Silver Blade of Thunder  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Tue Jul 30 19:40:08 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    The quest requires the following:

    1. Ally faction with Residents of Jaggedpine and/or Protectors of Pine. This requires about 10-15 hours of factioning on Darkpaw Gnolls and/or Poachers in Jaggedpine zone.

    2. Kill "an unkempt fanatic." Fanatic is a mob in the Rathe Mountains, at the unkempt druid ring near Lake Rathe zoneline. She is a level 52 druid. I was totally unable to snare her. She had on a large DS. We killed her with about 8 people most of whom were in their low 50s, and me, a 58 Ranger. She had very lazy agro and I was not able to pull her. With resists around 100 I resisted all of her spells. She did not resist Earthcall. She dropped (only)
    Tome of Thunder, MAGIC LORE NO TRADE, no stats. Ranger/Rogue/Bard, Karana.
    Unknown spawn time, but was up first time I checked.

    3. Kill "The Deathrot Knight," which is a new level 63 SK in Hate. I'm not sure of location since he actually was trained to us, at zone in, but I tracked him immediately at zone-in and I believe he's first floor. With all the mobs that came with him, He killed about half of our raid force, which was 40 players, fairly well balanced, average level upper 50s. I don't believe he had any special attacks/procs. I don't believe his resists were terribly high following malo. He hits at least in the mid 100s and possibly 200s. He drops (only)
    Silver Blade of Rot, MAGIC LORE NO TRADE, 1HS, Dark Elf Warrior & SK, Innoruuk. 17/35, 10AC, +10STR -10DEX +10STA -10CHA -10WIS +5INT -10AGI +5MR -15PR -15DR.
    Unknown respawn time; was up my first visit to Hate after Jaggedpine opened.

    4. Kill "Ikurenm the Sly" in the front castle area in the Hole. It is an imp, and is located in the front most room behind the balcony, one level below the bridge. Very easy to find; just go in the door past the dropoff and work your way up three or four levels from there. Rumor has that it's 52. It was a dark blue con to a 59 druid. Loot: Essence of Thunder.

    5. Kill Zrithsadioun, a rare gnoll necro, level 50ish, in South Karana. Rumor has it that he wanders the northern half of the zone and is observed at least once daily. Loot: Voice of Karana.

    Many thanks to those who helped me to get this far, especially Vova and the entire Science of War guild on Stormhammer.

    Quest text follows:

    You say, 'Hail, Kaithys Galestrider'

    Kaithys Galestrider closes his eyes and gives a mid-bow of his head toward Malvesti, 'Greetings, traveler. It is an honor to be reunited with our kindred of the outside world of Norrath, and a great pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Kaithys Galestrider, citizen and formerly one of many dedicated protectors of the Jaggedpine. Alas, the cycle of life has grown gray in this once vibrant body. Aaaah. . . but do not think that my spirit has grown weary as this body, dear child. I still retain a will of iron and my wisdom has only strengthened with the passing of time. [I still hold a great knowledge] unique to this old mind and my dedication toward this forest and our people is quite strong yet. Do not underestimate the power of sheer will, child, for it can be more cunning and deadly than even the sharpest of blades wielded by the mightiest of warriors.'

    You say, 'What great knowledge do you hold?'

    Kaithys Galestrider gives a brief grumble and harshly clears his throat before speaking in his rough, strong voice, 'All citizens of the Throne of Karana's Thunder will learn to uphold an artisan skill of some sort when they come of age. This is the necessity of those of us who have lived for so long in solitude -- cut off from the outside world and left to our own for existence. In conjunction with my former duties as a ranger of the Jaggedpine, I was found to be adept in the art of blacksmithing. My mentor, who has passed beyond into the great storm of Karana's Eye, taught me the ancient rites and magics used by those of nature's ward to enhance the quality of our products wielded by our scouts. Unfortunately, I am at a loss to continue production of these weapons, as they are in great need since the arrival of our most unexpected [threat].'

    You say, 'What threat?'

    Kaithys Galestrider clears his throat and makes a motion with his strong arm toward the west, 'The gnolls of Blackburrow dug their way to our forest. Their reasons are apparently 'holy' ones for their kind as they were in search of the ancient shrine of Brell Serilis that was built by the dwarves in secrecy. . . how many years ago I am not certain of. Where the dwarves went and why, again I don't know. In any case, these 'questors' of their earthen deity have taken it upon themselves to make routine attacks on our home. I suppose they feel that if the shrine is now theirs, that the forest above should as well be their personal playing ground. Not that we care so much if the gnolls wish to pay homage to their god, mind you, but their intrusion here is far beyond a nuisance and inconvenience for with them came much more worrisome [turmoil].'

    You say, 'What turmoil?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'Much more has come through the gnoll-dug tunnel than the gnolls and their attacks upon our home. The vile criminals of your world have followed the gnolls' heels and infected our land with their greedy lusts for wealth. It seems that one cannot walk the forest without finding a rotting, half-skinned corpse of one of our sacred beasts anymore. They kill for profit -- not for necessity, and they do it endlessly it seems. Many of our scouts have seen dark figures moving in and out of the tunnels leading to Blackburrow and our brethren in Surefall Glade have been kind enough to inform us that these poachers and thieves are selling their prizes on the underground market of Norrath. But their greed does not end at the poaching of wild beasts, for they have taken an [interest] in our ways as well. . . something that will one day prove to be a great misfortune for them.''

