brownie scout  


Minimum Level: 38
Maximum Level: 42
Expansion: Original
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They can see invis.
# Nov 11 2001 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
They don't have it up all the time, but periodically one will get me when I have invis up. Generally, the can't see invis, but every now and again they do. BEWARE.
# Nov 10 2001 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Friend of mine got killed by one of these while on a corpse run to MM. Just run along the wall to get to mistmoore if you dont have sow and/or dont know the way. If you know the way and do have a sow or you're confident in yourself (makes no difference though), run straight through the middle of LFay. In half the time running along the wall you'll be to mistmoore, but i prefer the wall because i prefer not to die.
# Oct 24 2001 at 5:56 AM Rating: Default
How can something so small kick my *** so easily? I thought i was ok, brownies were dubious, wouldn't serve me but i never buy anything from em anyways. I dodge a shadow man, who was strangely gettingb his *** kicked. He and his pet die infront of me when suddenly i'm rooted. I was blasted twice for 200 hp's of damage then shards of ice hit me. The root spell wore of so i started running in a random direction in panick, i was blasted again for 200 and then i used my Loh. I found a wall and began heading for it when i got stunned. The thing was hitting me for 70 in melee, i turned and double struck 47, and a 38. It's health went down so little it was hardly visible. I could see the zone and thought i may be able to make it but the 200 hp nukes and ice shards were back on me. Once i get high level enough to rip these things apart they have it coming to them! i was a lvl 23 paladin at the time.
RE: Grrrrr!!!!!!!!
# Nov 06 2001 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
It is entirely possible that this little SOB (son of a brownie) is the most mis-conned creature in the "Old World" area of Norrath. Although Verant will deny that they have "tweaked" the Scout, my own experiences and those of many I have spoken with clearly indicate otherwise.
Verant will only admit that the Scout is a Druid class mob and that they come in levels 38 - 40. However, there are several discrepencies with this statement. To be more specific:
1) All Scouts, regardless of level, are able to cast level 39 Druid spells.
2) Unlike PCs, Scouts see to be able to cast while moving.
3) Scout spell ranges appear to be much greater then similar PC spells. That is why a Scout seems able to hit a PC with a DD spell even when separated by great distances.
4) Brownie Scouts have the ability to Double Attack. Normally, this skill is available ONLY to melee types.
In addition, they appear to have about 25% more HP then an equal-level PC druid as well as an almost inexhaustible mana supply (although I haven't been able to quantify either of these statements, so that may just be my frustration giving me a biased opinion).
Finally, they seem to have some kind of a Haste on them. This could either come from a spell or a permanent device. To my knowledge, no-one has ever looted such a device.
Basically, this one mob has provided more problems for me then any other in the "Old World" and it wouldn't bother me to see them wiped off of the face of Norrath.

Jherikho Silverwolf
Level 44 ranger of Tunare
Spirit of Fire guild
Zebuxoruk server
RE: Grrrrr!!!!!!!!
# May 30 2002 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
perhaps they limited them more recently? As a 55th druid (Fennin Ro), I solo'd perhaps 12 of them (never more than 5 in one stretch).

In my doing so, I found them to have a reasonable spell distance, as I stopped medding to full mana in between, and would root & dot, and move out a ways out of his nuking range, and continue to med, though perhaps he was oom by this time? I remember one time where I moved back into range and we both nuked each other, but that part is rather hazy.

I have taken several of them to 0 mana. With magic & fire resist at about 130 (including selfbuffs) and cloroplast on myself, they were never able to more then 3 health of damage to me before they ran out of mana.

They can still cast some form of dispell magic, as when they were oom or lom (stopped casting offensive spells & heals), they were still able to cast and clear my root spell. Mind you, I tend to use a lower level root spell, the one which does 60 damage per root.

I mostly used wolf form for them. what seemed to work best for me, was rooting it, then dot it (my strongest dot, I forget the name), then snare it, then star fire it once or twice, then add free dot (drones of doom), and by then, he'd slow down on his casting and heal himself or similar, and I would get out of range and med, then he'd break root and come chase me....and I'd keep using drones of doom to finish him off while I tried to med. I think near the end, I started using my 49th level root spell, and I think he couldn't (didn't) dispell that one. Also, I started dispelling them up front to remove any HP buffs he might have, but it seemed to take time and I didn't really notice much difference.

to finish with this post:
runs much slower then wolf form
can run oom
has a spell range limit (I think)
never drops anything, no money or brownie parts
can dispell lower levels of root
after killing 6 of them with a group, tainted spawned (but I hear this is not always true)

