Warden Bruke  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

In Eastern Wastes: Spawns at loc 298, -365, 9 in the U shaped house ruin East of Corbin Blackwell in the far North Central area of the zone (ph Kromrif Prison Guard)

In Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening: One known spawn location is -1930, 1900, 171 (PH is "a frost giant captain" east of the giant fort).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2016-08-21 10:49:45.

Level: 43
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-06-05 18:32:08

Known Habitats:
  Eastern Wastes
Factions Increased:
  Claws of Veeshan +3
Factions Decreased:
  Kromzek -7

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Crazy resist
# Nov 14 2001 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
Me 50 necro.
Was running through EW and i saw this guy down in the house. Knew he was around 40-45 and thougth pice of cake. Pulled with Vamp Course (Dont got BoD yet)and it was resisted! That was first time it have ever got resisted since i got it. I was like WTF ? Anyways... i ran up to pet and let him attack. After 7 casts of resisted Dooming Darkness i tired to fear. Pet was at 30% so was getting hairy... fear resisted of course. I was in Lich form so was down on HP so casted Drain SPirit... was resisted... wich is insane... THat line of spells have i ever seen resisted. I ran since pet was bout to die and gated out.
DidnĀ“t try and of the blood lines tho.. but if he resisted the others but why even care.
How to solo Warden Bruke at level 45
# Nov 07 2001 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
Although Warden Bruke is a big undercon, you can kill him solo at around level 45 when he cons high blue-white to you. It takes patience and a bit of luck, and you gotta run pretty fast (JBoots are sufficient, SoW is better).

First, pull him with a weak spell like Burst of Flame. This is important because you don't want the Warden to be TOO angry at you.

Second, train him to some Coldain camps. The camps are usually made of two houses, each with two dorfs inside, and a campfire with three more out front. Train him to the three in front. They will take Bruke down by about 25-40% by the time Bruke kills them all. Make sure not to get too many dorfs fighting him or Bruke will lose, and you won't get xp or loot. Repeat the process, keep training him to other camps but don't get him to fight more than 3-4 dorfs at one time. If you get him to fight more than 4 dorfs, he will lose.

When he's at about 10% to 20% health, make sure that all of the dorfs that were fighting him are dead, then kill him. He has low fire resistance, but very high magic resistance (Malisement never landed on him after about twenty attempts, but Cinder Bolt did without debuffs.) I killed him by sending my mage pet at him, nuking him once, chain casting the pet, nuking again, etc. I imagine that most classes can kill him at level 45 is he's at 20% health or so.

He drops a shackle key, used in one of the ring quests, and a Frost Giant Femur which is a decent 2HB. Stats: Magic 2HB 25/46, Effect:Yaulp II, usable by large races only.

Rascarcapac, level 45 Magician, Xev server.
Druid can Solo at 52
# Aug 10 2001 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Once druids get the level 52 Charm spell because of its short casting time, can outrun Mr.Bruke far enough to charm a whooly rhino cause despite previous post though he is faster then alot of mobs in the zone, level 52 sow is much faster. The only flaw about this is if the rhino survives and charm runs out you pretty much can only high tail it to the zone, or run around the coldain camp tell all the dwarfs in the place agro on him. Because you want your rhino to die basically, though not fast I would just suggest DSing it because it will do much more damage, yet if you heal it, there is more chance that it may survive long enough for charm to break. But if only a few animals around that is pretty much the only thing you can do to kill him without going oom unless you can get off drones of doom from ES arms if you have, and keep runnning ahead (might take a few hours lol). Well hope this helps, and yes this is difficult, but you only live once (unless you know a cleric).
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 27 2001 at 5:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) dude you are a fruitcake! I dont believe you have ever ben there. what lvl 52 druid runs to the zone becuase of a rino arggod him? get real loser.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 23 2002 at 9:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you idiot if your charm breaks the thing aggros on you. and out of mana druid will lose to a wooly mammoth. if you snare it, the thing isnt worth as much. charm takes mana, which makes it harder to kill the thing youre attacking in the first place. sitting in wc when i was 44 i had to run from that dragoon (green) because i was out of mana
# Jul 18 2001 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
Everyone is saying the high MAGIC and COLD resists he has--what about poison/disease/fire? (thinking of necros and mages here) how well do those seem to stick?
RE: Fire?
# Aug 02 2002 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
Liberal Conspiracy
Fire is the only spell line I've ever gotten to stick on him.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
Ya notice
# Jul 16 2001 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
Any body notice how all of a sudden mobs we were farming are becoming immune to fear lines, snare, root? level 10 mob resists **** like im level 1.

