drink she does not like:

Brasse says 'Really? I can't stand that stuff.'

On handing her an "Ogre Swill" (bought from Brewmaster Berina):

Brasse says 'Ah, now that hits the spot!'

After handing her a stack of "Ogre Swill", she responds:

You say, 'Hail, Brasse'

Brasse says 'Burp! Well, helloooo! If you ain't here to hand me a drink, then...burp! you must be here to help me find out what happened to my best [stein].'

You say, 'What happened to your best stein?'

Brasse says 'It's my bestest drinking tool. I'm not sure I can make it through the night without it. I must have left it somewhere last night. I remember starting in Pub Kal, but not much after that. You should [help me] find it. Then again, hick!, you may not be [worthy] of entering Pub Kal.'

You say, 'I am worthy, I can drink you under the table'

Brasse says 'Let's fix that. I have a few spare shirts and a lot of extra beard hair.'

You say, 'I will help you help me'

Brasse says 'Wonderful, I knew I could count on you.'

You have been assigned the task 'Pub Crawl'.

If you didn't receive anything when you said "worthy", say it again to receive "Dwarf Disguise".

Brasse says 'This will make you look much better.'

Right-clicking the disguise in Kaladim will give you a dwarf illusion.

Speak with Barkeep in Pub Kal 0/1 (South Kaladim)

Head to South Kaladim and to the western part of the zone. Next to the PVP arena is a tavern called Pub Kal in which you'll find Hanamaf Darkfoam. Hail him.

Defeat Tsann Wilbus in a drinking contest 0/1 (South Kaladim)

He asks for alcohol, but doesn't specify what type.

He accepts "Skunk Breath Ale", "Emerald Orange Schnapps", or "Faydwer Schnapps". Drink up while handing him alcohol for each one you consume. Say "win" until you... win.

NOTE: To "win", you have to be less drunk than him, and there is a point at which he accepts no more, so a minimum alcohol tolerance level may be required here (which is?).

Defeat Brasse's ex boyfriend Dwantin Cassilla 0/1 (South Kaladim)

Hail Dwantin and fight him (no weapons - only hand-to-hand here). DPS to 20% health to receive "Brasse's Stein Lid".

Speak with Magus Tira 0/1 (Butcherblock Mountains)

Magus Tira is located outside the entrance to Greater Faydark in the far eastern part of the zone.

Convince Magus Tira to transport you to Nedaria's Landing 0/1 (Butcherblock Mountains)

If you're drunk, she'll teleport you. If you're not drunk, you can get her drunk instead (hand her 20x "Elven Wine") and she'll teleport you.

Speak with Galidnus Corkpopper 0/1 (Abysmal Sea)

Speak with Galdorin Visigothe 0/1 (Abysmal Sea)

NOTE: At this point in the task, you can obtain the bonus item "Drunkard's Stein". For details, see the bottom of this writeup. There is no limit to how many Steins can be awarded by the mission.

Either hail Galdorin while drunk for the update, OR drink "Brasse's Bitter Brew" to receive "Bitter Bottle" and, for each "Bitter Bottle", right-click it to 'toss' it at Galdorin Visigothe. Repeat until you receive "Brasse's Stein Handle".

Roll in muck under the bridge at the bottom of the Greenblood 0/1 (The Feerrott)

Head to the low level Feerrott zone, southwest of Oggok, and swim to the riverbed under the bridge. You'll receive a buff that increases Ogre Guard faction.
NOTE: You will receive the buff, but this step will not update until after you have defeated Leelouu.

Speak with Leelouu 0/1 (Oggok)

Leelouu is found in the tavern (east-central part of the zone). Be ready for a fight here.

Kill the twin bouncers 0/2 (Oggok)

Defeat Leelouu 0/1 (Oggok)

Receive "Brasse's Stein Cup".

