Dyllin Starsine  

Quest NPC

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Dyllin Starsine is found in a smuggler camp in Highpass Hold. He is perhaps one of the more camped people in the game due to his posession of a page of Veishell's Tome.

Be warned that the smugglers around him will assist him, if they're within range.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 14:59:37.

Level: 16
Expansion: Original
Post Comment
How a level 21 cleric did it
# May 07 2001 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
Tons of posts of silly druids with their silly lightnings and bug swarms, nothing bout clerics. =)

I found Dyllin just standing there uncamped on Morell-Thule. This is probably cuz this was at 8am. Rooted, nuked with Smite. Took 3 or 4 smites, and a few rounds of melee, so i think the previous post's estimate of 300hp is about right. Maybe a little closer to 350.

Con was blue dubious. Broke root THREE times and resisted once. Best timing as previous post said, was to wait for red smuggler to come down from lookout point, stand beside Dyllin for a bit, then head down towards the water. The fight i had with Dyllin was messy cuz he kept breaking root and interrupting Smite casting. And even then the Red still wasn't back by the time i've looted Dyllin. Blue smuggler was never seen.

Manawise i used about 3 bulbs. Life lost less than one. It is possible to do this quest earlier cuz Dyllin is a wimp, but you'll also run the risk of him breaking your root and running for help.

His exact spawn point is under the tent. RoOt rOoT RoOt, and enjoy.

Itchiie Pickmywedgie
21 cleric on Morell Thule
Have no fear, lower levels!
# Apr 27 2001 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
WOOT!!! Mere seconds ago I slaughtered that blasted Dyllin (who was about 7 and a half hours spawn time). I was concerned that since all the posts talked about using careless lightning and dizzing wind, that the old reliable ingite would be laughable. Not so, I took the chance of wasting almost 3 hours of my life (I had found when he was last killed and got there a little eary), and went for it anyway. Since I had the time...as you should if you are not lucky enough just to run into him, then I was able to watch the patterns of the smugglers enough to time exactly the time of each and his round. I was ready...and then Dyllin spawned...I freaked, so afraid that he would disapper as soon as I touched him, I harmonied the evil red smuggler right next to him, and went to town. Leading with a root, and then stinging swarm, I proceeded to ingnite his skin over and over again, pausing long enough to root him again. This went on for about 1 and a half minutes...just in time for the harmony to wear off and the smuggler to happen by...I was pulped, and I lost my level - went down to 15 =( . But I was smart enough to bind myself right at Dyllin's feet! So as he finished rubbing his eyes and looking at me...then my dead body...then me again, I blasted him agian with another round of ignites. To my horror he took off like a lightning bolt in search of his friends, but to my luck came right back with one that conned blue to me. So as I sent the last ingite into him, he hit the ground hard (got my level back too =) ), I looted his body, as I was afraid to leave my prize alone and unguarded, I took off for the zone to the keep, and fell to the floor exshausted...and yet deeply satisfied, clutching my page # 30 to my chest.


Druid of the 16th Circle (Thanks to Dyllin)
What about Qeynos Faction
# Apr 21 2001 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
There's a billion posts on Dyllin's spawn time and camping strategies... which is good.

i know this is minor, but what about the faction hit u take from qeynos? do you become KOS in qeynos after u kill dyllin? if so, what quests should i do to raise faction with corrupt guards before i do so that i won't become KOS?

RE: What about Qeynos Faction
# May 14 2001 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
I have been hovering KoS with corrupt Qeynos since I began killing poachers in Surefall Glade, and the best (albeit time consuming) way to improve faction with Corrupt Qeynos without hurting any other factions is to run notes from the rogue guild in E Freeport to the rogues outside the monk guild. You can also take the note to the lone halfling merchant in N Freeport at the same time. Bind at one point or the other and you only have to run it one way.

