Raid Expedition: Ritual of Terror  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Expedition
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:House of Thule
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Nov 11 00:16:52 2010
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This raid expedition begins with Liss in the House of Thule. He's a lizardman found at the zone-in.

Pre-requisites for requesting this raid:
- Rupkerr's three Feerrott partisan tasks
- Feerrott mission "Fall of the Tae Ew"

Pre-requisites for participating in this raid:
- Level 83 (possibly 81)

You say, 'Hail, Liss'

Liss jumps and hisses in terror. 'What! Why have you come here? You can't be from that place, that place of my [nightmares]. You are not frightening enough.'

You say, 'Nightmares?'

Liss says 'Hissssss! Everything is a nightmare. Feerrott is the place of fear now. Not only in memory or name, but in truth! Every time I close my eyessss, just for a sssecond, I see it. Even though I am of the Tae Ew, I can't ssstand the [horror] that they are bringing to the world.'

You say, 'What horror?'

Liss says 'Worshipping the Lord of Fear just makes sensssse. If you don't want to be afraid, then follow the god of Fear. Ssssimple. But that place, that nightmare, I don't want anything to do with it. If [they] succeed there won't be any way to get away from your fearssss. No way at all!'

You say, 'Who are 'they'?'

Liss says 'They are our leaders. The best of ussss. The Cenobite and the Templar. The Diviner and the Archon. They are opening a rift, a gate into the Plane of Fear. They hope to bring our Lord of Fear, Cazic-Thule into the Feerrott. They say that there is something wrong, that he is not responding to their call. They think that they just need more power. They are ssssecuring their rift, making it into a gate! Not one like the stones. Not activated by mortals. This one would be activated by the beings of Fear! They could come here any time they want. And they cccccertainly want! Someone musssst [sssstop them]!'

You say, 'Stop them, how?'

Liss says 'You'd need a massive force! All the Tae Ew... well, most of the Tae Ew stand guard over the ritual. And they have ssssummoned a great beassst to watch over them. But I know the way. If you want to risk your life and sss... sssanity trying to ssstop them, then I will certainly send you there. Would you [take such a risk]?'

You say, 'I'll take such a risk'

Without pre-requisites:

Liss says 'I'm sssorry. I need to hear from Illian that you can be trusted before I can asssk you to do this task.'

With pre-requisites:

Liss says 'Then you are ssssurely mad. Tell me when you want to [go] there and I will sssend you.'

You are assigned the raid expedition "Ritual of Terror". Say "go" to zone into the instance.

You say, 'Ready to go!'

Liss says 'You may not be foolssss. You will probably die before you are driven mad with endlessss terror.'

This event takes place in an instanced version of the Feerrott. You'll find the event mobs outside the Temple of Cazic Thule.


- Kill lizardmen until they despawn.
- Kill Kerchak the gorilla.
- Kill the seven mini named while fending off adds.
- Loot glyphs from the mini named, paying attention to which temple lizardman emotes when looting.
- After Grime (the seventh mini named) dies, glyph holders run up to their respective temple lizardmen to activate them.
- Kill the four temple lizardmen.

What You'll See When You Zone In

See this map for location information.

You zone into the instance at the House of Thule gate.

Outside the temple of Cazic Thule are four smaller temples, each with a named in it (Diviner of Dread, Cenobite of Fear, Templar of Terror, and Archon of Anxiety). You can't get to these nameds yet (nor can you attack them) as each temple has a damage aura and knockback effect around it.

Templar of Terror is in the northernmost temple. Cenobite of Fear is in the west temple. Archon of Anxiety is in the eastern temple. Diviner of Dread is in the southeastern temple (off to the side of the large ramp).

A giant gorilla called Kerchak stands at the base of the large ramp. There are also numerous lizardmen throughout the area. None of these mobs see invisibility. The lizardmen and Kerchak are already aggroable (there is no trigger for this event).

Disciples & Servants

a disciple of Fear shouts 'I bring to you terror!'
a servant of Fear shouts 'I bring to you terror!'
a servant of Fear shouts 'I bring to you terror!'
a servant of Fear shouts 'I bring to you terror!'
a servant of Fear shouts 'I bring to you terror!'

The lizardmen are in aggro-linked groups of five (one disciple and four servants per group). They are all mezzable, stunnable, and rootable. They each hit for a max ~14,500.