    You say, 'What interest?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'As I have already said, the poachers seek profit, wealth, and infamy among the goodly citizens of your world -- and now ours. Like infectious parasites, they feed off of the recognition of their names and the fear that comes to those innocents who are cursed with their attentions. The way they earn this infamy is to directly assault those who would remember them and in this case, it is the Throne of Karana's Thunder that they have turned to in order to quench that venomous desire of theirs. They have raided the village and many of our brothers and sisters, stealing what they can that might fetch some price on their criminal's market. However, it has become a much more dangerous situation than mere thieving of family heirlooms -- we fear that they are unwittingly [aiding a much greater threat] to all protectors of the natural order.''

    You say, 'How are they aiding a much greater threat?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'One of the items stolen in the recent raids was a priceless and sacred tome -- the Tome of Thunder. This ancient tome was scribed by the first of our druids many centuries ago, when the Throne of Karana's Thunder and the Shrine of Karana were constructed. This tome detailed the legend of Karana, the legend of our people and the creation of these still standing monuments that act as a testament of The Rainkeeper's power and his influence among us. Our efforts to relocate the tome were proven unsuccessful until the aid of the Qeynos loyalists came to our side. A scout of the Jaggedpine Treefolk came across some information and his [report] is most disturbing if proven to be the true fate of the Tome of Thunder.''

    You say, 'What report?'

    Kaithys Galestrider sighs and shakes his head in further display of his disappointment, 'It seems that the Tome of Thunder was something commissioned to be stolen -- that one who knew of the poachers and their recent activities in the Jaggedpine paid these criminals to steal this specific tome. The scout believes to have found the individual, or [group] rather, that sought and likely now holds the tome and if my suspicions are correct, then it does not bode well for all that pay homage to the sacred protection of nature.'

    You say, 'What group?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'The scout believes them to be a cult of militant, brutal, and viscous so-called druids and rangers who have resided in the planes of Karana and the Mountains of Rathe for decades now. This group calls themselves the Unkempt Druids -- but they are false bearers of the Unkempt name, my friend. The true Unkempt reside in solitude to the east in the Unkempt Wood, sealed off from the rest of the world as we were for so long. This is as much a blessing as it is unfortunate for the true unkempt are far more feral and dangerous than any ignorant cultists of your world could even dream to be. What these imposters wish with the Tome of Thunder we have to discover -- but the fact that they exist at all is the danger. We have worked long and hard to keep the unkempt ways unique to their inaccessible territory but this news that the unkempt philosophies, if only a small part of them, have reached the interest of outsiders is very [troubling].''

    You say, 'Why is it troubling?'

    Kaithys Galestrider coughs hard for a moment and then clears his throat, the old man's attentions clearly caught off-guard and his eyes wide with surprise, 'Why is this troubling, you ask?! Any who serves nature -- any part of it be them of the Mother of All or The Rainkeeper must realize that the [philosophies] and ways of the unkempt are not only the ways of chaotic, brutal, viscous, and murderous killers who hold no remorse for their actions against their fellow homid kin, but their ways are one of the greatest threats to ours. They have immersed themselves in the chaos of nature -- acting like a pack of wild, frenzied wolves that will kill any that stumbles into their territory, as well as their own kind when it is deemed 'necessary'. They are feral and wild, believing all semblance of civilization to be blasphemous to the protection of nature and they despise those like you and I because we accept and embrace our culture and use it as a part of our path.'

    You say, 'What are their philosophies?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'To be honest, we know very little about the unkempt as they are not ones to openly share their ways with outsiders in the civil manner of words. What we do know, however, is that where we try to accept and teach all who would lend ear the importance of the natural world -- allowing them to continue their culture and civilization in a way that would not disturb the precious and delicate order and balance of nature, the Unkempt hold a much different outlook. They would see any who give recognition or pledge any fealty to civilization or culture as enemies and thus, they would and will exterminate them. Well. . . so is the perception, in any case. However, we do know that the true unkempt have [no desire to leave their woods] leaving the only explanation for those beyond the Unkempt Woods' boundaries to be impostors.''

    You say, 'Why do they have no desire to leave their woods?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'We are not certain, but I believe that they are content where they lay. The true unkempt do not show the desire to convert the other orders dedicated to the preservation of nature to their ways through any mass scale mission. Much of this recluse nature is likely a result of the strong influence of the Tribes of the Dawn and the Moon. To be honest, the barricades keeping the unkempt sealed from the Jaggedpine were set in-place with the desire to keep our young, curious, and strong-headed rangers and druids from venturing into the territory. There was also an element of desire to keep the inhabitants of the forest there, for although they may not seem the missionary types, figuratively speaking of course, their ways may very well escape the confines of the Unkempt Wood and many thirsty and curious young druids and rangers might find themselves seduced by the allure and mystery of the Unkempt ways. Unfortunately, it seems that our efforts have [proven to be in vain].''