I hope this helps ya!
Dyllin's smuggling friends
# Apr 21 2001 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
I started reading the posts above and it seems everyone are worried about the red smuggler. Therefore I have two questions:
1. What level is he?
2. Can't he and Dyllin's other friends be harmonied?
My meeting with Dyllin Starshine
# Apr 02 2001 at 3:21 AM Rating: Default
It all started one rainy day, April 1st, 2001. I went for a swim, and found myself in a hidden chamber, surrounded by smugglers. Who knew how long they had been there, and I dared not ask for fear of being attacked as a spy. I walked around for a while, staying clear of everyone, when I came across a friend by the name of Lydain. We talked, and he explained that he was here to take down the leader of these smugglers, a man by the name of Dyllin Starshine. Unfortunately, my new friend had to leave, so I gave my word that I would stay and fulfill his quest. I sat for an hour, contemplating nature in all Her glorious beauty, when a lovely lady by the name of Valaury came to me with a story of murder and revenge. It seems she had a personal score to settle with this Dyllin character, and offered my 500 platinum and a Springwood Club, if I allowed her to exact revenge. Not one to stand in the way of revenge, I took her up on her offer.
A short time later, a message arrived, telling me that Valaury had been succesful, and that I could, if I wanted, fulfill Lydain's quest. So off I went.
I arrived at 10:30 pm, and I sat. And I sat. And I sat some more. Only the peaceful solitude of the area kept me from leaving the area. I fell asleep under the stars.
I was awakened by a man's voice, booming orders. I knew this was my man. I waited for his underlings to walk away, then I rooted him to the ground. I blasted him with fire, and set insects to attack him, all the while attacking with my new Club.
Unfortunately, he snapped the roots holding him to the ground, and ran to find help. I was no match for him and his two helpers, and quiclky fell to their combined might.
But my god was with me, and brought me back, right behind this evil man. With patience, I waited for him to make his rounds, finally attacking at the water's edge. It was here that Dyllin Starshine finally met his maker.
A few notes to help any others who would kill this man 1: bind yourself in the area-if you die, you can come back right behind him, and attack him when he goes down to the water
2: root him or snare him, so he can't get to help. If he does get to help, you are probably going to die (see point 1)
3: he is not that difficult. I took him down at level 17, with no help. If he hadn't broken my root spell, I would have killed him without even losing 2 bubbles of health (again, see point 1).

Ever helpful,
Yours truly,
17th Circle Druid
April 2nd, 2001

Well, the spawn was a little longer for poor old me (and cur
# Mar 28 2001 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
This is my story, On the Karana server I decided to camp him. I already have the other page and the book to put it in so I figured I'd start camping when the previous group got done. They eventually killed me and called me so I gated into there and started my camp at 11PM. I it was getting late so I made an afk message and went to sleep, woke up at 6AM the next day and continued my camp (scrolled up all the way to where I put my afk message and nobody had attacked him so he hadnt spawned yet) I figured it would take an hour or so to spawn so I sat and waited it out. The seconds ticking by turned to minutes, and the minutes to hours, and before I knew it (playing another game on my other computer) It was 2PM and still you Dyllin, so I petition a gm and he answers (odd) and he tells me there is nothing that he can do and that I should wait longer. So currently on my computer I am still camping him and it is now 2:45 pm (posted this with my second computer) Frankly I am a bit pissed, and I wish my luck wasnt this bad, but I am not sure if on all servers it is a 7 or so hour timeclock that he is on, perhaps he spawns at particular times (but you would think I would have been there for one of those) Anyway.... that is what I have to say on Dyllin Starshine, (starting to think he is scared of me)

20th bard of Vallon (Warbler)
15th Druid of Karana (Lever)
11th Shadowknight of Tornvonnillious (Guggalug)
10th Enchanter of Vallon (Megets)
9th Ranger of Vallon (Tolean)
10th Warrior of Tornvonnillious (Appule)
AND MORE.... but I cannot remember them hehe

>>>Patience is a virtue, but sometimes it can be a real pain in the ***!<<<
Detailed Camping info =)
# Feb 12 2001 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
I "just" got my final page today. I camped this guy for HOURS.. Anyways. Here are some tips for those of you just starting out. Dyllin is a 7½ to 8 hour spawn. Almost like clockwork. He spawns over in the smugglers den. Most (if not all) of the smugglers con Amibly and will not attack unless provoked. The actual spot he spawns is the only tent in the entire place. It has a Kiln, Oven and a Pottery wheel. (use them while you wait.. you'll be there for a while LOL).