The servants cast the spell "Frightful Grasp":

Frightful Grasp: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

After killing a certain number of these lizardmen, you'll see this emote:

The Tae Ew not afraid of you anymore! Do not need leadersss that tell us to die for them. We leave! You fight for lossst god of Fear, we go home.

The remaining servants and disciples wander away and despawn. From here, you can engage Kerchak the gorilla.


Kerchak hits for a max ~16,500; rarely AE rampages (full damage); and occasionally mem blurs himself. He casts the spells "Frightful Grasp", "Gorilla Throw", "Gorilla Roar", and "Gorilla Glare":

Frightful Grasp: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

Gorilla Glare: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Unknown #343 (100/50/0)
2: Stun (6.00 sec)
3: Root
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000 per tick
5: Increase Curse Counter by 26

Gorilla Roar: PB AE 200', Magic (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick
2: Stun (3.00 sec)

Gorilla Throw: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Knockback (10) and Toss Up (10)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 30000

Killing Kerchak initiates the next phase of the event.

Kerchak has been slain by _____!
Kerchak's corpse falls to the ground.

The Archon of Anxiety shouts, 'They have defeated the great guardian! We must finish the ritual quickly!'

The Diviner of Dread shouts, 'It is open! Despair, Norrath, for endless terror awaits you!'

The Templar of Terror shouts, 'Ah! Welcome to Norrath, most terrible one! Feast upon the terror of the fools at your feet!'

The Boogeymonster shouts 'I bring to you terror!'

Note: There is a 90-second break between Kerchak's death and the spawn of the first mini named.

The Glyphs & Activating the Temples

You'll be killing (in this order) The Boogeymonster, The Frightflinger, The Tentacle Terror Mentor, The Thoughtleader, The Turbulance Toad, The Spinefreezer Queen, and Grime the Amygdalan General.

These mobs each drop a Glyph. When a Glyph is looted, an emote may be given to the looter (one of the temple nameds will give an emote visible only to the looter). That particular Glyph will be used to turn off the damage aura for that named's temple. Which Glyph goes with which temple, is random. Four Glyphs will give an emote. Three Glyphs will not. These ones have no use. All the Glyphs are droppable, so you can trade them if needed.

NOTE: Grime's Glyph is never required. The four Glyphs that are used will always be dropped among the first six mini nameds.

Once Grime the Amygdalan General dies, the four people who have the useful Glyphs in their possession have to run up to the named that goes with their glyph. All four must be done at the same time. This will turn off the aura effects and make the nameds go live.

Failure to activate the temple lizardmen within 20 seconds of Grime's death results in the spawn of several adds. Adds will continue to spawn every few seconds as long as the temple lizardmen aren't aggro'd.

The Boogeymonster drops Glyph of the Nightcreep.
The Frightflinger drops Glyph of the Twicedead.
The Tentacle Terror Mentor drops Glyph of the Engulfing Menace.
The Thoughtleader drops Glyph of the Blind Eye.
The Turbulance Toad drops Glyph of the Unrest.
The Spinefreezer Queen drops Glyph of the Innaction.
Grime, Amygdalan General drops Glyph of the Horror.

Whoever loots a useful glyph will see an emote and will have a (one-time) spell cast upon them:

Archon of Anxiety's Emote & Spell

Archon of Anxiety says 'I do not fear that trinket, _____. And I DO know the meaning of fear. Here's a lesson for you!'

Looter gets "Unholy Terror":

Unholy Terror: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Root
2: Increase Curse Counter by 30
3: Hitpoints unknown calc: 1999 range: 1 -> 0
4: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)
5: Silence
6: Decrease Attack Speed by 300%

Cenobite of Fear's Emote & Spell

Cenobite of Fear says 'You shall not live long enough to use that, _____! From Cazic's heart I stab at thee!'

Looter gets "Distant Heart Strike":

Distant Heart Strike: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 30000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick (3 ticks)
3: Trigger Effect: Heart Seizure on Fade
4: Increase Disease Counter by 30

Heart Seizure: Self, Unresistable (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 60000
2: Stun (3.00 sec)
3: Feign Death

Diviner of Dread's Emote & Spell

Diviner of Dread says 'I foresaw that you, _____, would recognize that for what it is. It would be best if you were to throw it into the river.'

