Rare cycle mobs
· a wandering wurm
· a wurm spirit
· a shadow drake
· a soul devourer
· Black Scar
· Faerie of Dismay
· Guardian of Felia
· Felia Goldenwing
There can only be two of any of the nameds up at any time, and they are sometimes hard to find. Any of the nameds can be on either cycle. One cycle has a 30-sec delay, the other has about a 1 min respawn delay.
The nameds drop spells more frequently and more rare in nature than other mobs in the zone.
Felia is needed for enchanter epic and is a tiny chromo. She is attacked by some of the mobs in the zone, so her lifespan is usually short. She is a very tricky pull when she spawns because she tends to hang around a lot of mobs, and she has to be led back to a safe spot for a chanter to charm her and turn in an item to her. The Guardian of Felia is supposed to somehow be tied into "protecting" her.
One of the best ways to pull nameds is to have a tracker use invis to get to the mob. For example a Ranger can pull any of the nameds from anywhere by being invis, waiting until it's clear, then shooting an arrow using a long-range bow and then running back to the group at the BW zone.