Area Info: all the information you hear about that Red Con smuggler is true.. he HITS HARD and runs fast. He is a patrolling "guard" smuggler you can say and has a 3 minute circle loop he walks. You should see him walk past the open area first and head up to the cove overlooking the castle entrance. (stop 1) 15-30 seconds later he walks back down to the open area and stops near the Oven where Dyllin spawns (stop 2) From there he continues on his patrol and repeats back to Stop 1. You'll have 2 minutes 25 seconds to kill Dyllin before he returns.
Also Note that every 30-45 minutes a lower level smuggler will perform a long patrol of the open area. He stays within agro radius for about 5 minutes and its suggested that you DON'T attack at this time. Dyllin will remain up for more than 10-15 minutes (I've timed), so just be patient... its painful to watch your prize just sit there... but its better than dieing.

Camp Spot: There is a bunch of barrels next to the tent that you can sit on. This is the suggested spot that you camp to avoid any agro'ing Smugglers that may appear nearby. Don't Attack from across the wall across from the tent. Also, I was a level 20 Druid with Track and Dyllin did NOT appear on track. Nether do any of the smugglers.

Killing Dyllin: ROOT!ROOT!ROOT! first.. then Nuke!.. Don't let him walk away.. thats when the danger happends.

Lastly, Unlike any previous posts, DO NOT ATTEMPT to run to the guards for help if a smuggler is on your butt. They will attack you as well which makes the matters worse. I attempted a test of this and almost died even though everyone was Amiable to me. Your best hope is to make it to the zone IF you can..

Best of luck to you.
If your level 18 or higher and planing to camp Dyllin, Make sure you talk to the guy thats currently camping him... find out when he spawns then set your Timer.. re-sign back on 7 hours later and hope no one else is camping him at that time. Its a sure hit.
Ohh.. FYI, if you DO kill him. Make sure you shout it out because the other "campers" in the area will know just in case some other unlucky EQ'er decides to wait the entire 8 hours because he didn't know that Dyl just spawned recently. =)
RE: Detailed Camping info =)
# Mar 15 2001 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
Greetings! This post enabled me to get Dyllin. I went to the barrels and saw someone camping him. Five minutes later, He was dead so I set my alarm for 2:30AM for my turn at the fun. But the alarm couldnt wake me, so i was panicked that i was to late but when logged on... THERE HE WAS! Thinking that the 15 minutes were close to being up, i attacked him hoping that the smuggler that just walked away was the one that cons red.
It wasnt. So when i had Dyllin down to almost nothing, the smuggler killed me quick. CR from NK. I was going to get my stuff and camp thinking that he would be gone by now. Dyllin was still there! After a repeat of the first encounter, and the subsequent CR, I determined that he must stay longer than 15 minutes.
I made sure of exactly where the smugglers were and where they were going. 90 minutes after I first saw him, he was down. The info about the smuggler that cons red was very helpful but I dont think Dyllin despawns. He just walks a patrol sometimes. And I had the smugglers all on track but didnt check to see if Dyllin was trackable. Spawn time is 7 hours )
RE: Detailed Camping info =)
# Apr 01 2001 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
From what I understand, from talking to others who have killed Dyllin, he does walk around if left alive for 10 minutes or so(yeah I know, a lng shot). Apparently he goes down to the water's edge, so I don't think he despawns, but jsut walks around.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 08 2001 at 2:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OK this sux the big one
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 13 2001 at 6:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No, the Gnoll Master Brewer sucks the big-fatty. At least we know that Dyllin has a spawn time, the MB doesn't even have that...
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 28 2001 at 4:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I heard the brewer had a trigger in Surefall Glade :)
my painful expirence on killin him
# Feb 10 2001 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
Hi my name in Tineytim and i am on the Fennin RO server i was camping dylin for 4 and 1/2 hours he popped up i walk up to him and a level 30 druid killed him he druid's name is Jackk so please give him hell for doing this
RE: my painful expirence on killin him
# May 07 2001 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Jackk is the name of GM on the Terris-thule server! How do I know? well, I saw him get killed by the Qeynos guards as he was an Iksar Monk. heh, after he died I did a /who all jackk and it turns out he was bound in Kunark and his level was 49. instead of a *GM* around his name, it said GUIDE. then I look up at the computer screen and there he was looting his body. did the check again and he was level 50 again and this time the guards didn't aggro AT ALL. cripes
RE: my painful expirence on killin him
# Feb 24 2001 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
should have /petition it i think i gm could have done somthing......
the time's Dylline spawns
# Feb 10 2001 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
dylline's sapwns evryday around 6:30 am Eastern time and between 2:30-and 3:30 pm eastern time once i logged on at 6:30 and he poped up just then so i killed him and got the testament the nexted day i tried out my finding got there at 6:30 he popped up again so i did the math and calculate that he would spawn at 3:30 i tried that out and 2 times in a row he did so now i bring this info to you for futher help in gaining you testament
RE: the time's Dylline spawns
# Mar 15 2001 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
It is not at the same time everyday. He respawns 8 hours after he is looted. Your back to back 6:30s are from the solid camping but if he stood there for a few hours, it would change the timetable. Dyllin had been there 2 hours when i killed him and it was the loot time that the next spawn was based on. Not the previous spawn time. Small Dif. )
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 15 2001 at 5:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Spawn Point?
# Jan 29 2001 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
Where exactly should I be camping him? On the ledge above the guard area? Or in the big open area?
Easier way to kill him
# Jan 08 2001 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
I assisted a friend in his quest for the page, and I a lev 13 rogue (He's a 19 shaman) didn't need to help much. The best strategy is to wait 'til Dyllin walks down by the water and attack him to drag the battle to shore, outside the aggro range of the npc's by the inn. We destroyed him quckly, and I took almost no damage, however Dyllin did hit my friend for 116 in one shot. Hope this helps, good adventuring!
how to do it easily....
# Jan 08 2001 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
heres what ya do: there are smugglers GUARDING all over, but only TWO that WANDER by, so if u fight dylin in the opening and harmonize the big murdering hard one while maybe killing the easier one. then just blast the hell out of dyllin as fast as you can. me level 19 and my 30 guild member(both druids)took less then half bubble damage and 2 gaurds jumped us ( he was to close to tunnel gaurds) and it was easy, dyllin can only take about 2 dizzying wionds and a careless lightning so he probably has about 300 or so HP's

