goblin battlemaster  


Minimum Level: 32
Maximum Level: 35
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2024-03-16 20:44:30

Known Habitats:
  Firiona Vie
Factions Increased:
  Inhabitants of Firiona Vie +1
  Legion of Cabilis

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RE: My God
# Dec 15 2002 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
it depends on what zone ur in that may not be the lvl in loio but its still in warslik wood
not so common
# Jun 08 2002 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
i have killed like 50 of these things in loio and never had a bracer drop for me yet. I'll continue to hunt them good exp but i think the quest is broken or something. lulliby drinal
My God
# Mar 26 2002 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
that higher level range is totally wrong most of these con light blue to a level 23 Rogue and on rare occasion dark blue but I don't think they are in no way 35, at least not in LOIO.
RE: Shrink me
# Dec 31 2001 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
The bracers are No Drop so you can't hand them off to someone else, and you need to have at least amiable faction before he will accept them. Maybe if you got a monk or other capable race/class to attack him and pull him outside the building, then have him feign death to break the agro, you can catch the NPC while he's still outside (hail him every 10 seconds or so so he won't go back in until you're done).
Shrink me
# Oct 15 2001 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
I am a barb with 3 bags full of these and I cant fit to turn them in. He's too far from the window so I am pretty much stuk til I find a shrink potion. Has anyone else have this trouble, but got to do it without being shrunk???

I heard that you need to raise your faction before you give them to him, is that true? My faction is raised but I just hate half-assed posts would like to mention it.

Jakorn Kilturazz
23rd warrior
RE: Shrink me
# Dec 17 2001 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
I had the same idea, but you can't shrink outside and you lose it when you zone. Get a friend you trust to turn them in or something, or try messing w/ your f9 views to see if you can maneuver enough to turn them in.
RE: Shrink me
# Mar 29 2002 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
No Drop, have to turn them in yourself.
Look for a level 19+ shaman at the bank, they can cast shrink.
RE: Shrink me
# Sep 17 2002 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I thought shrink was indoor only. Can you cast it outdoors now? Correct me if I'm wrong...

A shrink potion can be cast outdoors which is what the guy said. He couldn't turn them in until he got a shrink potion.
RE: Shrink me
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
661 posts
This might not work, but worked for me with the Rivervale banker. Have someone shoot the npc from a distance, or nuke him, and they zone. You can use the npc now. But again, I'm not sure. It does work for the rivervale banker. I'm an Ogre Warrior and I don't wanna waste a shrink potion, or walk to HighHedge all the time.
Good Luck!

33 Ogre Warrior
Mithanial Marr
Antonius Bayle
# Oct 08 2001 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
Even from that angle, he looks really cool, don't you agree?

P.S. I goblins, but not as much as those gnolls and their mile long trains with lvls rangeing form the lvl 4-20+ OUCH! It's really hard to clean up those trains... even if you are 10 lvls above the highest ones :(
RE: bracer
# Sep 06 2001 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
aren't all grimore's "half?"
# Sep 02 2001 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
highest one was a red in FV when i was 30
# Aug 22 2001 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
i just killed one and i got star rose quartz, Half of tarsins grimore pg.26, and a goblin Bracer
5 sv magic ac5

Karraiza <Circle Agape>
lvl 17 Shadow Knight currently hunting in loio
# Aug 21 2001 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
i've gotten goblin bracers of of battlemasters in IllOmen
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2001 at 2:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i dont see how these could even be near lv 35 ive killed several when i was at lv 18 and they were blue to me. Im now lv 24 and these things are worthless for me to hunt.
RE: 35?
# Aug 21 2001 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Since yours is the newest post....please read the other posts before asking such a question....
There are just different goblins in different zones that share the same name but not their level.

I think these both posts can be deleted soon

Derg Ledersohle
Druid of 33 winters on Morrel-Thule
Battle Master Bracer
# Aug 12 2001 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
HeHe coned blue to me LVL 15 SK just inside WW from FOB he droped a bracer
poor battlemasters
# Aug 06 2001 at 7:12 AM Rating: Default
i hunted these things near the firiona vie zone in loio...they drop NOTHING not even COPPER>...theyr good for exp but the are the poorest souls on kunark...i mean even mosquitos drop more money then they do! whatevu those goblin bosses are paying them...it aint enuf

18 druid
# Jul 30 2001 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
If you want low level gobs go to LOIO- they are lvl 14-17 there )
My 2cps
# Jul 15 2001 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
I spent levels 16-24 in the lake of ill omen. Both 22 and 23 i soloed mainly goblins, and in the earlier levels we fought lots of these guys in groups. They wander around and also tend to group together at some of the different ruins. I found when soloing that they went down easier than sarnaks or sabertooths of a comparable level.
Goblin Brawler
# Jul 15 2001 at 6:57 AM Rating: Default
If your after goblin bracers u might wana kill the brawlers too...there really weak and I got a bracer off one just the other day
The skinny
# Jul 05 2001 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
All the Battle masters I've seen in LOIO are much lower lvl than the ones in FV. I saw most of them in LOIO around the ruins near the WM. In FV I rarely saw them along the pathway and the river. I did see a one that conned red to me at 31, by far the strongest one I ever conned, however it was gettin it's backside whomped by 3 pilgrims and a small horde of drixies. It was pretty funny, I wish that I had taken a screen shot.
# Jun 03 2001 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
I have killed around 100 of them and got a total of 8 bracers, i like the quest, the armor looks good an rangers (im a ranger). The ones in loio are weak and dont drop many bracers. Stronger ones in other zone drop more.

Kalamian Mastershot
Cazic-Thule server
# May 12 2001 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
Conned yellow to me at level 15 i saw him zoning over from Feild of Bone to Warslicks Woods..He looks Nasty But He runs Just as fast when he Knows Hes gonna die... Ive only ever seen him once..he droped the bracer.
# Apr 12 2001 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
Lake of ill omen gobs drop the bracers around 1 bracer per 3 gobs using track you can get a set of 4 in 20mins. Ive got 6 pieces of armour so far. Best place is just south of the stream to FV Best level is around 24 so you can survive adds.
battlemasters in LOIO
# Apr 01 2001 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
Yes they do go higher than 16 blue at 22 and 23 for a druid.. and they do drop the bracers for ranger.. but very very rarily.. killed bout 50 to 60 last night got 1 bracer.. gonna check warsliks woods today.. and if enough time permits.. frontier mountains..
Hmm I got Loot
# Mar 11 2001 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
Well the first one I killed in Warslick Wood dropped goblin chain AC4, +5 magic resistance
and -10 charisma.

Beginner's Luck?
lvl12-16 LOIO lvl 30-35 fv -NT
# Feb 10 2001 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
He's 35th level
# Jan 31 2001 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
I have seen this guy in the southern section of the zone with my 35th lvl Druid and he has con'd white to me every time.
RE: He's 35th level
# Mar 27 2001 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
I have killed him near overthere zone i am lvl 26 sk and i did not harm touch. didnt con him because he jumped me while i was walking. he dropped bracer.
wish he'd drop that helmet
# Jan 09 2001 at 12:38 AM Rating: Default
more teeth than a shark, cool lookin helm
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