    You say, 'How have they proven to be in vain?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'If what the scout of the glade says is true and the presence of unkempt cultists is indeed a reality then somehow the philosophies or some semblance of them have leaked out into the world. I sincerely doubt that their naming convention is but a coincidence. The true unkempt pay homage to the Mother of All exclusively, although they do so not within the traditional methods of worship and reverence. From what we have gathered, they view her as a spiritual manifestation of the cycle and balance of the natural world -- the divine force that ultimately fuses the delicate balance between life and death, creation and destruction together. That is why it is so difficult to understand why these cultists would want our tome. Perhaps they were misinformed by the one who had introduced them to the path of the unkempt. In any case, despite their reasons for reaving it into their possession, the tome must be [returned] to us.''

    You say, 'i will return the tome.'

    Kaithys Galestrider furrows his heavy, wrinkled brow as he carefully studies you, 'If you believe you can brave such an endeavor, child, then I am willing to accept the offering of your services to us. The scout of the glade tracked the tome as far as the Mountains of Rathe. I would suggest that be the start of your search. Once you have retrieved the tome, return it to me with haste. We do not want you to be followed or any unnecessary attention being brought to us. When and if you return with the tome, I shall see what I can do to reward your efforts, but without the tome, I fear that my talents are of little use to one of your caliber. But mind you, child, a scout of The Rainkeeper may only use the reward I can provide -- the scouts I refer to are the rangers, rogues and bards who have dedicated themselves to the laws of the storm. If you cannot complete this task without reward and are unable to wield that which I can provide, then move along and know that I bear you no ill will for doing so.'

    Turn in Tome of Thunder from an unkempt fanatic to Kaithys Galestrider. You receive a Writ of Thunder, same stats as Tome of Thunder but looks like a parchement scroll.

    Kaithys Galestrider examines the tome carefully, running his callused hands over the cover and spine and flipping through the ancient parchement within, 'Yes...nicely done, child. It is in miraculous condition for the recent fate that befell it. I am indebted to you and have the noblest intentions to repay your efforts. However, whilst you were away, my smithy was raided and most of my needed supplies to create the item I think a suitable reward for your efforts were stolen by the poachers. I will need to retrieve one of the [key materials] and take it with the Writ of Thunder to my assistant, Gurrin Nitestorm who you may find in the Surefall Glade.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You say, 'What key materials?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'There is a blade, a cursed blade that I have held onto for many years now. Until Gurrin came of age and his skills in blacksmithing and his druidic magics had matured, I was unable to purify the curse and use the blade to create one of my finest creations yet. That weapon is the Blade of Rot -- a weapon that I procured during one of my finer moments as a young adventurer. You see, before the Jaggedpine was sealed, I had frequently left the confines of the forest in search of adventure and my own curiosity of the unknown world guided me. Shortly before the Jaggedpine was sealed, one of my companions stumbled upon a spell that would create a mysterious gateway to an unknown place. Of course, we were foolhardy and arrogant in our ways, so naturally we encouraged our wizard, Yanous, to create the gateway so that we might scout what lies beyond in the unknown. Little did we know the [horrible danger] we had brought upon ourselves.''

    You say, 'What horrible danger?'

    Kaithys Galestrider chuckles hoarsely to himself in fond remembrance of his youth, 'We, a group of able, adept, and arrogant adventurers found ourselves in a maelstrom of darkness, chaos, and hate. Aye, my child, we had miraculously found and foolishly walked through a gateway that led to the astral realm of the Prince of Hate. Awestruck, excited, and justly frightened, we dispelled any thoughts to turning away and readied our blades and minds for the battles of our young lives. After all, how could we turn away? This was a true adventure -- to be in the midst of the danger of dangers and engage in the battle of battles. We fought for what seemed to be eons; undead after undead and priest after priest -- each one falling to a torrent of blades and woven magical energies. We emerged victorious through even the seemingly impossible battles and then as we readied our blades for yet another planar villain, the [tides were turned].'

    Nolan Greenwood begins to cast a spell.

    You say, 'How were the tides turned?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says '''Till the day that the Eye of Karana's Storm takes me, I will never forget the sight that fell before us. An unnatural behemoth; a monster of steel, bone, and flesh stood before us. Its blue-black flesh was like a sheet of silk stretched over unnaturally formed muscles beneath an exoskeleton of bone and steel-plated armor. The armor child, the armor breathed! It pulsed with life. . . or death, and it moved -- slithering around its host's form like cloth churned by a gentle breeze. Clutched in one of its massive talons was the twisted length of steel and bone, which it wielded with a grace I've yet to see surpassed and the deadly force of Innoruuk's very hatred. We engaged this agent of hate -- this nemesis of life for what seemed an immeasurable limit of time. All that I can remember are the deafening, monstrous roars bellowed by the knight and the blaze of steel, blood, and flesh that danced around us in the peril we engaged. [Victory] seemed impossible.''

    You say, 'How were you victorious?'