p.s. i had to wait the full 8 hours it takes him to spawn, but i LOVE of my testament of vanear :)
# Jan 07 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
I camped this guy (lvl 29 druid) and when he spawned i hit him with creeping crud. boom the first thing he does is run to the only red smuggler in the zone then comes to me. i proceed to die really quick and the lvl 35 warrior i was with ran to the guards. i was bounded right abouve his spawn point and got my stuff while i watched as he walked down towards the water line when the warrior i was with finished him off i looted then we left. so either fight him on his spwan point or root FIRST then fight.
p.s. don't worry about killing dyllin first just give 2 gold then 4 gold to moodoro until u get the jester card then give him back the card and combine pages viola TOV. i waited the full 7 hours leaving then gating back every now and then.
# Jan 06 2001 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Is the page Dylin drops, no drop?
RE: dylin
# Jan 11 2001 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, as is the page and book you get from Moordo.
# Jan 05 2001 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
I completed the quest last night, and all in all camped him for about 5 hours before he spawned. During this time, at least 5 or 6 people showed up, hoping that the camp was open, so if you REALLY want this book, you're gonna have to go park your butt and not move. One of the ppl who kept stopping in said she's been doing so for a couple hours. She was grouped killing stuff, but kept coming back to see if he'd spawned or not. If you want this thing, you're gonna have to stay and be bored for a while, unless you get lucky and happen to have him spawn early. This is one of the earlier LVL mobs that is frequently camped, was my first camping experience. Unfortunately, I expect this will be a more recurring thing for me, as I intend to get some nice things and not want to pay for them out the @$$. Anyway, that's just my 2 cp. =P
Timing is Everything for Solo
# Dec 31 2000 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
I did it with 5 Careless Lightnings and 2 bulbs of health (he kicks, punches and bashes). This is how I did it with my Lvl 19 Druid (con'd blue to me). ***Some of this will only apply to a Druid or other caster***

There are two smugglers who roam. They are the only ones that will agro on you as long as you get Dyllin before he leaves his immediate area (open area). One is a Lvl 50 (or so) red smuggler that carries a spear (con's red) and the other is a smuggler that con'd blue to me (probably lvl 16-18). The big one you have to worry about is the spear toting dude (STD) as he can mess you up (see other posts).

