Used to see necros solo this camp all the time no prob and this is when you couldnt go above level 50. Now i know there has been alot of nerfing since then and ive been outta touch with the game (been away for over 3 years) but my necro is comming along fast. What lev could i solo this guy and what tactic should i use??
This mob is for the Enc epic if you plan on gettin the SMR the HARD way. i was there for around 12-14 hours with a small Grp of friends 2 Magus's and No SMR. what a pain in the ***.
I took him down with little buffs, no stuns up and someone trying to steal him from me. kept using bash to interrupt his cast, biggest hit i took was 332 and 2 others about 188 nothing else landed. Got the SMR on the first kill was so happy. mostly his stuff his cold based, so good cold resist you be ok.
Easily. Probably with just resist gear you are fine. I went down to Lguk with 160 magic 166 cold 136 fire and i dont think i got hit by one spell . . .maybe once for 14. Level 62 shaman
ok for those who dont know what level to solo him heres some info if hes 45 (which when i took him with a friend he was blue to me at 44) just to be safe if you are an enc be 47ish other wise for mages like i am you can be 46 and other wise mainly casters from 45+ your next spell level and get all your good spells and you should be able to do it. the smr is rare i was there for at least 3 hours and nothing good dropped and when my friend was there with me we were there for at least 5 hours and the legs dropped. my friend stayed there for at least 7 hours when it dropped. im now 58 mage and i can take him np but its getting lost that could hurt i hope i was a little bit of help Zoney Cawdor Saryrn server 58th high elf mage
Weak geared? You might want to wait until 55 or so. I've heard of others doing it around 51-53, but with fairly good resists.
If you want to give it a shot, here are some general tactics: Make a pet. Even though they 'suck', a hasted and buffed chanter pet is very nice to have inbetween the mob and yourself. Slow the magus, and wait for aggro so pet jumps in. Proceed to nuke/dot, or mez and mana tap if needed. If worst comes to worst, root the ******* and gate.
I'm sure there are some previous posts that could help you more, considering many enchanters often solo the camp for the coveted robe for their epic.
Icharyd, wizard-slaying Grave Lord of the Tribunal
I have camped this guy for 13 hours straight, and he has not popped one single time. Rare spawns are supposed to have a 15% chance of spawning by killing a my math i should have had 8 by now. Not one. the person that was here before me? 5 hours. No pop. Dont bother wasting your time, just go buy the robe for the epic if thats what you are here for. you can make 4k plat in less time and for a LOT less hassle
Well, I've read some of these posts in preparation of going down to get my SMR myself and I used slightly different tactics.
After getting to the camp, I got my pet up, hasted and put Trickster's Augmentation on him, memmed Pacify, two Color Stuns, GoK, and had Slow up. Creep your way to the corner until you can target the first spawn and Pacify him. Then you can easily pacify the AM (or placeholder) who spawns further back in the room. Slow the first froggie, and pull him out to the hallway between the room and the ladder. With the hasted pet and a nuke or two, the froggie stands no chance ;) When it's around 25%, root it so it doesn't run off and nuke it down when it's a shade under 20%.
Med up (if necessary), slow the AM(or placeholder, who is almost always a caster), let it nuke you (with decent MR, it won't land anyway). Your pet will get aggro there and the froggie will be nice and slow. Cast ToT, then stun him when he starts casting. Easy peasy.
Clear out the last frog behind the secret wall, and then do what you want to with your downtime. I camped the AM on Vallon Zek for the last few nights, and finally got him to spawn after about a 6 hour time investment over 3 days. I got really lucky in that he dropped the SMR on his first spawn.
when the PH or magus spawns... mezz him... then cast ToT on him... med (if lom) but if not ... attack.. if the room helper spawns, mez... kill magus with whatever you think best.. remember to use theft of thought because its a great way to get mana hehe... but yea, did that many times, have too many silversilk leggings....
camped him for almost 120 hours.... week and 1/2 wasted, i think he spawned 15 times in 120 hours(not a straight120 hours tho) needless to say, i have 15 pairs of silversilk leggings.... agrivating to say the least
Last night I camped the SMR for my epic, I had a 61 rogue, 51 bard, 48 paladin, 2 49 clerics and 51 enchanter *me*. Could have been done with fewer people, but we were having fun. Pulled nearly half the zone, the AM popped, dropped the SMR on first spawn *about 3 1/2 hours.* Also in that time, 3 yaks dropped, 4 adamantine spauldrons, and 2 adamantine bracelets. Over all I think it was a pretty decent night.