Repair Brasse's Stein 0/1 (ALL)

Turn in Brasse's Stein Cup, Handle, and Lid (three items) to Lessein Rocraft (found along the southern boundary of the dock area in the Butcherblock Mountains) to receive "Brasse's Stein".

Give Brasse her Stein 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

Both you and Brasse must be drunk to be able to complete the hand-in.

400 platinum
5x "Commemorative Coin"

Bonus Item:
Drunkard's Stein

You can get this item while in Abysmal Sea with Galdorin Visigothe who, about every 5 minutes, sings a song. There is a specific anniversary song about Brasse that you need him to sing, which you can prompt by drinking Brasse's Bitter Brew, then throwing the resulting empty bottle at Galdorin (target him and click the bottle). The anniversary song goes as follows:

Galdorin Visigothe says, 'My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'but she loves a deep carouse.'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'Beer or ale are her great trips.'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'No matter how many vows'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'I make or break, my drinking glass'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'reminds me of my lovely Brasse.'

You must repeat each verse in turn -- target Galdorin and /say what he says as he says it. You cannot just spam six lines of text at him; it has to be one verse at a time as he does it. You only have a window of about 3 seconds for each verse, so hotkeys are recommended. (If you miss a line you can just wait for 5 minutes and try the missing line(s) again. The stein will appear in your cursor once you have sung all the lines on time).

Successfully repeating a line results in an emote from Galdorin:

Galdorin Visigothe smiles at you.

Once you have sung all six lines successfully, you see:

Galdorin Visigothe says 'Well, it's nice to know someone appreciates my work!'

You receive "Drunkard's Stein".

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Where is Tsann Wilbus?!?!?
# Apr 17 2024 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
WTF is Tsann Wilbus?? Not in the pub and not around it! Does he despawn if someone outdrank him???

Where is Tsann Wilbus?!?!?
# Apr 18 2024 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
And for that matter not seeing anyone named Dantwin, Do any of these NPC spawn at all? Submitted a ticket but as usual, they cant do anything....
Its been ended early or nerfed
# Apr 07 2023 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
Here it put simple... I tried to get the stein the shortcut way. the bard doesn't sing the song. threw bottles at him. didn;'t work. tried the quest route. got stuck at the dwarf in the pub. souldn't win by giving him 20 faydwer schnapps then on another attempt 22 faydwer schnapps. nada. i'm done with it.

Edited, Apr 8th 2023 6:38pm by hullan
Its been ended early or nerfed
# Apr 08 2023 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
This currently still works as advertised, but you might have to work around some bad luck. He does not always sing the proper song, but if you hang out long enough he will eventually sing the lyrics you need.
Its been ended early or nerfed
# Apr 08 2023 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
399 posts
This sounds confused. You mention short cut but then you also mention making the skunk breath ale to turn into him.

You do not need to do the drinking contest/skunk breath ale if you want to do the short cut. Get drunk, get the quest from Brasse in POK.

Go to AB Sea. Hail Galdorin. When he starts singing then follow along with your hot keys and look for his response that he smiles at you after each line.

If he does not start singing after 5 minutes or more then you throw a bottle at him.

Or group with a player who has already done it and have them hail him. Then you too follow along with your hot keys

If your doing it the long way then it sounds like you skipped a lot of steps.

The short cut is working fine on my server as of 4/8/23
TLDR Quick and Easy Guide for Stein
# Mar 16 2023 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
(What I did with little ********* Stop reading other comments and the guide above)
Make the hotkeys for the song above and repeat it after Galdorin says them

My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,
but she loves a deep carouse.
Beer or ale are her great trips.
No matter how many vows
I make or break, my drinking glass
reminds me of my lovely Brasse.

Above has the exact punctuation needed to just copy and paste with no **** ups.