Looter gets "Future Pain":

Future Pain: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 50000

Templar of Terror's Emote & Spell

Templar of Terror says 'So, you want to take me on? That works for me. Come over here where I can get at you, _____!'

Looter gets "Grasping Hand of Terror" (NOTE: This effect pulls the looter to the temple):

Grasping Hand of Terror: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Slow Push (-300)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick
3: Increase Curse Counter by 30


After Kerchak's death and until the event's completion, Fear adds begin spawning one at a time (about one every 60-90 seconds). Adds hit for a max ~15,000. Some of them have AEs; some do not. Some are stunnable; some are not. They are not mezzable.

Fetid fiends are known to cast "Wave of Leprous Terror":

Wave of Leprous Terror: Targeted AE 80', Disease (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2800 per tick
2: Decrease Movement by 70%
3: Decrease HP when cast by 8000

Nightmares are known to cast "Black Cyclone" (random target) and "Panic" (random target):

Black Cyclone: Single Target, Magic (-17)
1: Decrease Accuracy by 210% (L1) to 1200% (L100) (60 seconds)
2: Increase Curse Counter by 1 (L1) to 34 (L100)

Panic: Single Target, Magic (0)
1: Fear up to level 0 (1 tick)

The Seven Mini Nameds

The mini nameds hit for a max ~17,500. They all have spell AEs (listed below). None of them have special melee attacks, except for Grime who single-target rampages.

They spawn one at a time. Subsequent mini named spawns happen 20 seconds after the previous mini named dies.

The Boogeymonster

Casts "Frightful Grasp" and "Boogey Root":

Frightful Grasp: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

Boogey Root: Targeted AE 100', Magic (-625)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick

The Boogeymonster has been slain by _____!
The Boogeymonster's corpse crashes to the ground.

The Frightflinger

Banishes random targets to the northwest waterfall; casts "Frightful Grasp" and "Vampiric Link":

Frightful Grasp: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

Vampiric Link: Lifetap 0', Magic (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 7000 per tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 30

The Frightflinger has been slain by _____!
The Frightflinger's corpse crashes to the ground.

The Tentacle Terror Mentor

Casts "Piercing Wound" and "Phobonull":

Piercing Wound: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 20000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick
3: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (70%)
4: Decrease Movement by 70%
5: Increase corruption counter by 30

Phobonull: Targeted AE 150', Unresistable (-625)
1: Fading Memories
2: Fading Memories
3: Fading Memories

The Tentacle Terror Mentor has been slain by _____!
The Tentacle Terror Mentor's corpse crashes to the ground.

The Thoughtleader

Casts "Forced Displacement" and "Follow the Leader":

Forced Displacement: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Shadowstep

Follow the Leader: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Charm up to level 110

The Thoughtleader has been slain by _____!
The Thoughtleader's corpse crashes to the ground.

The Turbulance Toad

Casts "Toad Terror", "Storm of Blood", and "Blood Chill":

Toad Terror: Targeted AE 100', Magic (-625)
1: Fear

Storm of Blood: PB AE 300', Magic (-625)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 15000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 18000 per tick
3: Decrease Attack Speed by 130%

Blood Chill: Targeted AE 150', Magic (-625)
1: Increase Spell Damage by 0%
2: Limit: Resist (Cold allowed)
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 800
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000 per tick
5: Increase Disease Counter by 40

The Turbulance Toad has been slain by _____!
The Turbulance Toad's corpse crashes to the ground.

The Spinefreezer Queen

Spawns adds ("a spinechiller spider" two at a time as long as she's alive); casts "Frightful Grasp" and "Spine Freeze":

Frightful Grasp: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

Spine Freeze: Targeted AE 150', Cold (-625)
1: Increase Spell Damage by 0%
2: Limit: Resist (Fire allowed)
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 800
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000 per tick
5: Increase corruption counter by 25
6: Decrease HP when cast by 25000

The Spinefreezer Queen has been slain by _____!
The Spinefreezer Queen's corpse crashes to the ground.

Grime the Amygdalan General

Casts "Frightful Grasp", "Sweeping Strike", "Rear Guard", and "Bloodburn":

Frightful Grasp: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

Sweeping Strike: Directional 50', Magic (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 40000

Rear Guard: Directional 50', Magic (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 35000
2: Knockback (5) and Toss Up (2)

Blood Burn: Targeted AE, Fire (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30000. Max: None. Calculates to current max level.