Anyway he makes his rounds and stops for about 1 minute at different locations. One of those locations is in the open area right by the spawn point. After Dyllin spawns wait for the STD to come down from the area over looking Highpass Keep (he will be moving from left to right as you face Dyllin). He will stop off to the right of Dyllin about 20 feet away. Not sure if this was out of his agro range but I did not chance it. After about 45 seconds to 1 minutes he heads back towards Dyllin for about 3 steps then does an about face and heads down towards the water where you swim in. After he turns the corner and he is out of sight you've got 2 (TWO) minutes to get the job done. He makes two stops while he is in that area. ------ For the other roaming smuggler (con'd blue to me - lvl 19) it worked out that he left at the same time the STD did, so no one was within agro range.

I DS myself and then began to cast Careless Lightning. First was for like 25pts and the next
Four were for 94 points. Combined with my three or four hits for 18 points he died on the last blast. Took a total of maybe 30 seconds. Piece of cake (hard part was waiting for the spawn - BORING!).

Another tip is bind (or have yourself) binded right there. That way if you die because that other blue smuggler joined in the fight (or it was a really bad day for you), you can pop right back up. Don't loot your corpse. Quickly memorize a DD spell and blast Dyllin. You'll be FM so you should have no prob. Good Luck!!
# Dec 26 2000 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
this guy attacked me im walking threw this place and he came up and hit me . he conned greeen i was like wtf? i beat him senseless with melee (im a magician) and some druid begged me to loot was willing to pay me 5pp. lol . i let im loot for free and also payed for his port to nk. i was only 52 at the time

lvl 54 mage (hell lvl)
not hard
# Dec 20 2000 at 12:56 PM Rating: Default
My friends and I camped him one night. We were killing him in the usual way. nukes, backstabs, and songs. THEN HE STARTED TO RUN! I panicked, but alas, no smugglers helped him and he was about 10ft away from 2 of them, so I can say that you shouldn't really worry abuot the patrolling smugglers
RE: not hard
# Apr 01 2001 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
Either you got REAL lucky or you were just outside the aggro range of the other smugglers, cause once you **** one of them off, it does get a little tougher to take him out. So, although the above author had no problems with the other smugglers, it does not mean you should discount them. Remember, one of those smugglers are lvl 45-50.
Beware of SMUGGLERS!
# Nov 28 2000 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
Hey all I just camped Dyllin last night 11/28/00
I am a 35 druid, and could take Dyllin out with no problem except the fact that a smuggler that wonders around his spawn point agro'ed me when i started laying the smack on him.. sound normal so far? The bastitch smuggler was HITTING me fer 117's and he was way green... just becareful whilst in there and dont be suprised if you have trouble camping this solo even at 35=)

-Twigue Antuberries
# Nov 18 2000 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
How can I raise faction with Moodoro Finharn so I can do part 2 of the quest?
# Nov 21 2000 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
You need to raise your faction with the Crimson Hands in order to complete the quest. There is a Lvl 7 necro in Toxx forest by the docks, kill him about 30 time and that should help:)
# Nov 21 2000 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
Only needed to kill him about 12 times (5 min 30 sec. spawn). Moodoro conned dubiously before killing Elial. Conned indiffernt after killing him, completed quest easily after this.

*Note: Following patch on Nov. 15, I killed Dyllin twice on Sun. on Nov 19. Spawn was 6 hrs and 20 minutes apart.
# Dec 26 2000 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
i coned dub and did it with no problem he dont care just give him 2 gold then 4 till you get joker dont kill dillion first there is a lvl 50+ SK guard right by moodoro he killed me in 1 hit
you get corupt guard faction when you kill dillion
# Nov 05 2000 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
So here I am at L39 bored about to go to sleep and
I thought hmm I think I'll go check on that Starshine guy. I roll in and WOW he is up and no one is camping him. So pow firestrike 282. Hes got nothing left but I notice MY hitpoints are at 2 bubs. I look at the damage after I died and notice a smuggler pierces me for 117, 117, and backstabs me for 369!!!! So after grabbing a friend with a L53 monk we head back to CR and kill ole Starshine. After Starshine goes down we set our sites on that smuggler. Cons blue to the 53 and red to me. He is the one with the spear. I fully buff the monk and med to full mana. We decide to jump him when he wanders to the water away from everyone. He hits the 53 monk for 117 a pop and goes down only a sliver and hundreds and hundreds of hitpoints damage. Finally with the monk at 2 bubs health after mend and some Gheals we evac out. There was NO chance of us taking this guy. So if you camp starchine beware and wait to kill him until that smuggler with the spear is wandering to the water and out of site.