    Kaithys Galestrider sighs, his demeanor now strikingly seriously, 'In the finest aspect of the world -- aye, we ultimately defeated the monster but not without consequence. My brother both in blood and in arms fell, as did our enchantress and my beloved, Malyrie. We could not save them. . . I still remember Malyrie's calling to me; pleading for us to flee and leave her to hold off the rushing hoards of Innoruuk's servants that sought to avenge their fallen champion. Yanous, a Koada'Dal wizard who I believe still lives but whom I have not seen in decades, fell upon instinct and phased us away from that place of death and hate. I can only assume that Malyrie perished shortly thereafter, and my brother's corpse was never laid to a proper burial. However, I was able to recover the massive [blade] that the knight wielded -- I don't know why exactly I recovered it, but it was a force strangely like a foreign instinct that forced me to take it up from the ground.'

    You say, 'What is the blade?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'When we returned to the Jaggedpine and several weeks after the mourning of our departed loved ones, I took the liberty of inspecting the blade carefully. It was a curious item, although saturated with the corruption and evil of the very seething hatred that inspires all of Innoruuk's creations. Through extensive research and Yanous' aid, I was able to determine that the blade was tied to the Deathrot Knight -- the creature that wielded the blade, but it was fading, attempting to return to the divine realm that it was forged in. Yanous placed an enchantment upon the weapon to keep the corruption dormant and its 'consciousness' at bay, so long as the weapon remained within the confines of the Jaggedpine. Unfortunately, [Yanous was unable to purge the corruption] from the blade entirely and we felt it wise to not speak its presence to the elder priests whom might have been able to do that which Yanous was unable.''

    You say, 'Why was Yanous unable to purge the corruption?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'Though his powers as a wizard are great, his knowledge did not reach far enough into the occult and the spiritual realms of divine magic. He did what he could and it was more than enough for the time being. As I have already said, I have been waiting patiently for my assistant and apprentice to come of age and mature in his priestly power before I attempted to make proper use of this blade in honor of my brother and beloved's demise. But, the blade was stolen before I was able to present it in secret to Gurrin and I fear that it may have returned to the realm of hate and the Deathrot Knight may again be in existence. We must have the blade returned and the only way you can do this is to venture to the plane of hate and destroy the Deathrot Knight. You must return the blade to Gurrin with the Writ of Thunder and we shall be able to complete what was intended all those years ago.''

    Kill the Deathrot Knight in Hate as described in 3. above. Loot the Blade of Rot.

    Gurrin Nitestorm is a new Surefall Glade NPC who spawns near the waterfall behind the Ranger guild hall. Give him the Writ and the Blade.

    Gurrin Nitestorm examines the blade carefully, his manner seeming distant -- as if he were in a trance. The druid then turns to the ancient scroll and slowly begins to read the ancient druidic runes; his voice a soft chant and the rhythm of his incantation slow and powerful. As Gurrin weaves his spell the blade in his hands begins to bleed from the red gem in the hilt, which drains its color as the corruption is purged from its very nature. By the end of the druid's spell the gem in the blade is pure and white and the blade itself seems to have been altered -- sentient and purged of all evil. Gurrin extends the blade to Malvesti, 'The corruption is no more, although the essence of the blade has been returned to the powers that forged it. The Deathrot Knight will exist again and that I cannot change. However, the blade has been set upon a new path and all it needs now is a proper hand and will to [guide] it.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    The blade is
    Purified Silver Blade MAGIC LORE NO TRADE
    1HS 10/35
    AC5, MANA10, SVM5

    You say, 'i will guide it.'

    Gurrin Nitestorm says 'Indeed, my friend. It seems that Kaithys has chosen you to do so and I shall do what I can to abide by his wishes. I would advise that you return to Kaithys and show him the purified blade. He knows much better than I what stones must now be overturned for his intentions of you to be properly fulfilled.'

    Returning the Blade to Kaithys in Jaggedpine:

    Kaithys Galestrider takes the blade and intently examines it. Satisfied with the purified quality, he nods to himself and proceeds to remove the gem from the hilt of the blade before returning it to Malvesti, 'You will need to seek out two items and return them to me. Those items are the Essence of Thunder and the Voice of Karana. The essence you will find in The Hole where one known as Ikurenm the Sly resides. Some time ago, before my initial acquisition of the blade, this imp stole the sacred rune from my mentor and only now are we able to retrieve it for its purpose has now reached its dawn. The second item, the Voice of Karana, you will find in the possession of Zrithsadioun, who wanders the plains of Southern Karana. Zrithsadioun is one of the plague worshiping gnolls of Infected Paw who is so twisted and vile that even his own people have cast him out. Very recently, one of our scouts overheard the gnolls of the shrine discussing a recent loss of their stolen bounty. One of the items that were stolen from them wa

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    (Note that the last sentence in his text is incomplete.)

    He returns to you a different Purified Silver Blade:
    Capacity 2, includes a COMBINE button

    You need to get the Essence of Thunder, which drops from Ikurenm the Sly in the Hole, and the Voice of Karana, which drops from Zrathsadioun in Southern Karana. Give them to Kaithys.