1.) Go to Brasse in PoK and beside brase there is a merchant, buy some Beers and buy some Brasse's bitter brew and click the Beers now and save the bitter brew.
2.) Target Brasse, /say Help me. You should get a task Ignore any task requirements and just continue below
3.) goto Abysmal Sea and find Galdorin
4.) I right clicked the Bitter brews and threw bottles at him not knowing if its going to work, but they keep you drunk so do it every 30sec or so to stay drunk.
5.) Repeat the lyric above As galdorin annoucnes them. NOTE YOU WILL SEE GALDORIN CAST A SPELL/ PLAY HIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE HE STARTS!
6.) Win

Edited, Mar 16th 2023 3:28pm by aiecis
TLDR Quick and Easy Guide for Stein
# Mar 19 2023 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
42 posts
Thanks for the write up. A few notes:

You don't need to do anything to trigger Galdorin

He runs his cycle every 5 minutes and 30 seconds, below are the times I got:


TLDR Quick and Easy Guide for Stein
# Mar 17 2023 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
399 posts
No need to even throw the bottles at him. He will start after a few minutes automatically. I usually hail at first just in case
My Notes on Run in 20221
# May 09 2021 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
140 posts
Here are my notes as some things are different than listed here

1. When you speak with Magus Tiara, and you did not hand her wine, make sure to hail her twice. At this point she will go "Argggghhhh" and still not offer to teleport you. Just /say Nedaria's Landing and she will port you
2. When in Ogguk the picture here is wrong, as it takes you into the Leather Shop, do a search for the Bartender and it takes you right to Leelouu because she in the bar.
3. You will need to be drunker than Brasse to turn in the Mug also... Silly but yeah she wont just take it if you are sober

Edited, May 9th 2021 10:13am by michaeleq

Edited, May 9th 2021 10:24am by michaeleq
Minimum alcohol tolerance is 50
# Apr 02 2021 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
12 posts
You have become better at Alcohol Tolerance! (49)
You say, 'Hail, Brasse'
Brasse says, 'Hmm... You don't look to me like you know much about drinking. Practice more, then maybe we can chat.'
You have become better at Alcohol Tolerance! (50)
You say, 'Hail, Brasse'
Brasse says, 'Burp! Well, helloooo! If you ain't here to hand me a drink, then... burp! you must be here to help me find out what happened to my best [stein].'

Leelouu location is wrong on map
# Apr 02 2021 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
12 posts
Her location (currently) is 256.11, -244.01, 3.70 (roughly). She's in the room to the SE of where she's marked on the map, if you could walk through the wall there.
Drinking contest
# Apr 02 2021 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
You don't need to drink 1 for 1 with Tsann. You only need to be drunk enough for the screen to visibly change. My alcohol tolerance was under 100, around 94 when I finished. I gave him 20 of the Schnapps, he gave me a few back, I said win and he said
Tsann Wilbus says, 'You haven't been drinkin' at all. Does that mean you give up?'
I then drank and tested until the screen changed and he gave the win condition.
The dwarf disguise is optional, for faction (or fun) (oh and also so tall races can fit in the pub easily, not to mention fight there).
Also, you don't have to match the song in one go; you can do the last few lines then do the first few on the next go around, so I assume that as long as you match the lines right after he sings them, you qualify for that line.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2021 5:45am by Gauche

Edited, Apr 2nd 2021 7:37am by Gauche
Definitive Guide to Get Your Stein
# Mar 17 2021 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,273 posts
Lots of good information in the older posts, some incorrect things. Here is the concise breakdown.

Key facts:
  • You must be a member of the group task in order to get the stein
  • You must be uninvis, in Abysmal Sea, with Galdorin targeted
  • There can be no greater than a 30 level character spread
  • The character spread is dynamic however - you can drop higher level toons to bring lowbies in and vice versa
  • You do not need to complete any steps in the quest
  • There is no limit to the number of toons than can get the stein - just drop people and invite more in
  • The quest has a lifespan of 24 hours
  • You must /say each line before Galdorin goes onto the next (about 2 seconds) or you failed that attempt
  • Each attempt is exactly 5 minutes and 35 seconds apart (with an occasional 6 minutes and 30 second interval)
  • Each attempt begins when Galdorin says "My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,"
  • Everyone close enough to Galdorin dances a few seconds before each attempt begins, through to the end of the attempt
  • You can fail many times without penalty and without needing to regain the task
  • Precise spelling and punctuation is necessary
  • Each successfully spoken and correctly timed /say results in "Galdorin Visigothe smiles at you"