39 Druid of Brell
RE: Warning
# Mar 23 2001 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
there is about a two min. span when Starshine can be killed without any smuggler interferance.
My Experience
# Nov 03 2000 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I had a very good expierince getting this for my friend. First we went to Qeynos, and got the container and first page. He gave the Jester on the first try. Then we went to Highpass Hold, and Dyllin was currently camped. So we went to go play other characters. Later we came back to check on the spawn, no one was camping, but no Dyllin. So I ran off to kill a gnoll out of boredom, and when I got back, there he was. So I slaughtered him, seeing as thats what 30s do to mid teen mobs, and all was well.
Testament in 20 minutes =)
# Oct 24 2000 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
I was so lucky, i had never camped for Dylin before and barely knew where he was. I entered high keep on a whim and the entire zone is empty! I start tracking and lo and behold there he is! I was so paranoid i nuked the crap out of him, dead in about 10 seconds (5 or 6 careless lightnings). A gate to qeynos and moodoro gave me the jester on my second try! About 20 minutes and 1.5 pp to get a testament =) it rocks to play on an empty server!

21 druid - Torv
He is lvl 16 not 12
# Oct 13 2000 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
He conned white to me when I went after him with my 16 Shaman.
The TRUTH!!!
# Sep 16 2000 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
His spawn rate isnt 6 hours, 8 hours or 22 hours. It is AROUND 8 hours, but is random. could be 12 hours. So you'll just have to wait. He has about 400 HP. And if you make sure no smugglers are too close by, they won't attack. This quest is perfect once you hit level 19 and get careless lightning. A faster kill makes is safer, so no smugglers show up unexpected. All the smugglers conned blue to me at 19, so if a few of them join in its over. Also a good plan is to cast levitate on yourself before the fight so once you kill Dyllin or get in trouble you can run over the ledge to the closest zone. The only challange about this quest is the waiting. I waited soooo long (6.5 hours) that when he FINALLY spawned, my hands were shaking. But it is worth it for one of the best wis items in the game ;-) good luck!
RE: The TRUTH!!!
# Sep 21 2000 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
I was there last night, and at least one smuggler was red to me at 22. Possibly changed during the last patch.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 21 2000 at 11:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was there last night, and at least one smuggler was red to me at 22. Possibly changed during the last patch.
RE: The TRUTH!!!
# Oct 23 2000 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
I was there at 35 and at least one of the smugglers was red to me. Several were still blue.
RE: The TRUTH!!!
# Oct 27 2000 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
conned yellow at 42.. and he watchs the spawn.. so newbies bewear!
RE: The TRUTH!!!
# Oct 28 2000 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
I agree, friggin red smuggler passes 'round the spawn site every now and then. I hope that he's slower than sow and cannot levitate when he realizes i'm killing his pal :)
RE: The TRUTH!!!
# Dec 15 2000 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
he is for the rogue epic quest. owns me a lvl 47 magician. Best bet is to wait for them to all walk away and just nuke him. 1 shot took him out with a 590 nuke and then I camped and brought in my druid at lvl 1. Very easy to get if you dont get too excited when he spawns and cast on him when his friends are like giving him high fives lol.
RE: The TRUTH!!!
# Dec 15 2000 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
he is for the rogue epic quest. owns me a lvl 47 magician. Best bet is to wait for them to all walk away and just nuke him. 1 shot took him out with a 590 nuke and then I camped and brought in my druid at lvl 1. Very easy to get if you dont get too excited when he spawns and cast on him when his friends are like giving him high fives lol.
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