Eonadari Sinyourmind 51 Illusionist Xev "Reality is only an illusion, conjured up by the weak to feel as though they are a part of something greater than themselves...and implemented by ME."
I'm on my 9th hour, and if you count the 4 yesterday its unlucky 13. 5 archmagus robes. Rare spawn/Rare drop combos are the bane of EQ. Im just glad I had 40 inches of snow to shovel out my driveway in between pops.
Keep the room clear of adds and when the AM or one of his wizzie friends pop, simple mez it, then use Curse of the Simple Mind once, Mana Sieve twice, then Theft of thought to suck even more mana and replenish yourself, then hit it with one or two more mana sieves just to be sure. Slow the AM or his wizzie friend, then dot it awake and let your pet do all the work. This reduces the AM to nothing more than a simple melee, removing the chance and fear of getting nuked through an interrupted or resisted stun. When I first started camping this mob solo at 53, I could kill it, but every once in a while, I found myself near death, ready to gate, etc. I was using two color stuns and whirl to hurl, along with pet, but as I mentioned, a lucky cast on the AM's part, along with a few melee smacks, can spell trouble. Using this method instead, the mob doesn't/can't/won't cast a single spell on you.
Best success Ive had is mez him, tash (slow if youre lower level then tot for FM), land torment first (if you have it, best first cuz doesnt break mez right away), then your best strangle dot, let him hit you with one spell for pet(with rune and rampage/bedlam you wont take dmg from his spell) and start triple stunning. Using flux/shift/skew he wont get a single spell off. The chain stun is important cuz one time I tried to nuke him at 15 when he turned to run and %&$# resist. DONT depend on a nuke to finish him.
LOADING, PLEASE WAIT. Worst part was, I killed him with my dot, but he was too far away for me to loot and I was busy trying to fend off adds to no avail 8(.
If youre level 50+ you wont go anywhere NEAR OOM with those three stuns. If anything, youll lose maybe 20 40 mana on the whole fight.
That's the way to do it. The only thing I do different is start using ToT while my pet is killing the other pop in the room while the AM is mezzed. Also land a tash on him while he is mezzed. As soon as you are ready for him, rotate out two stuns. Your racast time on Color Slant and Color Shift is faster than it takes him to get unstunned and get a spell off. Make sure you get the mob behind the secret wall as the stuns will agro him. The trick here is not letting your pet agro the whole room when he runs through there; they don't like to go over that pit.
I must say that the exp down here is nice, even at 54. I partner up with a 45 druid in here and we clear out everything between the lord room and the safe hall (including the hand room) in between AM PH pops. Word of causion, I just found out this week that the hand can and will gate. If you haven't cleared the mobs between the blood pit and the safe hall, you will get trained.
A Enchanter in my guild wanted to know if anyone would help him,and I siad sure cuz my ranger was going no where fast.So got on my necro and we went down the the Arch Magus room. I told him to stay in the hall til i broke the room. All you have to do s stand in the hall and creep along the wall to the room (the far wall)til you see a frog make sure it isnt the Magus and charm it and FD ASAP.if charm lands the other frogs kill it.When the one you charmed dies make sure you have harm shield rdy to cast if thy remember you. If they do cast harm shield and FD till it works.Then if you want to make sure type /q and hit enter this will kick you out of the game.Then just log back on.Ok if they didnt come to play whin you stand up, and creep down the wall a little more and charm that one. If you want to play it safe FD, or help you pet kill the other frog.After pet kills the frog if you helped him call the chanter in the room and cast IVU to brake charm.Then have the chanter stun it then pop up and help chanter kill it.One thing I didn't say is that you have to wait a sec to cast FD move back down the hall a bit befor you cast FD. This may look like it takes some time to do, but it really doesn't.Then set your timer and pull other rooms or frog in the hall. hope this helps and Good luck.
Heh, as a necro you should know you have a much better option. Pick a target. Start casting slow, and as soon as it lands, run out into the hall where it's safe to fight. Because slow doesn't do damage, the other mobs are not woken by its landing until you get hit. If you take the fight into the hall, they don't care. Watch out for pet. Don't let it agro and go in to the camp. Also, get out fast after slow. I usually turn to run before slow lands and then as soon as it does, I start running.