Step 1 - Make two hotkeys:
Hotkey 1 says:
/pause 44, /say My stinky stein has rough dirty lips, 
/pause 44, /say but she loves a deep carouse. 
/pause 44, /say Beer or ale are her great trips. 
/pause 44, /say No matter how many vows 
/pause 44, /say I make or break, my drinking glass

Hotkey 2 says:
/say reminds me of my lovely Brasse.

Step 2 - Get to Abysmal Sea, be uninvis, stand next to Galdorin Visigothe and have him targeted
Step 3 - As soon as Galdorin says "My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,", click Hotkey 1
Step 4 - As soon as Galdorin says "reminds me of my lovely Brasse.", click Hotkey 2
Definitive Guide to Get Your Stein
# Mar 25 2021 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
D'oh need to read notes better.. got the stein

Edited, Apr 6th 2021 10:25am by Necressa
Definitive Guide to Get Your Stein
# Mar 19 2021 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
380 posts
Or you can make 6 different hotkey as timer between 2 speaking phase are not all the same :
  • /hotbutton Drunk-01 5 'My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,
  • /hotbutton Drunk-02 5 'but she loves a deep carouse.
  • /hotbutton Drunk-03 5 'Beer or ale are her great trips.
  • /hotbutton Drunk-04 5 'No matter how many vows
  • /hotbutton Drunk-05 5 'I make or break, my drinking glass
  • /hotbutton Drunk-06 5 'reminds me of my lovely Brasse.

Every line create 1 hotkey and YES, the ' letter IS important, it make you say things.
Cookie, Antonius Bayles rangeress http://eqtoonx.free.fr/
Definitive Guide to Get Your Stein
# May 02 2021 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Excellent !
I copied these hotbutton lines and got the stein quickly. Thx for the tip!
Wait for it...
# Mar 16 2021 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
299 posts
I threw 2 empty bottles at Galdorin and nothing happened. However, a minute or so later he started singing! BE READY!
Yet More on Level Requirement!
# May 10 2020 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I am guessing that the level 21 is significant in the USA as being the age at which you can legally consume alcohol? This is confusing to us in the UK, where the legal age for that is 18. Is this a correct conclusion for me to draw?
Yet More on Level Requirement!
# May 10 2020 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
63 posts
I mean, probably. The game is made in the USA, so they're probably going to aim for a US age limit on drinking as a little easter egg
# Apr 18 2020 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
Magus Tira did not offer to TP when I'm the only one drunk.
Magus Tira says, 'You need to convince me to help you. I mean, if I were more lubricated I might be willing to help.'

Convince Magus Tira to transport you to Nedaria's Landing 0/1 (Butcherblock Mountains)

If you're drunk, she'll teleport you. If you're not drunk, you can get her drunk instead (hand her 20x "Elven Wine") and she'll teleport you.

Magus Tira says, 'Sure, sure. I mean, if you're friends with Brasse, then you know what sorts of drink I like. Brine me some of that and I'll send you where you want to go. I've done plenty of things to help Brasse, after all. Not that she remember me anymore.'

Took 21 Elven Wine.
Magus Tira says, 'Ah, now that hits the spot!'

Magus Tira says, 'Ahhhlrightfine!'


Other dialogues.
Tsann WIlbus says, 'Hello stranger. I don't suppose you'd be interested in a drinkin' [contest].'
Tsann Wilbus says, 'Simple. You drink. I drink. If you can stay upright as long as I can, you [win]. You get to buy the drinks. I am particular about what I like.'
Tsann Wilbus says, 'Ah, now that hits the spot!'