Grime, Amygdalan General has been slain by _____!
Grime, Amygdalan General's corpse crashes to the ground.

Diviner of Dread shouts 'I warned you that this would happen! The first of our defenses is down!'

This starts a 20-second timer. All four temples must be activated within 20 seconds or you'll get a wave of adds.

The Temple Lizardmen

After the glyph holders activate their temples, you'll see these emotes:

Templar of Terror shouts 'Finally, they are free to enter our temples! Come, fight us if you dare! I long to taste your blood.'

Diviner of Dread shouts 'You've interfered enough!'

Cenobite of Fear shouts 'You've interfered enough!'

Archon of Anxiety shouts 'You've interfered enough!'

You'll see the following emotes if you let too much time pass between Grime's death and temple activation:

Cenobite of Fear shouts 'Ah, they think to leave me alone, then I shall add my power to the rift! It will become permanent soon enough!'

Templar of Terror shouts 'They fear me too much to fight me. I am free to empower the gate!'

Archon of Anxiety shouts 'None of the intruders are near. I shall channel the faith of our followers into the gate!'

Diviner of Dread shouts 'I knew I would have this moment free. I shall entice power to the gate! I will bring more creatures through, which will strengthen the gate.'

For each single emote, an additional add spawns.

All four temple nameds have to be kept aggro'd and have to be kept inside their temples. They don't need to be balanced, nor do they need to be killed within any timeframe of one another, so you can kill them one by one (the kill order does not matter). You have to kill all four within 40 minutes of Grime's death.

The Archon of Anxiety, Cenobite of Fear, Diviner of Dread, and Templar of Terror all hit for a max ~19,000. They don't rampage or flurry, but each of them has some AEs.

Archon of Anxiety

Casts "Unholy Terror" and "Barrier of Terror" (which gives it the proc "Boundless Fear"):

Unholy Terror: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Root
2: Increase Curse Counter by 30
3: Hitpoints unknown calc: 1999 range: 1 -> 0
4: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)
5: Silence
6: Decrease Attack Speed by 300%

Barrier of Terror: Self 0', Unresistable (-625)
1: Add Defensive Proc: Boundless Fear rate mod 50

Boundless Fear: Single Target, (-1000)
1: Fear up to level 0

Cenobite of Fear

Casts "Shin Kick", "Blinding Whirlwind Strike", and "Distant Heart Strike":

Shin Kick: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 30000
2: Decrease Movement by 35%

Blinding Whirlwind Strike: PB AE 150', Magic (-625)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 10000
2: Blindness (1)

Distant Heart Strike: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 30000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick
3: Trigger Effect: Heart Seizure on Fade
4: Increase Disease Counter by 30

Diviner of Dread

Casts "Divine Prediction", "Future Sight", "Tunnel Vision", "Divine Horror", "Dread's Past", and "Future Pain":

Divine Prediction: Self 0', Unresistable (-625)
1: Increase Chance to Dodge by 30%

Future Sight: Self 0', Unresistable (-625)
1: Increase Chance to Dodge by 90%

Tunnel Vision: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Decrease Chance to Dodge by 1000%

Divine Horror: Single Target, Unresistable (-625)
1: Summon Pets: FEERaidSwarmPetFroglok x 3 for 25 sec

Dread's Past: PB AE 175', Magic (-625)
1: Root
2: Decrease HP when cast by 20000
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 9000 per tick

Future Pain: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 50000

Templar of Terror

Casts "Grasping Hand of Terror" and "Unholy Aura":

Grasping Hand of Terror: Single Target, Magic (-625)
1: Slow Push (-300)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick
3: Increase Curse Counter by 30

Unholy Aura: PB AE 200', Magic (-625)
1: Unknown #393 (100/-50/0)
2: Decrease HP when cast by 15000
3: Reverse Damage Shield (-300)

Archon of Anxiety has been slain by _____!
Archon of Anxiety's corpse twists and shivers as it collapses to the ground.

Cenobite of Fear has been slain by _____!
Cenobite of Fear's corpse twists and shivers as it collapses to the ground.

Diviner of Dread has been slain by _____!
Diviner of Dread's corpse twists and shivers as it collapses to the ground.

Templar of Terror has been slain by _____!
Templar of Terror's corpse twists and shivers as it collapses to the ground.

Once all four temple lizardmen are dead, an ornate chest spawns on the large ramp.