    Kaithys Galestrider takes the hollow, smoky orb in one hand and the tiny wooden charm in the other. Slowly, the ancient ranger begins to speak in an unknown dialect. His chant causes the small charm to glow and the air around you to begin to sway in a gentle, chilled breeze. The scent of the storm fills your nostrils as the magical zephyr begins to rage, simulating the coming of a powerful tempest. The old ranger's voice booms out beyond the tempest gale and suddenly, he forces both of his hands together, sealing the small wooden charm of Karana's divine voice into the orb. The magical storm steadily fades as the two pieces are conjoined and handed to Trod, 'This is the Orb of Thunder. Place it within the hilt where the gem had once been and your task will be complete and your reward fulfilled. It has been a pleasure and I thank you for all that you have endeavored to aid me in completing this near half a century long goal of mine. May it serve you well, my friend.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    Receive Orb of Thunder.

    Combine Orb of Thunder in the Purified Silver Blade to receive the final item, Silver Blade of Thunder.
    Submitted by: Malvesti
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    Post Comment
    # Aug 12 2017 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
    278 posts
    [Sat Aug 12 22:05:15 2017] Kaithys Galestrider examines the tome carefully, running his callused hands over the cover and spine and carefully flipping through the ancient parchment within, 'Yes... nicely done, child. It is in miraculous condition for the recent fate that befell it. I am indebted to you and have the noblest of intentions to repay your efforts. However, whilst you were away, my smithy was raided and most of my needed supplies to create the item I think a suitable reward for your efforts were stolen by the poachers. I will need you to retrieve one of the [key materials] and take it with the Writ of Thunder to my assistant, Gurrin Nitestorm who you may find in the Surefall Glade.'
    [Sat Aug 12 22:05:15 2017] Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:05:15 2017] Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:05:15 2017] Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:05:15 2017] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:05:15 2017] You gain experience!

    [Sat Aug 12 22:07:58 2017] Gurrin Nitestorm examines the blade. His manner is distant -- as if he were in a trance. He unfurls the ancient scroll and reads the ancient druidic runes in a soft chant. The blade in his hand bleeds from the red gem in the hilt, draining its color as the corruption is purged. By the end of the druid's spell, the gem in the blade is pure and white. Gurrin extends the blade to you, 'The corruption is no more, although the essence of the blade has returned to the powers that forged it. The Deathrot Knight will exist again and that I cannot change. However, the blade has been set upon a new path and all it needs now is a proper hand to [guide it:I will guide it.].'
    [Sat Aug 12 22:07:58 2017] Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:07:58 2017] Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:07:58 2017] Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:07:58 2017] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    [Sat Aug 12 22:09:26 2017] Kaithys Galestrider takes the blade and intently examines it. Satisfied with the purified quality, he nods to himself and proceeds to remove the gem from the hilt of the blade before returning it to Downz, 'You will need to seek out two items and return them to me. Those items are the Essence of Thunder and the Voice of Karana. The essence you will find in The Hole where one known as Ikurenm the Sly resides. Some time ago, before my initial acquisition of the blade, this imp stole the sacred rune from my mentor and only now are we able to retrieve it for its purpose has now reached its dawn. The second item, the Voice of Karana, you will find in the possession of Zrithsadioun the Tainted who wanders the planes of Southern Karana. Zrithsadioun is one of the plague worshiping gnolls of Infected Paw who is so twisted and vile that even his own people have cast him out. Very recently, one of our scouts overheard the gnolls of the shrine discussing a recent loss of their stolen bounty. One of the items that were stolen from them wa
    [Sat Aug 12 22:09:26 2017] Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:09:26 2017] Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:09:26 2017] Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:09:26 2017] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    [Sat Aug 12 22:10:01 2017] Kaithys Galestrider takes the hollow, smoky orb in one hand and the tiny wooden charm in the other. Slowly, the ancient ranger begins to speak in an unknown dialect. His chant causes the small charm to glow and the air around you to begin to sway in a gentle, chilled breeze. The scent of the storm fills your nostrils as the magical zephyr begins to rage, simulating the coming of a powerful tempest. The old ranger's voice booms out beyond the tempest gale and suddenly, he forces both of his hands together, sealing the small wooden charm of Karana's divine voice into the orb. The magical storm steadily fades as the two pieces are conjoined and handed to Downz, 'This is the Orb of Thunder. Place it within the hilt where the gem had once been and your task will be complete and your reward fulfilled. It has been a pleasure and I thank you for all that you have endeavored to aid me in completing this near half a century long goal of mine. May it serve you well, my friend.'
    [Sat Aug 12 22:10:01 2017] Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:10:01 2017] Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:10:01 2017] Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:10:01 2017] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Aug 12 22:10:01 2017] You gain experience!
    what up
    # Nov 13 2015 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    whats up with this quest? cant go past spot where kalthys says "what turmoil" :(
    what up
    # Dec 24 2015 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    sigh....this quest still bugged
    what up
    # Nov 15 2015 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    mpsams wrote:
    whats up with this quest? cant go past spot where kalthys says "what turmoil" :(

    Are you playing on time-locked progression? We have this quest flagged as Luclin era.
    what up
    # Nov 24 2015 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    on vox with ranger
    what up
    # Nov 25 2015 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    mpsams wrote:
    whats up with this quest? cant go past spot where kalthys says "what turmoil" :(

    mpsams wrote:
    on vox with ranger

    Are you getting any sort of response from the NPC? (to help determine if it is a faction issue vs. a quest bug).
    what up
    # Nov 26 2015 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    everytime u get to part where he says (turmoil) it wont give no more quotes to go farthur. I have ally faction with kaithys. Thx for your time and help
    # Jul 07 2012 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
    770 posts
    You need to get the Essence of Thunder, which drops from Ikurenm the Sly in the Hole, and the Voice of Karana, which drops from Zrathsadioun the Tainted (in Southern Karana. Give them to Kaithys and she will give you back the Orb of Karana, which you then put in the sword and hit combine to get the final sword.