If you give him only drinks with yourself not drinking:
Tsann Wilbus says, 'You haven't been drinkin' at all. Does that mean you give up?'

If you give him drinks and you drink until drunk, but more drunk than him:
Tsann Wilbus says, 'Hah, you can barely stand! You may as well declare me the winner.'

Capped out around 24 drinks
Tsann Wilbus says, 'Oh, thanks for the offer, but I could nay drink another drop... for a bit at least.'

When you win:
Tsann Wilbus says, 'Brasse was here, shure. She has shome short of fight wit' Dwantin, something about her braking up wish him.'

Dwantin Cassilla says, 'Hail. Take off unless you're lookin' for a [fight].'
Dwantin Cassilla says, 'Good! Since SHE was last here, I've been itchin' for a good brawl.'
Dwantin Cassilla says, 'Stop already!'
Dwantin Cassilla says, 'Fine. Here's the stupid thing. Or at least all I have of it. She broke her mug last time she was here. Smashed it on my head! This is all I got left. She said something about going to the Queen of Thorns or something. Now leave me alone.'

Galidnus Corkpopper says, 'Well, I don't know about broken steins, but I do know that Brasse was talking with the bard last time she was here. Singing a bit too, not that I want to remember that too clearly. Though knowing that fellow, you might have to bust a bottle over his head to get his attention.'

Galdorin Visigothe says, 'Oh, I didn't see you there. Brasse was here, sure. Here, take this. She left it here. Well, tell her she left it here. I may have acquired it from her pocket when she wasn't looking. I didn't have a chance to give it to here before she left for Oggok. Though why she'd go there is beyond my ability to understand.'

Leelouu says, 'Brasse! Leelouu not want to hear 'bout her. She not nice to Leelouu. All Leelouu did was ask her out. No reason Brasse be mean to Leelouu. You get out. Bouncers!'

Bouncer Maray Nitashard says, 'Keep up brother! You do not want to look weaker than me, do you?'

Leelouu says, 'Sure, beat up a girl! Here, take the thing Brasse left here and get out of Oggok!'

Lessein Rocraft says, 'Hello there.'
Lessein Rocraft says, 'Here ya go. No need to repair the thing. I keep several of them around just for this sort of thing. She breaks them all the time.'

At this point, even rolling in the muck will not update the task. However, once you kill the 2 bouncer + beat Leelouu, all task updates at once.

Brasse says, 'Brasse nearly faints at the return of her favorite drinking tool. She thanks you and give you a leering smile and wink.'

# Mar 28 2020 at 3:08 AM Rating: Excellent
159 posts
I did the skunk breath ale, and you'll need about 20 to hand to Tsann Wilbus. I just drank regular drinks.
# Mar 21 2020 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
3,032 posts
I have the feeling this is not repeatable.

I put my Stein in the shared bank but Brasse only responds that I need to drink up more! NO matter how much I drink in her presence! I think she's trying to kill me...

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:34am by Sippin

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:35am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# Apr 16 2020 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
298 posts
This is repeatable BUT you both have to be drunker than skunks! Hand Brasse Orge Swill until she is drunk too. I gave her 15 of them and drank till I was blasted. Then I was able to get the quest for the 2nd tyme.
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you thought you heard was not what I meant.
# Mar 21 2020 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Sippin wrote:
I have the feeling this is not repeatable.

I put my Stein in the shared bank but Brasse only responds that I need to drink up more! NO matter how much I drink in her presence! I think she's trying to kill me...

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:34am by Sippin

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:35am by Sippin

Bearded dwarf ladies tend to drink ya under the table. Linda would be proud!
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
# Mar 22 2020 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
3,032 posts
Gidono wrote:
Sippin wrote:
I have the feeling this is not repeatable.

I put my Stein in the shared bank but Brasse only responds that I need to drink up more! NO matter how much I drink in her presence! I think she's trying to kill me...

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:34am by Sippin

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:35am by Sippin

Bearded dwarf ladies tend to drink ya under the table. Linda would be proud!