Failure & Reset

If Kerchak is aggro'd and then left idle for more than 10-15 seconds, the event resets. If any of the seven mini named are left idle for more than 60-90 seconds (exact timer unknown), the event resets. If all four temple lizardmen are left idle for more than 60-90 seconds (exact timer unknown) after they've already been aggro'd, the event resets with the emote:

The nightmare before you fades, only to slowly reform again.

At this point, everything (including the trash mobs) respawns.


Loot includes 2 Enigmatic Remnants (first list) + 3 other items (second list) + 4 Tangible Dream Fragments (any type) + 0-1 Lucid Globe of Phantasmic Power (cultural aug):

Enigmatic Remnant of Desire
Enigmatic Remnant of Devotion
Enigmatic Remnant of Fear
Enigmatic Remnant of Greed (most common)
Enigmatic Remnant of Knowledge
Enigmatic Remnant of Survival (most common)
Enigmatic Remnant of Truth (most common) (see this armor guide for more information)

Dreadiron Knuckles
Dreadiron Shield
Fogpearl Belt
Fogpearl Cape
Fogpearl Earring
Fogpearl Gorget
Fogpearl Ring
Rusted Icon of Cazic Thule
Rustiron Mask
Rustiron Pauldrons
Rustiron Ring
Shrunken Skull
Silverwing Earring
Wand of Uncertain Dreams

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Spawn Locations
# Sep 27 2020 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
Add these locations to "Feerrott2_3" from your notepad. Close and save.
Then on the map click the "Current Zone" button at the lower left corner
to update in or outside of zone.

Included is a Red Line representing the bottom of each ramp leading to the named spawns.

L -323.5873, 824.9084, -4.6652, -323.0014, 845.8871, -4.6652, 240, 0, 0
L -255.9786, 610.3369, 41.5246, -256.3216, 592.7382, 42.0203, 240, 0, 0
L -132.5148, 826.3870, -4.8469, -132.2837, 843.1340, -3.7423, 240, 0, 0
L 167.0686, 1009.4358, -4.4635, 185.6188, 1009.2037, -4.4635, 240, 0, 0
P -314.3913, 603.3097, 79.0442, 240, 0, 0, 3, TERROR
P -387.7617, 834.8121, 32.7068, 240, 0, 0, 3, FEAR
P -64.7132, 834.3041, 32.7150, 240, 0, 0, 3, ANXIETY
P 175.8618, 1075.3523, 32.8575, 240, 0, 0, 3, DREAD
P -65.7992, 1121.0332, 44.3081, 240, 0, 0, 2, NAMED

Edited, Sep 27th 2020 3:19pm by Zolmazz
Impossible to solo; probably impossible to box
# Sep 12 2020 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
3,021 posts
This raid canNOT be solo'd, or molo'd (no mercs allowed), because of the need to have four players go to the top of 4 temples simultaneously. The temples are far enough apart that there is no physical way for fewer than four characters to handle this challenge.

I doubt it can even be boxed without use of cheat programs. You'd have to be able to have boxed toons move on their own and that would require cheats.

There is an informative YouTube video, EVERQUEST - The Heroic Team # 67 - Ritual of Terror Raid (House of Thule) showing a guild doing it with about 20 level 110-115 players. Killing all the mobs is not big deal, altho they are capable of banishing and death-touching and you see it happening in the video. It's coordinating the final steps involving handing out the right runes to players who then have to go up the ramps to the right temples and all at the same moment.

This is amazing because the raid AFTER this one is easy to box and definitely could be solo'd by classes that generally solo well. It doesn't make sense that such a hard raid would be the first one in raid progression for this expansion. But that's the way it is.

MAYBE, just maybe, you could creep up all 4 boxed toons one by one slowly to the very edge of the trigger area at the top of each temple and then push them all forward sequentially so quickly that the game engine reads the result as simultaneous. I'd be curious if any boxer has ever accomplished that. Because if that part can be done, killing the 4 nameds is not difficult for a good well-geared boxer.

Edited, Sep 27th 2020 5:41pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Wrong Bloodburn
# Apr 24 2020 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
The Bloodburn cast by Grime is spell ID 12138, a fire based 30k AE, building off the debuff cast by the Queen
# Sep 09 2017 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
How exactly do you activate the glyphs? There is no click mechanism on them.
# Jun 02 2019 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
You are correct, they aren't clickable. They aren't true "clickies".