    Upon giving the Essence of Thunder and the Voice of Karana to Kaithys:

    [Sat Jul 07 19:44:29 2012] Kaithys Galestrider takes the hollow, smoky orb in one hand and the tiny wooden charm in the other. Slowly, the ancient ranger begins to speak in an unknown dialect. His chant causes the small charm to glow and the air around you to begin to sway in a gentle, chilled breeze. The scent of the storm fills your nostrils as the magical zephyr begins to rage, simulating the coming of a powerful tempest. The old ranger's voice booms out beyond the tempest gale and suddenly, he forces both of his hands together, sealing the small wooden charm of Karana's divine voice into the orb. The magical storm steadily fades as the two pieces are conjoined and handed to Trod, 'This is the Orb of Thunder. Place it within the hilt where the gem had once been and your task will be complete and your reward fulfilled. It has been a pleasure and I thank you for all that you have endeavored to aid me in completing this near half a century long goal of mine. May it serve you well, my friend.'
    [Sat Jul 07 19:44:29 2012] Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.
    [Sat Jul 07 19:44:29 2012] Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk could not possibly get any better.
    [Sat Jul 07 19:44:29 2012] Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine got better.
    [Sat Jul 07 19:44:29 2012] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos could not possibly get any better.

    Receive Orb of Thunder.

    Combine Orb of Thunder in the Purified Silver Blade to receive the final item, Silver Blade of Thunder.
    Completed #8
    # May 31 2009 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    Yep for my 8th completion and mostly for tribute for my guild. Hardest is the factioning which took a long time the most lengthy part of the whole endevor. to date Sly has always been up. todate the unkempt has always been up. Twice the Deathrot knight hasnt been up but after a place holder and a day has always been up. the worst part of the quest after factioning is the big Z in SK. ive checked there countless times and not had him on track uncountless times. im testing a theory of entering sk at night. so far if you sit in the zone ( and ive done it...ive even ran the cycles without him showing up). Every single time ive found him up the zone was a fresh entering and ive had him on track from the bridge
    completed 09/29/07
    # Sep 28 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
    204 posts
    completed as a 67th Agnostic Bard. factioning took a long time, mostly done at poachers camp. once i got up to warmly, i sang Cindra's charismatic carrilion on Kathys to get up to ally. beware, you must be ally with Gurrin as well to complete the quest.
    Don't have to be Karana Follower
    # Nov 01 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
    I completed this quest on 31 October 2004 and I am not a Karana follower. I am WE Ranger who follows Tunare and I do have ally faction to Residents of Jaggedpine Forest. The sword is 15000+ tribute for those that want to use it for that. Enjoy, hope this helps others who wonder if you can do it without following Karana.

    Edited, Mon Nov 1 18:13:28 2004
    Don't have to be Karana Follower
    # Mar 05 2007 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
    Yea..can be done without following Karana...I finished this quest 3 days ago as a Human Monk who follows Quellious..just need ally faction (which happens to be the hardest part of the quest IMO).
    Don't have to be Karana Follower
    # Jan 30 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
    141 posts
    I'm an Ogre Warrior of Rallos Zek with max ally to Residents of Jaggedpine and I did this combine today 01-30-2007.
    Roommate's original account hijacked by Beahr
    Area52 - Beahr
    MQ- availabe
    # Sep 08 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
    I have the voice of karana piece on morell-thule on Jeevess if anyone needs within the next week or two send me a tell , am checking everything no drop in my bank space and making room , as the message above states, essence of thunder & voice of karana , havent tried an mq of it as of yet but will post if it works .

    Jeevess 65 Druid Morell-Thule
    Daplane 57 Druid Morden Rasp
    Flabby 55 Warrior MT
    Gillun 55 Cleric MT
    # Jun 25 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
    145 posts
    who makes a a rogue that worships Karana...
    RE: weapon
    # Nov 23 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
    Um Halfers i believe. I know their rangers worship him at least.
    Horrible Zone
    # May 16 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Default
    Heh, you know I had some hope for this new zone when I saw this quest and I even managed to get the sword from PoHate for it but now you have to worship a certain deity to finish it? I can say without a doubt whoever made this zone deserves the biggest beating of his like or most likely her life. Overcon mobs that give hardly any exp, lousy quests, and new scowling mobs that spawn all over norrath to kill unsuspecting newbies. ***** you Sony...