OK, I'll bite. Who is Linda?
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# Mar 22 2020 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Sippin wrote:
Gidono wrote:
Sippin wrote:
I have the feeling this is not repeatable.

I put my Stein in the shared bank but Brasse only responds that I need to drink up more! NO matter how much I drink in her presence! I think she's trying to kill me...

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:34am by Sippin

Edited, Mar 21st 2020 10:35am by Sippin

Bearded dwarf ladies tend to drink ya under the table. Linda would be proud!

OK, I'll bite. Who is Linda?

Linda Brasse Carlson. She was the CSR for Everquest for many years, who this Brasse character is based off.

Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
Emerald Orange Schnapps is the best option.
# Apr 27 2019 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
If you want to do the whole thing, Emerald Orange Schnapps is by far the easiest. Took about 40 min slaughtering kobolds near Steamfont PoK book to get 10x spring water, all other ingredients are bought from Berina.
Skip to Bonus Objective
# Apr 15 2018 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
You can skip the whole middle part of the quest if all you want is the stein. Just get the task then go to Galdorin Visigothe and do the bonus objective.
Update and step by step guide
# Mar 24 2018 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
274 posts
Level requirement is 21 not 26.

1. If you only want the stein copy and paste this code into your character ini file which is in the main folder of your EQ installation (character_server.ini):

Under [Socials] at the very top (delete these lines after quest is done !):
Page8Button1Name=Brasse 1 
Page8Button2Name=Brasse 2 
Page8Button3Name=Brasse 3 
Page8Button4Name=Brasse 4 
Page8Button5Name=Brasse 5 
Page8Button6Name=Brasse 6 
Page8Button1Line1=/say My stinky stein has rough dirty lips, 
Page8Button2Line1=/say but she loves a deep carouse. 
Page8Button3Line1=/say Beer or ale are her great trips. 
Page8Button4Line1=/say No matter how many vows 
Page8Button5Line1=/say I make or break, my drinking glass 
Page8Button6Line1=/say reminds me of my lovely Brasse. 

2. Make sure your character does meet the requirements: Level 21 and 50 Alcohol Tolerance.

3. Buy 20 Ogre Swill and 2 Brasse's Bitter Brew from Brewmaster Berina (she is standing beside Brasse in PoK)

4. Give Brasse the whole stack of 20 Ogre Swill which does make her maximum drunk. She will return some to you, just ignore that.

5. Now let your char have some drinks too step by step. The returned Ogre Swill or just a few beer, it doesn´t matter which kind of drink. When your char is drunk enough for Brasse she will assign your group the quest, so only 1 char of the group does have to get drunk ! Solo questing works too. At an alcohol tolerance of 50, about 4 Short Beer will do the job.

6. Move to the nearby guild hall and travel to Nedaria's Landing and then to the Abysmal Sea by talking to Magus Alaria first and the to the magus in Nedaria's Landing.

7. In Abysmal Sea open the next door and move outside. Go down the stairs and keep right. The next door will lead you into the pub with the bard Galdorin Visigothe.

8. Drink one Brasse's Bitter Brew when Galdorin just is not singing and then target Galdorin and right click on the empty stein to throw it at his head ! This will make him sing the right song soon that you have to sing along line by line quickly by pressing your social buttons. Make sure to target Galdorin while pressing your buttons ! When he smiles at you after singing along you was successfull for this line and the progress has got saved. You have to sing along the whole song with all 6 lines to receive your Drunkard's Stein ! If he does not start the right song, drink another Brasse's Bitter Brew and throw an empty stein oh him again ! If you need more Brasse's Bitter Brew, you can buy them from the gnome barkeeper inside the pub.

Notes about Galdorin Visigothe
# May 07 2017 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
164 posts
Regarding Tsann Wilbus
It took me 17 Faydwer Schnapps to get him drunk enough to concede. I don't know what logic they base the number of drinks needed upon, so your mileage may vary. With double forage skill, I probably got about half of my Sylvan Berries off dead Orcs in LFay as I did from foraging.