55th druid (Fennin Ro)
# Oct 23 2001 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
I hate these little bastards. When ever i find some rangers or druids looking for thistle, I take pleasure in wiping out the scouts to protect them. I always go in a group. lvl 43 ranger, lvl 42 cleric, and lvl 36 druid. We sit by the zone to gfay. The ranger tracks and pulls the little bastards. The cleric uses full heal on the ranger ( takes 2 times per each battle) and the rest of his mana he used to nuke and debuff the scout. The druid comenses doting and nuking. And finally, the ranger breaks out a case of some serious whooop *** on the little bastards, and he keeps the scout from running with snare... scout dead and he has no protection from his buddies... once we med up and rebuff we take out the remaining scouts... rinse.. repeat... mmmm chocolate brownies... hehe
# Oct 22 2001 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
If you're a lower level rogue or class with sneak, then make sure you turn it on in LFay. I was sneaking about these nasty little ****'s without them batting an eyelid.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 01 2001 at 4:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I SAW ONE OF THESE IN GF I FOLLOWED FOR ABOUT TWO MINUTES HE DIDNT ATTACK ME THANK GOODNESS
# Oct 18 2001 at 3:30 AM Rating: Excellent
300 posts
This isn't the same brownie scout. The ones you see in GFay are lowbies and aren't a big deal. I'm convinced Verant does this just to mess with the newbies - "Hey, the brownie scout in GFay was simple, we can get crazy XP clearing the scouts in LFay! Oh...wait...why is a brownie scout casting a spell? Ouch! OMG OMG OMG... Loading..."
# Mar 22 2002 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
# Sep 24 2001 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
Is there ANY way at all to raise faction with these little terrors?

20th Cleric of Xev
Phoenix Phyre
just say no to brownies
# Aug 19 2001 at 3:46 AM Rating: Default
one day on a raid at mm i was going back to gfar dark and that little sucka face browie was by a tree i didet see it and it nuke my a$$ i forgot how much it was and doted me i didet look back on my screen it said a browie scouts begins to cast a spell i though i was died then i zoned and the dot was gone = )i think if there wasn't sow a lot more people would have died from them.and invis does work on them they see invis = (
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2001 at 3:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) one day on a raid at mm i was going back to gfar dark and that little sucka face browie was by a tree i didet see it and it nuke my a$$ i forgot how much it was and doted me i didet look back on my screen it said a browie scouts begins to cast a spell i though i was died then i zoned and the dot was gone = )i think if there wasn't sow a lot more people would have died from them.and invis does work on them they see invis = (
# Aug 19 2001 at 3:41 AM Rating: Default
one day on a raid at mm i was going back to gfar dark and that little sucka face browie was by a tree i didet see it and it nuke my a$$ i forgot how much it was and doted me i didet look back on my screen it said a browie scouts begins to cast a spell i though i was died then i zoned and the dot was gone = )i think if there wasn't sow a lot more people would have died from them.and invis does work on them they see invis = (
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2001 at 3:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2001 at 3:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Level Range IS NOT wrong
# Aug 14 2001 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
What do you guys expect! These little midgets are classed as Druids. And we all know(some of us only now) how kick *** a Druid is. Their DD's don't seem so bad at first, but what you don't realize is that they DoT'ed you twice before blasting you. One minute 200DD's don't seem so bad, the next your thinking,"Holy Crap, I'm getting my butt kicked by this low level mob, where the hell is th.....LOADING PLEASE WAIT
Lil Sh*ts
# Aug 01 2001 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
I am a 55 Druid, lil piece of sh*t laid hte big nasty on me VERY fast, was seeing if i could get the corrupt to spawn by killing hte lil sh*ts and he nuked me for 250 5 times in like 15 seconds, my FR was at about 66, and when buffed to 120, it still nuked for 150, do with a group.
Brownie scouts suck
# Jul 21 2001 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
The only things that aren't KOS to brownie scouts from what i am told is a druid in wolf form. If you cast it after they attack you it won't matter but if you come upon one with it already cast then you should be good to go.
RE: Brownie scouts suck
# Sep 09 2001 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
just a warning, if u zone, log, or go linkdead in wolf form, its no there when u come back. so always have gate up when u go into lfay wolf formed so if u LD or have to log there, as soon as u come back u can gate the hell out (hopefully) before u see the message 'a brownie scout begins to cast a spell.'
I surived
# Jul 15 2001 at 4:07 AM Rating: Default
I have a level 12 wizard i went in to lesser fay darkdark a round trying to hep some one and ran stright in to one it rooted me i gated.
only just about lived to tell the tale this is of corses only ather they had killed me 20 odd times before.
now i hunt in lesser fay dark all the time for the trill.
as you never know when one will pop up lol.

frizdmoore pk,

I hate brownies!!
# Jul 05 2001 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
I was exploring LF to see if the sky was still red, and saw Thistle on track. Well, of course I just had to go nuke him. I saw 2 blue brownie scouts on track and decided to head the other way (I still have the footprint of a brownie outcast on my butt). Anyway, all of a sudden, I see that I'm missing 2 and a half bubbles of message given that I was attacked. I ran for the Steamfont zone, with one of these little buggers hot on my tail. I zoned, and a friend told me that the brownie followed me to the zone and just disappeared. ??? Anyway, these little guys cast very fast and hit you hard. I think they hate everybody. Not sure if I can solo one, even at lvl 52.