    Liveye (lvl 65 Wizard)
    # Apr 30 2004 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
    Killed this named Gnoll today he follows a continous running pattern. That is to say from middle nth part of zone near the skeleton camp he runs to the far east then loops back and rinses/repeats. He doesnt seem to chase you when you pull back away from him as he continues on his predestined path. Regardless I saw a 65 SK in zone who proceeded to whop its furry ***. Result one no drop voice of karana
    Is deity required also?
    # Mar 04 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
    266 posts
    I have finally completed the item collections, out of interest.

    My faction with Jaggedpine Residents and Treefolk are ally, my other factions are good too.

    However, at the final stage when I try to combine the Orb of Thunder in the sword, nothing happens at all, not even an error message. If I put something random in the sword, then I get a standard "cannot combine in this container" message.

    So does one need deity as well as faction? I am an agnostic erudite magician. Or do I just need to max out Protectors of Pine too?

    For information, I eventually got Zrith but doing a /who all ranger, asking a ranger in SK if Zrith was up, then I was able to come and track his pet with Sense Summoned.
    Chard ~ 115 Magician of Bertoxxulous
    Mean Ole Men
    Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
    RE: Is deity required also?
    # Mar 16 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Yes. You must worship Karana to do the final combine.
    RE: Is deity required also?
    # Sep 11 2006 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Completed this quest with my agnostic rogue last year. I ended up giving away the sword because it wasn't selling in the Bazaar.
    Silver Blade
    # Feb 09 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
    I've done this quest 4 or 5 times over, Just to use it as a Pet wep.. Im going to write this up once, Take it how you will. These are just my oppinions of How the quest works, The easy, hard and stupid parts of it...

    First of all, Faction... I spent about 2 weeks on and off at the poachers in JPF, Raising my faction to get the Crown. (Which i still wear)
    You need a Minimum of Ally to do any of the 4 quests, and lvl 46

    NO parts of this quest Should be MQ'd, it is possable, BUT both parties must have Ally faction, and the Looting is rather complexicated, Considering that the Final Blade is Tradable!

    Ikurenm the Sly:
    This imp is rather easy, if you know what to do, and where to find him...
    To find the imp, your best bet is to go up the ramp Over the pit of golems, and stick to the Right untill you hit the 2nd balcony

    When you hit the 2nd floor balcony, follow it around to the entrance to the castle, there will be a door on the left, a door straight ahead, and a hall to the right... The **Locked** Door (3rd one) is where Ikurenm the Sly Is... This requires "A Sacred Key" Which drops from ANY named Gargoyles, or Golems in the hole...

    He's a rather easy kill, I solo'd him with 2 adds (65 paladin) Nothing up to him, or he, See's invis, so you can walk in, kill him, and walk out (presuming you have a key) I don't know the required skill to pick the lock, I have just allways had the key heh

    Hits around 50-150 or so (don't remember exact max hit) 100% melee, just beat him down

    This mob is rather pitiful, 50ish necro, half the time I go to kill him, he's up wandering the northernmost half of the zone, me without track, i just run around on AA horse, untill i see him... best bet is to stick near the water, and run on external view, looking inland while running parralel to the water.

    I've never had a problem with him Not being up, but i'm the only one on my server (that i know of) who does this quest regularly (or has done it at all)

    An Unkempt Fanatic:
    This is the 2nd hardest mob to Kill, easy to find

    50ish druid, Immune to root/snare, Runs about sow speed, maybe faster. When flee'ing Run3 is faster then her, but not by much

    To find her your best bet is to Sit in the druid ring (presuming you can't track) and wait for her, She runs circles around the area where the Unkempt Druid Ring is, and will path through it every so often, Wait for her, then follow her out so she is single... DO NOT ENGAGE Insside the druid ring, There is a couple blue and light blue druids at 65, that will add, And all the green druids will help by healing her

    The Deathrot Knight
    This is prolly the hardest of all the mobs for the blade. Deathrot is a 65 sk, ht lastnight was 1151, don't remember if it was different other times, For those who spend time in hate, it's rather easy, For those that don't, i've added a Small map, (care of Seofon-guild) he is located at -700/200 (by the loc's on the Map)

    He is pretty MR, stuns/dots don't land well, Lures i believe do.Smallest group i've done him with was Myself, (65 pally) 2x 65 Druids, 54 Enchanter, and a 65 Necro

    Necro charmed a ghoul, enchanter charmed a monk, and we just burned him down, took about 2 mins

    Max hit is about 350ish, didn't take much to drop him, but still the hardest, Just lure/disc him down

    Then congradulations on your Silver Blade of Thunder =oD

    Sir Rodrick Von`Smythe
    Lord Protector of Karana

    Edited, Mon Feb 9 16:42:37 2004
    Sly in the Hole
    # Sep 26 2003 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
    Sly is in middle level of the castle. He's behind one of the locked doors. I killed him today for the jaggedpine silver blade (karana) drop. BTW. Unless you're a karana worshipper you cannot combine the final to get the sword.
    # Aug 26 2003 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
    105 posts
    Can someone give the exact loc (including elevation) of this imp dude in the hole. im not familar with it at all so dont know the structurs. Thanks much
    # Jun 08 2003 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
    did him last night and pulled him down all 3 flights of stairs no prob =)

    most likely the blade can be MQed - if your person with blade is ally faction - since its a two item turn in - maybe the invis trick will work - GL

    Edited, Sun Jun 8 23:27:56 2003
    Silver blade of rot
    # May 31 2003 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
    I need Info Can the Silver blade of rot be Mq'ed I have all other Items Please reply to this if you know

    Bandma 55 ranger
    Killed Zith
    # May 28 2003 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Killed Zith Today Took me and a 2 guildies Chanter and Shammy ... Take out pet first While Chanter Mezzes Zith Took a matter of Min.