The 4 people with the glyphs on them have to run up to the named mobs that match their glyphs at the same time to "activate" the glyphs and bring down the auras. So it is a timed location update on the 4 glyphs to activate them, not clicking on them.
# May 26 2017 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
61 posts
Can someone comment as to how soloable this is at 105? or with a Duo group?

notes on mez / charm
# Sep 06 2011 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Tried charming tonight and thought I'd share. I didn't test every add but I will edit as I learn more. If anyone can add their experiences to this list it would be useful.

Charmable: a disciple of Fear, a servant of Fear, a nitghtmare.
Mezzable: a disciple of Fear, a servant of Fear, a fetid fiend, a spinechiller spider.
Temple Lizardman
# Apr 10 2011 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Is there a specific order to kill them in that works best?
# Jan 18 2011 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
Some info from what I've gathered some far.

When you first zone in, there's lots of lizard men up. Kill them, and eventually get an emote saying they're leaving and they flee.

"The Tae Ew not afraid of you anymore! Do not need leadersss that tell us to die for them. We leave! You fight for lossst god of Fear, we go home."

They come in waves of 5, one brown and four green, and are mezzable.

After this you start phase 2. The first mob up is a giant monkey named "Kerchak"
He casts "<Gorilla Throw>", "<Gorilla Roar>", & "<Gorilla Glare>". One of these is a mem blur, so he switches agro frequently. One is a silence, and one is some sort of AE.

After he is dead, the mini's start coming. They come about every 20 seconds after the previous one dies.
One add will also come. These adds are non mezzable.

After the last mini dies, adds continue to come. If you leave the main bosses unagroed, the adds will multiply. About one minute after the first mini dies, two will start to come. Then another minute, three, so on and so forth. After about four were spawning, it seemed like the rate increased.

You get this emote when the number adds spawning increases.

"Cenobite of Fear shouts 'Ah, they think to leave me alone, then I shall add my power to the rift! It will become permanent soon enough!'
Templar of Terror shouts 'They fear me too much to fight me. I am free to empower the gate!'
Archon of Anxiety shouts 'None of the intruders are near. I shall channel the faith of our followers into the gate!'
Diviner of Dread shouts 'I knew I would have this moment free. I shall entice power to the gate! I will bring more creatures through, which will strengthen the gate.'"

Info gathered on mini's.

The Boogeymonster casts.. "<Boogey Root>" which appears to be an ae root.

The Frightflinger casts.. "<Frightful Grasp>", "<Vampiric Link>", and also banishes someone across the zone given by this emote... "The Frightflinger flicks <name> across the forest."

The Tentacle Terror Mentor casts.. "<Frightful Grasp>", "<Piercing Wound>",&"<Phobonull>".
The Terror Mentor will periodically attack those at the rear, with this emote...
"The Terror Mentor roars and turns on those attacking if from the rear!"

The Thoughtleader casts.. "<Forced Displacement>",& "<Follow the Leader>".

The Turbulance Toad casts.. "<Toad Terror>", "<Blood Chill>",& "<Storm of Blood>". One of these is an ae mana drain, this mobs should be burned.

The Spinefreezer Queen casts.. "<Frightful Grasp>",& "<Spine Freeze>".
"The Spinefreezer Queen" spawns little adds, "A spinechiller spider"... These seemed to be the only mezzable adds during the whole event other than the lizards at the beginning.

Grime, Amygdalan General casts.. "<Bloodburn>", "<Frightful Grasp>", "<Rear Guard>",& "<Sweeping Strike>".

Edited, Jan 18th 2011 11:47pm by ElfarranVA
Let's start the ball rollin!
# Dec 19 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
I know that a lot of the high end guilds are ultra competitive and thus secretive, but I think its about time the rest of us start sharing info on this raid. Haven't beat it yet, or really got that far, but we have started to learn a few things.

-At some point, we think about 2 hours (we didnt actually time it but that seemed about right), All the trash mobs in the zone respawn.

-When you engage the giant monkey, he summons some mobs around him. What we are still trying to figure out is if this summon has anything at all to do with leaving mobs up in the zone or not. We did not try and fully clear the zone last time, so we will this time and see if he still summons.

Our last raid on this was pre-fix, but based off the notes from absor none of these elements were changed.
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