# Jul 05 2001 at 1:53 AM Rating: Default
Yes, he can be pulled solo. Like others have said, just run up BEHIND his building (already having him targetted) and shoot him or spell him. He'll come alone. The guards can spawn, but if you are behind and out of the rather low aggro range of giants, they will stay put.

Yes, he CAN be hit by spells. Lure line of wizzys is hardly ever fully resisted, so I imagine they would hit. Also, my 51 druid escort hit him with Ro's Fiery Sundering and, after that, Starfire did a number on him.

He IS nasty, if he spawns in his higher range. He was tripling me for up to 128 and had a LOT of hitpoints. Did him with me (52 Paladin), a 51 druid, and a 49 cleric, and both of the casters went OOM during the fight from healing (cleric only started at 50m though) or nuking and I had to LH myself to give them time to med for final heals and nukes.

Aldarien Evenstar
Cavalier of Tunare
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 26 2001 at 10:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) RE:Red at 42
RE: Azolyon
# Jul 01 2001 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
You need to remember that he has a lvl range at lvl 44 i have seen him red yellow and blue :))
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 26 2001 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Mar 04 2001 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
I was new to the Eastern Wastes and I was traveling to the Great Divide with a friend when We saw the buildings and decided to investigate. My friend wanted to maintain Giant faction so I summoned a pet and decided to see if I could kill him. Earth pet hit for 56 so it was 44th lvl. I set the pet up and I went to pull this guy. I hit him for max with Char (52mage-660) to pull and I ran to my pet. Got tripled for 128 just as I reached him and I backed off since the pet had him rooted. I cast 8 char's on him and 7 stuck for full damage. The last one was half damage. He killed my pet just as my last spell landed so I would probably have died if he had resisted it. The only time he paid any attention to my pet was when he was rooted. Chased me alot while my pet pummeled him from behind. Ater I healed I went back to look at his spawn and there was 1 Krommig Prison Guard-blue standing where the Warden had been. He dropped the key and the femur and 8pp or so.
Charm rules...
# Mar 02 2001 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
I (Bard lvl 51) soloed this guy last night. Used 5 blue whooley rhinos and 2 green Frost Giants as pets. He gated at 5%, but I was expecting that. He dropped the femur and the key :) I'm looking to sell the femur on the Tunare server if anyone wants to make an offer. I was only after the key.

Draylon Quicklute (Zizzer)
Tunare Server
RE: Charm rules...
# Apr 08 2001 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
I doubt you soloed him, he summons Kromiff Guards now, up to six of them. I was lucky and only got two they run as fast as sow and I couldn't snare them at all and I am a 55 druid
RE: Charm rules...
# Aug 02 2002 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
Liberal Conspiracy
Easy pull for me as a lvl 50 Bard. Crept up until I was just in Chant of Flame range, hit him with it and ran like a bat out of hell with Selo's (make sure it's still pulsing while you sing CoF as you won't have time to start it up from normal runspeed). He summoned his buddies, but they weren't in aggro range by then and I pulled him clean. Took about 20-25min of Selo's and CoF with Naggy drums but was never any trouble. Dropped femur, key and a Kromrif head for me.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
RE: Charm rules...
# Jul 10 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
=p Doubting Thomas

YES, I believe ye soloed it! As a 48th song bard, I saw him at the prison area. Blue con, thought I'd play with him for a bit. OK, so none of my Cold/Magic songs stuck (chains, CoFrost,Fufil's) BUT, I was able to hit with CoFlame. ok, so, after running around in circles for who knows HOW long, just singing CoFlame and Selo's with a Tambourine (faster than your slow-poke SoWs) I got him down to the point at which he gated (which I hadn't expected)

I was running backtowards the prison area when there were many ooc's/shouts in zone about how the lag suddenly got horrific (and it was....I was getting about 3 FPS.) No sooner had I got near the prison, the (4 to 6) guards were suddenly on top of me. (yes, I died quickly. didn't see them till they were on top of me =p)

Regardless, YES, at least bards can solo em. I (very closely almost) did at 48. DAMN LAG MONSTERS!