    Took three days of Looking for hime to pop Mind you I don't get to play too much three Hrs at a time

    well off to Hate and Hole friday Wish me Luck
    Me and 63 Pally Killed Unkept frantic Wilt No problem She has a Good Ds on her So have alot oh Hp or a healer Was up everytime I went into Zone

    Bandma Hewhodiestoomuch
    55 Ranger Karana Ofcourse
    Berell Serellis
    # May 11 2003 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
    Did this at 54 with Ally in JP,, had big prob finding how to get IMP in the Hole here are the directions: You go to the drop off and enter from below. Go straight in to room with Fireplace, further in second door on left you will find the stairs there up stairs and kill Imp he didnt despawn. Other then that I had to kill to many Gnolls way to many i dream of killing Gnolls now way to many Gnolls, yet the loot is ok its all vendor candy so I made some PP and started killin em at 52 I think so got exp too, yet at 54, ugh, way to many Gnolls!!!
    2 Cents more
    # Apr 13 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Well its about a year later. My Ranger thoroughly enjoyed the weapon! Even if all the others in the grp got ticked off by the proc. 263dd with a 15 foot knockback. "WERE'd the Mob go?", Yells the Warrior.
    So after a month or 2 of using the weapon it went in the bank were it still sits. I've been asked to sell it from time to time. Never will though, thinking of putting it on my vendor and maxing out the price on it, guess it is a pride thing. O and WAY TO MANY GNOLLS TO KILL FOR FACTION :-P

    Edited, Tue Apr 13 16:30:15 2004
    Faction Needed
    # May 09 2003 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
    Protectors of Pine faction of Ally by itself is not enough. I am ally Protectors and indifferent Residents.

    Hope this helps.
    Experience on quest.
    # Apr 17 2003 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
    50 posts
    Finished this quest last night (4/16/03). Looted blade on a hate raid sunday. Have gotten another piece each night. Aside from hate, I duoed this with a 61 Cleric. I'm a 59 Ranger. Total time spent about 10 hours which included a 5 hour raid on hate.

    -Sunday: Looted Silver Blade of Rot from a Hate raid.

    -Monday: Found Unkempt Fanatic in Rathe Mountains. Was an easy kill, but got the message she was immune to changes in run speed, so could not snare, and had to chase her halfway across the zone since she bolted at 20%

    -Tuesday: In the morning, Zrithsadioun was not on track in South Karana, and got bored after killing the 50ish bard a couple of times. (no faction hit). Checked back in the evening, and Zrithsadioun was on track in the NW corner of zone. Did not try to snare this mob, as I was not worried about drawing extra agro when he starting fleeing.

    -Wednesday: Ikurenm was the final target last night. I fought my way into his room. I kept moving around as he shifted to hold him in the center of the room, and snared him at around 80%. Did not have any problems.
    # Mar 18 2003 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
    HWas the only Sk on raid in hate a long while back and was awarded this piece of crap wep, no one knew what it was for or even cared I think so I looked it up and this mornign just killed sly and now factioning in JP, Hard to get De Faction up in jp been there for about 18hrs so far and went from Kos to Apprehensvely
    Deathrot Knight Blade
    # Feb 02 2003 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
    If anyone needs the blade from The Deathrot Knight, it's not really as hard as it sounds. Every Hate raid I've gone on, we've pulled Deathrot before even leaving inzone building, and the blade usually rots. Just tag along and you're nearly guaranteed to get one.
    More than once?
    # Dec 28 2002 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
    Can this quest be completed twice?
    RE: More than once?
    # Feb 08 2003 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
    80 posts
    no its lore
    Ikurenm the Sly
    # Dec 10 2002 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
    Killed him last night 9/12/02. with 14 people. levels 51-60 he died fat and didn't despawn as was my fear. Brief rundown of what we did.
    Sk pulled the third floor until there was only Ikurenm the Sly left. Invised all members of the parties and surrounded mob with melee classes.
    Attacked at the same time keeping him in one spot witha roving melee to block any locations where he might try to hit a wall. No snares, no roots, no stuns, no charms, no knock backs and no pets.
    Group consisted of level 60 warrior, leve 55 SK, level 61 wizard, level 61 druid Leve 61 cleric and me (51 ranger) second group was 60 Ranger 60 Necro 55 Druid 55 Warrior 60 Chanter and 60 Pally.
    Overkill i know but I didn't want him to have an chance to depsawn. Casters nuked him. Near the end he ran towards the door but died before he got to it.
    Just htought you should know he doesn't always despawn if you do it right.

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