Regarding Galdorin Visigothe:
I don't know if it's necessary, but I hailed him (with task active) once I got there just to remind him to sign the song for me and not one of the other songs he sings.

If you watch him, he'll start strumming his lute just prior to singing. So that's your heads up to get ready.

I made two social buttons. The first one was...
Title: Sing Along
/pause 50,/say My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,
/pause 50,/say but she loves a deep carouse.
/pause 50,/say Beer or ale are her great trips.
/pause 50,/say No matter how many vows
/pause 50,/say I make or break, my drinking glass

the second was...
Title: Reminds me of
/say reminds me of my lovely Brasse.

with the 5 second pauses between each say in the first social button, it timed well and I click that one once I see he first line. Because EQ limits you to just five lines per social button, I had to make a second one to say the final line. I labeled it the same as the way the line starts to remind me of which line I need to use it on.

as an aside, something I didn't know until now is that you can copy (from here) and paste into EQ by doing a control-V, so you don't need to retype all those lines and risk mistyping something.
Minimum level less than 30
# Apr 25 2017 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
Did the stein part of the quest today on my level 27 SK so the minimum level isn't 30 Smiley: wink. I did have to get my alcohol res. to 50+ before Brasse would respond (and be drunk as well). As soon as the Shared Task was active just went straight to the Bard in the Abysmal Sea - great item for 20-30 minutes work!
Minimum level less than 30
# Apr 27 2017 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Grith247 wrote:
Did the stein part of the quest today on my level 27 SK so the minimum level isn't 30 Smiley: wink. I did have to get my alcohol res. to 50+ before Brasse would respond (and be drunk as well). As soon as the Shared Task was active just went straight to the Bard in the Abysmal Sea - great item for 20-30 minutes work!

Updated minimum level to 27, thanks.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Minimum level less than 30
# May 08 2017 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
131 posts
Just to add to the level creep, managed it with a L26 shammy alt today - someone want to try a L25? :)
Minimum level less than 30
# May 10 2017 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
stickleback wrote:
Just to add to the level creep, managed it with a L26 shammy alt today - someone want to try a L25? :)

Thanks, edited.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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# Apr 21 2017 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
Four notes that I think are worth adding that I didn't see in the writeup:

1) *YOU* can drink any alcohol to get drunk in the contest against Tsann Wilbus (you don't have to use your annoying to camp liquor)
2) If you just want the stein, you can go straight to Abysmal Sea and repeat the lines instead of doing any of the task steps
3) Everyone in the group can do the lines in the same task for a stein.
4) "Roll in the muck under the bridge at the bottom of the Greenblood" - if this step doesn't update and you have the muck buff, you can skip this step and continue to the next.
# Apr 23 2017 at 5:49 AM Rating: Good
138 posts
Thanks, updated the quest with additional info.
Stein Observation
# Apr 12 2017 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
So I have done this without being to the right part of the quest and he will sing random songs but on occasion will sing the Brasse song.

Today I started the quest to actually finish it and when I got the the part for the Stein he would sing only that song over and over. I ended up shuffling 15 characters in and out of the task to get them the stein.

I created 6 socials and then put those on page 5 of the default hotbar and would just type 1 2 3 4 5 6 along with him.