Sorry silly quad-kiting druids. It's nice not using mana all the time (and of course supplying it to you when needed) =)
bards CAN solo this guy.
# Sep 12 2001 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
yes a bard can solo this mob. i soloed him about 10 min ago. just came here to check out what he was for. i got resisted on everything but fire.
level 50 bard. ran a circle and chanted him for about 30 min he luckaly did not gate on me.
droped the femur looking to sell it. on MM server name is Nanenye.
Warden Burke
# Feb 14 2001 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
We managed to drop the Warden a while back using the kiting tactics mentioned by Tramddark. We had a SoW'd Ranger aggro the Warden (four guards spawned... eesh). The Ranger (44) headed for the Iceclad Bridge zoneline. A Paladin pulled Warden Burke off the train and brought him back where we had a total of three Paladins (46, 40, 39), one Ranger (44), and one Druid (39) waiting.

I can't verify complete MR as it seems we did get something to stick on him (maybe a Root for 10 seconds or so?). Two Paladins used LoH and the Druid went past OoM before the fight ended. He did drop with no group losses though (the kiter nearly died and got no xp for the kill).

Amongst the rewards was a Frost Giant Femur (decent large race only 2HB with 5AC and procs YaulpII). We're still trying to auction it off on Brell Serilis.

Nicophorus Delphinorean,
Order of Kynigos,
Brell Serilis Server
Some facts.
# Feb 13 2001 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Alright. Here are the facts about Warden bruke.
He spawns near the Ulthorks at the ruined stone structures guarded by giants(standing spawn inside one of them)
#1 Blue to a level 60, runs as fast as SoW(JBoots is NOT enough), hits for 130s, Completely MR.
#2 When aggroed a random number of guards(from 1-5 i've heard, though when I tried I got 2) spawn right next to him, these were green to a level 52. however these guards also hit for 100, run as fast as SoW, and are completely MR

Suggestions: A really good group, including a druid in wolf form(I've heard since this is slightly faster than SoW you can barely outrun the guards) to kite the prison guards around while your group takes out bruke.
RE: Some facts.
# Feb 14 2001 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
l me and a friend killed this guy 3 times other day.I am a 52 mage and hes a 52 druid he cons blue to us.max he hit for all 3 times was 126 also hes not got unusualy high mr he didnt resist any of my spells and they all hit for max damage.Dropsed a rarther nice 2hb does dam 23 ish dly 46 ac 5 has the effect of yaulp 2 but is only usable by large races war shd and shm.Oh and he drops a key for 7th gardain quest.As for out running sow my friend got to our fight spot without getting hit so sow is good.
RE: Some facts.
# Feb 25 2001 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
69 posts
Okay some more facts...I've now killed this guy 6 times, its easy to single pull him if you're 50+ with a spell, however this guy IS completely MR and CR..I had a friend(level 60 bard) help me kill him, his fire DoT stuck, but snare, cold DoT did not...nothing MR based stuck...my roots, stuns, nothing would stick and all were resisted, heck one time we had an SK with us and his harm touch(level 54 SK) HT was completely resisted but I have no idea about Unholy Aura or lures.
RE: Some facts.
# Mar 01 2001 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
I soloed this guy at 51 (bard)... Rhinos make exellent pets to bet the crap out of him. He gated when he was to about 5% health. I finished him with my fire based dots. Not to hard. Dropped a Frost Giant Femur and the shackle key.
RE: Some facts.
# Mar 01 2001 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
I've killed this guy three times in a full group, I'm a level 38 warrior, had a mage, necro, cleric and then another warrior and rogue. He does not outrun sow, mage pulled him with a bolt spell and he made it back alot faster than the Warden did. It took a while to kill him, but as for a high MR, I dont know if thats true or not. Mage and necro landed most of their spells. Also, a way to avoid the guards that spawn when he is attacked...

Our mage stood on the hill about his little hut. Used a bolt spell, the warden charged him right through the wall. The guards did spawn, but he was out of the way before they could aggro. All three times he dropped Frost Giant Femur and Shackle Key. Hope this helps
# Jan 26 2001 at 4:28 AM Rating: Default
This guy is a badass. Very much underconned.. almost 100% MR. He also has SOW speed, so he's tough to outrun. In addition, he hits for 120+ and has been known to summon guards when he senses he might be in trouble. Don't try to solo him.. get a good group ;)
RE: Ouch!
# Feb 11 2001 at 7:18 PM Rating: Default
he is hard in a group too =) me and 2 others got him he dropped a 2hand blunt weapon and some other stuff
RE: Ouch!
# Feb 03 2001 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
Where does he spawn? =)
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