Lvl 52 droood
# Jun 26 2001 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
well went to lfay to collect the ghast hearts for my tunare initiate quest and had a 27 ranger with me i was 24 and these things just aggro and dispelled my sow, luckily i managed to cast wolf form and ran to zone then bad mistake i stopped to cast a heal...root dot 288 dd's and all this for a quest they say you can do at lvl 8 sheesh
Almost got killed
# Jun 25 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
I went hunting for these in Lfey not knowing I would get my **** kicked. I am a lvl 47 bard and these were a blue con to me.
When the little bugger got me to less then 1 bubble of hp, I beat a little ditty on my drum and *poof* I was gone.
To my surprise he was able to keep up with me somewhat! He tried to root me but thank god I resisted. I got away
BTW fear kiting does not work on these munchkins.
RE: Almost got killed
# Jun 25 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
Not at lvl 47 anyway
I hate Brownie Scouts
# Jun 16 2001 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default
Before I went on the internet and looked these things up when they killed me twice in a row, I had no clue that these things existed. It was my first time playing the game. I was playing a dwarf warrior who was lvl 6. As a new player, I was ignorant and had no idea where I was going. I wandered into Lfay, and got lost on the trail. Amazingly, I had not been attacked until about 10 minutes of wandering.

I did not see him at all. All I saw was a flash and then LOADING PLEASE WAIT. I read through the text and then returned for my corpse. After I had found it, and was retrieving my items, there it was again: The flash and then the view of my corpse. I then had to have 2 high lvl Barbarian Shamans escort me to my 2 corpses! That same Brownie attacked again, except this time against the escort. I got my first glimpse of it as the 2 Barbarians, after a long fight, eventually killed it.

How could these TINY little things hit so hard?!?!
# Jun 10 2001 at 10:36 PM Rating: Default
Last time I went into LFay one of these popped right in front of me and nailed me with a 280pt DD.

Good thing I was able to just feign it off.
# Jun 05 2001 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
We had a full group (level 40 wiz, level 35 druid, level 36 ranger, level 35 ranger, level 35 ranger, level 43 bard) doing parts of the ivy quest in Lfay for the rangers. Ran into a brownie scout. We figured no problem, he cons blue to the higher levels in group, so we tried to kill him. We got him down to about 10% of his hit points, all of the sudden two more of his buddies show up and root us and kill us all in no time. Later that night got jumped again by one and he killed 4 out of 6 of us (2 of us were not near the 4 that got killed so we ran). These little guys definitely undercon. Don't really know what level you need to be to solo these guys, but I would recommend you run when you see one or gate.
more dangerous
# Jun 05 2001 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
Since they modified LF the brownies wander farther and more often.
Spawn Point of all Brownie Scouts FOUND!
# Jun 05 2001 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
Now this may be old news i just found this out 2nite.

Me and a few of My guildeis were blasting these punks for gigles, when in the process of hunting them we sat and medded after one went down. ur loc was 0, 0, right in the center of the zone.

All of the sudden one poped right in my lap (no joke) we took him out and to our supprise 2 minutes l8r another poped in the same spot!

Now heres how i know this is the only spot they spawn....

there was another grp there takeing em out to get the Corupted for the Dru Epic, and were kinda wondering why none were poping anymore. We kept checking track and sent our ranger out to find any in the outlying areas. He came back Empty handed. We then camped the spawn point for 3 hours and never once had another Brownie poped anywhere else in-zone. Also for all you Druids looking to Kick some Tainted/Corrupter @$$ this is also where they spawn.

If its old news forgive me but i thought it pertinant for those that didnt know it.

Oh and one last note, the spawn time is random with as much as a 16 minute time frame and little as 30seconds.

Spawn Point of all Brownie Scouts FOUND!
# Jul 02 2008 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Confirm, right by or on (sometimes) a small tree that is at approx. 13 X N6.
Foolish mistake
# May 24 2001 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
I have always been apprehensive about travelling through lfay because of these little buggers, but the other night I was just plain foolish. Heading back to Gfay after collecting microservos in Steamfont, I decided to look for Thistle. After running west along the north wall, I started to head backto Gfay zone, when I saw one of the scouts. He saw me too, but I managed to run to the zone. Then I had the brilliant idea to fight him a bit to build up defense and melee before zoning to safety. As a level 34 ranger I was doing some damage, but then the scout rooted me, and well you can guess the rest. The funny part is I was bound in the Field of Bone. Many thanks to Zelgartz Thewanderer for the rez after I made the long trip back to lfay from FOB.
Mymaku Misawa-Alliance of Races
You better be in wolf form
# May 09 2001 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Or they will whack you upside the head if you are less than level 40.

The brownie scouts WILL NOT aggro on you if you are in wolf form.

Trust me, I've done it for 15 levels.

Wood Elf Druid of the 41st season
Stupid Brownies
# May 06 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
One of these took out a group of 4, 28 Ranger 31 Ranger 37 Pally and 31 Cleric. The little ******* rooted and Doted all of us, and then hit us in the 70s and killed me with a 300pt DD. Wow, they may be small but look out, if you are under 40 they are gonna kick your *** all over the place. We were there looking for outcasts for the 28 ranger for his Ivy stuff
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