Under [Socials] of the character_server.ini
Page5Button12Name=Stein 6
Page5Button12Line1=/say reminds me of my lovely Brasse.
Page5Button11Name=Stein 5
Page5Button11Line1=/say I make or break, my drinking glass
Page5Button10Name=Stein 4
Page5Button10Line1=/say No matter how many vows
Page5Button9Name=Stein 3
Page5Button9Line1=/say Beer or ale are her great trips.
Page5Button8Name=Stein 2
Page5Button8Line1=/say but she loves a deep carouse.
Page5Button7Name=Stein 1
Page5Button7Line1=/say My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,

Under [HotButtons] of the character_server.ini
Page5Button1=E54,@-1,0000000000000000,0,Stein 1
Page5Button2=E55,@-1,0000000000000000,0,Stein 2
Page5Button3=E56,@-1,0000000000000000,0,Stein 3
Page5Button4=E57,@-1,0000000000000000,0,Stein 4
Page5Button5=E58,@-1,0000000000000000,0,Stein 5
Page5Button6=E59,@-1,0000000000000000,0,Stein 6

I got a stein for a level 70 character by making a level 85 the task leader, removing me (level 105) then adding that character.
Stein Observation
# Apr 12 2017 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Can also now do https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=2473 quest with the muck faction buff on to improve:

Your faction standing with Oggok Guards has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Clurg has been adjusted by 1.

So even though they con ally with the buff it is not max ally. If someone really wanted to not be KoS with Bouncers and had damaged their faction past default they could buy a potion of peace: Oggok Guards before starting and then farm tons of Armadillo husks prior to getting the faction buff.
Min Lvl 30.
# Apr 05 2017 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
Minimum Level is 30. Alchohol Tolerance required to get quest: 50.
Pub Crawl minimum level
# Mar 29 2017 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
Correction -- the minimum level for Pub Crawl is less than 75. I was able to start the task and get the Drunkard's Stein at level 30. I expect the minimum level is 1, as long as someone with enough Alcohol skill starts the task.

Instead, the max level spread for all the players in the group task is 30 levels.
Pub Crawl minimum level
# Mar 31 2017 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
nytmare wrote:
Correction -- the minimum level for Pub Crawl is less than 75. I was able to start the task and get the Drunkard's Stein at level 30. I expect the minimum level is 1, as long as someone with enough Alcohol skill starts the task.

Instead, the max level spread for all the players in the group task is 30 levels.

Thanks, changed minimum level to 30 for now.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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singing songs
# Mar 22 2017 at 9:02 PM Rating: Excellent
30 posts
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'but she loves a deep carouse.'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'Beer or ale are her great trips.'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'No matter how many vows'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'I make or break, my drinking glass'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'reminds me of my lovely Brasse.'

Galdorin's lines now include a comma. Not a functional change... unless you're setting an audio trigger for it while you wait :)

Galdorin Visigothe says, 'I'm not too drunk to use correct punctuation, Frelance!'

Edited, Mar 22nd 2017 11:03pm by Frelance
Audio Trigger Helps
# Mar 29 2017 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Also for this quest, make an Audio Trigger for 'Visigothe' <-- Thats all you need, make sure you target Visigothe when you sing back to him, or you wont get the wink and update. With the Audio trigger, you just hit the next line each time you hear the trigger go off. It will not go off except when he sings the song.
singing songs
# Mar 24 2017 at 4:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Frelance wrote:
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'My stinky stein has rough dirty lips,'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'but she loves a deep carouse.'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'Beer or ale are her great trips.'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'No matter how many vows'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'I make or break, my drinking glass'
Galdorin Visigothe says, 'reminds me of my lovely Brasse.'

Galdorin's lines now include a comma. Not a functional change... unless you're setting an audio trigger for it while you wait :)

Galdorin Visigothe says, 'I'm not too drunk to use correct punctuation, Frelance!'

Edited, Mar 22nd 2017 11:03pm by Frelance

Thanks, updated.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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# Mar 22 2017 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Did this the other night. Sang with him only and got the stein for my main and alt no prob.
Came back today and he is singing other songs. Per blow, I got my toon drunk to the maks on Brasses booz from the merch... so no both my toon and my self are drunk.

Tossed bottle(s) at Galdorin's head. he still sings that damn Tra-la-la song.

Not sure what the key factor is.
Level requierment
# Jun 01 2016 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
I got the task/quest and completed it at level 59 tonight.

Edited, Jun 1st 2016 2:17am by Merf
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