I've been breaking camps in LGuk this way all week, and it works like a charm. Especially nice on the Sage/Scribe camp that's otherwise a pain in the **** to break solo.
No FD. I don't even keep HS up (just gate/FD in case).
I've been at his camp a couple times to try and get his robe for a friend. I've only seen his PHer once, but I've seen him 5 times, and the robe twice, so I guess it's completely random when he spawns.
I think a cleric could probably solo him using undead dots(epitaph of life) and nukes, judging by how easy he was to kill when grouped with my chanter friend
I just camped this guy for 8 hours and didn't se him once. The guy from whom I took over the camp, had been camping him for 8 hours. He saw him only twice in 16 spawns. Niethr time did he get the robe. Is there an anti camp radius on this guy?
For general info, we held the camp just fine with a 52 warrior, a 40 druid healing, and myself, a 52 chanter. All the exp we could kill for even with the lord being camped down the hall.
Here is my main gripe: This robe is used for epics for two classes and appearantly now the monks have a quest that involves this robe. 3 classes fighting over a rare drop off of a rare spawn? That is a load of crap Verant. I don't expect it to be easy, but I would like to get my epic before EQ2 comes out.
Tatiyana, Enchanter of the 52nd season whose *** Verant can kiss.
Here's the deal. To seperate this mother from his buddy invis to undead. He will see you when you come around the corner (but his buddy won't). You will see the text that he is casting. As soon as you see the text you run back the way you came jump over the first small pit and head back to the big pit. Jump down into the pit and wait for him to come down. As soon as he comes down he will cast so you need to have stun up. Stun him then fear him. He will run back and forth inside the pit for some fear kite loving. Whenever fear wears off stun first then fear again, rinse repeat. Be prepared to take some nukes when fear or stun is resisted.
P.S. This tactic can be done to just about any MOB in the zone except Hand (not undead) Cheers Forgeblaze Runnerunderfoot LVL 54 Paladin of Brell FV
Here is my camping experience. I started in the morning at 7:30 AM. The Arch Magus is usually camped on Xev so I had to beat the crowds.
I was camping him with a 56 Chanter (me) and a 41 Cleric. I just used my level 55 pet with AQ and lots of nuking. The cleric hardly had to heal except after the fight was over, unless the Arch Magus resisted some nukes in which case the cleric had to heal the pet. His place holder and the other two mobs that spawn close by were no trouble at all for my pet.
It took me until 11:30pm that night to get the SMR. I would have to agree with the spawn rate of about 1 in 5 with the robe dropping on the 7th spawn of the Arch Magus. There were 26 Place Holders and 7 Arch Magus for a total of 33 spawns.
I was watching alot of TV in between pops so I was not killing the hallways outside of the room, but that can be easily done. The cleric managed about 3 yellow in exp and I got about 1 blue in AA exp because I am putting all my exp into AA right now. You could expect much more exp if you are killing all the mobs around the area.
Good luck to all, and I am now the proud holder of a SMR.
Arcturus Starbright Enchanter of the 56th Season Guild Leader - Eye of The World Xev Server
I was able to solo AM in a single pull with full mana and DW gear, grodans axe, nife, etc, but had to use LoH and a complete heal from my soulfire (which i keep in reserve for just such an event). We were both down to less than one bub of health at end and he turned when root broke, i used my last mana for a quick heal and itu and chased. Luckily caught up to him in the hall and no others around. Only got the legs, but at least saw what it took to kill him solo.
Just FYI....don't know on the other servers but on Torvonnilous server he is not dropping the SMR right now...just petitioned the GM last night after camping him for about 10 hour him popping multiple times and dropping nothing.. The GM came on and told us that he was bugged and not dropping the robe :( Thanks Verant .... LOL
Question: Why did you use the term bugged? Is that your words or the GMs words, because I guarantee this is not bugged. They either nerfed it or you were misinformed by the GM. But bugged? That tends to indicate a programming error. I'm going to check with Xegony's GMs tonight and get this straight.
Does anyone know if this is fixed now .. as an enchanter .. need to do it for the start of my epic .. plz say it is fixed where do i find him in lower guk ..?